4.2. Crop Development, Surface Resistance and Carbon - Water Fluxes
Daily GPP, Reco fluxes, and GPP/Reco ratio indicate a large GPP exceeding Reco during all crop growth in the FI site. The observed GPP/Reco ratio > 2 suggests that autotrophic respiration dominates the carbon fluxes, reflecting an increased physiological activity of the leaves, higher rates of photosynthesis (GPP), and CO2 sequestration (Cabral et al., 2013; Falge et al., 2002, 2001; Rana et al., 2016). The scarce difference between GPP and Reco, and the low values of the GPP/Reco ratio at DI site reflect a lower autotrophic activity, and low rates of photosynthesis which are found in drought-stressed ecosystems (Falge et al., 2002). The observed GPP/Reco ratio <1 in almost all growth seasons in the RF site, confirming that the system behaved as a source of CO2 and carbon fluxes were dominated by heterotrophic respiration due to a very low photosynthetic activity and autotrophic respiration. This means that carbon was mainly consumed by the soil respiration process and less used for the growth and maintenance of plant biomass (Cabral et al., 2013; Falge et al., 2002, 2001; Goulden et al., 1998; Rana et al., 2016).
Our results indicate a strong influence of growth and canopy development over the energy partitioning and carbon fluxes (Guo et al., 2010; Jia et al., 2014; Kang et al., 2015; Shao et al., 2015; van Dijke et al., 2020b). In the FI site, the LAI was higher than DI and RF sites. The course of the GPP/Reco ratio was in line with the LAI pattern, as well as the increase of the Rn/LE ratio following LAI during tuberization, reaching its highest value at max LAI and falling at almost the same rate. Several authors have reported that LAI is one of the main causes of daily GPP, and ET variations (Gondim et al., 2015; Jongen et al., 2011; Martínez-Maldonado et al., 2021b; Souza et al., 2012). For potato, under well-watered conditions, we reported previously (Martínez-Maldonado et al., 2021b) a synergistic growth of a high LAI and GPP which works as efficient feedback that guarantees canopy growth and high carbon fluxes. Although the highest LAI could be responsible for higher GPP and ET (van Dijke et al., 2020a), the canopy growth affecting carbon and water fluxes also depends on leaf thickness or SLA. Leaf thickening implies longer palisade cells or a higher number of cell layers and therefore higher transpiration efficiency, and increased capacity for area-based photosynthesis (Evans and Poorter, 2001; Vadez et al., 2014; Weraduwage et al., 2015; Wright et al., 1994), and greater photosynthetic rates (Gonzalez-Paleo and Ravetta, 2018; Goorman et al., 2011; Wright et al., 1994). In the FI site, we found a decreasing behavior of the SLA during the first 60 DPP indicating that during the initial canopy growth, there was a reallocation of biomass to thicker leaves, increasing leaf mass more than leaf area (Weraduwage et al., 2015). Decreasing SLA may imply increasing plant demand for C since more fixed C is required to expand the area of thick leaves than of thin leaves (Gonzalez-Paleo and Ravetta, 2018; Jullien et al., 2009; Weraduwage et al., 2015). In the DI site, the water deficit events during early crop growth changed the morphological characteristics of the canopy, which impacted the course of the GPP/Reco ratio. The significant and faster drop in LAI (from 100 DPP) was accompanied by GPP/Reco < 1, which explains tuber bulking as a weaker carbon sink. The increasing SLA during tuberization indicates less carbon requirement for mass increase and lower area-based for photosynthesis, which could partly explain the depression of the GPP/Reco ratio between 80 and 115 DDP.
