Appendix A
Study Objective 1: Update the 15-year study [1] by describing the market dynamics of community pharmacies for each county in the state of Minnesota every five years over a 20-year period (i.e., 2002-2022).
Dependent Variables
Changes in frequency for three dependent variables were used to fulfill study objective 1: ‘All Community Pharmacies,’ ‘Independent community pharmacies,’ and ‘Chain community pharmacies.’ There were operationally defined as:
All community pharmacies: Per the state of Minnesota, an “established place(s) in which prescriptions, drugs, medicines, chemicals, and poisons are prepared, compounded, dispensed, vended, distributed, or sold to or for the use of non-hospitalized patients and from which related pharmaceutical care services are provided.”
Independent community pharmacies: A community pharmacy owned as a single entity or as part of an organization comprising of 10 or fewer community pharmacies.
Chain community pharmacies: Any community pharmacy owned as part of an organization comprising of more than 10 community pharmacies.
Frequency changes for each dependent variable were totalled and tracked for each Minnesota county in 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022. Each of these variables was coded as: -1 if the county lost pharmacies, 0 if the number of pharmacies in county stayed the same, and 1 if the county gained pharmacies.
Independent Variables
‘Change in Population Density’ was defined as the change in person per square mile in each county for every five years from 2002-2022. This variable was coded as: -1 = negative change, 0 = change was from 0 to 5 people per square mile, and 1 = change was greater than 5 people per square mile. This variable represented the change in population for each county in a standardized unit of measurement. Metropolitan designation was defined by the US Census Bureau (core urban area of 50,000 or more population) wherein counties were coded as 0 = non-metro area and 1 = metro area.
Study Objective 2: Update the 15-year study by describing the number and proportion of community pharmacies for each county in the state of Minnesota every five years over a 20-year period (i.e., 2002-2022) by (1) ‘Business Organization Structure’ and (2) ‘Pharmacy Type.’
Two variables were used to study the second objective: (1) ‘Business Organization Structure’ and (2) ‘Pharmacy Type.’ ‘Business Organization Structure’ related to the number of pharmacies under common ownership and the size of the organization’s geographic markets. It was operationally defined as:
Single entity: A business organization comprised of one pharmacy in a local market that would be classified under ‘Independent community pharmacies’ for objective 1.
Small chain: A business organization comprised of 2–10 community pharmacies under common ownership (typically located in a local market) that would be classified under ‘Independent community pharmacies’ for objective 1.
State/regional chain: A business organization comprised of greater than 10 community pharmacies under common ownership; distributed throughout Minnesota or the Midwest Region (Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin) and that would be classified under ‘Chain community pharmacies’ for objective 1.
National chain: greater than 10 community pharmacies under common ownership; typically comprised of more than 1000 community pharmacies nationwide, located in most of the 50 states, and that would be classified under ‘Chain community pharmacies’ for objective 1.
The variable of ‘Pharmacy Type’ relates to the square footage devoted to the pharmacy department, the proportion of the business’ revenue coming from the pharmacy department, and the typical reason for patronizing the business. It was operationally defined as:
Health & Personal Care: establishment is considered a pharmacy that also has a “front end”. A relatively large amount of square footage is devoted to the pharmacy and over-the-counter products. Revenue from the pharmacy and over-the-counter product sales is relatively large. The typical reason for patronizing the business is to “go to the pharmacy.” Locational convenience is a primary patronage motive. This type of pharmacy has also been known as a retail pharmacy.
Mass merchandiser: establishment is considered a big box retail store that also has a “pharmacy.” A relatively small amount of square footage is devoted to the pharmacy and over-the-counter products. Revenue from the pharmacy and over-the-counter product sales is relatively small. The typical reason for patrons to visit the business is to “go to the big box retailer.” Retail shopping convenience is a primary patronage motive.
Supermarket: establishment is considered a grocery store that also has a “pharmacy.” A relatively small amount of square footage is devoted to the pharmacy and over-the-counter products. Revenue from the pharmacy and over-the-counter product sales is relatively small. The typical reason for patronizing the business is to “go to the grocery store.” Grocery shopping convenience is a primary patronage motive.
