Preprint Data Descriptor Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Effectiveness and Implications of Lecture Based Instruction in Maternal and Childcare to Students Social Competency Skills and Community Awareness

Version 1 : Received: 10 April 2021 / Approved: 13 April 2021 / Online: 13 April 2021 (12:47:52 CEST)

How to cite: Malgapo, C. R.; Adjarani, N. Effectiveness and Implications of Lecture Based Instruction in Maternal and Childcare to Students Social Competency Skills and Community Awareness. Preprints 2021, 2021040351. Malgapo, C. R.; Adjarani, N. Effectiveness and Implications of Lecture Based Instruction in Maternal and Childcare to Students Social Competency Skills and Community Awareness. Preprints 2021, 2021040351.


Maternal-child care is one of the foundations of primary health care. Nurses’ competency skills they have been taught. Community awareness is an important part of preventive healthcare, and nurses must be aware of the factors that impact the health of the community. This study examines the effectiveness of lecture-based instructions in maternal and child care and its implications to students' social competency skills and community awareness in Nursing Colleges in Nueva Ecija, Philippines. The researcher uses survey questionnaire and employed the descriptive design where fifteen (15) nursing students and five (5) teachers were purposively selected. The findings revealed that the weighted mean for the effectiveness of lecture based instruction in maternal and child care is 3.91 with verbal description of “Effective”, the effects of lecture based instruction in maternal and childcare to students’ social competency skills and community awareness got the weighted mean of 3.87 and interpreted as “very satisfactory” and the effectiveness of actual community-based instruction is very effective with weighted mean of 4.25 and is higher compare to lecture based instruction. The results also revealed that students and teachers were challenged in lecture-based instruction in maternal and chi8ldcare during distance learning. Recommendations for the enhancement of lecture-based instruction in maternal and childcare in social competency skills and community awareness were also made.


lecture based instruction; actual community-based instruction; maternal and child care; social competency skills; community awareness


Public Health and Healthcare, Primary Health Care

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