2.2.1. The biochemical method for assessing the content of vitamin D in the blood of expedition participants
In the present study, vitamin D in the blood of the expedition members was measured once as an indicator of their working capacity. The collection of blood samples to determine the content of vitamin D was carried out at the beginning of the expedition period (the first three days of the study) by the specialists with a medical degree.
The biochemical method that involves testing the concentration of vitamin D in blood. Venous blood samples were taken by medical personnel in 9 ml Improvacuter vacutainers (Guangzhou, China). A whole blood sample was taken from each subject, from which, after centrifugation (3000 rpm), a blood serum sample was obtained. The serum was then transferred to 1.5 ml Ssibio cryotubes (Londai, USA) and frozen to -25 ºC before transport. Transportation to the place of analysis was carried out in medical cooler bags at -25 ºC without defrosting.
The study was performed by high working capacity liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometric detection (HPLC-MS/MS). Liquid chromatograph Agilent 1200 (USA), mass spectrometer AB Sciex 3200 MD (Singapore). In the course of sample preparation, precipitation of blood proteins and subsequent solid-phase extraction take place, which makes it possible to remove all interfering components [
35]. The used control material was manufactured by Recipe (Munich, Germany) for the determination of 25-OHD3 and 25-OHD2 vitamins for mass spectrometric studies LOT 1207 REF MS7080.
Vitamin D sufficiency was assessed on the basis of the following criteria: vitamin D content within 30–80 ng/ml was considered normal, the range of 20–30 ng/ml corresponded to deficiency, 10–19 ng/ml -- to shortage and values less than 10 ng/ml -- to severe shortage [
2.2.2. Substantiation of an integrated approach to assessing the functional states of expedition members
Within the framework of the structural-integrative approach, the FS is understood as a relatively stable structure of updated internal funds for a certain period of time, characterizing the mechanisms of activity regulation that have developed in a particular situation and determining the effectiveness of solving problems [
The dynamics of functional states is the replacement of one set of reactions by another set of reactions. At the same time, we are talking not just about a set of parameters that describe the dynamics, but about trends in the nature of the relationship between them as elements of an integral structure [
38]. The characteristics of functional states are indicators of the autonomic, endocrine and cardiovascular systems, measured in a certain period of time, as well as stress, working capacity, and others. These characteristics reflect the amount of physiological reserves available to a person and the degree of realization of the potential opportunities for performing activities. A decrease in working capacity can be considered as a sign of deterioration in the functional state [
38]. The working capacity dynamics allows one to see at what psycho-physiological "cost" a particular result of an activity is achieved, and in general to assess whether an activity corresponds to a specialist's capabilities [
To date, the question of the scope and choice of methods for studying functional states is debatable. Traditionally, the technology of dynamic monitoring of functional states includes three groups of methods [38; 40-43]:
1) methods of instrumental psychophysiological diagnostics, which are considered the most reliable, since they register changes at the level of physiological and psychophysiological systems, in particular, analysis of heart rate variability and working capacity assessment based on sensorimotor response;
2) subjective-evaluative (questionnaire) methods, which make it possible to qualitatively study the state and mood of a person at the level of their subjective sensations and experiences;
3) psychological projective methods that allow assessing the functional state of a person through their unconscious experiences.
