Launches the Official WeChat Account

Preprints Editorial Office
28 May 2024

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our official WeChat account, "PreprintsOrg 预印本"! As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering open science and knowledge sharing, we are excited to expand our platform to reach even more researchers and scholars in the scientific community.

Our new WeChat account aims to provide a convenient and accessible platform for researchers to stay informed about the latest developments in preprints and open science. We will share insightful articles posted on our platform, news updates, and exclusive content related to preprints in various fields of research. By leveraging the power of social media platforms, we hope to further democratize access to scientific knowledge and facilitate meaningful discussions among researchers worldwide.

Join us on this new journey! Simply scan the QR code below to follow us, and stay tuned for a wealth of informative articles and resources.

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