Using the principle of equivalence, it has recently been shown that the electrostatic field lines of a charge, stationary in the gravitational field, bend exactly like the trajectories of photons emitted isotropically from a source at the charge location and that the fraction of electric flux crossing a surface `below' or `above' the charge is exactly similar to the fraction of photon trajectories intersecting these surfaces, with more flux in the downward direction than upward. As one goes much deeper in the gravitational field, all electric field lines increasingly point in the vertically downward direction as is also the case for a stream of photons. Since photon trajectories as well as electric field lines, at any location in the gravitational field, are affected by the local space-time curvature an inference can be drawn that this parallel between the photon trajectories and the electric field lines is a general result. We could then apply these results in the external gravitational field of a black hole, where the trajectories of photons in the gravitational field are already well-known and the behaviour of electric field lines of a stationary charge could be inferred therefrom. Accordingly, we show that the electric field through an external spherical surface surrounding the black hole steadily reduces as the charge location approaches the event horizon (Schwarzschild radius), and like photons from a source inside the Schwarzschild radius cannot escape outside, the electric field lines of a charge within the black hole too remain trapped inside the event horizon. From this one arrives at a conclusion that, contrary to the conventional wisdom, the electric charge contained inside a static black hole cannot be detected or inferred by an external observer. A black hole, said to have no hair with the only external identifying characteristics being mass, electric charge, and angular momentum, is therefore all the more `hairless', as even its charge cannot be ascertained. The derivation of the Reissner-Nordström metric, supposedly describing the gravitational field of a static charged black hole, presumes an external stress-energy tensor of the electrostatic field, as per Gauss law, even for the charges contained within the black hole. However, the absence of electric flux external to a static charged black hole implies that such a charged black hole is not described correctly by the Reissner-Nordström metric and the consequential peculiarities of the space-time geometry, leading in specific cases to the idea of a naked intrinsic singularity and a need for the ``cosmic censorship'' hypothesis, also do not arise here.