The main purpose of this study was to develop a model for predicting the quality of holes drilled in the root part of a spar of helicopter main rotor blades made of the Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic (GFRP)-Ti multilayer polymer composite. As the main quality criterion, delaminations at the entry and exit of the drill from the hole were taken. In the experimental study a conventional drill and two modified geometry drills: a double-point angle drill and a dagger drill were used. Preliminary experiments showed the best hole quality when using modified drills, which allowed further detailed study only with both modified drills at different drilling speeds and feed rates. Its results in the form of training sets were used to build the Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to predict delamination at the entry and exit of drilled holes. The analysis of the fitted response functions, presented as 3D surfaces plots and superimposed contour plots, made it possible to choose the better tool - a double-point angle drill and determine the optimal area for drilling speed and feed rates, confirming that the prediction of the quality and productivity of machining composites based on ANN is an effective tool to search and quantify the quality criteria of such technologies.