Since for the considered method the transition to curved spacetime is known (based on electromagnetic field tensor), the rest of the article will focus on the calculations in the Minkowski spacetime with presence of fields, where represents Minkowski metric tensor.
Using a simplified notation
it can be seen that the four-force densities resulting from the obtained stress-energy tensor (
12) in flat Minkowski spacetime can be written as follows
can also be represented in terms of electromagnetic four-potential and four-current. This means that to fully describe the system and derive the Lagrangian density, it is enough to find an explicit equation for the gravitational force or some gauge of electromagnetic four potential.
Referring to definitions from
Section 1.1 one may notice, that by proposing following electromagnetic four-potential
one obtains electromagnetic four-force density
in form of
is electromagnetic four-current and where Minkowski metric property was utilized
and where the forces in the system can be described by the following equality
Comparing (
15) and (
17) it is seen, that introduced electromagnetic four-potential yields
which is equivalent to imposing following condition on normalized stress-energy tensor
and yields gravitational four-force density in Minkowski spacetime in form of
Now, one may show, that proposed electromagnetic four-potential leads to correct solutions.
At first, recalling the classical Lagrangian density [
17] for electromagnetism one may show why, in the light of the conclusions from [
16] and above, it does not seem to be correct, and thus does not allow to create a symmetric stress-energy tensor [
18]. The classical value of the Lagrangian density for electromagnetic field, written with the notation used in the article, is
In addition to the obvious doubt that by taking the different gauge of the four-potential
one changes the value of the Lagrangian density, one may notice, that with considered electromagnetic four-potential, such Lagrangian density is equal to
As it is seen, above Lagrangian density is not invariant under gradient over four-position and
are dependent, what is not taken into account in classical calculation
Above yields
One may decompose
and since
are constants, one may simplify (
26) to
Above yields
which leads to the conclusion that
acts as the Lagrangian density for the system
thus stress-energy tensor for the system is equal to
In fact, the proof of correctness of the electromagnetic field tensor (noted as
) allows to see this solution
what yields following property of electromagnetic field tensor
Using the above substitution, one may note
Therefore the invariance of
with respect to
is both a condition on the correctness of the electromagnetic stress-energy tensor and on
in the role of Lagrangian density
what yields for (
34) that
Equations (
1), (
6) and (
31) yield
what yields second representation of the stress-energy tensor
After four-divergence, it gives additional expression for relation between forces and gives useful clues about the behavior of the system when transitioning to the description in curved spacetime.