The authors determined mass concentrations of 12 elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, Tl, V, Zn) in blood and urine taken from 100 rural children living in unremarkable condition in the West Ural region of the Russian Federation. We applied inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in conformity with Methodical Guidelines 4.1. 3230-14 (FR.1.31.2014.17064) designed by us and detailed in the paper. The article contains setting parameters for Agilent 7500cx quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer . The authors present grounds for an optimal scheme of samples preparation which helps to eliminate "matrix" effect and explain why it is advisable to use reaction/collision functioning mode as it enables interference overlaps suppression.To prepare whole blood samples for analysis, we used acid dissolution in concentrated nitric acid followed by centrifugation. The arithmetic mean (AM) of element content in blood amounted to 0.34 µg/l (As); 0.39 µg/l (Cd); 6.41 µg/l (Cr); 866.11 µg/l (Сu); 13.73 µg/l (Mn); 5.86 µg/l (Ni); 23.65 µg/l (Pb); 87.43 µg/l (Se); 33.54 µg/l (Sr); 0.04 µg/l (Tl); 0.16 µg/l (V); 4713.48 µg/l (Zn). The validity of the results was confirmed by means of SERONORM TM Whole Blood L2 standard samples (Norway). Urine samples were directly analyzed after 1/10 (V/V) dilution with 1% nitric acid solution. The arithmetic mean of element content of urine corresponded to 18.99 µg/l (As); 0.12 µg/l (Cd); 1.91 µg/l (Cr); 13.28 µg/l (Сu); 0.96 µg/l (Mn); 1.84 µg/l (Ni); 0.83 µg/l (Pb); 22.55 µg/l (Se); 239.09 µg/l (Sr); 0.16 µg/l (Tl); 0.68 µg/l (V); 270.56 µg/l (Zn). The validity of the results was confirmed by analyzing the SERONORM TM standard urine samples (Norway). Regional differences from levels found in other countries included higher concentrations of Cr, Mn and Ni in blood and lower levels of Se and Zn levels in West Ural children. Urine concentrations of West Ural children showed higher levels of As and Sr.