Fructose in beverages has adverse effects on lipids, glucose and insulin sensitivity after acute and chronic ingestion. There is limited data showing that chronic consumption of fructose in solid foods has harmful effects. We hypothesized that a moderate amount of fructose compared with sucrose in solid food consumed for a month would not adversely influence fasting or postprandial lipids and glucose after an acute fat and carbohydrate load. Twenty-five men and women with prediabetes and/or obesity and overweight consumed in random order two acute test meals of muffins sweetened with either fructose or sucrose, followed by 4-week chronic consumption of 42g/day of either fructose or sucrose in low fat muffins after which the 2 meal tests were repeated. Subjects were randomised to sugar type in the chronic feeding period. Sugar type had no effect on the incremental area under the curve for triglyceride or uric acid at either time point (P=0.4 and P=0.9). There was no overall difference between meal tests at baseline and after 1 month and no effect of consuming sucrose or fructose muffins for 1 month. Fasting triglyceride increased after chronic consumption of fructose by 0.31±0.37 mmol/L compared with sucrose in people with IFG/IGT only (P=0.004). Fructose at a moderate intake of <10% of energy in solid food has no different effects on postprandial triglyceride and uric acid compared with sucrose although fasting triglyceride was increased in people with IFG/IGT after 1 month of fructose muffins suggesting the need for caution.