The rural population percentage decreased from 82.7% to 68.9% in 2011, even though there is an increase in the total rural population, which stands at 833.7 million, and the rural population were now more than three times compared to the population seven decades ago. Another observation is the decrease in cultivators percentage from 71.9% to 45.1 %, while agriculture labour increase from 28.1% to 54.9% during the same period. Despite the increase in irrigated land and net area sown, the average holdings' size under the farmers is continuously decreasing, and it requires a study to look into the reasons. The research probes the role of Minimum Support Price (MSP) in supporting farmers and measuring market price above MSP needed to help marginal and small farmers remain above the poverty level. It explains how different market rates above MSP have a different impact on different categories of agriculture landholding. The study works on developing a common model that relates the impact of MSP on different farmers categories. The model can be generalized to all crops and regions and useful in designing policies that focus on uplifting the income of agricultural farmers.