The electron of magnetic spin −1/2 is a Dirac fermion of a complex four-component spinor field. Though this is effectively addressed by relativistic quantum field theory, an intuitive form of the fermion still remains lacking. In this novel undertaking, the fermion is examined within the boundary posed by a recently proposed MP model of a hydrogen atom into 4D space-time. Such unorthodox process somehow is able to remarkably unveil the four-component spinor of non-abelian in both Euclidean and Minkowski space-times. Supplemented by several postulates, the relativistic and non-relativistic applications of the magnetic spin property are explored from an alternative perspective. The outcomes have important implications towards an alternative interpretation of quantum electrodynamics and a probable quantum universe, where quantum mechanics and general relativity are expected to merge. Such findings could pave the paths for future pursuits of physics beyond the Standard Model and they warrant further investigations.