Clinic/medical center: establishment is considered a clinic that also has a “pharmacy.” A relatively small amount of square footage is devoted to the pharmacy and over-the-counter products. Typically, revenue from the pharmacy and over-the-counter product sales is relatively small. The typical reason for patronizing the business is to “go to the clinic.” In some cases, the pharmacy is a stand-alone business but is still considered to be closely associated with the clinic or medical center that is nearby. In many cases, the pharmacy name is the same as the clinic name (XYZ Clinic, XYZ Medical Center, XYZ Pharmacy). Health care visit convenience is a primary patronage motive.
Specialty: establishment is considered a specialty business. Typically, all of the square footage is devoted to the pharmacy. Revenue for this business typically comes completely from the specialty services offered by the pharmacy. The typical reason for patronizing the business is to “receive unique pharmaceutical services” to meet patient care needs. Examples of specialty pharmacies include those focused upon renal services, compounding, veterinary pharmacy, long-term care, oncology, infusion, nuclear, outpatient treatment centers, HIV medication services, specialty pharmaceuticals. Need for specialty services is a primary patronage motive.
Appendix B
Study Objective 1: Update the 15-year study [1] by describing the market dynamics of community pharmacies for each county in the state of Minnesota every five years over a 20-year period (i.e., 2002-2022).
Study Objective 2: Update the 15-year study by describing the number and proportion of community pharmacies for each county in the state of Minnesota every five years over a 20-year period (i.e., 2002-2022) by (1) ‘Business Organization Structure’ and (2) ‘Pharmacy Type.’
Reference for the 15-year study: Olson, A.W.; Schommer, J.C.; Hadsall, R.S. A 15 year ecological comparison for the market dynamics of Minnesota community pharmacies from 2002 to 2017. Pharmacy. 2018, 6, 50.
Map A.
Community pharmacies in Minnesota counties (2002).
Map A.
Community pharmacies in Minnesota counties (2002).
Map B.
Community pharmacies in Minnesota counties (2007).
Map B.
Community pharmacies in Minnesota counties (2007).
Map C.
Community pharmacies in Minnesota counties (2012).
Map C.
Community pharmacies in Minnesota counties (2012).
Map D.
Community pharmacies in Minnesota counties (2017).
Map D.
Community pharmacies in Minnesota counties (2017).
Map E.
Community pharmacies in Minnesota counties (2022).
Map E.
Community pharmacies in Minnesota counties (2022).
Table A1.
Market dynamics for community pharmacies by county in Minnesota counties every five years between 2002 and 2022 (N = 87).
Table A1.
Market dynamics for community pharmacies by county in Minnesota counties every five years between 2002 and 2022 (N = 87).
Pharmacy Category County Market Dynamic
2002-07 |
2007-12 |
2012-17 |
2017-22 |
All community pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
18% |
29% |
38% |
36% |
Stayed the same |
36% |
43% |
40% |
34% |
Gained pharmacies |
46% |
29% |
22% |
30% |
Independent pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
55% |
33% |
54% |
14% |
Stayed the same |
25% |
29% |
30% |
39% |
Gained pharmacies |
20% |
38% |
16% |
47% |
Chain pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
8% |
31% |
16% |
49% |
Stayed the same |
36% |
38% |
45% |
32% |
Gained pharmacies |
56% |
31% |
39% |
20% |
Table A2.
The relationship between change in population density (p/mi2) and market dynamics for community pharmacies in Minnesota counties between 2002 and 2007 (N = 87).
Table A2.
The relationship between change in population density (p/mi2) and market dynamics for community pharmacies in Minnesota counties between 2002 and 2007 (N = 87).
Pharmacy Category County Market Dynamic |
Counties with <0 p/mi2 change |
Counties with 0-5 p/mi2 change |
Counties with >5 p/mi2 change |
Overall |
N = 43 |
N = 29 |
N = 15 |
N = 87 |
All community pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
23% |
17% |
7% |
18% |
Stayed the same |
51% |
24% |
13% |
36% |
Gained pharmacies |
26% |
59% |
80% |
46% |
p = 0.002 |
Independent pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
56% |
41% |
80% |
55% |
Stayed the same |
23% |
35% |
13% |
25% |
Gained pharmacies |
21% |
24% |
7% |
20% |
p = 0.185 |
Chain pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
12% |
3% |
7% |
8% |
Stayed the same |
42% |
45% |
0% |
36% |
Gained pharmacies |
47% |
52% |
93% |
56% |
p = 0.014 |
Table A3.
