This paper updates earlier thoughts by the author on a putative propulsion system. The concept was based around static electromagnetic momentum, as expounded in the “Feynman Disk” and experimentally verified by Graham and Lahoz. That said, naïve static electromagnetic momentum schemes to achieve linear translation are defeated by “hidden momentum” mechanisms, so too are simple arrangements just cycling the fields; we shall survey the flaws in their arguments. It may however be possible to achieve linear translation by means of arrangements of torques with a novel mechanism to break the symmetry of forces (or torques) on the second half of the cycle as the field is switched off. At the time of earlier presentation no mechanism could be found to explain the momentum balance for the process but it was believed that momentum was being given to the zero-point of the field. We show that it is possible to dump angular momentum and thence linear momentum to the ground state by standard quantum analysis of the EM field. None of this violates the conservation of momenergy.