Thus, an integrated approach to the assessment of functional states involves the study of the characteristics of states in dynamics by different methods. The use of a comprehensive assessment is especially in demand when studying the dynamics of a person’s functional states when working in the Arctic due to the specifics of northern stress (polar stress syndrome), when negative changes that occur can be recorded, but not realized at the subjective level [
An integrated approach to assessing the parameters of the functional state of the expedition participants involved the use of objective psychophysiological and psychological (projective and subjective-evaluative) research methods:
1. Psychophysiological methods using the apparatus for psychophysiological testing UPFT-1/30 "Psychophysiologist" (MTD "Medicom", Russia, Taganrog):
1.1. The method of variational cardiointervalometry (“VCM”), which helps to assess the general functional state, in particular the state of the autonomic nervous system of the expedition participants, based on the analysis of ECG parameters of the heart rhythm of the subjects [
44]. The interpretation of the results of the method was carried out on the basis of two statistical indicators of temporal analysis: the average duration of RR intervals between sinus contractions (RRNN) and the standard deviation of the duration of RR intervals between sinus contractions (SDNN), as well as on the basis of an integral indicator reflecting the level of the functional state (UFS). NN in the name of the indicators means a number of normal intervals "normal to normal" with the exception of extrasystoles [
27]. The RRNN indicator, measured in milliseconds, reflects the end result of numerous regulatory influences on the heart and the circulatory system [
41]. A deviation from an individual norm usually signals an increase in the load on the circulatory apparatus or the presence of pathological abnormalities, which are negative manifestations of the functional state of a person. According to this indicator, it is possible to assess the level of regulatory capabilities, the ratio of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system and draw a conclusion about the heart rhythm (normocardia, tachycardia or bradycardia) [
44]. The SDNN indicator, expressed in milliseconds, also characterizes heart rate variability and helps to assess the degree of tension of regulatory mechanisms by assessing the total effect of heart rate regulation by autonomous and central control circuits. The normal values of this indicator are in the range of 40-80 ms. An increase or decrease in SDNN can be associated with both the autonomic regulation circuit and the central one (with both sympathetic and parasympathetic influences on the heart rhythm). As a rule, an increase in SDNN indicates an increase in autonomic regulation, that is, an increase in the influence of breathing on the heart rhythm, and a decrease in SDNN, on the contrary, is associated with an increase in sympathetic regulation, which suppresses the activity of the autonomic circuit. A sharp decrease in SDNN is due to a significant strain on regulatory systems [
27]. The integral indicator “functional state level” (FSL) is calculated on the basis of a multiplicative convolution in accordance with the algorithm and evaluates the general functional state of the human body according to the parameters of its cardiac activity. It is expressed in scores from 0 to 5 [
1.2. The "Complex visual-motor reaction" ("CVMR-35") technique, which allows assessing the level of operator working capacity of a person according to two alternative parameters of a complex visual-motor reaction [
44]. A two-color indicator (red or green) was used as a stimulator (light stimuli), The stimuli were presented sequentially. The color for presentation was selected automatically, in random order. The number of stimuli was 35. The first 5 stimuli were the training ones and were not included in the calculation [
44]. In our study operator working capacity is understood as working capacity under conditions of increased concentration of attention and high speed of decision-making as part of assessing the level of sensorimotor qualities. High working capacity in this case implies high-quality (error-free) and fast execution of the test task. To analyze the data of the "CVMR-35" method, we used the following main integral criteria for assessing sensorimotor reactions: the level of activity quality (error-free) in the range of values from 1 to 5 points; the working capacity level in the range of values from 1 to 5 points; as well as quantitative data: the total number of errors and the average reaction time (ms).
2. The psychological method was used to assess the characteristics of the functional state based on the self-report of the participants, as well as to assess the state of the autonomic nervous system, stress and working capacity of the participants based on the questionnaire and the projective method as an alternative to hardware research methods.
2.1. M. Luscher's color test [
46] using interpretation coefficients developed by G.A. Aminev [
47] for this technique. The test belongs to the group of projective methods. To analyze the current state of the participants based on the color choices of M. Luscher's test, interpretative coefficients developed by G.A. Aminev were used. On the basis of factor analysis, he singled out the following coefficients: heteronomy, concentricity, balance of personality traits, balance of the autonomic (vegetative) nervous system, working capacity, and the presence of a stressful state. All these coefficients are calculated according to the corresponding formulas that reflect a particular combination of colors.
The methodology for working coefficients is based on Walneffer 's research [
48]. In our previous study, their calculations, rationale and practical significance are presented [
2.2. The questionnaire for self-assessment of states “Well-being. Activity. Mood” (WAM) [
51], developed by V.A. Doskin, N.A. Lavrentieva, V.B. Sharay and M.P. Miroshnikov. The methodology is based on the self-report of the studied participants according to three parameters (well-being, activity and mood), which characterize the state in a specific period of time. The methodology contains 30 pairs of characteristics that are opposite in meaning (for example, "Feeling good - Feeling bad", "Passive - Active", "Good mood - Bad mood"). The subjects are asked to correlate their state in a specific period of time according to a number of characteristics on a multi-stage scale (3 2 1 0 1 2 3), which is located between thirty pairs of these characteristics. Well-being is understood as a set of subjective characteristics regarding health, strength, endurance or fatigue, reflecting the degree of physiological and psychological comfort of a person's condition. Activity is one of the areas of manifestation of a temperament, which is characterized by mobility, speed and pace of functions, as well as the intensity and volume of human interaction with the physical and social environment. Mood is a set of characteristics of the emotional state.
Table 1 presents the positive and negative characteristics of the functional states of the expedition members, which were evaluated and analyzed in the study.