The relationship between change in population density (p/mi2) and market dynamics for community pharmacies in Minnesota counties between 2007 and 2012 (N = 87).
Table A3.
The relationship between change in population density (p/mi2) and market dynamics for community pharmacies in Minnesota counties between 2007 and 2012 (N = 87).
Pharmacy Category County Market Dynamic |
Counties with <0 p/mi2 change |
Counties with 0-5 p/mi2 change |
Counties with >5 p/mi2 change |
Overall |
N = 44 |
N = 31 |
N = 12 |
N = 87 |
All community pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
30% |
26% |
33% |
29% |
Stayed the same |
55% |
36% |
17% |
43% |
Gained pharmacies |
16% |
39% |
50% |
29% |
p = 0.052 |
Independent pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
43% |
23% |
25% |
33% |
Stayed the same |
39% |
19% |
17% |
29% |
Gained pharmacies |
18% |
58% |
58% |
38% |
p = 0.005 |
Chain pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
18% |
45% |
42% |
31% |
Stayed the same |
54% |
26% |
8% |
38% |
Gained pharmacies |
27% |
29% |
50% |
31% |
p = 0.009 |
Table A4.
The relationship between change in population density (p/mi2) and market dynamics for community pharmacies in Minnesota counties between 2012 and 2017 (N = 87).
Table A4.
The relationship between change in population density (p/mi2) and market dynamics for community pharmacies in Minnesota counties between 2012 and 2017 (N = 87).
Pharmacy Category County Market Dynamic
Counties with <0 p/mi2 change N = 44
Counties with 0-5 p/mi2 change N = 33
Counties with >5 p/mi2 change N = 10
Overall N = 87
All community pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
32% |
46% |
40% |
38% |
Stayed the same |
48% |
36% |
20% |
40% |
Gained pharmacies |
21% |
18% |
40% |
22% |
p = 0.349 |
Independent pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
43% |
61% |
80% |
54% |
Stayed the same |
36% |
27% |
10% |
30% |
Gained pharmacies |
21% |
12% |
10% |
16% |
p = 0.234 |
Chain pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
16% |
12% |
30% |
16% |
Stayed the same |
59% |
36% |
10% |
45% |
Gained pharmacies |
25% |
52% |
60% |
39% |
p = 0.022 |
Table A5.
The relationship between change in population density (p/mi2) and market dynamics for community pharmacies in Minnesota counties between 2017 and 2022 (N = 87).
Table A5.
The relationship between change in population density (p/mi2) and market dynamics for community pharmacies in Minnesota counties between 2017 and 2022 (N = 87).
Pharmacy Category County Market Dynamic
Counties with <0 p/mi2 change N = 31
Counties with 0-5 p/mi2 change N = 30
Counties with >5 p/mi2 change N = 26
Overall N = 87
All community pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
16% |
44% |
42% |
36% |
Stayed the same |
56% |
32% |
0% |
34% |
Gained pharmacies |
28% |
24% |
25% |
30% |
p = 0.004 |
Independent Pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
8% |
20% |
0% |
14% |
Stayed the same |
52% |
38% |
18% |
39% |
Gained pharmacies |
40% |
42% |
83% |
47% |
p = 0.038 |
Chain Pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
28% |
60% |
50% |
49% |
Stayed the same |
52% |
26% |
8% |
32% |
Gained pharmacies |
20% |
14% |
42% |
20% |
p = 0.010 |
Table A6.
The relationship between Metropolitan Designation and market dynamics for community pharmacies in Minnesota counties between 2002 and 2007 (N = 87).
Table A6.
The relationship between Metropolitan Designation and market dynamics for community pharmacies in Minnesota counties between 2002 and 2007 (N = 87).
Pharmacy Category County Market Dynamic
Metropolitan counties N = 21
Non-metropolitan counties N = 66
Overall N = 87
All community pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
14% |
19% |
18% |
Stayed the same |
19% |
41% |
36% |
Gained pharmacies |
67% |
39% |
46% |
p = 0.083 |
Independent pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
81% |
47% |
55% |
Stayed the same |
14% |
29% |
25% |
Gained pharmacies |
5% |
24% |
20% |
p = 0.021 |
Chain pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
5% |
9% |
8% |
Stayed the same |
19% |
41% |
36% |
Gained pharmacies |
76% |
50% |
56% |
p = 0.108 |
Table A7.
