4.1. Overview
The experimental information on the semileptonic B decays is much larger than on the pure leptonic decays. The LHCb experiment alone published in the past 10 years more than 35 papers on this topic and the number further increases if other experiments (Belle, BaBar, Belle II) are taken into the account. The same is true for theoretical publications which are large in quantity. With the aim to provide an overview of the CCQM results, we restrain ourselves only to most significant experimental measurements and theoretical predictions of other authors.
The focus of the community is predominantly driven by the so-called flavor anomalies. They are often defined as ratios of branching fractions, the most prominent of them are
The first observable is sensitive to the
quark transition, the two remaining to
. Other quantities measured in semileptonic decays of the
B meson are listed for example in VII of [
109]. In these and other observables deviations were seen (see e.g. Tab XVIII of [
110] for a nice review) with some of them reaching up to 4
, which is naturally interpreted as significant argument in favor of the NP (see e.g. [
111] ). The most recent LHCb measurements nevertheless weaken some of these observations and imply that the discrepancy with the SM may not be so pronounced after all. In [
112] the deviation of a correlated observables
from the SM prediction is
and the results for
given in [
113] are in agreement with the SM. However, if one includes also older measurements and measurements of different experiments, the situation seem not to be yet solved and discrepancy is still close to
The LHCb detector was specifically designed for
b physics and the experiment successfully reaches its purpose by being the most important source of the experimental information on
b decays. The measurements of
were presented in works [
123]. Two of them [
123] study the lepton-flavor universality by measuring
, but with no significant deviations from the SM. Most of the remaining works are concerned with angular distributions: the coefficients (noted for a
p-wave process as
) in front of angular terms which appear in the decay width formula are combined into so-called optimized observables
, and here some significant tensions are seen (e.g.
between 6 and 8
The semileptonic
B decays with the
K meson in the final state are addressed in [
126]. The first publication is concerned with the angular distribution and the differential branching fraction, the two others focus more specifically on the lepton flavor universality question, with an observation of a
deviation from the SM in
. This was however, as mentioned earlier, undermined by the recent measurement [
113] where no longer the deviation is seen.
The process
was analyzed in [
129] and no deviation of
from the SM greater than
was detected. The same is true for the
observable measured in [
130]. The decay of the
particle to
was studied in [
133], where, in the last analysis, a disagreement with the SM prediction is observed in the differential branching fraction for
at the level of
Various other semileptonic
B decays were measured at the LHCb which we do not mention here. An overview of the lepton flavor universality question in
b decays at the LHCb was, as of 2022, given in [
An additional experimental information on the semileptonic
B decays comes from BaBar measurements. Studies of the
process were presented in [
141]. In the first three references the question of the lepton flavor universality is addressed (
) and the measurement of
performed. The authors claim a deviation of
for their combination. The four latter references present the measurement of the
element of the CKM matrix and the analysis of corresponding transition form factors.
The decays with the
final state were addressed in [
147]. The texts present the measurements of branching fractions, the
observable, the isospin and CP asymmetries, the forward-backward angular asymmetry of the lepton pair and the
longitudinal polarization (and others). Overall, the results are in an agreement with the SM expectations, the anomaly observed for isospin asymmetries in both
K and
channels in [
144] was not later confirmed in [
The BaBar collaboration also published results on semileptonic
B decays into light mesons
149]. Here the branching fractions and the
element were determined and also transition form factors were discussed.
Further, BaBar published results on semileptonic decays where hadronic state
containing kaons was produced and measured corresponding branching fractions [
151]. One can also mention the measurement of charmless semileptonic decays [
153] and the measurement with the electron in the final state [
154], all of which were used to establish the
value. In [
155] the semileptonic decay with five particles in the final state
, was confirmed.
Important contribution to measurements of semileptonic B decays comes form the Belle and Belle II collaborations.
Analyses [
160] investigate both
D and
decay channels (with
). They measure branching fractions and ratios
, where they do not see significant deviations from the SM expectations. The last work focuses also on the extraction of parameters for the Caprini-Lellouch-Neubert form factor parameterization.
-containing final states are addressed in [
166]. Also here the objects of interest are the branching fractions and the
observable and, again, no significant deviations from the SM are seen. Works [
166] present, in addition, the measurement of the
matrix element and form factor analysis, in works [
165] the
lepton polarization is measured.
