As the global demand for renewable energy continues to rise, biogas technology has emerged as a promising solution for sustainable energy generation. This review article presents the advantages of biogas technologies and extensively discusses the main principles of biogas production in the methane fermentation process. In this respect, the main parameters of the process, which require monitoring and are at the same time decisive for its course and efficiency are described, the principles of substrate selection are discussed and the necessity and advantages of the use of organic waste according to the model of a circular economy and the concept of sustainable development, are indicated. The part on biogas production is summarised with an explanation of the necessity to treat and purify biogas, taking into account the share of methane extracted. A special place in this paper is devoted to the design, construction, functioning and operation of biogas plants, based on both scientific and practical aspects. In conclusion of this chapter, the economic aspects and profitability of operating biogas plants are discussed, taking into account, in a theoretical balance sheet – in addition to investment and operating costs and the availability and cost of raw materials – the possibilities of producing and using electricity and heat, as well as environmental and social benefits. The article concludes with a discussion of opportunities and barriers to the development of biogas plants, pointing to: financial issues, access to feedstock, political regulations, public awareness and the geopolitical situation as key factors issues related to biogas plants – in different regions of the world.