The relationship between Metropolitan Designation and market dynamics for community pharmacies in Minnesota counties between 2007 and 2012 (N = 87).
Table A7.
The relationship between Metropolitan Designation and market dynamics for community pharmacies in Minnesota counties between 2007 and 2012 (N = 87).
Pharmacy Category County Market Dynamic
Metropolitan counties N = 21
Non-metropolitan counties N = 66
Overall N = 87
All community pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
33% |
27% |
29% |
Stayed the same |
24% |
49% |
43% |
Gained pharmacies |
43% |
24% |
29% |
p = 0.111 |
Independent pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
33% |
33% |
33% |
Stayed the same |
14% |
33% |
29% |
Gained pharmacies |
52% |
33% |
38% |
p = 0.171 |
Chain pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
48% |
26% |
31% |
Stayed the same |
24% |
42% |
38% |
Gained pharmacies |
29% |
32% |
31% |
p = 0.138 |
Table A8.
The relationship between Metropolitan Designation and market dynamics for community pharmacies in Minnesota counties between 2012 and 2017 (N = 87).
Table A8.
The relationship between Metropolitan Designation and market dynamics for community pharmacies in Minnesota counties between 2012 and 2017 (N = 87).
Pharmacy Category County Market Dynamic
Metropolitan counties N = 27
Non-metropolitan counties N = 60
Overall N = 87
All community pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
41% |
37% |
38% |
Stayed the same |
30% |
45% |
40% |
Gained pharmacies |
30% |
18% |
22% |
p = 0.323 |
Independent pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
67% |
48% |
54% |
Stayed the same |
22% |
33% |
30% |
Gained pharmacies |
11% |
18% |
16% |
p = 0.282 |
Chain pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
19% |
15% |
16% |
Stayed the same |
22% |
55% |
45% |
Gained pharmacies |
59% |
30% |
39% |
p = 0.013 |
Table A9.
The relationship between Metropolitan Designation and market dynamics for community pharmacies in Minnesota counties between 2017 and 2022 (N = 87).
Table A9.
The relationship between Metropolitan Designation and market dynamics for community pharmacies in Minnesota counties between 2017 and 2022 (N = 87).
Pharmacy Category County Market Dynamic
Metropolitan counties N = 27
Non-metropolitan counties N = 60
Overall N = 87
All community pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
37% |
35% |
36% |
Stayed the same |
22% |
40% |
35% |
Gained pharmacies |
41% |
25% |
30% |
p = 0.195 |
Independent pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
15% |
13% |
14% |
Stayed the same |
19% |
48% |
39% |
Gained pharmacies |
67% |
38% |
47% |
p = 0.024 |
Chain pharmacies |
Lost pharmacies |
48% |
50% |
49% |
Stayed the same |
15% |
38% |
32% |
Gained pharmacies |
37% |
12% |
20% |
p = 0.009 |
Table A10.
Community pharmacy business organization structures and pharmacy types in Minnesota for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022 (Number, column %).
Table A10.
Community pharmacy business organization structures and pharmacy types in Minnesota for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022 (Number, column %).
