1. Introduction
A higher HDL-C quantity and improved HDL quality have been associated with healthy human longevity [
2] through enhanced antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities in the blood [
4]. Dyslipidemia, however, particularly low levels of serum high-density lipoproteins cholesterol (HDL-C), is a major risk factor for metabolic syndrome [
5], combination of hypertension [
6] and diabetes [
7], and dementia [
8]. Dyslipidemia and diabetes are also frequently linked with oxidative stress and glycation stress [
9], chronic inflammation [
10], and sexual dysfunction [
11]. In particular, erectile dysfunction [
12] and unexplained female infertility [
13] have shown strong associations with dyslipidemia and diabetes, such as low HDL-C.
Many pharmaceuticals, such as CETP inhibitors [
14], and functional foods [
15], such as policosanol, have been developed and marketed to increase the HDL-C levels [
16]. Policosanol is a mixture of aliphatic alcohols, ranging from 24–34 carbon atoms [
17], such as octacosanol, triacontanol, dotriacontanol, hexacosanol, and tetratriacontanol as the major components, which were purified from sugar cane (
Saccharum officinarum L.) wax [
18] or various plants, such as oats [
19] and barley [
20], insects [
21], and bees wax [
22]. Many policosanols have been purified from various plant sources, such as sugar cane, rice bran [
24], wheat germ [
20], and barley sprouts [
20]. Despite the diversity of policosanols, there are no reports comparing the efficacy in treating dyslipidemia and anti-inflammatory activities among the various sources and origins of policosanol.
Cuban policosanol (Raydel
®) has been used to treat blood dyslipidemia, hypercholesterolemia [
26], hypertension [
28], and Alzheimer’s disease [
29] by increasing the HDL-C and lowering the LDL-C with the removal of amyloid plaque in the brain [
29]. In the preceding paper [
30], a reconstituted HDL containing Cuban policosanol exhibited the largest particle size and the highest antioxidant, anti-glycation, and anti-inflammatory activity. In contrast, three Chinese policosanols did not exhibit beneficial activity [
30]. Except for Cuban policosanol, there is insufficient information on the physiological effects of policosanol on the lipid profile and the extent of inflammation in hyperlipidemic animal models. Furthermore, no information is available on the hidden toxicities and influences on the hepato-endocrinological system and reproduction system by policosanol consumption under hyperlipidemia.
A zebrafish (
Danio rerio) model displaying induction of hypercholesterolemia by a high-cholesterol diet (HCD) supplementation were used to mimic dyslipidemia and hepatic inflammation, as suggested by a previous report, and compare the physiological efficacy [
32]. Adult zebrafish consuming a HCD for several weeks showed the induction of atherosclerosis symptoms, including hypercholesterolemia, lipoprotein oxidation, and fatty streak formation [
33]. Hypercholesterolemic zebrafish is a useful experimental model to display liver damage [
34], infiltration of neutrophils in hepatocytes, and fatty liver change, which can be ameliorated by consuming Cuban policosanol. Interestingly, hyperlipidemia and hepatic damage were linked with the impairment of the reproduction system with abrupt changes in sperm motility [
35] and an increase in immature oocytes [
It is very interesting that there has been no study to compare the in vivo efficacy of various policosanols from different sources and origins regarding improving dyslipidemia, hepatic inflammation, and the reproduction system. Therefore, the current study was designed to compare the in vivo physiological effects of various policosanol under hyperlipidemia because there has been no sufficient information on policosanol efficacy on the lipid profile, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities in the liver and other organs, such as the ovary and testis.