In the RF site, water deficits occurred beyond 70% of the crop growing season. Reductions in daily GPP and low GPP/Reco ratio during all crop growth may be related to fewer carbon requirements to canopy growth, since lowest LAI values and the increasing behavior of the SLA suggested that the crop had a poorly expanded canopy with thin leaves during all growth stages (Gonzalez-Paleo and Ravetta, 2018; Jullien et al., 2009; Weraduwage et al., 2015; Wright et al., 1994). In potato, water deficit causes a reduction in the expansion of leaves, leading to reduced foliage, reduced canopy, and reduced leaf area index (George et al., 2017; Gervais et al., 2021a, 2021b; Hill et al., 2021b; Howlader & Hoque, 2018; Martínez-Maldonado et al., 2021; Michel et al., 2019; Muthoni & Kabira, 2016; Nasir & Toth, 2022a, 2022b; Obidiegwu et al., 2015; Rodríguez P. et al., 2016). Unlike FI and DI, there was a strong reduction of the LE/Rn ratio at the RF site, indicating that the water vapor flux from the canopy had additional restrictions to those provided by changes in vegetative growth and canopy morphology.
Water and carbon fluxes in plants are linked by stomata (Brunsell and Wilson, 2013; Díaz et al., 2022; Gonzalez-Paleo and Ravetta, 2018; Huxman et al., 2004; Scott et al., 2006b; van Dijke et al., 2020a) which is characterized by the canopy resistance (Ra) and represents the bulk resistance to water vapor or mass transfer from leaves (Amer and Hatfield, 2004; Wehr and Saleska, 2021). In our results, at the FI site, higher values of daily ET occurred in lower Rc during all crop growth stages. This expected low canopy resistance under well-watered conditions has been reported by other researchers (Aires et al., 2008; Kumagai et al., 2008; Paulino Junior and Silva von Randow, 2017; Souza et al., 2012). Unlike with López-Olivari et al. (2022), we observed a larger aerodynamic resistance (generally higher than Rc) indicating more importance of Ra in total resistance to water vapor transport. Regarding diurnal patterns, the tendency of the estimated half-hourly Rc had a similar magnitude, along the growth stages. Averaged midday Rc values around 15 s m−1 were similar to those reported for potato by Amer & Hatfield (2004) and López-Olivari et al. (2022) and lower than values reported by Kjelgaard & Stockle (2001) (midday Rc values close equal to 40 s m−1). As seen for daily data, diurnal aerodynamic resistance generally was higher than canopy resistance. This large Ra impedes heat transfer as well as water vapor transfer and, therefore, supports the greater evapotranspiration flux (Smith, 1980) observed at the FI site. The highest diurnal ET and GPP fluxes evidenced an intense exchange of carbon and water and consequently a high sink activity (more negative NEE) mainly during tuberization and tuber bulking stages between 07:00 am and noon when the lowest Rc occurred.
At the DI site, Rc and Ra were similar to those found in the FI site. Despite water deficit events, Ra>Rc indicating that ET remains controlled by Ra and less by Rc and water content in the soil (Sutherlin et al., 2019a). Consequently, canopy was less capable to reduce evapotranspiration and avoid water losses (Spinelli et al., 2018a; Fereres and Soriano, 2007; Spinelli et al., 2018b), and ET continues at a high rate while there was a high restriction in the GPP and NEE fluxes. Such decrease in GPP in a low canopy resistance for surface fluxes may have been explained by intra-leaf factors or non-stomatal limitations of photosynthesis (NSL), that could decline the photosynthetic activity during drought (de La Motte et al., 2020; Nadal-Sala et al., 2021; Nelson et al., 2018b; Obidiegwu et al., 2015; Xu and Baldocchi, 2004; Yang et al., 2019). NSL has been observed at the ecosystem scale (Jarvis, 1985; Migliavacca et al., 2009; Reichstein et al., 2002) and could include environmental limitations on the photosynthetic pathways (Nelson et al., 2018b), increased mesophyll resistance (de La Motte et al., 2020; Evans, 2021; Flexas et al., 2012), drought-related enzymatic down-regulation (Flexas et al., 2013, 2004; Flexas and Medrano, 2002; Galmés et al., 2007; Niinemets et al., 2006; Sugiura et al., 2020; Varone et al., 2012), less total leaf mass, and/or decreasing carbon demand (Fatichi et al., 2014; Nadal-Sala et al., 2021). In our results, the radiation deficit, and the poorly developed canopy, with less photosynthetic activity and lower autotrophic respiration, constitute the NSL which in turn decreased the GPP.