The references [
168] focus on the
final state. The first work is concerned with the branching fraction and form factors, in both works
is measured. Authors of [
169] report on the first observation of
decay and measure the branching fractions of
Production of strange mesons in semileptonic
B decays is studied in [
171] for the
K meson, in [
174] for the
meson and in [
175] for both,
K and
. Besides branching fractions and
ratios, some of the works present also measurements of angular and polarization variables and the isospin asymmetry. In general all measured values agree well with the SM predictions, some tensions for the subset of the optimized angular observables
were reported in [
Semileptonic decays to light mesons (
) were described in [
179], the works are mostly concerned with the branching fractions and the determination of the
element of the CKM matrix.
The Belle(II) collaboration also published articles on semileptonic
B decays to a general hadronic state
X containing the
s quark,
181], the
u quark,
184] and the
c quark,
186]. The main objects of interest were branching fractions, CKM elements
and first four moments of the lepton mass squared (for
). The question of the lepton flavor universality in semileptonic decays to a general hadronic state
X was addressed in [
Other results from different experiments could be cited in the domain of semileptonic B decays, yet the measurements of the above-mentioned B-factories represent the most important data from both, the quantity and quality perspective.
The large number of theoretical works implies strong selection criteria which we base on the impact of the work with some preference for review and pedagogical texts. We have already mentioned nice reviews [
110] which cover (also) the semileptonic
B decays. Further survey papers are [
188], where the SM theory and appropriate observables are presented, a pedagogically-written article [
189], which focuses on the charged lepton flavour violation and also a generally-oriented texts [
191]. One can in addition mention [
192], in which
B flavor anomalies are discussed and also similarly oriented recent text [
Reliable SM predictions are the starting point for assessing various anomalies. Already decades ago a quark potential model was used to make predictions for semileptonic
B and
D decays [
194] with an update several years later [
195]. Decays to
mesons were addressed in [
196], the analyticity and dispersion relations were used to produce parametrizations of the QCD form factors with small model dependence. The same authors later published QCD two-loop level computations [
197] including lepton mass effect, higher resonances and heavy quark symmetry, which further improved the theoretical precision. The heavy quark spin symmetry was used in [
198] to derive dispersive constraints on
form factors and implications for the determination of
. Semileptonic decays to light mesons
were discussed in [
199] in the framework of light-cone sum rules, the authors claim
precision at zero momentum transfer. The angular analysis of the process
was presented in [
200]. The work is based on the QCD factorization and large recoil symmetry relations and besides angular coefficients it also gives a prediction of
and explores the potential of the introduced observables to reach the NP. Taking into the consideration also the excited state
, the publication [
201] is dedicated to the charm-loop effect. The results are derived using QCD light-cone sum rules and hadronic dispersion relations and the evaluated charm loop effect, which is claimed to reach up to 20% , is represented as a contribution to the
Wilson coefficient. Lattice QCD was used in [
204] to predict form factors and matrix elements for processes with
mesons. In [
205] were the lattice form factors used as input and allowed to determine CKM matrix elements, or, alternatively, constrain the real part of the Wilson coefficients
. The CKM matrix was also the subject of the work [
206], where
was extracted using the OPE, the expansion in powers of the heavy quark mass and constraints derived from the experimental values on the normalized lepton energy moments. A process with a vector meson particle production
was considered in [
207] where the authors used light-cone sum rules to predict form factors. The paper [
208] has a somewhat review character, it present three common form factor parameterizations, summarizes the data and the available lattice information (as of 2016) and gives a special emphasis on the unitarity constraints. Then it presents fits to experimental points and to the lattice numbers from which the results on
are extracted. Radiative corrections to the
observables are of a concern to the authors of [
209], their thorough analysis indicates that these observables are indeed well suited to be a probe of NP. Similar questions related to the same observables are addressed in [
210]. Still the same observables are, together with the angular observables
, discussed in a pedagogical way in [
211] with special emphasis on the hadronic uncertainties. Coming back to
D particles and works published within few years after the first measurements indicating a possible lepton-flavor violation, one can mention [
212], where the coefficients of the Boyd-Grinstein-Lebed form factor parametrization were constrained by analyzing the form factor ratios and their uncertainties in the heavy quark limit. With this knowledge fits to experimental data were performed and
computed. In [
213] two different form factors parameterizations are used to predict