3. Discussion
The current study was designed to compare the
in vivo efficacy of various policosanols on the blood lipid-lowering effect, anti-inflammatory activity, and enhancement of reproduction system, such as ovarian and testicular tissue in hyperlipidemic zebrafish. The current results showed that 12 weeks of Cuban policosanol (Raydel
®) consumption resulted in the highest survivability (
Table 1) and potent efficacy to lower the blood TC, LDL-C, and TG with higher HDL-C/TC (%) under HCD supplementation (
Figure 1,
Figure 2,
Figure 3 and
Figure 4). In the liver function, the Cuban policosanol group (PCO1) showed the lowest blood AST and ALT level (
Figure 5) with the least infiltration of neutrophils in hepatocytes (
Figure 6). Histology analysis of the liver revealed the PCO1 group to have the least fatty liver change and ROS production (
Figure 7) with the smallest IL-6 production (
Figure 8). In ovarian tissue, the PCO1 group showed the highest percentage of mature vitellogenic stage oocytes with the least ROS production and cellular apoptosis (
Figure 9). In the testis tissue, PCO1 group showed the least damage to the spermatogenesis cell morphology with the smallest interstitial area (
Figure 10), ROS production, and apoptosis (
Figure 11).
The current results showed that hyperlipidemia, which was induced by a high cholesterol diet (final 4%), was associated with damage to the hepatic function, and the elevation of ROS production and inflammation in the liver (
Figure 5,
Figure 6,
Figure 7 and
Figure 8), and impairment of male and female reproduction system, such as the testis and ovary (
Figure 9,
Figure 10 and
Figure 11). The HCD control group showed the highest serum AST and ALT levels with severe fatty liver changes and ROS production after 8 weeks of consumption, which was also reported in a previous study [
34]. Interestingly, the HCD control group showed a remarkable increase in IL-6 production in the liver, a severe decrease in mature vitellogenic oocytes, and severe enlargement of the interstitial area in the testis. These results suggest that dyslipidemia is associated with hepatic inflammation and infertility, which is in good agreement with previous reports showing that high cholesterol-consuming mice for 12 weeks showed impairment of sperm maturation and capacitation [
In contrast, the co-supplementation of Cuban policosanol in the HCD (final 0.1%, wt./wt.) improved the lipid profile and liver functions. These results concur with previous clinical studies of healthy Japanese participants [
39]. Twelve weeks of Cuban policosanol (Raydel
®) consumption offered some protection of the liver functions via lowered the AST, ALT, g-GTP, and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels. In addition, the serum antioxidant abilities were elevated by policosanol consumption at week 12; 37% increase in ferric ion reduction ability (FRA) and 29% increase in paraoxonase (PON) activity [
38]. Interestingly, the purified HDL
2 and HDL
3 from the policosanol group also showed enhanced FRA and PON ability, approximately 1.3–1.6-fold higher than the placebo group [
39]. Similarly, 12 weeks of Cuban policosanol consumption (5 mg and 10 mg per day) by hypercholesterolemic patients resulted in a significant decrease in ALT and g-GTP, and a decrease in TC, LDL-C, and an increase in HDL-C [
40]. Furthermore, the
in vitro comparison of antioxidant ability showed that Cuban policosanol had the highest potent inhibition ability of LDL oxidation in the presence of cupric ions [
30]. Under the
in vitro treatment of fructose, Cuban policosanol showed the highest inhibition activity of the extent of glycation with prevention of apoA-I degradation [
30]. Furthermore, the clinical study with healthy Japanese participants showed that the policosanol group had 4% lower glycated hemoglobin (Hb
A1c) levels than at week 0 and the placebo group at week 12 [
39]. These enhanced serum antioxidant abilities and hepatic function parameters might help improve the hepatic function and reproductive organs, testis, and ovary.