At FI and DI sites, the diurnal VPD < 0.6 kPa had no effect on canopy resistance because of the irrigated conditions. At the RF site, the VPD > 0.6 kPa indicates that the potato canopy experienced a larger saturation deficit and, as soon as VPD increased, Ra decreased, and Rc increased as the day progressed. The increase of midday Rc was up to 13 times larger than Rc at the FI site when the VPD increased around 0.8 kPa, revealing that under drought conditions, the plants increased the canopy resistance in response to high VPD (Aires et al., 2008; J D N Alves et al., 2022; Silva et al., 2017; Sutherlin et al., 2019b). Diurnal ET and GPP fluxes were highly restricted in all growth stages suggesting that in potatoes VPD could play a strong role in controlling GPP and ET by means of Rc (Aires et al., 2008). Furthermore, the lower values of ET occurring at higher Rc could be related to the lower partition of energy into LE in the RF site, since the surface energy partitioning into sensible and latent heat depends on surface resistance (Baldocchi et al., 2000; Chen et al., 2009; Kang et al., 2015; Li et al., 2005) and a low LE is necessarily associated to high Rc (Spinelli et al., 2018b). According to Teixeira et al. (2008) VPD exerts negative physiological feedback on ET; while high VPD values increased the gradient of water vapor transport, decreasing LE, at the same time it created an extra barrier on the vapor flow path by closing the stomata, increasing Rc. It should be noted that with the increase of the Rc diurnal GPP was more severely restricted than diurnal ET. This phenomenon, reported by other authors (de La Motte et al., 2020; Nelson et al., 2018b; Spinelli et al., 2018b, 2016; Yang et al., 2019) is explained because while ET is mainly limited by the available energy and secondarily by canopy resistance to vapor transfer, carbon assimilation is primarily limited by canopy resistance, mesophyll conductance, and the rate at which chloroplasts fix carbon (Spinelli et al., 2018b, 2016; Steduto and Hsiao, 1998). On the other hand, the additional non-stomatal limitations of photosynthesis (NSL) under high soil water restriction play a major role in limiting GPP.
4.3. Environmental Controls on ET-GPP Synchrony and NEE-IWUE Relations
At the well-watered conditions of the FI site, the diurnal cycles of ET and GPP were proportional and largely synchronized, which is consistent with other studies (Aguilos et al., 2021; Beer et al., 2009; Nelson et al., 2018b). The higher coupling indicates that the amount of carbon that enters the canopy is proportional to water that leaves, and at noon, when the stomata begin to close, carbon and water fluxes decrease by a similar percentage (Gentine et al., 2019; Mallick et al., 2016; Nelson et al., 2018b; van Dijke et al., 2020a). Environmental factors, solar radiation, and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) were highly synchrony and correlated with ET and GPP, suggesting that were important drivers in the short-term diurnal variation of carbon and water fluxes. According to (Grossiord et al., 2014), during periods of optimum soil water supply and non-limiting low VPD, stomata are fully open, and ET increases linearly with VPD. However, in well-watered conditions light is the main driver for photosynthesis and transpiration (Eamus et al., 2016a, 2016b; S. Liu et al., 2021; X. Liu et al., 2021) since carbon and water exchange increase as more light is intercepted by the canopy (Arkebauer et al., 2009; Samanta et al., 2020; Wilson et al., 2001). The Ra >Rc condition (at daily and average half-hourly scales) observed at FI site, indicates that evapotranspiration is more strongly controlled by Ra and incoming radiation (Alves et al., 2022b; Irmak & Mutiibwa, 2010; Jarvis, 1985; Jarvis & Mcnaughton, 1986b; Magnani et al., 1998; McNaughton & Jarvis, 1991; Nassif et al., 2019; Spinelli et al., 2016, 2018b). Likewise, we previously demonstrated that GPP had a large response to PPFD due to the high carbon flux at light saturation (95% of asymptote) (Martínez-Maldonado, et al., 2021).
