We report herein high-resolution x-ray diffraction measurements of basal plane bending of homoepitaxial single-crystal diamond (SCD). The results reveal that growth parameters such as temperature, growth time and basal plane bending of the substrate affect the basal plane bending of SCD. First, the basal plane bending of SCD depends mainly on the substrate itself. The basal plane bending of SCD becomes more severe with increasing basal plane bending of the substrate and this type of basal plane bending cannot be recovered. The SCD growth experiments show that the basal plane bending increases at high temperature and with increasing growth time. Finally, to understand the mechanism behind basal plane bending, we investigate the substrate-surface temperature distribution as a function of basal plane bending of SCD fabricated by chemical vapour deposition (CVD). This allows us to propose a bending model and understand the origin of basal plane bending. The results indicate that an uneven temperature distribution on the substrate surface is the main cause of the CVD diamond base-plane bending.