4.1. Fossil Preservation
Gigantoproductus ventral valve can retain their original structural features at macro- and at microscale. The secondary and tertiary layers are well-defined by their microstructure with a controlled preferred crystallographic arrangement (
c-axis perpendicular to the shell edge). The microstructure is interpreted as unaltered because it retains its original morphological features, similar to those described in some extant brachiopods [
80]. Likewise, submicrometric laminae have been recognized (
Figure 3d) in
columnar crystals of the tertiary layer, like those described by Schmahl et al. [
80] in columnar crystals of
Terebratulina septentrionalis. Furthermore, preserved nanocrystals, with a granular texture, were identified in some columnar microcrystals by natural breakage (
Figure 3f,h). This finding suggest well preservation (
i.e., preservation of biogenic features) in fossil carbonate biominerals [
81], because they are also characteristic in extant brachiopods [
Nonetheless, some areas show diagenetic alteration such as fractures, delamination, borings, micritisation, degrading neomorphism, with subsequent changes in the original crystallographic arrangement (
Figure 4,
Figure 5 and
Figure S2).
The secondary and tertiary layers in
Gigantoproductus shells are characterized by different microstructure and geochemical composition, as was recognized in other extant and fossil brachiopods [
83]. The secondary layer, in
Gigantoproductus of this study, is characterized by a laminar microstructure with the elongation axis of crystals oriented parallel to the shell surface and small crystal size in comparison with the columnar microstructure of tertiary layer, where the elongation and
c-axis are oriented perpendicular to the shell surface and with larger crystals. Therefore, the morphological features of the secondary layer make it more prone to fracture, delamination, and recrystallisation. Within the tertiary layer, the thick region (Tk) of the valve is less affected by recrystallisation and fractures than the thin and umbonal regions (T, U). This may be due to their large crystal size and/or central shell position. On the other hand, the thin dorsal valve contains more fractures than the ventral valve, which makes more susceptible to the alteration and has more micritized patches (
Table 4).
The secondary layer is highlighted by a intenser luminescence under CL than the tertiary layer of the ventral valve (
Figure 3). Similar differences in CL luminescence intensity between secondary and tertiary layers had been recognized in
Composita subtilita and
Neospirifer pattersoni [
84]. Although classically Mn and Fe are indicative of diagenetic alteration in calcite [
88], not all luminescence, or its absence, can be correlated to diagenesis [
89]. Biogenic carbonates can incorporate small amounts of Mn and Fe during their metabolic activity because of physicochemical variations of the environment in which they develop [
Luminescence differences in
Gigantoproductus might be related with variations in the chemical composition, thus, the secondary layer is slightly enriched in Mn and Mg (
Table 2), possibly related to more organic matrix remains (
Figure 3h). In addition, some fractures with higher amount of Fe are non-luminescent under CL and growth lines, with apparently more Mn concentration, are luminescent under CL. This is partly due to Mn is a luminescence activator and Fe is an inhibitor of CL [
88]. High Sr and Fe concentrations in some areas of secondary layer suggest alteration by fluids favoured by delaminated areas.
Slightly luminescent areas with the well-constrained crystallographic arrangement (considered here as well-preserved) have been identified in
Gigantoproductus. These areas exhibit a luminescence pattern under CL that corresponds to the growth lines, and in turn, with a slightly higher Mn content showed by punctual analyses. This luminescence pattern under CL seems to be the result of organic matter and/or Mn [
92] incorporated during shell growth. These areas also contain more Mg and S content, but no extensive Mn changes. The determination of small amounts of organic inclusions in growth lines (
Figure 3h), higher concentrations of Mg, and Mn across the growth lines, suggest a combination of both sources, probably induced during the biocrystallisation process. Similar luminescence patterns under CL were reported in growth lines of extant brachiopod
Megerlia truncata [
75], fossil brachiopods [
92] and belemnite rostra [
93]. Higher organic concentrations are recognized when the secretory regime of calcite is reduced [
89]. This fact has been interpreted as: growth cessation during environmental stress events, produced by mantle anaerobiosis, or by acidification of calcification fluid by the closure of the valve [
95]. Evaluation of these hypotheses deserves further study.
As described previously, not all non-luminescence areas of
Gigantoproductus shells correspond to well-preserved zones. Crystals with disordered
c-axis orientations have been identified in non-luminescent areas under petrographic microscopy. This may be due to slow recrystallisation processes, which keep the original microstructure but change the orientation of
c-axis. Examples of this process can be observed in coral skeletons [
69]. Therefore, luminescent areas are not always indicative of diagenetic alteration [
89] and non-luminescent areas are not always indicative of good preservation [
37]. Banner and Kaufman [
18] and Barbin and Gaspard [
89] documented non-luminescent areas with altered
86Sr and δ
18O values in fossil brachiopod shells and slightly luminescence areas without evidence of alteration in extant brachiopod, respectively.
