An attempt to evaluate observational (relative) atomic mass using the simplest possible expression would reveal a reality consisting of four reference frames or universes which work in harmony to define a common experience of a composite reality, these are: (i) cosmic vacuum field universe composed entirely of definitive atomic e-m fields or quantum wave (w) packets; (ii) particulate (p) matter component of the vacuum field ; (iii) our visible p-matter universe and (iv) invisible p-matter analogue of our universe, Obande (2016a, 2015a, 2013). In what follows, mass and energy ν values of atoms of these universes are distinguished with relevant lower and upper case indices; the data are presented..
Table 1. Mass-energy profiles of the observable cosmos, i.e., ,
Column 1: Atomic Symbol
The investigation was inspired by a publication of Walter and Lao Russell (1981) in which the authors claim existence in nature of 121 chemical elements, 23 precede hydrogen and 3 intervene H and He to give a complete and seamless chemical periodicity; it starts at the origin (0,0,0) of spacetime with no gap in-between any two adjacent elements. With hope that the Establishment would be favorably disposed, we took liberty to propose non-conflicting abbreviations for Russells’ unknown or invisible elements; furthermore, the name ‘nigerion’ (Ng) replaces ‘blackton’ (Bl), Zn = 2, to enable Nigeria, the author’s nationality, find a place in scientific literature.
Column 2: Conventional Elements
Established relative atomic mass values are listed in column 2, the 23 pre-hydrogen elements and the 3 elements intervening H and He speak strongly to the subjective nature of conventional atomic mass numbering and electronic structure assignment.
Column 3: The Chemical Periodicity
In contrast with the conventional, Russells’ chemical periodicity consists of nine groups and nine periods to reflect nature’s atomic mass number evolution, details of the arrangement have been presented, Obande (2018). Observe the way in which the lanthanides and actinides fit in to give natural extensions of what the Russells call ‘isotopes’, these elements include most of conventional transition elements. The three trans-uranium elements, Np, Pu, Am and nature’s first three elements, alberton, Ab (electron, e-), nigerion, Ng (blackton, Bl) and boston, Bs, which precede the first noble gas, alpanon, A would seem to constitute a ‘knot’ that ties the end of the periodicity to its beginning; the device gives rise to a cosmic perpetual-motion machine, an endless electro-dynamics cycle operating at all scales of existence to manifest observational steady-state, self-replicating cosmos, Obande (2021).
Column 4: - Natural Mass Number
With a view to honoring the Russells this parameter was initially denoted , Obande (2019a, 2016b, 2016c, 2015a, 2015b), however, with time its exceptional ability to quantify growth processes in nature warranted its re-designation to natural mass number, . According to Russell and Russell (R&R 1981), nature’s chemical periodicity consists of 121 elements, it starts at atomic electron e-, and ends at americium Am . A doubt regarding this position is overruled by an amazing ability to reproduce accurate observational values of physical constants, Obande (2017a) and electronic structure, (2017b).
Column 5: - Atomic e-m Oscillation (Cosmic Vacuum Field) – (dark energy I)
Value of the specific atomic waveform e-m field evolves in multiple geometric progression, it varies from e-‘s to Am’s . The detailed procedure, which relies on cues from Russells’ publication, R&R (1981, pp. 31, 39), has been reported, Obande (2013).
Column 6: - Absolute Atomic Mass
Absolute atomic mass value quantification was not imaginable prior to access to the atom’s specific value. As is well known, it is not unusual for progress in scientific endeavour to rely on inspiration, Kekule’s benzene ring structure account readily comes to mind; a similar experience would seem the case with Russells’ values. The parameter is, of course, denoted but it is reasoned that designating it , would facilitate quicker recognition; it retrieves from the classical mass formula, CMF, . At the moment theoretical physics lumps together atomic parameters of all four phases of reality and treats them as though they belonged to visible reality only, however, we envisage a time when advancement would eventually necessitate a clear distinction between the phases of what seems physically undifferentiated reality.
Column7: - Relative Atomic Mass (dark matter I)
The parameter refers to invisible condensate of the vacuum field quantum wave packet, ; the object is daily encountered in experimental particle physics but, rather sadly, it is not recognized at the theoretical front. Hydrogen’s empirical atomic and molecular mass values, and respectively, provide valuable pointers to visible and invisible dual nature of the atom and also of physical reality, see Table 3, cols. 9, 10 and 11, we identify with level I, (‘deeper’ level) ‘dark matter’, Obande (2018, 2016a). Quantitatively, , where particulate matter’s light speed (actually, ) and indices E and H denote ‘element’ and ‘hydrogen’ respectively. In the generalized symbol , index ‘x’ specifies the phase or universe. Notably, as is a vacuum-field invariant so also is a matter-field invariant in all three matter-worlds, .