It has been well established that oxidative stress promotes inflammation in the ovaries and causes ovarian aging and infertility [
41]. The consumption of a high-cholesterol diet for 21 weeks in zebrafish caused a remarkable increase in AST and ALT with an impairment of the testicular morphology; the HCD group showed 1.7-fold greater enlargement of the interstitial area than the ND group [
42]. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the current study is the first to show that Cuban policosanol (Raydel
®) consumption could ameliorate damage to the liver and reproduction system, ovary and testis, under high cholesterol consumption. The alleviation of hepatic inflammation and ROS production is based on the increase in HDL-C and the enhancement of HDL functionality, as shown in previous reports with hyperlipidemic zebrafish [
34] and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) [
43]. In hyperlipidemic zebrafish, eight weeks of policosanol consumption ameliorated the elevated infiltration of neutrophils, ROS production, and fatty liver changes with a significant reduction of AST and ALT [
34]. In the SHR, elevated oxidized species in hepatic tissue and C-reactive protein in the blood were reduced by eight weeks of policosanol consumption in a dosage-dependent manner [
A previous study reported that policosanol did not impair the male reproduction system without genetic defects from long-term supplementation (5, 50, and 500 mg/kg of body weight/day) throughout three successive generations [
44]. In the female reproduction ability, there were no teratogenic effects in the rats and rabbits given 500–1000 mg/kg of body weight/day two weeks before mating and throughout mating and pregnancy to day 21 of lactation [
45]. Although no reports describe the improvement in the reproduction ability by policosanol consumption, these results showed that treatment of dyslipidemia with Cuban policosanol is associated with an improved ovarian cell and testicular cell morphology and functions.
Increased oxidative stress in hyperlipidemia has been associated with fatty liver change and pro-inflammatory response in hepatic tissue [
46]. On the other hand, the current results showed that hyperlipidemia and fatty liver change are also linked with severe impairments of the reproduction system (
Figure 9,
Figure 10 and
Figure 11). HCD supplementation caused a decrease in the mature vitellogenic stage of approximately 2.7%, while the ND group showed 6.5%, indicating that elevated oxidative stress by hyperlipidemia inhibited oocyte maturation, as reported elsewhere [
48]. In the current study, however, co-supplementation of Cuban policosanol resulted in the largest increase in early-vitellogenic and mature-vitellogenic oocytes, indicating enhanced oocyte maturation and folliculogenesis.
In conclusion, 12 weeks of Cuban policosanol consumption under HCD resulted in remarkable improvements in the blood lipid profile, amelioration of liver inflammation, and enhanced cell morphology in the ovary and testis. These results showed how Cuban policosanol differs from Chinese policosanols regarding the in vivo efficacy in treating hyperlipidemia, hepatic inflammation, and impairments of the reproduction system.
Figure 1.
Total cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride (TG) contents in the blood after 12 weeks of supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under high-cholesterol diet consumption. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. The different letters on each bar indicate the significant differences between the groups (p<0.05).
Figure 1.
Total cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride (TG) contents in the blood after 12 weeks of supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under high-cholesterol diet consumption. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. The different letters on each bar indicate the significant differences between the groups (p<0.05).
Figure 2.
High-density lipoproteins cholesterol (HDL-C) and HDL-C in the total cholesterol (HDL-C/TC, %) contents in the blood after 12 weeks supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under high cholesterol diet consumption. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. The different letters on each bar indicate significant differences between the groups (p<0.05).
Figure 2.
High-density lipoproteins cholesterol (HDL-C) and HDL-C in the total cholesterol (HDL-C/TC, %) contents in the blood after 12 weeks supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under high cholesterol diet consumption. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. The different letters on each bar indicate significant differences between the groups (p<0.05).
Figure 3.
Low-density lipoproteins cholesterol (LDL-C) contents and LDL-C/HDL-C ratio in blood after 12 weeks supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under high cholesterol diet consumption. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. The different letters on each bar indicate a significant differences between the groups (p<0.05).
Figure 3.
Low-density lipoproteins cholesterol (LDL-C) contents and LDL-C/HDL-C ratio in blood after 12 weeks supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under high cholesterol diet consumption. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. The different letters on each bar indicate a significant differences between the groups (p<0.05).
Figure 4.
Change in the non-HDL-C and the triglyceride (TG)/HDL-C ratio in the blood after 12 weeks of supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under high cholesterol diet consumption. The different letters on each bar indicate a significant differences between the groups (p<0.05). (A)Non-high-density lipoproteins cholesterol (non-HDL-C). (B) TG/HDL-C ratio. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol.