. The approach uses, besides data, inputs from the light cone sum rules and lattice and the relations between form factors as given by HQET. To mention more recent theoretical works, one can point to e.g. [
215], where QED corrections and non-local matrix elements are discussed for
B decays to dilepton and a kaon. The status of the
anomalies as of 2022 is summarized in [
216], where the models for global fits are based mostly on the HQET and lattice results. The latter are also reviewed the 8 of [
The number of NP papers progressively grew as the evidence for tensions and anomalies became more and more convincing, with the first hints appearing at the beginning of the new millennium. Often, the NP is theoretically addressed by non-SM operators appearing in the effective Hamiltonian. So was done in [
217], where the approach was applied to the
process. No strong claims were given there, but it was shown that the evaluated NP effects can reach up to 13% for
. The same effective-operator approach was applied in [
218] to
transition and the impact of the NP to
observables was evaluated. The authors demonstrated that it is significant, i.e. the sensitivity of the process is high enough for the NP to be detected. Effective operators were used also in [
219], where, after the NP operator contributions were discussed, two leptoquark models were proposed to explain two out of three possible scenarios which lead to the observed
value. Leptoquarks (vector and scalar, respectively) are also considered in [
221], both works claim that their theory allows to simultaneously resolve discrepancies appearing in
transitions. Still leptoquarks, the authors of [
222] investigate single leptoquark extensions of the SM with
with conclusion that no such scalar leptoquark can be, a vector particle is the only option. The work [
223] uses scenarios with light right-handed neutrinos appearing in low-scale seesaw models as the NP framework for analyzing the lepton flavor violation. Among other results the authors propose observables, i.e. properly chosen branching fraction ratios, which could discriminate between supersymmetric (SUSY) and non-SUSY NP realizations. Further works which analyze the
anomalies are [
224] and [
225], the former assumes a composite Higgs model, the latter uses a two-Higgs-doublet model. At last, let us mention a set of more generally-oriented works [
229] which focus mainly on
and which aim to provide model-independent or theoretically clean conclusions. By different approaches they investigate the space for NP parameters and most of them presents arguments in favor of some NP scenario.
4.2. Semileptonic and radiative decays and in CCQM
decays were within the CCQM analyzed in [
230]. The analysis was done in the light of the LHCb measurements [
132], where the second one was recent at that time. The measurement focused on angular observabes and the branching fraction distribution and reported on a deviation from the SM in the latter exceeding
. Several years later two new measurements were performed. The work [
231] addressed the angular distribution where no significant tensions with the SM were observed, [
133] however confirmed the discrepancy from the previous branching fraction measurement. One may put this observation in relation with
anomalies, which also happen for the
transition, from where the motivation to study this process in more details.
In [
230] we analyze both, the angular coefficients and the differential decay rate distribution. In addition to (
5), the necessary model inputs are
determined in prior works. The transition is expressed through two matrix elements
are momenta with
. The appearing variables satisfy
. In total seven invariant form factors, defined as coefficient functions in front of the Lorentz structures, are necessary to parameterize them
The same amplitudes can be expressed in the CCQM
being quark propagators and
the number of colors. The origin of various terms in (
48) is schematically represented in
Figure 7. Once the model expression (
46) is evaluated to the level of invariant Lorentz structures, it can be compared to (
44) and (
45) and form factor expressions read out. Their behavior is shown in
Figure 8, it determines the necessary model input and completes the model-dependent part of the calculation.
Let us briefly review also the remaining steps to reach observable quantities. The set of the SM four-fermion operators is written as
are color indices (implicit for color singlet currents),
are generators of the
color group,
is the gluonic field strength and
is the QCD coupling (other symbols have meaning as defined before). Operators
are referred to as current-current operators,
are QCD penguin operators,
are so-called magnetic penguin operators and
operators correspond to semileptonic electroweak penguin diagrams. The transition amplitude takes the form
The Wilson coefficients
are absorbed into the effective coefficients
is defined by (
29), where, again, the
resonances appear in the Breit-Wigner form and we drop them by setting
. The renormalization scale is set to
. Numerical values of Wilson coefficients were taken from [
103], as we described it already in
Section 3.2. Also the QCD quark masses are the same as in the leptonic-decay section. In addition to the charm loop contribution, we take into the consideration the two loop effects as computed in [
233]. They modify the effective coefficients
where the functions
were made publicly available by authors of [
233] as
Wolfram Mathematica code.
