FRAP technique have been used for decades to measure movements of molecules in 2D. Data obtained by FRAP experiments in cell plasma membranes are assumed to be described through means of two parameters, a diffusion coefficient D (as defined in a pure Brownian model) and a mobile fraction M. Nevertheless, it has also been shown that recoveries can be nicely fit using anomalous sub-diffusion. FRAP at variable radii has been developed using the Brownian diffusion model to access geometrical characteristics of the surrounding landscape of the molecule. Here we performed numerical simulations of continuous time random walk (CTRW) anomalous subdiffusion and interpreted them in the context of variable radii FRAP. These simulations were compared to experimental data obtained at variable radii on living cells using the PH domain of the membrane binding protein EFA6 (exchange factor for ARF6, a small G protein). This protein domain is an excellent candidate to explore the structure of the interface between cytosol and plasma membrane in cells. By direct comparison of our numerical simulations to the experiments, we show that this protein does not exhibit anomalous diffusion in BHK cells. The non Brownian PH-EFA6 dynamics observed here is more related to spatial heterogeneities such as cytoskeleton fences effects.