Figure 4.
Change in the non-HDL-C and the triglyceride (TG)/HDL-C ratio in the blood after 12 weeks of supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under high cholesterol diet consumption. The different letters on each bar indicate a significant differences between the groups (p<0.05). (A)Non-high-density lipoproteins cholesterol (non-HDL-C). (B) TG/HDL-C ratio. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol.
Figure 5.
Comparison of the blood hepatic damage parameters of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (AST) after 12 weeks supplementation of each policosanol under high-cholesterol diet consumption. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. The different letters on each bar indicate a significant difference between the groups (p<0.05).
Figure 5.
Comparison of the blood hepatic damage parameters of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (AST) after 12 weeks supplementation of each policosanol under high-cholesterol diet consumption. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. The different letters on each bar indicate a significant difference between the groups (p<0.05).
Figure 6.
Histology analysis of the hepatic tissue from zebrafish after 12 weeks of supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under high cholesterol diet consumption. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. (A) Photographs showing the infiltration of neutrophils by Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) staining after converting the Hematoxylin stained area into a red intensity. The yellow scale bar indicates 100 m. (B) Quantification of the nucleus area from the H&E staining using Image J software (
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/accessed on 16 May 2023). The statistical significance of the groups was indicated as p values at the top of the graph. *, p <0.05 versus HCD control; **, p<0.01 versus HCD control; ns, not significant.
Figure 6.
Histology analysis of the hepatic tissue from zebrafish after 12 weeks of supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under high cholesterol diet consumption. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. (A) Photographs showing the infiltration of neutrophils by Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) staining after converting the Hematoxylin stained area into a red intensity. The yellow scale bar indicates 100 m. (B) Quantification of the nucleus area from the H&E staining using Image J software (
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/accessed on 16 May 2023). The statistical significance of the groups was indicated as p values at the top of the graph. *, p <0.05 versus HCD control; **, p<0.01 versus HCD control; ns, not significant.
Figure 7.
Comparisons of the fatty liver changes and reactive oxygen species (ROS) by Oil red O staining and dihydroethidium (DHE) staining, respectively, in zebrafish after 12 weeks supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under high cholesterol diet consumption. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. (
A) Representative image of oil red O stained and DHE stained hepatic tissue at 180 min post-injection. The scale bar indicates 100 μm. (
B) Quantification of the oil red O intensity and DHE fluorescence (Ex=585 nm, Em=615 nm) intensity using Image J software (
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/accessed on 16 May 2023). ***,
p<0.001 versus HCD from the DHE-stained area; #,
p<0.05 versus HCD from the AO-stained area; ##,
p<0.01 versus HCD from the AO-stained area; ###,
p<0.001 versus HCD from the AO-stained area ns, not significant.
Figure 7.
Comparisons of the fatty liver changes and reactive oxygen species (ROS) by Oil red O staining and dihydroethidium (DHE) staining, respectively, in zebrafish after 12 weeks supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under high cholesterol diet consumption. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. (
A) Representative image of oil red O stained and DHE stained hepatic tissue at 180 min post-injection. The scale bar indicates 100 μm. (
B) Quantification of the oil red O intensity and DHE fluorescence (Ex=585 nm, Em=615 nm) intensity using Image J software (
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/accessed on 16 May 2023). ***,
p<0.001 versus HCD from the DHE-stained area; #,
p<0.05 versus HCD from the AO-stained area; ##,
p<0.01 versus HCD from the AO-stained area; ###,
p<0.001 versus HCD from the AO-stained area ns, not significant.
Figure 8.
Comparison of the interleukin (IL)-6 stained area of immunohistochemistry (IHC) with hepatic tissue from zebrafish after 12 weeks supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under high cholesterol diet consumption. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. (A) Representative image of IL-6 stained hepatic tissue at 180 min post-injection. The scale bar indicates 100 μm. (B)Quantification of the oil red O intensity and DHE fluorescence (Ex=585 nm, Em=615 nm) intensity using Image J software (
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/accessed on 16 May 2023). ***,
p < 0.001 versus HCD; ##,
p < 0.01 versus HCD
Figure 8.