Column 8: – Relative Atomic Mass (visible matter)
With reference to elemental bi-atomic molecular species such as H2, O2, Cl2, et cetera, the term molar mass seems clear and unambiguous but, it easily becomes capable of losing clarity when applied to atomic species such as H, O, C, Fe, Al, et cetera. From He onwards, mass values of the elements (col. 8) are conventionally associated with atomic mass; however, the present study, summarized in Table 3, cols. 13, 14 and 15, accord with molar mass, i.e., . The observation would call for a review of elemental atomic/molar mass dichotomy from the fundamentals. Each of the actions: , in general, , is equally capable of precipitating visible molecular matter from the vacuum field; however, coefficient of the graphical correlation yielding the matter-field constant or light speed , Obande (2017a, p.54), would suggest dominance of the generalized action ; observe that Column 9: – Relative Atomic Mass (dark matter II)
Material stuff of the two invisible p-matter worlds and constitute what is generally identified with ‘dark matter’. To an observer on Earth the three matter worlds are arranged in the order: outermost, intermediate, innermost, Obande (2017c); in view of this arrangement we tag level I (deeper) ‘dark matter’ and level II (shallower) dark matter. The fact that masses of atoms of the dark matter worlds can be evaluated with the CMF is a significant confirmation of universality of the laws of physics thus, in general, we can write, where index x denotes a given universe provided the correct e-m frequency and light speed are used. The evidence would suggest that the dark matter worlds comprise only charged species, however, their invisibility from our ref. frame and whether or not they comprise exclusively charged atoms, or molecular stuff, or a combination of both forms remains an open question.
Column 10: - E-m Field of the Visible Atom
The parameter refers to e-m oscillation of the visible atom. Although is invariant in all three matter worlds, the causal oscillation varies according to . It turns out that makes an exciting subject for investigation, for instance, , where the geometric constant ; thus, a tangential velocity field is conventionally associated with spatial dimension, the Compton wavelength . It reveals that, is a matter field correlation coefficient, a velocity field, m/s, Obande (2017a, 2016b, 2016c, 2015c)).
Column 11: E-m Field of Invisible Analogue of the Visible Atom
The expression , of course, yields accurate values of any of the parameters, however, prior to evaluating graphically, had to be obtained originally through an arithmetic procedure that utilizes empirical , Obande (2013).
TABLE 2: Energy Ratio,
The parameters comprising Table 2 are described and explained in Table 1. In essence, Table 2 is a rather emphatic way of showing that the identity holds strictly only in the vacuum and visible worlds. The visible particulate atom is not only the least massive, Obande (2015a, 2013), it is also the lightest of atoms of the three tangible-matter worlds, Obande (2019a); in effect, the visible universe is actually floating in a cosmic pool of invisible condensed matter. Investigation reveals that to effect this scheme nature reduces value of the dark atom’s radius relative to the corresponding visible atom’s value.
TABLE 3: Mass of the atom’s wave and particulate forms in kg/atom, MeV, C and u
Columns 1 to 6 are explained in the presentation of Table 1. Observe that in Table 3 , col. 4, is juxtaposed with conventional electronic structure CES, col. 16, to register the point that, in spite of its apparent success in describing observational reality, the CES is totally subjective.
Column 7: – Absolute Atomic Mass in Electron Volts
It is the waveform atomic mass in eV, graphical correlation gives, where the calculated coefficient is cosmic vacuum field atomic mass unit, i.e., waveform amu/eV; it derives from the expression , Obande (2016a); thus, the atomic waveform amu writes, .
Column 8: – Absolute Atomic Mass in Coulombs
The waveform atomic mass in Coulombs is, , where is, of course, H atom’s waveform mass in eV.
Column 9: – Relative Atomic Mass in kg/u
In general, , for the visible universe the mass ratio reduces to ; notice that the value retrieves equally from the element’s ν reduced to H atom’s value thus we equally have, which, for our universe, is . Notably, particulate atomic electron evaluates to which compares favorably with literature’s empirical Column 10: – Relative Atomic Mass in Electron Volt
The condensed atom’s atomic mass eV unit expresses as, in MKS units. In general, , the visible atom gives , Obande (2016); notably, particulate electron’s calculated value, compares reasonably well with empirical 0.511 MeV; we may observe that the calculated mass constant , would seem 3 orders of magnitude lower than empirical value.
