2.1. Effective circularity
For the purpose of this study, the proposed indicator of Figge et al. [
42] is modified to consider the different contributions of a resource being used in product systems as virgin, PIR and PCR material. The original indicator sums up three different contributions to circularity: ‘
initial use’, ‘
refurbishment’, and ‘
recycling’ [
42]. For the initial use, Figge et al. propose setting the contribution of virgin resource use to 1, which means that the virgin material is always used once [
42]. Setting the initial use of a resource to 1 neglects loss during production, i.e. material that is processed but never enters the use phase, including PIW that is not collected for recycling. However, these lost resources should be considered when measuring the eC. We propose to divide the
‘initial use’ into contributions of virgin production and PIR. Both, virgin and PIR material are used in products for the first time and, thus, represent the initial use of the material. Their contribution should be calculated separately for both virgin and PIR materials (eC
vir and eC
PIR). Ideally, the use of virgin and PIR material together can have a maximum value of 1 if the PIW are fully collected, recycled and processed into products (without dissipative loss before use). For this study, contributions from
‘refurbishment’ are neglected as the focus is on recycling. Here, the contribution of
‘recycling’ is defined as material used in products made of PCR granulate. The eC is determined by eC
total according to Equation (1) by adding the three contributions from virgin material (eC
vir), PIR material (eC
PIR) and PCR material (eC
PCR) along the value chain.
All three contributions to eC
total reflect the frequency of average uses of the material per virgin resource input. The higher the eC, the more effectively the resource is used. Ideally, eC
total would be infinite. In practice, dissipative losses of uncollected material, material that is sorted out, or rejects from recycling occur, which is why eC
total aims for a quantifiable value. This indicator provides the relation between the use of the material in virgin, PIR and PCR product systems starting from an initial and fixed input quantity of virgin resource input (m
vir) until the material is lost. The eC of virgin products (eC
vir) equals the virgin production rate (PR
vir) multiplied with m
vir (see Equation (2)).
In line with Figge et al. [
24], we suggest setting m
vir to 1 kg to obtain the frequency a resource is used on average per kg. This way, the results can be interpreted based on 1 kg of virgin material put on the market. If the parameter is set to another specific input value, eC
total is calculated for this specific value, which must be communicated in the interpretation. The input of virgin material is multiplied with the percentage of the material that is processed into a final virgin product (PR
vir) to consider losses in virgin production. Since the focus is on the circularity of the material, this metric does not consider a specific target product and production rate. Nevertheless, the losses along the value chain must be captured holistically. Accordingly, an average production rate from pre-processing and virgin product manufacturing of a material should be considered, since only the material used in products on the market contributes to eC. The value for PR
vir can be determined based on average market data that represents a specific value chain for a resource and a market under study, such as overall plastic pre-processing and production in a specific country. This is further explained in
Section 2.3 in a case study on PP used for lightweight packaging (LP) in Germany.
All losses during pre-processing and virgin product manufacturing serve as a potential feedstock for PIR and equal the share of PIW based on m
vir (p
PIW). The eC of PIR (eC
PIR) is calculated according to Equation (3).
To obtain eCPIR, mvir and pPIW are multiplied with the collection rate of PIW (CRPIW), the recycling rate of PIW (RRPIW), and the production rate of PIR granulate into products (PRPIR). CRPIW is defined as the share of the PIW collected for recycling compared to the total amount of accumulated PIW during virgin production. For PIW, sorting often plays a minor role, since most PIW is collected as mono-material waste at industrial production locations. Therefore, losses in sorting of PIW are neglected in Equation (3). RRPIW is defined as the material share preserved in the recycling process (outgoing recycled material per ingoing material). Analogously to virgin production, PRPIR is defined as losses in processing and production of the recycled material into a final product.
To determine the eC of PCR material (eC
PCR), it is necessary to calculate the maximum amount of material accumulating as PCW after first use (p
PCW,1) according to Equation (4).
The subscripted index of 1 reflects the first time PCW is collected after use. p
PCW,1 is used to calculate the contribution of PCR to eC
total by considering that some of the material will be recycled several times, which is depicted in Equation (5).
