
Observational Studies of Ocean Fronts: A Systematic Review of Chinese-Language Literature

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17 July 2023


18 July 2023

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This review will serve as an entry point for international researchers who would like to tap into the vast scientific potential of Chinese-language literature on oceanic fronts. We focused on observational studies in descriptive physical oceanography of marine fronts. A thorough bibliographic search netted 93 papers published in 1982-2023, with a sharp increase of the total number of papers after 2010. This trend continued unabated through the early 2020s. Regionally, the overwhelming majority of papers is focused on the China Seas, particularly the East China Seas (Bohai, Huanghai, and Donghai, especially the Yangtze River Plume) and northern South China Sea (Guangdong Shelf). Elsewhere, a number of papers were dedicated to the Southern Ocean and North Atlantic. Thematically, papers on remote sensing of ocean fronts dominate, with special attention to the development of new advanced front-detection algorithms applied to satellite data on sea surface temperature and chlorophyll. Numerous papers on marine fronts in the China Seas present important results that have to be considered by international researchers. Overall, this review emphasizes the significant contributions made by Chinese oceanographers, particularly to the frontal oceanography of the China Seas.
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1. Introduction

This century saw English becoming a truly global international language, a veritable lingua franca of science and technology. As the total number of English-language journals and papers published in these journals skyrocketed, the relevance of non-English-language publications is sometimes questioned. Yet China and Chinese language are exceptions since there are more scientists in China than in all other countries combined. Therefore, the importance of Chinese-language publications is self-evident. The global community of scientists is keenly interested in accessing results of studies conducted in China and published in Chinese. The need to examine the contribution of Chinese-language papers to our research field provided a strong impetus for this study.
Seas around China feature numerous fronts. These fronts have various structure and physical nature as they are formed and maintained by different physical mechanisms such as tides, wintertime thermal convection, summertime surface heating by solar radiation, water mass convergence, river discharge, coastal wind-driven upwelling, and topographic upwelling. In terms of physical diversity and sheer number of individual fronts, the China Seas (from the Bohai Sea in the north to the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand in the south) stand out as the world’s richest frontal region. Most fronts in the China Seas persist year-around, being best defined in winter. The fronts affect various aspects of maritime activities of people that populate countries around the China Seas, particularly China. Therefore, Chinese oceanographers and marine biologists traditionally paid attention to oceanic fronts. Over the last few decades, Chinese studies of fronts extended far beyond the China Seas and encompassed the entire World Ocean. These days, the great majority of Chinese studies are published in English-language international journals that are freely available to the international community online and offline. Yet at the same time, numerous studies of significant value are still published in Chinese-language domestic journals. Such journals are not readily available outside China, and many of them are not indexed by either Scopus or Web of Science. The desire to increase the awareness of the international community about various achievements of Chinese researchers, both past and present, was the main incentive for this review.
We limited the scope of this review by observational studies. Well-planned observational studies retain their value for a long time. Moreover, in the context of climate change, older observations of the past physical, chemical and biological conditions in the ocean become even more valuable since historical observational data can serve as a reference point in comparison studies of the present state of the ocean vs. its past state. As the old adage goes, the past is key to the future.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 describes bibliographic data sources, main principles of search strategy, and methodology of this review. Section 3 presents results of our review chronologically, regionally and thematically; these results are augmented by a selection of most impactful studies. Section 4 contains a brief discussion of some trends that transpired from this study. Section 5 sums up a few conclusions.

2. Data and Methods

Main principles of search strategy: First, the search focused on oceanic fronts that play a key role in marine realm. Second, the search focused on observational physical oceanography, including satellite oceanography. Papers on biological oceanography and geological oceanography were included provided they reported observations on physical and biochemical fronts. Papers on air-sea interactions in frontal zones were identified and included in this review. Papers on various applications of frontal studies were sought in such fields as, e.g., fisheries oceanography, aquaculture, environment protection and conservation, and pollution control, prevention, and mitigation. Theoretical and modeling papers on fronts were excluded with a few exceptions. Several papers on acoustical oceanography were identified; all of them reported numerical experiments and therefore were excluded.
Principal bibliographic sources: The China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) Database was our main bibliographic resource. The CNKI is the largest and most comprehensive database of Chinese papers. To ensure repeatability of our work, we (1) limited our survey to those sources that are freely available online at no charge, (2) provided a DOI or URL for each source; (3) hyperlinked all sources to their respective references. In addition to CNKI, we used Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar.
Systematic review: An attempt was made to meet the following criteria of a systematic review: (1) Clearly defined problem/goal; (2) Unambiguously formulated data selection criteria (data inclusion and exclusion criteria); (3) Search strategy algorithm; (4) Structured analysis of results; (5) Rigorous appraisal of data selected; (6) Adequate, representative, and comprehensive data sources; (7) Objective and unbiased approach to the presentation of results.
Goals, objectives, and search criteria: Our goal was to identify and review Chinese-language studies that present results on (1) spatial distribution and temporal variability of fronts in the World Ocean, (2) three-dimensional structure of these fronts; (3) biological, chemical, and geological manifestations of fronts. The main inclusion-exclusion criteria was the observational nature of studies as opposed to theoretical and modeling studies that hopefully will be reviewed by other scholars. The second most important inclusion-exclusion criteria was the fundamental nature of studies as opposed to various applications of front-oriented studies. The search results are presented chronologically, thematically, and regionally.
Duplicate papers: We did our best to identify and exclude duplicate papers. In the past, it was a common practice among non-native-English-speaking authors to publish first in their mother’s tongue, then publish the same paper in English as a new paper. These days, this practice is considered self-plagiarism, and it is prohibited by most publishers who use anti-plagiarism software to identify duplicate submissions. The strict enforcement of the anti-plagiarism policy by publishers in China and elsewhere has resolved the problem of duplicate publications. During our bibliographic search we only found two cases of duplicate papers, which constitutes about 1% of the total number of papers selected for this review.
Further refinement of bibliographic search: Papers selected for this review were screened for the completeness and accessibility to international readers, including the availability of English-language abstracts and the completeness of bibliographic information, the latter being a fairly standard requirement to any review. Of some 130 papers initially identified by keyword searches, less than 10 papers failed to meet the above requirements. The total number of papers eventually selected for this review is 93. This number is too small to justify a full-scale statistical analysis of results. However, some chronological, thematical, and regional trends became obvious at the analysis stage. These trends are presented in respective sections.

