In the present work, cost-effective strain gauges were fabricated by using inkjet printing and photonic curing on flexible and recyclable PET substrates. Ohmic resistance (a.k.a. DC resistance) (R0) and complex electrical impedance (Z) as a function of test frequency were characterized, respectively, with the state-of-the-art electronic testing equipments. For the fabrication process, commercially available silver nanoparticle (AgNP) inks and printing substrates were used in order to eliminate any apriori ink processing. In order to validate the in-house cantilever beam measurement setup and devices, first, commercially available metallic foil strain gauges (with the provided gauge factor GF=2 by the manufacturer) were tested at different locations. Thereafter, the printed strain gauges were investigated with several repetitions at different measurement locations. The measurement results demonstrated an affordable, rapid and tailorable design and repeatable fabrication approach for strain gauges with GFavg~6.6, which has potential applications in remote sensing and structural monitoring applications.