Comparison of the interleukin (IL)-6 stained area of immunohistochemistry (IHC) with hepatic tissue from zebrafish after 12 weeks supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under high cholesterol diet consumption. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. (A) Representative image of IL-6 stained hepatic tissue at 180 min post-injection. The scale bar indicates 100 μm. (B)Quantification of the oil red O intensity and DHE fluorescence (Ex=585 nm, Em=615 nm) intensity using Image J software (
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/accessed on 16 May 2023). ***,
p < 0.001 versus HCD; ##,
p < 0.01 versus HCD
Figure 9.
Comparisons of the ovarian cell morphology according to Hematoxylin and Eosin (H & E) staining, extent of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by dihydroethidium (DHE) staining, and extent of apoptosis by acridine orange (AO) staining in zebrafish after 12 weeks supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under high cholesterol diet consumption. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. (
A) Representative image of H & E stained, DHE stained, and AO stained image of ovarian cells. The scale bar indicates 100 μm. E, early vitellogenic oocytes; M, mature vitellogenic oocytes; P, pre-vitellogenic oocytes. (
B) Percentage distribution of the stages in oocytes depends on the developmental stage. ***,
p < 0.001 versus HCD in early and mature vitellogenic; ###,
p < 0.01 versus HCD in pre-vitellogenic; *,
p<0.05 versus HCD in mature-vitellogenic. (
C) Quantification of the DHE fluorescence (Ex=585 nm, Em=615 nm) intensity and acridine orange fluorescence in oocytes (Ex=505 nm, Em=535 nm) using Image J software (
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/accessed on 16 May 2023). *,
p<0.05 versus HCD from the DHE-stained area; ##,
p<0.01 versus HCD from AO-stained area; #,
p<0.05 versus HCD from the AO-stained area; ns, not significant.
Figure 9.
Comparisons of the ovarian cell morphology according to Hematoxylin and Eosin (H & E) staining, extent of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by dihydroethidium (DHE) staining, and extent of apoptosis by acridine orange (AO) staining in zebrafish after 12 weeks supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under high cholesterol diet consumption. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. (
A) Representative image of H & E stained, DHE stained, and AO stained image of ovarian cells. The scale bar indicates 100 μm. E, early vitellogenic oocytes; M, mature vitellogenic oocytes; P, pre-vitellogenic oocytes. (
B) Percentage distribution of the stages in oocytes depends on the developmental stage. ***,
p < 0.001 versus HCD in early and mature vitellogenic; ###,
p < 0.01 versus HCD in pre-vitellogenic; *,
p<0.05 versus HCD in mature-vitellogenic. (
C) Quantification of the DHE fluorescence (Ex=585 nm, Em=615 nm) intensity and acridine orange fluorescence in oocytes (Ex=505 nm, Em=535 nm) using Image J software (
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/accessed on 16 May 2023). *,
p<0.05 versus HCD from the DHE-stained area; ##,
p<0.01 versus HCD from AO-stained area; #,
p<0.05 versus HCD from the AO-stained area; ns, not significant.

Figure 10.
Comparison of the testicular histology in zebrafish after 12 weeks supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under high cholesterol diet consumption. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. (A) Representative image of a H & E stained testicular section and red conversion image to show empty intra/interspaces in seminiferous tubules. The red area indicates empty space. The scale bar indicates 100 μm. SC, spermatocytes; SG, spermatogonia; ST, spermatid; SZ, spermatozoa. (B) Quantification of the red area to compare the interstitial space in the testis using Image J software (
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/accessed on 16 May 2023). *,
p<0.05 versus HCD; **,
p<0.01 versus HCD; ***,
p<0.001 versus HCD; ns, not significant.
Figure 10.
