Preprint Short Note Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

The Correlation between Rotational Gravity and Magnetic Field of Celestial Body

Version 1 : Received: 12 February 2020 / Approved: 13 February 2020 / Online: 13 February 2020 (10:48:46 CET)

How to cite: Gu, Y.-Q. The Correlation between Rotational Gravity and Magnetic Field of Celestial Body. Preprints 2020, 2020020166. Gu, Y.-Q. The Correlation between Rotational Gravity and Magnetic Field of Celestial Body. Preprints 2020, 2020020166.


The magnetic field of the earth plays an important role in the ecosystem, and the magnetic field of celestial bodies is also important in the formation of cosmic large-scale structures, but the origin and evolution of the celestial magnetic field is still an unresolved mystery. Many hypotheses to explain the origin have been proposed, but there are some insurmountable difficulties for each one. At present, the theory widely accepted in scientific society is the dynamo model, it says that, the movement of magnetofluid inside celestial bodies, which can overcome the Ohmic dissipative effect and generate persistent weak electric current and macroscopic magnetic field. However, this model needs an initial seed magnetic field, and the true values of many physical parameters inside the celestial body are difficult to obtain, and there is no stable solution to the large range of fluid motion. These are all difficulties for the dynamo model. Furthermore, it is difficult for the dynamo to explain the correlation between the dipole magnetic field and angular momentum of a celestial body. In this paper, by calculating the interaction between spin of particles and gravity of celestial body according to Clifford algebra, we find that a rotational celestial body provides a field $\Omega^\alpha$ for spins, which is similar to the magnetic field of a dipole, and the spins of charged particles within the celestial body are arranged along the flux line of $\Omega^\alpha$, then a macroscopic magnetic field is induced. The calculation shows that the strength of $\Omega^\alpha$ is proportional to the angular momentum of the celestial body, which explains the correlation between the magnetic intensity and angular momentum. The results of this paper suggest that further study of the effects of internal variables such as density, velocity, pressure and temperature of a celestial body on $\Omega^\alpha$ may provide some new insights into the origin and evolution of celestial magnetic field.


Earth magnetic field; celestial magnetic field; magnetic dipole; Clifford algebra; Dirac equation; spin-gravity coupling potential; curved space-time


Physical Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics

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