At the DI site, The ET and GPP fluxes become uncoupled, losing synchronization and proportionality mainly in the morning, due to the magnitude of the relative GPP flux being smaller and less synchronized, and correlated with the incoming PPFD. The maximum peaks reached earlier, indicate that the time for intense transpiration activity and water-carbon exchange in the early morning was restricted (almost 2 hours), which constrains the sink activity and IWUE. In this less ET - GPP coupling, stomata are transpiring water but intra-leaf factors and other non-stomatal limitations to photosynthesis are slowing carbon fixation, changing the inherent water use efficiency directly (Beer et al., 2009; Nelson et al., 2018b).
The largest discrepancies between the diurnal relative fluxes of ET and GPP were observed at the RF site. Fluxes were uneven with the advancement of the day, and there was a time lag between their maximum peaks. The course of the GPP was in synchrony and correlated with VPD and unresponsive and less correlated to PPFD, while the diurnal trend of ET was high sync and correlated to PPFD and less sync and correlated to VPD. In our analysis, the high asynchrony and pour coupling are due to the unbalanced constrain for ET and GPP fluxes (affecting GPP > ET) imposed by increases in Rc (in response to higher VPD) and non-stomatal photosynthesis limitations that primarily affect the GPP flux. Therefore, because there was a great restriction in both fluxes (ET and GPP), the IWUE values were the lowest compared to the other measurement sites. A decrease in WUE in response to drought was also found by Migliavacca et al. (2009) and Reichstein et al. (2002).
At the FI site, the synchrony and proportionality of half-hourly ET and GPP fluxes during the growth stages are also reflected in the high correlation between overall half-hour GPP and ET and GPP*VPD and ET. There is a high response of the GPP to ET where more carbon molecules were fixed per water molecule. The carbon assimilation process continues in response to water loss, even at the highest ET, indicating that the crop sustains photosynthetic activity in response to the highest water vapor fluxes, which agrees with Katul et al. (2010b) hypothesis. In the DI and RF sites, the low correlation between half-hour GPP and ET and GPP*VPD and ET indicated an overall decoupling between carbon fluxes. In these sites, a large amount of water vapor was lost for limited CO2 assimilation, lowering the water use efficiency until behaves asymptotically, meaning that the increases in ET no longer bring additional increases in GPP. In other words, the water cost is increased for the same carbon gain. In this way, after GPP values of 0.5 mg C m-2 s-2, respectively at the DI and RF sites, the increases in ET could be considered water losses from the system without productive purposes. This indicates that under water-limiting conditions the crop cannot restrict water losses or maximize its carbon gains.
The influence of IWUE on the NEE can be noted by analyzing
Figure 8 along with
Figure 9. Under the well-watered conditions of the FI site, the high linear correlations between the variation of WUE and NEE (Half-hour diurnal averages of growth phases and overall half-hourly values) indicate that the larger diurnal sink activity was due to the greater ET-GPP coupling represented by higher values of IWUE. This result does support our hypothesis of during well-watered conditions a tight coupling between GPP and ET fluxes due to a PPFD drive - high photosynthesis and evapotranspiration rates, generating the highest IWUE and therefore a larger diurnal sink activity (NEE more negative). In the DI and RF sites, the lower correlation and response of NEE to IWUE is not only attributed to restrictions and low decoupling of the ET – GPP fluxes, but also to the increases in the R
eco flux either by more low autotrophic activity from plants or increased heterotrophic activity from the soil. In other words, the lower number of negative NEE values and the persistent positive values are due to both the low IWUE values and the greater role of R
eco in the carbon balance and its impact on NEE. The relationship proposed in the IWUE would only explain the variability of the negative values of the NEE since they are associated with the activity of the GPP.
