In most organisms there is little agreement between transcriptome and proteome studies [
48]. Some authors argue that the discrepancies are mostly due to technical problems that will eventually be resolved with more advanced proteomic techniques, but at least in developmental stages of
Leishmania the correlation was nearly 60% [
49]. In Brossas et. al. (2017) [
45] proteomic analysis of the
T. cruzi secretome of trypomastigote forms on CL Brener and VD strains, DGF-1 was second among the top proteins detected. Contrarily, Callejas-Hernández et al. (2019) [
50] in their whole transcriptome analysis of trypomastigote forms of the
T. cruzi Silvio X10 strain did not report any DGF-1 transcripts.
In most assays focused on the detection of RNAs by qPCR and proteins using specific antibodies, there is better agreement [
51] than in whole proteome and transcriptome techniques. Most proteomic techniques will underestimate or miss proteins with modifications like lipidation, glycosylation etc., and
in silico prediction reveals that DGF-1 has many of these modification sites. Due to recent advances in DNA sequencing techniques plus the affordability of this type of studies, the number of
T. cruzi transcriptomics reports have increased considerably [
50] (not all mentioned here). On the other hand, most transcriptome techniques rely on the ability to trap polyadenylated RNAs after cell lysis including or excluding the nucleus. As Pastro et. al. (2017) [
52] demonstrated there is a nuclear accumulation of some RNAs in
T. cruzi, which at a given differentiation stage are transported to the cytoplasm for translation. Additionally, trypanosomatids genes are polycistronically transcribed and polyadenylated (including pseudogenes). However, not all RNAs are translated, a fact that is defined in some cases by the regulatory control sequences in their 3´UTRs [
54] or by sequestration in mRNA-binding-protein bodies (RBP) [
55]. Scmidin et. al. (2015) [
56] claimed a better agreement between transcription and translation in
T. cruzi by isolating polysomal mRNAs. A clear example of this type of problem is revealed when we compare the GenSeq transcriptome results of Berna et. al. (2017) [
57] with the follow-up study of DGF-1.2 protein by Lander (2010) mentioned above. In the first case, the authors did not observe DGF-1 mRNA expression differences in all
T. cruzi developmental stages, whereas in the second a step-by-step approach revealed a clear time-regulated expression of DGF-1.2 during trypomastigote-amastigote transition. Berna et. al. (2017) [
57] warned that their results should be taken cautiously given the possibility of miss-assembling and annotation problems in the
T. cruzi Dm28c strain genome. A different problem in most transcriptome works is the lack of synchronicity of
T. cruzi cells, a simple observation of parasites in culture, or parasites recovered from Triatoma bugs confirm the extensive pleomorphism exhibited by
T. cruzi´s cells. Hence, it appears, without denying the utility of whole approaches, that at their current stage they lack the precision to study the fine tuning of
T. cruzi differentiation processes.