In this part of the two-part series of essays, we first derive some equations for further physical redshift distances. We then analyze a catalog with 132,975 quasars, for which both the apparent magnitude m and the redshift z are given, in order to find the today’s value of the parameter β0 of the theory presented. We then use this value to determine the today’s value of the radius R0a of the Friedmann sphere using a magnitude redshift diagram of 19 SNIa. With the help of the known values of R0a and β0, statements about astrophysical data from the black hole in the galaxy M87 can be made. In addition, the today’s Hubble parameter H0 results from both parameters. Furthermore, we calculate the values of the further physical redshift distances for the black hole in M87 and all 19 SNIa. The resulting parameter values are: β0 ≈ 0.731, R0a ≈ 2,712.48 Mpc and H0 ≈ 65.638 km / (s ∙ Mpc). The today’s mass density of the Friedmann sphere is ρ0 ≈ 4.843 x 10-27 g / cm 3. For the mass of the Friedmann sphere we find MFK ≈ 1.206 x 1056 g. Annotation: Knowledge of the first part [1] of the series of articles is a prerequisite for understanding this article.