Optical forces are used to aggregate plasmonic nanoparticles and create SERS-active hot spots in liquid. When biomolecules are added to the nanoparticles, high sensitivity SERS detection is accomplished. Here we tailor this methodology to detect catalase and hemoglobin, two Raman resonant biomolecules, at concentrations down to 10 nM and 1 pM. Subsequently, we study the SERS signal in Bovine Serum Albumin as a function of the concentration, finding a monotonic dependence that suggests the possibility of quantitative detection. Finally, by exploiting nanoparticles functionalized with specific aptamers, we obtain first results on the SERS detection of Ochratoxin A, a fungal toxin found in food commodities and wine. This represents a first step towards the addition of molecular specificity to this novel biosensor strategy.