Monitoring of groundwater quality in today's scenario is very much important. Due to urbanization and population pressure regular monitoring of groundwater for drinking as well as irrigation purposes need a major concern. With this aim, a study has been carried out consisting 26 groundwater samples in May 2017, to access the physiochemical characteristic, water quality index (WQI) of groundwater by using GIS software and to find out the groundwater suitableness for drinking as well as for irrigation purpose. The pH is slightly alkaline and the TDS is much more than prescribed limits of BIS. The trend of cations in groundwater are Ca2+>Na+>Mg2+>K+ while anions trend is HCO3->SO42->Cl->NO3->CO32->F-. The Ca-Mg-HCO3 and Na-K-Cl-SO4 types of groundwater facies were dominant. Generally, the chemical changes in groundwater are administered by the evaporation process with ion exchange, and mixing of particles is the significant source of the solute acquisition process. WQI of the study area suggested that the 15% sample is unsuitable, 69% is poor and remaining is good for drinking uses. The potential salinity of the groundwater sample is nearly high although the majority of the sample is suited for irrigation activities.