Column 11:
– Molar Mass in Coulomb
Candidate interactions manifesting the particulate atom would include: = = <!-- MathType@Translator@5@5@MathML2 (no namespace).tdl@MathML 2.0 (no namespace)@ -->
, Obande (2016a); until our procedures and resulted are faulted, there is no immediate reason to suggest preference for a particular expression, each would readily give mass of the atom accurate to three or more significant figures. Unlike others, the quotient is a most interesting expression of atomic mass action, it directly yields molar mass values thus providing a tool for an observational theory of elemental molar mass. Unless we are quite uninformed, in terms of modular value, we see no distinction between atomic mass quantum expressed in gravimetric units kg/u or in C. It would imply that the coupled (neutralized) charge quantum and gravimetric mass quantum differ only in concept not in substance; if correct, the finding would be eye opening.
Column 12: - Molar Mass in eV
The atom’s molar mass value in Coulomb, col. 11, converts to , col. 12, through multiplication by the mass constant; i.e., , where the letter M distinguishes the molar from atomic mass m. The expression provides some crucial information on atomic and molar mass phenomenology, it re-casts the classical molar mass formula CMolF purely in terms of the radial stress imposed on the atom’s e-m transverse radiation thus, we have, .
Columns 13 & 15: – Molar mass in u
Division of the element’s eV molar mass by H’s eV value, of course, yields the element’s atomic mass in u, i.e., , which for the visible atom, is , see cols. 9 and 13.
Column 14: – Molar mass action
The column results from summation of values in cols. 13 and 15, values in 13 are duplicated in 15 to register the point that the molar quantum forms from coupling of two oppositely charged quanta, e.g., molar electron results from coupling of ‘electron’ and ‘positron’, i.e., ; in general, , where the symbol E denotes element and A its atom, the subject is slightly more involved but exceedingly interesting.
Column 16: Electronic structure
The juxtaposition of nature’s mass numbering, col.4, and conventional electronic structure, col. 16, shows unambiguously that, at best, the latter is indeed relative, this is in line with expectation. More importantly, it reveals that physical reality can be reasonably evaluated from a ‘relative’ perspective; furthermore, it raises disturbing questions regarding the basis of conventional physical fundamentals.
TABLE 4: Atomic Physical Properties
It comprises the following Tables: 4A – Atomic waveform vacuum field ; 4B – Particulate component of the atomic waveform vacuum field ; and 4C – The visible atom . Each comprises eleven columns: the first four – atom, mass no. , e-m field ν, and mass – are defined in Table 1, the rest present expressions for the following e-m harmonic oscillation parameters: radius , density ρ, rotational speed , centripetal force , elastic (Young’s) modulus , transverse stress and radial strain . Two or more expressions are usually valid for evaluating a given property, however, one of them would normally prove easier to use for either the atom’s particulate- or wave-form, the details have been reported, Obande (2015b, 2015c); columns 5 to 11 are presented.
Column 5: Radius,
Several expressions are equally valid provided they are chosen consistently. In other words, the most suitable expression for the particulate atom’s parameter might prove problematic for use to evaluate same parameter of the waveform; the details are provided in Obande (2015c,
Section 2, p. 86). For atomic radius we have, of course, (i)
; (ii)
; (iii)
. While (i) readily applies to the waveform, (ii) is more convenient with the condensed atom and (iii) is equally applicable to both forms provided due diligence is observed to avoid confusing ‘bulk’ (empirical) with ‘atomic’ (theoretical) parameter.
Column 6: Density, Atomic density retrieves with any of the usual expressions: (i) ; (ii) ; of course, while (i) more readily applies to the particulate atom (ii) fits better with the atomic waveform.
Column 7: Rotational speed, We have, of course, ; observe the difference in denotation, and for the waveform and the visible atom respectively.
Column 8: Centripetal Force, The familiar expression is, of course, (i) ; its quantum waveform transcription is (ii) , Obande (2022, 2019b, 2017a, 2015c).
Column 9: Elastic Modulus, The established expression for particulate matter is (i) , it transcribes to (ii) for direct evaluation from the wave.
Column 10: Transverse stress, The traditional expression is (i) for particulate matter, it rewrites (ii) for the wave.
Column 11: Axial Strain,
The electromagnetic field oscillation motivating light speed in vacuum and in condensed matter imposes significant axial strain on the transverse radiation. Quantitatively, , where r is atomic radius and , a familiar universal constant normally expressed as percentage otherwise, it loses its beauty to the less meaningful value , Obande (2017a). Conventionally, (i) , its waveform transcription reads, (ii) .