The variable n shows the total number of PCR loops until the initial input of virgin material is lost. The more frequently the material is recycled as PCR granulate on average, the more often it can be used to replace virgin material. For each loop i, the amount of material that passes through each loop preceding and including loop i must be considered. The accumulating PCW after first use (p
PCW,1) is multiplied and summed up with the series of all further loops. This is conducted by multiplying the percentages of the PCW that is collected (CR
PCW), sorted (SR
PCW), recycled into granulate (RR
PCW) and processed into a final product made of PCR (PR
PCR) for all loops i. The index j is used to add up the amount of material that has reached each loop i. The PCW collection rate (CR
PCW) reflects the waste share that is disposed of correctly into the waste stream and collected for sorting and recycling based on the virgin and PIR material put onto the market. The PCW sorting rate (SR
PCW) corresponds to the waste share that is sorted correctly and separated into the desired fraction, such as by polymer type. For PCW plastics, this point is often measured as the output of a sorting plant [
20]. Losses from additional pretreatment steps at the recycler can be attributed to either sorting or recycling. In any case, it is important to capture losses holistically and state the reference points. After recycling, the material is processed into products again for another use. Losses during production refer to material that is processed and cannot be reused internally. This material should be referred to as PIW as it occurs before use. However, this material has been used and recycled from PCW. It can contain impurities and, therefore, contributes to eC
PCR. The recycling of this waste share is theoretically possible, but can often be neglected in calculations, as most recycled plastics from PCW are used in products that can internally reuse waste generated. In most cases, PR
PCR shall be set to 1 and, therefore, be excluded from Equation (5). For the calculation of eC
PCR in Equation (5), the variables are illustrated in
Figure 1.
Figure 1, m
vir is split into a share of virgin and PIR material put on the market (B) and losses of PIW that is not collected for recycling or that occur during the PIR process (B
lost). This material share does not enter the market and can, therefore, not be collected as PCW. During PCW collection, a certain share of the virgin and PIR material used in products on the market is disposed of correctly into the waste stream and collected for sorting and recycling (C). The remaining share of virgin and PIR material used in products on the market is lost (C
lost). Likewise, during PCW sorting and recycling, a certain waste share is sorted correctly (D), recycled to granulate (E) and processed into products from PCR granulate (F). The remainder of these are lost (D
lost, E
lost and F
lost). The share of PCW that is preserved in each subsequent loop i is calculated and added up until the entire amount of m
vir is lost. Regarding
Figure 1, this corresponds to the point where the targeted material reaches zero.
Whereas PIW is always recycled in an open-loop recycling system which is described by recycled material cascading into another product system, PCW can be recycled via an open or closed-loop recycling system. We point out that the original indicator proposed by Figge et al. [
42] only extends to activities which companies can control. In the context of recycling activities, this can often only be realized in closed-loop systems aiming to take back products to the original manufacturer that are used again to produce new products of the same type [
4]. Since most PCW plastics are collected, sorted, and recycled as lightweight packaging (LP) waste from household and commercial use, the terminology for open and closed-loop recycling is extended and briefly defined in the context of this study. Open-loop recycling is described as follows: products, components or materials are reused or recycled (which can be cascaded) generally amongst unspecified organizations into alternative products, components or materials [
49]. PCW can be recycled via a product-specific take back system to the original manufacturer that are used again to produce new products of the same type (closed-loop) or products recycled into alternative products, which is in line with the definition of open-loop recycling given above.