The differential decay rate is then expressed as
is the momentum of the
meson in the
rest frame. The objects
represent bilinear combinations of the helicity amplitudes
which are related to the invariant form factors through intermediate functions
The full description of the
decay requires, besides the
, three additional angles, see for example Eq. (2.1) in [
234], where completely analogous formula is written for fully differential decay rate of
. The advantage of the helicity formalism is that the angular observables, i.e. the coefficients in front of various angular terms, have simple expressions. For the longitudinal polarization fraction
and the forward-backward asymmetry
they stand
The CCQM-predicted behavior of the branching fraction and of the two angular observables
is, as function of
, show in
Figure 9.
-averaged numbers were computed for
, additional angular observables
and also for optimized observables
which are derived from them,
. The results are presented in
Table 3.
The table shows the branching fraction also for
, the corresponding decay formula is indicated in Eqs. (34)-(36) of [
230]. The text [
230] also contains predictions for the radiative decay to
and non-leptonic decay to
(formulas (38) and (37) there)
The results can be compared to the actual experimental numbers [
The branching fraction to is in good agreement with the SM, in fact the experimental numbers measured after the publication moved closer to the published CCQM value. The same is also true for the two non-leptonic decay channels, yet, here a discrepancy of the order of remains.
Coming back to the semileptonic decays, a detailed interval values were presented in Table VI of [
230] for
. They mimic the way the experimental measurements are done and they are of the interest because the largest discrepancy observed by [
133] is the branching fraction on the
1. Also, the table presents the effect of the two-loop contributions by giving the numbers with and without them. We do not reproduce here all of them but focus only on the interval
and observables measured on this interval, see
Table 4.
In the table we indicate also older measurements in brackets and one sees that for all indicated observables except the new measurement bring the experimental value closer to the theoretical one. The large error of the measurement implies that both CCQM predictions (1-loop and 2-loop) do not much exceed deviation. Considering the 2-loop results one observes that no significant deviations from the experiment are observed, especially in the branching fraction case they bring the value closer to the measurement (w.r.t. one-loop calculations).
As summary we can conclude that we addressed the interesting decay channel in the framework of the CCQM. Already at the time of the publication the comparison with the LHCb numbers did not allow us to claim NP presence, the major discrepancy in the branching fraction on the interval was reduced significantly by our prediction. This was true also for other discrepancies (, ) seen on other intervals. The new data further decreased the branching fraction discrepancy and with results of our model we cannot talk about a discrepancy any longer.
4.3. Other CCQM results on semileptonic B decays.
Quite a few papers were dedicated to the study of semileptonic
B decays in the framework of the CCQM. We will not include into the overview older texts, where an earlier version of the model was used [
The first text we mention [
37] was already cited several times here. It is a generally oriented text focusing mostly on the model itself and presenting its various aspects, including, for the first time, also the infrared confinement of quarks. A global fit on basic experimental quantities, such as weak leptonic decay constants, was performed in order to determine universal and hadron-specific model parameters. These parameters were used in the same text to predict weak leptonic decay constants (including for
B mesons) and Dalitz dacays of several light mesons. The results were encouraging, most of predictions were in a quite good agreement with measured data.
The paper [
244] is dedicated to various
decays with, however, emphasis on the nonleptonic processes. In the first part of the text the global fits are refined and the model parameters are updated. Then, the semileptonic decays are addressed, but only in the context of the universal transition form factors to several final-state mesons (pseudoscalar and vector). The results on form factors are given in form of plots and the comparison with seven other authors based on the value at
is shown in Table III.
Somewhat similar treatment of the semileptonic decays is given in [
245]. Here again the emphasis is on exotic and nonleptonic decays. The semileptonic decays are addressed in the context of transition form factors, similarly to the previous text.
The publication [
246] focuses on the semileptonic decays of
to scalar mesons with light masses (below 1 GeV) in the context of the
decay. The CCQM form factors
are predicted for the range
of scalar vector model parameters for the
transitions. The predictions are approximated for
by a simplified parameterization which depends on three numbers. They are given in Table II of the text, so as to make our results available to other authors. Branching fractions (
) for various semileptonic decays
are shown in Table IV of the work. The text then briefly discusses the role of the scalar
particle in the cascade decay of the
B meson pointing out the fact that the narrow-width approximation is not appropriate and estimating the
S-wave pollution in the
decay to 6%.