As a consequence of radiation driving both ET and GPP fluxes, PPFD was the primary driver controlling daytime NEE, accounting for 60% of the variations in overall half-hourly NEE during the growing period. The carbon sequestration increased (NEE gets more negative) at PPFD values beyond 1500 mmol photons m-2 s-1. Likewise, the high response of GPP to ET caused NEE to also have a relevant response to ET. At the DI site, the NEE had a lower response to PPFD (NEE decreased linearly around 750 mmol photons m-2 s-1) indicating that the lower values of PAR radiation could be the main limiting factor for sink activity. Although lower than in FI, the response of sink activity to ET was high, confirming that despite the deficit events there were no restrictions on ET and the persistent flux of water vapor was the driver of carbon sequestration. In RF, sink activity stalls or saturates at low ET, PPFD, and VPD. The low response to these environmental determinants is due both to the lower GPP and to the fact that the carbon balance is mainly dominated by the high respiration of the ecosystem, due to physiological and biophysical changes previously discussed.
4.4. ET-GPP Coupling and the Omega Role
To know whether effectively water and carbon signals were coupled or decoupled under the water availability conditions of the measurement sites, we quantified ET-GPP coupling through the daily correlation coefficients for GPP*VPD vs ET using half-hourly data, and by computing daily from the total daily sums of GP and ET, and average VPD. IWUE has been widely used in numerous studies as a measure of carbon and water coupling (Battipaglia et al., 2013b; Beer et al., 2009; Grossiord et al., 2014; Leonardi et al., 2012; Loader et al., 2011; Zhou et al., 2015, 2014), and since it shows an improved linear relationship among GPP, ET, and VPD the daily correlation coefficient (r) of GPP*VPD vs ET has been used as an indicator for quantify the coupling/decoupling degree between water and carbon fluxes (Aguilos et al., 2021; Beer et al., 2009; Nelson et al., 2018b; Zhou et al., 2015, 2014). However, numerous environmental factors and non-stomatal limitations to carbon assimilation control the photosynthesis/transpiration balance and could affect carbon and water fluxes, causing a carbon–water decoupling (Nelson et al., 2018b; Zhou et al., 2015). For this reason, the decoupling factor omega (Ω) was calculated on a daily scale to know if the ET-GPP decoupling is due to or not to a greater degree of canopy control over carbon and water fluxes and, in this way, understand the source of the associated changes in the IWUE.
In our results, the most of growth days at the FI site had a high daily correlation coefficient for GPP*VPD vs ET > 0.85, indicating that carbon and water fluxes were tightly coupled, and synchronized. High correlations between the two fluxes under well-watered days have been previously reported (Beer et al., 2009; Nelson et al., 2018a). However, we found a greater number of days less coupled during vegetative and ending tuber bulking stage which is explained due to fluxes are less related to the canopy. During the low crop cover and senescence, latent heat flux is supplied mainly by the evaporation from the soil, and carbon fluxes were dominated by heterotrophic respiration where R
eco > GPP (Cabral et al., 2013; Falge et al., 2002; Goulden et al., 1998; Rana et al., 2016). The daily omega ranged from ~0.8 to 0.9 and was close to 0.7 as reported by Brown (1976) for potato, and it is within the range of 0.8 to 0.9 commonly reported in the literature for horticultural crops under no stress (Ferreira, 2017; Jarvis and Mcnaughton, 1986; McNaughton and Jarvis, 1991). The Ω near to 1 implies that ET was more strongly controlled by incoming radiation and less dependent on stomatal conductance and canopy resistance (Jarvis, 1985; P G Jarvis and Mcnaughton, 1986; McNaughton and Jarvis, 1991; Steduto and Hsiao, 1998; Sutherlin et al., 2019b). The less dependence of ET on stomatal conductance is due to the smaller water vapor gradient between the intercellular air space and the epidermal surface of leaves (Steduto and Hsiao, 1998). The leaf surface VPD is different from the air outside of the leaf in its boundary layer (Jarvis, 1985; P G Jarvis and Mcnaughton, 1986), a condition based on Ra > Rc as we found previously in the FI site. The high Ra between leaf surfaces and the air above the canopy indicates a lower diffusivity of water vapor from the leaves that makes ET more coupled with radiation forcing and less dependent on canopy resistance (Jarvis, 1985; P G Jarvis and Mcnaughton, 1986; Zhang et al., 2016). The IWUE increased rapidly at the start of vegetative growth and reaches the maximum values during the tuberization with the maximum LAI. This behavior corroborated with Beer et al. (2009) in herbaceous ecosystems, where LAI and crop growth influence IWUE. The pattern of IWUE suggests that the potato ecosystem became more efficient in its carbon acquisition as the crop growth progressed. In terms of Katul et al. (2010b) increases its capacity to optimize carbon gains to water losses. The lowest cost in water per carbon gain at the FI site can be observed in
Figure 9 where there was a high GPP response to ET changes, even when the effect of VPD was included. This enhanced IWUE may imply an increase in plant transpiration efficiency, and a positive effect on plant carbon balance (Leonardi et al., 2012). As previously discussed in this paper, under favorable water availability conditions, the exchange of water vapor and CO
2 was intense because of the increasing autotrophic activity, larger portions of LE and low canopy resistance to fluxes, and consequently high GPP and evapotranspiration rates (Lambers et al., 2008).