Closed-loop recycling of PCW can often only be realized for products that remain in the company’s ownership or are returned to the company after use requiring broad infrastructure. For instance, PP recycling of fruit and vegetable crates or PET bottle-to-bottle recycling are well established closed-loop systems [
52]. However, a product-specific take-back system might not be purposeful regarding the variety of plastic products in household and commercial waste. If companies each manage their own collection and recycling activities, this could indeed be much more resource-intensive compared to an open-loop system for household and commercial waste. This is supported by the British standard institution, which states that “
a closed-loop system cannot generally be advocated over an open-loop system” [
49]. Therefore, the definition of closed and open-loop recycling is extended to include the following:
Level 1: Closed-loop recycling of a product into the identical production application
Level 2: Quasi-closed-loop recycling with restricted but defined reuse in products that are managed by the same recycling system
Level 3: Open-loop recycling, reuse in alternative products that might be further managed by another recycling system (also referred to as recycling cascade)
The conventional understanding of closed-loop recycling (level 1) is complemented in this study by quasi-closed-loop recycling (level 2). The re-granulate of a quasi-closed-loop recycling can fully replace corresponding virgin material in some applications, such as plant pots, non-food pouches, or pipes, without compromising the quality and longevity of the products compared to virgin material. However, in contrast to virgin material, it is limited in terms of colour or food contact. For open-loop recycling (level 3), the collection, sorting and recycling rates in Equation (5) must be set separately for each loop, as the rates can vary for different open-loop recycling systems. In line with the assumptions of Figge et al. [
42], some simplifications can be made for the variables used in Equation (5) with an index higher than 1, if a closed or quasi-closed-loop system can be assumed: All variables in Equation (5) for each loop i are assumed to equal those of the first loop, and thus:
Concluding, eC
total reflects the frequency a resource is used on average in a product system but focuses on the contributions of virgin, PIR and PCR materials. Applying the assumptions discussed (i) setting m
vir to 1, (ii) excluding production losses for products made of PIR and PCR materials (PR
PCR = 1), as well as assuming a closed or quasi-closed-loop recycling (simplification according to Equation (5a) to (5d)), a simpler formula is presented to determine eC
total in Equation (6).
If a value chain is linear (i.e., without considering PCW recycling), eCtotal can be lower than 1 if virgin and PIR material is not completely processed into products, and a share of it, thus, never enters the market. With PCR, circularity increases depending on the loss of resources being wasted. As a result, an ever-decreasing fraction of the resources re-enters each cycle until the material is lost completely. We note that this metric does not consider quality or lifetime restrictions. Both have to be taken into account regarding a specific product or product group after manufacturing.
2.3. Transfer to the case study example of polypropylene used for packaging
The proposed indicators eC, eeC, and IRP are demonstrated using the value chain of PP, which currently has the highest market share (approximately 20 % in Germany and worldwide of all polymers processed) [
61]. Since the largest area of application for PP is packaging [
13], the study explicitly considers the packaging loop of virgin, PIR, or PCR materials. The geographic scope of the study focuses on German market conditions as data were mostly obtained for PP processed, collected, sorted, and recycled in Germany. Here, most packaging materials are collected as LP (introduced as lightweight packaging above) and recycled via the Dual System in the so-called
yellow bin or
yellow bag in Germany [
62]. Like many other countries, Germany imports and exports waste and recycled materials. For the sake of simplicity, imported and exported waste and recycled materials are excluded from the system boundaries, which means that plastic packaging consumptions equals the amount of accumulating plastic packaging waste. Therefore, the analysed PP LP value chain can be understood as a theoretical path of virgin PP, whose waste is (partly) processed into further packaging materials made of PIR and PCR.
We note that the recycled material made of PIR and PCR might not be used for all packaging applications, especially due to regulations for food contact materials. However, since the recycled material from PCW can be used to manufacture products of restricted, but defined applicability and quality that can be recycled again via LP recycling, the value chain can be considered a quasi-closed-loop recycling (level 2). This means that the case study results cannot be interpreted in the context of all PP packaging, but only PP packaging for non-food applications that can be made (partly) of recycled PCW. Although, no particular product application is considered here, we are sure to assess an existing value chain. There are products made of recycled PP (both from PIR and PCR), which can be collected, properly sorted, and recycled via LP recycling system to be used again in products regardless of the form and function of the product. Secondary data from literature as well as primary data from a plastic processor (Pöppelmann GmbH & Co. KG Kunststoffwerk-Werkzeugbau in Germany) who produces PP plant pots from both PIR and PCR materials are used. PP plant pots can be considered a reference product in this study, because they are currently available on the market made of 100% PIR and PCR plastic.
To determine the eC, the eeC, and the IRP, a scenario analysis is conducted. Two linear scenarios are investigated where PP LP waste is not recycled at the EoL, but incinerated. In the first linear scenario
virgin only, virgin material only is processed without the recycling of PIW and PCW. In the scenario
vir+PIR, beside virgin material, PIW is partly collected and recycled. The linear scenarios do not reflect the prevailing situation of LP recycling of PP in Germany, but are used for comparison. Both scenarios reflect virgin PP and PIR material processed in non-recyclable products that is not collected or cannot be sorted for PCR and is fully lost after its first use. Additionally, four circular scenarios are analysed including PCR. As the collection and recycling rates of PCW plastics have increased in recent years and are expected to further increase due to recycling targets of the EU [
10], four circular scenarios are investigated with varying collection, sorting, and recycling rates of PCW. Such scenarios are based on conservative, realistic, optimistic, and ideal assumptions and are therefore named
conservative, realistic, optimistic, and
ideal scenario that are further explained below.