The combination of CL with geochemical analyses helps to evaluate the diagenetic alteration [
65], but it is necessary a well understanding of the original brachiopod shell chemistry before using geochemical features as a diagenetic indicator, considering those biotic and abiotic factors that could control the original shell chemistry [
36]. Chemical composition of
Gigantoproductus shells in this study is equivalent to that in gigantoproductid reported by Popp et al. [
17], Bruckschen et al. [
20], Armendáriz et al. [
9], Angiolini et al. [
35] and Nolan [
32]. The luminescence pattern under CL in well-preserved areas is similar to those described by Angiolini et al. [
35] and additionally, a similar luminescence of diagenetically altered areas was described by Armendáriz et al. [
9] and Nolan [
Minor and trace elements have been classically used to evaluate brachiopods shell preservation by comparison between individuals, genera and with extant unaltered brachiopod shells [
36]. NL and SL poorly-preserved areas of tertiary of
Gigantoproductus (
Figure S3,
Table 1) have ~800 ppm more Mg than well-preserved areas. Moreover, NL poorly-preserved areas have ~800 ppm more Fe and ~120 ppm more Mn than equivalent well-preserved areas. These values of poorly-preserved areas probably reflect the influence of Mg-, Fe-, Mn-rich fluids during diagenesis in different stages (burial and meteoric waters). These data agree with the observations made by Grossman et al. [
36] in altered fossil brachiopods shells, which are Fe- and Mn-enriched.
Additionally, the diagenetic alteration of valves modifies the isotopic record of δ
18O, δ
13C and
86Sr. Poorly-preserved areas exhibit δ
18O and δ
13C larger standard deviations than the well-preserved areas (
Table 3). Five samples of poorly-preserved areas (
Figure 8) are depleted in δ
18O with similar δ
13C; two samples are depleted in δ
18O and δ
13C; three samples are enriched in δ
18O and δ
13C; and two has similar δ
18O and enriched in δ
13C respect to the well-preserved areas.
In relation to Sr isotopes, well-preserved areas contain homogenous 87Sr/86Sr ratios, in contrast with poorly-preserved areas (one 87Sr/86Sr-enriched sample and one 87Sr/86Sr-depleted sample). Sr isotope values from Gigantoproductus (from 0.707830 to 0.707860) are equivalent to those showed by Bruckschen et al. (1999) in brachiopods from Pendleian substage (mostly gigantoproductids shells, from 0.707828 to 0.707879), which validate the well preservation of the samples, except two samples.
Different signatures of stable isotopes (δ18O and δ13C), trace elements (Mg, Mn, and Fe), and Sr isotopes suggest the co-existence of different diagenetic processes and stages acted over the Gigantoproductus shells, which is also supported by the showcase of microstructural and crystallographic changes.
On the other hand, the δ18O and δ13C trends in well-preserved areas can be explained by other mechanisms, such as kinetic and biological variations of ionic and isotopic values from equilibrium seawater (‘vital effects’).
4.2. Biological Overprint of Geochemical Signatures
‘Vital effects’ are geochemical deviations from the thermodynamic equilibrium of seawater produced by organism vital processes, such as kinetic effects during ontogeny. Curry [
96] observed three growth phases with different growth rates in
Terebratulina retusa: fast growth rate during the first stages of growth (umbonal region), followed by a constant growth period of three years and progressively decreasing growth rate with brachiopod ageing. Variations in Mg across the shell have been widely studied in the literature as indicative of growth rates. Buening and Carlson [
56] observed higher Mg amount near the umbo of extant brachiopods, which decreases during brachiopod ageing.
Tertiary layer of Gigantoproductus ventral valve can be divided in structural regions (umbonal, thick and thin regions) and growth stages (younger and older) because during ageing shell grows in length (from umbo to commissure) and thickens (towards valve interior) as a coupled process. Therefore, U-, Tk- and T-regions must include younger (outermost parts of the shell) and older areas (innermost parts of the shell), which may disguise some kinetic fractionation, just considering the mean values of each area. For instance, structural regions exhibit differences in averaged Mg: the umbonal region has more Mg than the thick region (Tk) and thin region (T) has the highest amount of Mg. On the contrary, analysed transects in function of distance exhibit a Mg depletion towards the interior from outermost part of ventral valve. Tk-region shows an exponential variation of Mg in contrast to T-region, which varies linearly.
Different Mg trends have been identified in extant brachiopod shells: an Mg-enrichment with ageing in the extant brachiopod shell
Magellania venosa and parabolic Mg trend with ageing in extant brachiopod shells
Liothyrella neozelanica and
Gryphus vitreus [
51]. Variations in Mg concentration of brachiopod shells seems to be species-specific [
97], with different distribution trends between species ([
51] or into the same species [
54]. Moreover, Rollion-Bard et al. [
43] showed differences in the Mg/Ca incorporation across the shell in different extant brachiopod species, emphasizing that Mg does not incorporate by a simple pathway during ontogeny. These differences may be related to different growth rates [
56], crystallographic features [
45], different proportion of organic components into the shell, seawater temperature and pH variations [
42], and/or Mg exclusion from the calcification fluid [
43]. Besides Mg variation, S and Na vary from outer edge of ventral valve of
Gigantoproductus towards the interior. Microstructure of tertiary layer shows abundant smaller crystals located in the interphase between the secondary and tertiary layers (initial biocrystallisation event of tertiary layer,
Figure 2d), where nanograins and organic inclusions are frequent. Remarkably, these areas with small crystals are Mg- S- and Na-enriched, and during ageing through the shell crystals enlarge and these elements decrease towards the interior.
