2.1. Response of the DBR fiber laser to ultrasonic wave
A DBR fiber laser consists of a pair of fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) and a piece of Er-doped fiber in between works as a sensing unit. The process of a soundwave applying to the DBR fiber laser changing the cavity length and in turn the laser wavelength, which involves two physical effects, elastic deformation and photoelastic effect of the DBR fiber laser, so the induced strain of the DBR fiber laser under ultrasonic wave needs to be figured out before sensor modelling. In this work, the displacement of the DBR fiber laser is obtained by solving partial differential equation of one-dimensional vibration of the optical fiber, and numerically proved by the finite element simulation.
Figure 1 illustrates the gas detection scheme proposed in this paper. Transmitting transducers generate ultrasonic waves of several specific frequencies, which are received by the DBR fiber laser.
As a kind of mechanical wave, ultrasonic wave acting on the DBR fiber laser follows the wave theory of a string and generates longitudinal stress waves propagating along the fiber axis, which produces axial strain on the DBR fiber laser. Considering the DBR fiber laser as a thin rod consisting of several segments, longitudinal displacement of each segment leads to compression or elongation of its adjacent segments.
Assuming the ultrasonic wave as a plane wave emitted from the transducer, the acoustic sound pressure of z direction (perpendicular to the fiber axis) p(z) can be written as the following.

where p0 is the sound pressure at the transmitter, is the attenuation coefficient.
Assuming the DBR fiber laser is an uniform bar, and u(x, t) is the displacement perpendicular to the fiber axis at position x and time t of the DBR fiber laser. The vibration equation has an expression as:

In Equation (2), v is the velocity of
sound in the optical fiber. The displacement on the DBR fiber laser caused by
the continuous force of ultrasonic waves presents as u(x, t), and
the sound pressure p modulates the sensor’s geometry, which leads to
wavelength shift of the DBR fiber laser.

Equation (3) is one dimensional vibration equation of the DBR fiber laser, in which, m is a positive integer, d is the fiber segment length under ultrasonic wave, L is the length of the DBR fiber laser, v0 is the initial velocity of the fiber vibration, pm is the sound pressure acting on DBR fiber laser, which is proportional to p(z) in Equation(1).
Figure 2 illustrates the displacement distribution of the DBR fiber laser under ultrasonic sound pressure of 2 Pa and 25 kHz according to Equation (3).
25 kHz ultrasonic wave is launches perpendicularly to the axis of the DBR fiber laser, the two ends of which are fixed. The ultrasonic wave acting on the DBR fiber laser sets to 2 Pa, and covers fiber segment length of 20 mm.
Figure 2a plots the displacement distribution of the DBR fiber laser by solving the vibration equation as well as the finite element simulation results (
Figure 2b). The center node has the maximum displacement about 1.5×10
-17 m for the DBR fiber laser length of 48 mm.
The wavelength shift of the DBR fiber laser caused by ultrasonic wave can be deduced from the obtained displacement. Since
p is a function of the ultrasonic frequency, the wavelength shifts of the DBR fiber laser under 25 kHz (black square), 40 kHz (red dot), 112 kHz (blue up triangle), 200 kHz (green down triangle) and 300 kHz (purple diamond) ultrasonic wave are compared in
Figure 3. In
Figure 3, the maximum wavelength shift of the DBR fiber laser increases with the ultrasonic source strength which is proportional to the sound pressure applied to the DBR fiber laser at a specific frequency and decreases while the ultrasonic frequency increases.
The DBR fiber laser is essentially the sensing unit and subjected to sound pressure. The cavity length changes with the applied ultrasonic wave, then results in the wavelength shift of the DBR fiber laser. In
Figure 3, the intensity of the ultrasonic wave is indicated by the source strength. For ultrasonic waves of a certain frequency, the wavelength shift of the DBR fiber laser is proportional to the intensity of the sound source, and decreases with the frequency of the sound source increase, which results from the faster attenuation of the ultrasonic wave at higher frequency. Since better linearity of the DBR fiber lasers sensing system brings with smaller systematic error in gas detection, the response linearity of the DBR fiber lasers sensing system is experimentally demonstrated in section 2.2.
The DBR fiber laser has two specific frequencies to be determined, the resonance frequency and the theoretical maximum response frequency that limited by the geometry of the DBR fiber laser. Using the equation of string vibration, resonant frequency When the density and Young's modulus of the communication fiber are chosen, the sound velocity in the DBR fiber laser is about 5570 m/s. So the frequency response of the fundamental mode is around 58 kHz. The fundamental vibration mode has the maximum amplitude, which is inversely proportional to m square (m is the order of harmonic mode). On the other hand, only the axial strain needs to be considered when the ultrasonic wavelength is much larger than the diameter of the DBR fiber laser (125m). Therefore, the frequency response of the DBR fiber laser in CO2 reaches above 2 MHz, (the wavelength of the sound wave and the response bandwidth increase while the molar mass of the gas decreases), which fully meets the experimental requirements.
The output light frequency flight of the DBR fiber laser depends on its cavity geometry written as follow:

where Q is the positive integer, c is the velocity of light, n is the refractive index of the fiber, L is length of the DBR fiber laser.
The relation of output frequency, cavity length and refractive index of the DBR fiber laser has an expression as the derivative of Equation (4):

ΔL, Δn, Δflight, Δlight are the variation of cavity length, refractive index change caused by photoelastic effect, the frequency shift and the wavelength shift of the DBR fiber laser. For convenience, frequency variation rewrites in the form of relative wavelength shift as Equation (6).

According to Hooke's law, the strain tensor of the DBR fiber laser in an uniform sound field can be expressed as:

Where E is the Young's modulus of the DBR fiber laser, μ is the poisson ratio. By substituting Equation (7) into Equation (6), the relative sound pressure sensitivity KDBR of the DBR fiber laser can be obtained:

As can be seen from equation (8), the sound pressure sensitivity of the DBR fiber laser depends on the effective elastic coefficient p11 and p12, Young's modulus and Poisson ratio of the DBR fiber laser can be effectively improved by selecting appropriate materials for packaging.