The leptonic and semileptonic processes
are investigated in [
107] to address the question of the lepton flavor universality. We have already commented before on the leptonic results, they are entirely linked to the weak decay constant which is for various
B and
D mesons computed in Table I. Semileptonic decay are more demanding and the usual steps are taken: the SM CCQM form factors are determined (also the simplified parameterization is provided) and are used in a helicity formulation to predict the full four-dimensional differential distribution for the decay rate and various
-dependent distributions for angular and polarization observables. By integration one gets total branching fractions, shown in Tables III and IV of the publication, and their ratios
(Table V). The results are favorable to the NP presence, the deviation in
is not smaller than seen by other authors at that time.
An analogous process with the
meson in the final state is the subject of the analysis in [
44]. The text follows the same logic as the previous one: the model is used to predict form factors and then the helicity formalism is employed to derive various differential distributions. Besides the branching fraction, the empasis is on the angular coefficients
depicted in
Figure 7,
Figure 8,
Figure 9,
Figure 10 and
Figure 11 of the publication. The numbers are given for integrated or averaged variables over the whole kinematical range (
Table 5 and
Table 6) but also for various intervals (i.e. bins, Tables 7, 8). The predicted branching fraction exceed the measured values, for what concerns the angular observables reliable conclusions require more precise experimental data.
The article [
247] analyses possible NP scenarios for
and in this way differs from the previous ones. The analysis relies on the usual effective Hamiltonian approach where beyond-SM four-fermion operators are introduced with the definition analogous to (
39) where
. It is assumed that the NP affects only the leptons of the third generation and the effect of each NP operator is studied separately, with no other NP operator interfering. The form factors are computed in the CCQM framework from where observables quantities are obtained. By the fit to the
ratios, allowed regions of the complex plane for the Wilson coefficients
are identified (2 of the text). No room was found for the
coefficient to explain the observed ratio and thus the corresponding operator was removed from further considerations. Next, full four-fold differential distribution was derived and various
-differential distributions analyzed: the NP Wilson coefficient was perturbed on the
level from the central value and the effect on a given distribution depicted as a gray band around the central line (
Figure 4,
Figure 5,
Figure 6,
Figure 7,
Figure 8 and
Figure 9). Depending on what distributions will future measurements provide, the presented results can serve us to identify which NP Wilson coefficients play a role.
The same process is also considered in [
248], once again in the NP scenario based on the SM-extended effective Hamiltonian. Here the main topic are the longitudinal, transverse, and normal polarization components of the tau lepton and it is argued about their high sensitivity to NP effects. Using a model independent approach and the experimental data, constraints for various NP scenarios are derived and their effect on the polarization observables is investigated. To get numerical results the CCQM form factors are used. The acquired knowledge about the dependence of polarization observables on the NP Wilson coefficients may be useful in future data analysis as a guiding rule to differentiate between various NP scenarios.
Very similar analysis is performed in [
108] but for different decays. The text focuses on the processes with light mesons in the final state
and on the leptonic decay
assuming an SM-extended set of four-fermion operators. It uses the observables (
40) defined already in the leptonic section and the CCQM-predicted form factors to constrain the introduced NP Wilson coefficients. The effect of their variation on (
40) and on selected angular observables is analyzed.
Yet another publication which follows the same logic is [
249], focusing this time on the decays
. The observables used to constrain the NP Wilson coefficients are
. With form factors derived in the CCQM assuming the NP, the impact of variation of these coefficients on other branching fraction ratios and angular observables is evaluated. The work provides a detailed comparison of the CCQM form factors with form factors from different approaches.
The work [
250] is interested in
and in the hadronic decay
. This time a SM calculation is presented, the agreement with the SM is assessed through comparison of measured and predicted values for
and two additional observables
The form factors are evaluated in the CCQM framework and results for a set of semileptonic decays with or in the final state are presented (Table 2 there). The conclusion regarding the ratios is that an agreement with the SM is reached for and , but the theoretical prediction for is too low with respect to data.
The semileptonic decays
and the leptonic decay
are addressed in [
251]. This brief text summarizes selected results and refers to previous papers.
The next paper dedicated to semileptonic decays is [
252]. It analyzes the
process, where the current experimental limits on the branching fraction are expected not to be very far from the central value predicted by theory (i.e. the central value may be measured in the future). The CCQM is used to predict hadronic form factors which are then used in the helicity framework to predict branching fractions. The results agree with the experimental limits and also wit most of other authors. Approximately, the value of limits are only four times higher than the central values predicted by the theory.