Business organization structure |
Pharmacy type |
2002 |
2007 |
2012 |
2017 |
2022 |
N = 996 |
N = 1070 |
N = 1094 |
N = 1063 |
N = 1039 |
Single entity |
Health & Personal Care |
281 (28%) |
185 (17%) |
199 (18%) |
127 (12%) |
100 (10%) |
Mass merchandiser |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
Supermarket |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (<1%) |
Clinic/medical center |
36 (4%) |
32 (3%) |
28 (3%) |
19 (2%) |
18 (2%) |
Specialty |
29 (3%) |
10 (1%) |
33 (3%) |
5 (1%) |
24 (2%) |
Total |
346 (35%) |
227 (21%) |
260 (24%) |
151 (14%) |
143 (14%) |
Small chain |
Health & Personal Care |
98 (10%) |
97 (9%) |
91 (8%) |
83 (8%) |
79 (8%) |
Mass merchandiser |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
Supermarket |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
1 (<1%) |
Clinic/medical center |
20 (2%) |
26 (2%) |
30 (3%) |
17 (2%) |
43 (4%) |
Specialty |
2 (<1%) |
2 (<1%) |
6 (1%) |
5 (1%) |
6 (1%) |
Total |
120 (12%) |
125 (12%) |
127 (12%) |
105 (10%) |
129 (12%) |
Single Entity + Small Chain |
466 (47%) |
352 (33%) |
387 (35%) |
256 (24%) |
272 (26%) |
State/regional chain |
Health & Personal Care |
99 (10%) |
120 (11%) |
63 (6%) |
66 (6%) |
63 (6%) |
Mass merchandiser |
13 (1%) |
0 (0%) |
17 (2%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
Supermarket |
127 (13%) |
139 (13%) |
155 (14%) |
150 (14%) |
151 (15%) |
Clinic/medical center |
61 (6%) |
96 (9%) |
83 (8%) |
162 (15%) |
108 (10%) |
Specialty |
5 (1%) |
0 (0%) |
12 (1%) |
5 (1%) |
14 (1%) |
Total |
305 (31%) |
355 (33%) |
330 (30%) |
383 (36%) |
336 (32%) |
National chain |
Health & Personal Care |
81 (8%) |
152 (14%) |
201 (18%) |
294 (28%) |
287 (28%) |
Mass merchandiser |
144 (14%) |
209 (20%) |
173 (16%) |
127 (12%) |
92 (9%) |
Supermarket |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
Clinic/medical center |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
0 (0%) |
41 (4%) |
Specialty |
0 (0%) |
2 (<1%) |
3 (<1%) |
2 (<1%) |
11 (1%) |
Total |
225 (23%) |
363 (34%) |
377 (34%) |
423 (40%) |
431 (42%) |
State/regional National |
530 (53%) |
718 (67%) |
707 (65%) |
807 (76%) |
767 (74%) |
Figure A1.
The relationship between change in population density (p/mi2) and market dynamics for ‘All community pharmacies’ in Minnesota counties for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022 (N = 87).
Figure A1.
The relationship between change in population density (p/mi2) and market dynamics for ‘All community pharmacies’ in Minnesota counties for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022 (N = 87).
Figure A2.
The relationship between change in population density (p/mi2) and market dynamics for ‘Independent community pharmacies’ in Minnesota counties for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022 (N = 87).
Figure A2.
The relationship between change in population density (p/mi2) and market dynamics for ‘Independent community pharmacies’ in Minnesota counties for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022 (N = 87).
Figure A3.
The relationship between change in population density (p/mi2) and market dynamics for ‘Chain community pharmacies’ in Minnesota counties for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022 (N = 87).
Figure A3.
The relationship between change in population density (p/mi2) and market dynamics for ‘Chain community pharmacies’ in Minnesota counties for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022 (N = 87).
Figure A4.
The relationship between Metropolitan Designation and market dynamics for ‘All community pharmacies’ in Minnesota counties for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022 (N = 87).
Figure A4.
The relationship between Metropolitan Designation and market dynamics for ‘All community pharmacies’ in Minnesota counties for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022 (N = 87).
Figure A5.
The relationship between Metropolitan Designation and market dynamics for ‘Independent community pharmacies’ in Minnesota counties for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022 (N = 87).
Figure A5.
The relationship between Metropolitan Designation and market dynamics for ‘Independent community pharmacies’ in Minnesota counties for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022 (N = 87).
Figure A6.
The relationship between Metropolitan Designation and market dynamics for ‘Chain community pharmacies’ in Minnesota counties for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022 (N = 87).
Figure A6.
The relationship between Metropolitan Designation and market dynamics for ‘Chain community pharmacies’ in Minnesota counties for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022 (N = 87).
Figure A7.
The number of ‘Independent community pharmacies’ and ‘Chain community pharmacies’ in Minnesota for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022.
Figure A7.
The number of ‘Independent community pharmacies’ and ‘Chain community pharmacies’ in Minnesota for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022.
Figure A8.
The proportion of business organization structures for community pharmacies in Minnesota for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022.
Figure A8.
The proportion of business organization structures for community pharmacies in Minnesota for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022.
Figure A9.
The proportion of community pharmacy types in Minnesota for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022.
Figure A9.
The proportion of community pharmacy types in Minnesota for 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, and 2022.