To solve the problem of the origin of homochirality of living systems and life itself, it is necessary to rethink the conceptual foundations of physics dialectically. The review shows how this can be done within the framework of the paradigm of energoforms, which sets the principles of construction and mathematical formalization of the Heraclitus primary element of matter. The algorithm for modeling energoforms and structures of elementary particles was created based on the laws of dialectics, electromagnetic induction and the rules of quantum physics. The algorithm allowed to calculate the parameters of chiral structures of neutron, proton, electron, neutrino and photon in the ground and excited states, as well as the parameters of more than one hundred nuclei. As an adequate solution to the problems of neutrino physics and the nature of the universal chiral factor, we hypothesized the instability of the low-energy solar neutrino and the biogenicity of its decay products – chiral energoforms. The hypothesis was based on correlations of seasonal and daily variations of solar neutrino flux, optical activity of aqueous solutions of sugars and metabolism of plants and animals. In humans, chiral morphofunctional features that limit homeostasis and the rhythm of energy-informational connections of the brain with the external environment were revealed. It was shown that the mechanism of sensitivity of living matter to the action of chiral factor is based on the ability to self-organization of its cooperative water-containing systems consisting of spin homogeneous chiral elements.