At the DI site, about 50% of the growth period was decoupled and desynchronized (r< 0.84). We observed the greatest number of decoupled days during tuberization and tuber bulking, as well as the greatest reductions in IWUE with respect to FI. The daily omega coefficient varies between ~0.8 – 0.9 indicating ET was controlled by the aerodynamic resistance and incoming radiation and less by canopy resistance and VPD (Jarvis, 1985; P G Jarvis and Mcnaughton, 1986). By analyzing together omega, r Pearson and IWUE it can be inferred that the ET - GPP desynchronization and decoupling and the lower efficiency of GPP-ET tradeoff are not due to limitations in ET, nor to a greater canopy control over fluxes. Therefore, the origin of the decoupling and low IWUE could be attributed to non-stomatal limitations in the GPP. This inference is evidenced by the fact that all the results presented in this work point to a great restriction of GPP since during tuberization and tuber bulking there were thinner leaves, a drop in autotrophic respiration, low response, and correlations of GPP to PPFD, and the largest reductions in diurnal and daily carbon fluxes GPP and NEE with respect to FI. We point to the fact that there are no stomatal/surface resistance limitations based on the high omega indicating no changes in Rc and Ra.
At the RF site, on almost all crop days (more than 80%), the ET and GPP fluxes were uncoupled and desynchronized, mainly during vegetative growth and tuberization. However, unlike the DI site, we observed very low values of the correlation coefficient (r~ 0.4) revealing large discrepancies between carbon and water diurnal trends. As a result, the RF site had the lowest reductions in daily IWUE during all crop growth. Omega coefficient (Ω) was lower, and like the correlation coefficient, the lowest values (omega ~ 0.6) were observed mainly in the vegetative and tuber bulking stages. The lower Ω values are indicative that ET is strongly controlled by VPD and Rc (Aires et al., 2008; P G Jarvis and Mcnaughton, 1986; Nassif et al., 2014). However, the higher Rc reducing evapotranspiration, may restrict photosynthesis more than it restricts ET (Jarvis, 1985; Spinelli et al., 2018b, 2016; Steduto and Hsiao, 1998) as discussed previously. Other researchers have reported a decreasing trend of omega under water deficit caused by an increase in the canopy resistance and a decrease in aerodynamic resistance (de Kauwe et al., 2017; Ferreira, 2017; Paulino Junior and Silva von Randow, 2017; Silva et al., 2017; Spinelli et al., 2016; Sutherlin et al., 2019b) which agrees with the results presented in this work. Unlike FI and DI sites omega and r, have a similar trend of variation along crop growth. On days where omega and r fall together, the high ET-GPP decoupling is due to a greater extent of canopy control over fluxes in response to higher VPD, causing an unbalance constraint over ET and GPP fluxes, and therefore a very low IWUE. However, as discussed, the restriction on both flows has greater restrictions on GPP due to stomatal and non-stomatal limitations to photosynthesis.