Na in
Gigantoproductus seems positively correlated with Mg and S (
Figure 7) in the well-preserved areas. Na concentration in carbonates can be influenced by different processes that might explain this trend:
i) In relation with growth rate, like Mg. Na incorporation may be favoured by crystalline defects, in addition to the higher precipitation rates in abiogenic calcite and biogenic calcite [
ii) Na can occupy an interstitial position of carbonate lattice or can form part of carbonate lattice by an altervalent substitution, creating a vacancy in the lattice [
iii) Na can form part of organic matter in biogenic carbonates. Rollion-Bard and Blamart [
99] described a positive correlation between Na/Ca and Mg/Ca with organic matter in bioaragonite of corals.
iv) Diagenetic processes. Na composition in carbonates can be strongly influenced by diagenesis more than by environmental processes [
Mii et al. [
103] showed a positive correlation between Mg, S and Na in fossil samples of
Neospirifer dunbari, similar to
Gigantoproductus of this study, supporting the hypothesis of these trends are original signatures indicative of well-preserved areas in fossils.
Mg, Na and S incorporation into crystal lattice have been associated with crystal growth rates in crystal growth experiments [
104]. Moreover, growth rates associated to trace element partitioning has been observed in both, extant and fossil brachiopod shells [
103]. Mii et al. [
103] and Grossman et al. [
36] related the high concentrations of these elements with seasonal growth rates, increasing during summers and decreasing during winters. Intra-shell small variations in Mg, Na and S in
Gigantoproductus shells transects (
Figure 6) may be explained by this interpretation, despite the overprinted depletion trend from the shell edge towards the interior by brachiopod ageing.
All specimens of
Gigantoproductus exhibit a depletion of δ
13C and δ
18O from older regions (Tk- and T-regions) to younger regions (U-region). It is remarkable that data from thick region (Tk) are split in two clusters (
Figure 8): one near shell edge (younger), more depleted in δ
13C, and another close to the shell interior (older), enriched in δ
13C. Fractionation of δ
13C and δ
18O in
Gigantoproductus shells exhibit an inverse trend to those observed in Mg, S and Na partitioning. Younger regions with higher growth rates are Mg-, S-, Na-enriched and δ
13C and δ
18O-depleted, whereas older zones are Mg-, S-, Na-impoverished and δ
13C and δ
18O -enriched. Preferential isotope fractionation has been previously described in extant and fossil brachiopods: for instance, Auclair et al. [
49] described a δ
13C and δ
18O depletion from the outermost (younger) to the innermost (older) part in the secondary layer in secondary layer of
Terebratalia transversa. Similarly, Batt et al. [
24]recognized δ
13C depletion in the secondary layer of a fossil productid and δ
13C and δ
18O depletion in tertiary layer from outermost (younger) to innermost (older) of the genus
Composita shell. Isotope fractionation was related to growth rate in brachiopod shells [
13C and δ
18O direct and inverse covariations trends have been reported in extant and fossil brachiopod shells [
42]. Moreover, the depletion trend of high growth rate areas is not only linear due to parabolic and inverse parabolic trends have been described in other brachiopod shells [
51]. These variations at species or genera level related with the specific growth rate or metabolism of the brachiopods which can modify the incorporation of ions and isotopes are called `vital effects`. Some authors were concerned about its influence in the shell geochemistry (
e.g., Mg/Ca, δ
13C and δ
18O) and the possible paleoclimatological misinterpretations [
50]. According to McConnaughey [
105], ‘vital effects’ supposes a noteworthy problem for isotopic geochemistry and paleoclimatology studies. The current results on
Gigantoproductus geochemical variation underline that can be extended to the fossil record and more specifically to the interpretation of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA). This requires the identification of ‘ideal’ sampling regions in order to avoid differences in ion partitioning and isotope fractionation related to the differences in the growth rates (kinetic effects).
Gigantoproductus regions less affected by “vital effects” (
sensu “equilibrium zone” or “plateau zone” by Perez-Huerta et al. [
55] and Rollion-Bard et al. [
43]) are the T- and the inner zone of Tk-regions (
Figure 7 and
Figure 8), because the low dispersion of the data. It should be discarded the umbonal region and external parts of Tk-region of
Gigantoproductus ventral valves to avoid paleoclimatological misinterpretations (up to ~1.05 ‰ of δ
18O and 14 mmol/mol of Mg/Ca). Herein,
Gigantoproductus tertiary layer concentrates a great potential for paleoclimatological studies due to i) higher volume of shell substance compared with the secondary layer; ii) growth rate variability, which allows characterizing the ‘vital effects’ of the shell; iii) less prone to diagenetic alteration than the secondary layer; 4) higher growth lines spacing, which allows to avoid growth lines.