2.3.1. Effective circularity
The scenario
virgin only is determined by eC
vir only. According to made suggestions, the virgin resource input (m
vir) is set to 1 kg. The scenario
virgin+PIR is determined by the sum of eC
vir and eC
PIR. The value of p
PIW is used as a starting point to calculate eC
PIR. All parameters needed to calculate eC
vir and eC
PIR are not assumed to change in the future because the processing of virgin and PIR materials is considered to already be optimized for the efficient usage of the virgin material, and therefore, assumed to be constant in all analysed scenarios. For the circular scenarios (
conservative, realistic, optimistic, and
ideal), eC
total is calculated as a sum of all three contributions (eC
vir, eC
PIR and eC
PCR), assuming different collection, sorting and recycling rates. Since a quasi-closed-loop recycling of PP is investigated for PCW in this study (level 2), the mentioned simplifications on calculating eC
total are made, following Equation (6) in
Section 2.1. According to the manufacturer, production rates of both PIR and PCR (PR
PIR and PR
PCR) can be assumed to be 100 % since any significant waste produced is reused internally in the production process of our case study product.
Table 1 summarize the values used to calculate eC
vir, eC
PIR, and eC
PCR in each scenario. The sources and calculation of the assumed values are explained in detail in
Appendix A. For some values, data specifically for PP and/or (PP) packaging was unavailable. Therefore, literature data of plastics in general are used. In
Table 1, values for PR
PCR and m
vir are not shown, because they do not influence the eC. The values for p
PIW, and p
PCW are explained above and do not change across the scenarios. Since the collection and sorting of LP is mostly reported as an aggregated value, CR
PCW and SR
PCW are summarized as an aggregated value and further referred to as CSR
2.3.2. Environmentally efficient circularity and impact reduction potential
The aim here is to measure the eeC of the PP LP value chain to analyse the eC and the IRP in relation to the environmental impacts caused from its first use to its final treatment. Every environmental impact category typically calculated in LCA methods can be used in relation to eC. In this study, we focus on the climate change (CC) impacts according to the impact assessment method of the sixth IPCC assessment report as exemplary impact category [
63]. Therefore, the CC impact, measured in terms of CO
2 equivalents (CO
2eq) of a material over the entire path, is calculated for E
total according to
Section 2.2.1. The scope and system boundaries to be assessed for E
total contain the investigated life cycle stages according to Equation (8) and
Figure 2 related to the material. This includes the provision of virgin PP as well as recycled PP from PIR and PCR and of its last treatment activity. If the PP packaging waste is not collected for recycling, it is assumed to be incinerated including energy recovery in this study only, since landfill does not play a significant role in Germany anymore [
The data for E
total are obtained by modelling the life cycle inventory and conducting the impact assessment using the Shpera database and software version The CC impacts of providing PP granulates (E
vir, E
PIR or E
PCR) are calculated based on 1 kg of PP granulate that can be used in products within the system boundaries. E
vir is modelled using an existing European dataset for PP granulate from the Sphera database. E
PIR is modelled from PIW-to-granulate based on data for mechanical recycling provided by the company Pöppelmann. For E
PCR, data for PP recycling from PCW-to-granulate is collected from the literature. A fully reproducible life cycle inventory is found in the literature regarding PCW recycling of PP in North America. As the geographic scope of this study focuses on German market conditions, the background data is updated to representative datasets for the market under study. Transport processes are modelled using a dataset representing truck-trailer transport (Euro 6, 34-40 t gross). The incineration is modelled using a dataset for PP in a municipal waste incineration plant (E
EoL) with energy recovery (E
credits). The European district heat mix is used to credit recovered heat. The electricity demand and credits are modelled using the German electricity grid mix. The life cycle inventory of the modelled foreground system of this study can be found in the
supplemental materials.
To determine the IRP of PP packaging using PIR or PCR granulate to replace virgin granulate, the values needed in Equation (9) can be taken from previous descriptions of this case study.