The research was conducted in the Kırklareli stream, which flows southwest through the city of the same name toward the village of Kavaklı. The aim of the study is to evaluate water analysis results and assess the potential that the European Union drinking water standard for lead can be achieved in the Kırklareli stream by reliance on the low solubility of lead phosphate minerals. The present study used Visual MINTEQ 3.1 for all water chemistry simulations. The European Union drinking water standard for lead, which is 10 μg L−1, is exceeded at least once and as many as three times at seven of the ten sites during the 2018 sampling season. Although the database solubility of hydroxypyromorphite is exceeded in most samples, it appears this may be the result of major ion substitutions in the hydroxypromorphite that forms in the Kırklareli stream which increases the effective solubility of lead in the stream.