Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Improving Patient Experience at Outpatient Clinics Using Continuous Improvement Tools

Version 1 : Received: 12 December 2022 / Approved: 13 December 2022 / Online: 13 December 2022 (06:45:10 CET)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Siddiqui, M.U.H.; Khafagy, A.A.; Majeed, F. Program Report: Improving Patient Experience at an Outpatient Clinic Using Continuous Improvement Tools. Healthcare 2023, 11, 2301. Siddiqui, M.U.H.; Khafagy, A.A.; Majeed, F. Program Report: Improving Patient Experience at an Outpatient Clinic Using Continuous Improvement Tools. Healthcare 2023, 11, 2301.


Patients satisfaction with fast and high-quality services is the most important in the healthcare settings and specially in outpatient departments and private clinics. High quality services on health sector are indicated by continuous quality improvement (CQI). CQI is a progressive incremental process focused on safety of all participants, outcomes, systematic process, regulated and improved working environment at the later than earlier stages. Among the various suggested strategies, we adopted the patents feedback to improve the quality of services our clinic. All of the patient visited hospital were sent a massage on mobile and requested to provide their feedback on our services. Roughly around 5% of all visitors responded and filled up questionnaire. Majority of them were satisfied with the services in various department. However, they provided us some suggestions to identify the further gaps and improve the services in improving patients experience at our clinic. We considered their feedback, identified problems, redesigned the policies and implemented. After implementation of new strategies, we preliminary again evaluated the patients’ feedback on our services. Patients feedback explores that optimized methods of services for the has considerably increased the patients’ satisfaction. Taken together, our this shows that patients’ feedback is very important factor to improve patients’ experience at outpatient clinics using continuous quality improvement tools. For that reason, this study would serve as reference for public health stack holders, administrators and researchers.


Hospital management; Tertiary care; healthcare; Administration; Patient experience


Public Health and Healthcare, Primary Health Care

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