Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Revolutionizing Waste Management Planning in Indorama Eleme Petrochemical Operational Complex: Promoting Sustainability

Version 1 : Received: 26 December 2023 / Approved: 27 December 2023 / Online: 28 December 2023 (02:14:53 CET)

How to cite: JOHNSON, N.; OKURE, U. E.; DOZIE, E. A.; KABIR, H. M. Revolutionizing Waste Management Planning in Indorama Eleme Petrochemical Operational Complex: Promoting Sustainability. Preprints 2023, 2023122111. JOHNSON, N.; OKURE, U. E.; DOZIE, E. A.; KABIR, H. M. Revolutionizing Waste Management Planning in Indorama Eleme Petrochemical Operational Complex: Promoting Sustainability. Preprints 2023, 2023122111.


The Indorama Eleme Petrochemical Limited (IEPL) is found in the southern part of Nigeria more specifically on the Rivers State southern religion Nigeria. It consists of five distinct units, each of which generates its own unique trash at a rate of around 3115.98 tonnes per year. This study had the goal of concentrating on the management of the processing wastes in order to minimize the negative effects that they have on the environment. It is necessary to have an understanding of the number, nature, and make-up of IEPL's industrial wastes in order to effectively manage and regulate the development of waste there. As a result, we decided to collect data through the use of questionnaires. The classification of industrial wastes was accomplished by doing a comparative study and synthesis of research that were relevant to the management of petrochemical waste. Because an individual coding system is required for the integrated management of industrial waste, we gave each type of trash a code that consists of thirteen digits. The primary components of trash were catalysts (9.58 percent), metallic materials (7.62 percent), plastic barrels (35.77 percent), coke (12.66 percent), wood (4.47%), oil (4.15%), glass (0.028 percent), cooling tower packaging (6.7 percent), and other material (18.83 percent). According to the findings of the investigation into the physical qualities of the wastes, only 11.81% of these residues were liquid, while 88.19% were solid. The current handling of these wastes has been experiencing significant difficulties as of late. garbage management at IEPL was particularly challenging due to the wide variety of wastes produced there and the dangerous nature of the wastes themselves (88.19% of garbage was hazardous waste). Recycling and reuse of garbage may have been the greatest decision in some situations; yet, incineration and disposal of waste are also necessary options.


 Indorama; Eleme; Petrochemical Limited;  petrochemical sector; hazardous waste;  management;  codes


Engineering, Chemical Engineering

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