Comparison of the testicular histology in zebrafish after 12 weeks supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under high cholesterol diet consumption. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. (A) Representative image of a H & E stained testicular section and red conversion image to show empty intra/interspaces in seminiferous tubules. The red area indicates empty space. The scale bar indicates 100 μm. SC, spermatocytes; SG, spermatogonia; ST, spermatid; SZ, spermatozoa. (B) Quantification of the red area to compare the interstitial space in the testis using Image J software (
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/accessed on 16 May 2023). *,
p<0.05 versus HCD; **,
p<0.01 versus HCD; ***,
p<0.001 versus HCD; ns, not significant.
Figure 11.
Comparison of the testicular cell morphology by Hematoxylin and Eosin (H & E) staining, the extent of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by dihydroethidium (DHE) staining, and the extent of apoptosis by acridine orange (AO) staining in zebrafish after 12 weeks supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under a high cholesterol diet. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. (A) Representative image of H & E stained, DHE stained, and AO stained image of a testicular cell. The red arrow indicates increased interstitial area. The scale bar indicates 100 μm. (B) Quantification of the DHE fluorescence intensity (Ex=585 nm, Em=615 nm) and AO fluorescence intensity (Ex=505 nm, Em=535 nm) using Image J software (
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/accessed on 16 May 2023). **,
p<0.01 versus HCD from DHE-stained area; ***,
p<0.001 versus HCD from DHE-stained area; ###,
p<0.001 versus HCD from the AO-stained area; ns, not significant.
Figure 11.
Comparison of the testicular cell morphology by Hematoxylin and Eosin (H & E) staining, the extent of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by dihydroethidium (DHE) staining, and the extent of apoptosis by acridine orange (AO) staining in zebrafish after 12 weeks supplementation of each policosanol (PCO) under a high cholesterol diet. HCD, high cholesterol diet; ND, normal diet; PCO1, Raydel policosanol; PCO2, Xi’an Natural policosanol; PCO3, Xi’an Realin policosanol; PCO4, Shaanxi policosanol. (A) Representative image of H & E stained, DHE stained, and AO stained image of a testicular cell. The red arrow indicates increased interstitial area. The scale bar indicates 100 μm. (B) Quantification of the DHE fluorescence intensity (Ex=585 nm, Em=615 nm) and AO fluorescence intensity (Ex=505 nm, Em=535 nm) using Image J software (
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/accessed on 16 May 2023). **,
p<0.01 versus HCD from DHE-stained area; ***,
p<0.001 versus HCD from DHE-stained area; ###,
p<0.001 versus HCD from the AO-stained area; ns, not significant.

Table 1.
Diet composition and change of body weight and survivability during 12 weeks consumption of policosanol under high cholesterol diet (HCD).
Table 1.
Diet composition and change of body weight and survivability during 12 weeks consumption of policosanol under high cholesterol diet (HCD).
Groups |
ND control |
Control |
PCO1 Raydel Sugarcane wax alcohol |
PCO2 Xi’an Natural Sugarcane |
PCO3 Xi’an Realin Sugarcane |
PCO4 Shaanxi Rice bran |
Diet composition (%) |
Tetrabits |
100 |
96 |
95.9 |
95.9 |
95.9 |
95.9 |
Cholesterol (%, wt./wt.) |
- |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
PCO (%, wt./wt.) |
- |
- |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
Body weight (mg) |
0 |
276 ±13 |
275±9 |
278±12 |
265±8 |
262 ±7 |
271 ±5 |
12 |
635 ±31 c
547±17 ab
605±23 bc
509±13 a
p† |
- |
- |
< 0.001 |
ns |
ns |
< 0.001 |
Survi-vability (%) |
0 |
100 (n=70) |
100 (n=70) |
100 (n=70) |
100 (n=70) |
100 (n=70) |
100 (n=70) |
12 |
97 (n=68) |
61 (n=43) |
81 (n=53) |
81 (n=53) |
57 (n=40) |
67 (n=47) |