3. Results

Overview: Table 1 presents all studies selected for this review, sorted alphabetically by first authors’ surnames. Thus, Table 1’s structure is identical to our reference list. However, to comply with the MDPI citation style, the reference list will be reformatted at the production stage, with all references to be numbered and cited by the numbers.
Chronology: Temporal distribution of 93 papers is presented in Table 2, which makes evident a sharp increase of the total number of papers after 2010 that continued unabated though the early 2020s. This clear-cut trend is important. It shows that Chinese researchers expand their publication activity in Chinese in parallel with the well-known global trend of using English as an international language of science and technology.
Table 2. Temporal distribution of papers from Table 1.
Table 2. Temporal distribution of papers from Table 1.
Years 1982-1990 1991-1995 1996-2000 2001-2005 2006-2010 2011-2015 2016-2020 2021-2023
Papers 7 10 6 9 8 21 24 8
Regional coverage: The spatial distribution of papers listed in Table 1 is extremely non-uniform as evidenced by Table 3. The overwhelming majority of papers is focused on the China Seas, particularly the East China Seas (Bohai, Yellow, and East China Sea, especially the Yangtze River Estuary and Plume) and northern South China Sea. Elsewhere, a significant number of papers are dedicated to the Southern Ocean. Few papers focus on the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The paucity of papers on the open North Pacific is puzzling given the proximity and importance of this region to China.
Table 3. Regional distribution of papers from Table 1.
Table 3. Regional distribution of papers from Table 1.
Region No. ofpapers
Global 8
China Seas 4
Bohai Sea 5
Yellow Sea 17
East China Sea 16
Yangtze River Estuary and Plume 14
South China Sea 3
Northern South China Sea 13
Kuroshio 5
Japan Sea 1
Taiwan Strait 1
Northwest Pacific 1
Equatorial Pacific 1
Southern Ocean 7
North Atlantic: GIN Seas 2
North Atlantic: Alboran Sea 1
South Atlantic: Benguela 1
Indian Ocean 1
Indian Ocean: Arabian Sea 1
[END of TABLE 3]
Thematical coverage: Thematically, papers on remote sensing of ocean fronts dominate (Table 4), with special attention to the development of new advanced front-detection algorithms applied to satellite data on sea surface temperature and chlorophyll.
Table 4. Main subject areas of papers from Table 1.
Table 4. Main subject areas of papers from Table 1.
Subject No. of papers
Remote sensing: Spatial and temporal variability of fronts 48
Remote sensing: Front detection algorithms 12
Long-term climatology of fronts from in situ and satellite data 28
Descriptive oceanography of fronts from in situ data (ship surveys and sections) 26
River plume fronts 16
Ocean-atmosphere interaction over marine fronts 2
Physical fronts and bioproductivity 5
Physical fronts and their impact on sediment transport and deposition 8
[END of TABLE 4]
Content analysis: The two tables below sum up the most important results on space-time variability of oceanic fronts (Table 5) and on front detection algorithms (Table 6), both from papers in Table 1.
Table 5. Principal results on space-time variability of oceanic fronts (from papers in Table 1).
Table 5. Principal results on space-time variability of oceanic fronts (from papers in Table 1).
Source Main results
Cao ZY et al. (2016) Ship survey of the East Hainan Upwelling Front in July 2012
Chen B et al. (2016) Fronts of the Eastern Hainan and Western Guangdong Shelf (18-22°N, 109-113°E) from GHRSST L4 gridded data (2006-2013) with 0.05° resolution
Chen B et al. (2016) Global review of SST fronts; Climatology of China Seas’ SST fronts
Gao GP et al. (2003) CTD/XBT CHINARE sections between Zhongshan Station (Antarctica) and Fremantle (Australia) in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002; Locations and main characteristics of all major fronts (subtropical, subantarctic, polar, and slope)
Han YS et al. (2023) Long-term (2011-2020) monthly climatology of the Shandong Peninsula Front from MURSST gridded data with 0.01° resolution
He Y, Zhao JP (2011) Long-term (1953-2002) monthly climatology of fronts in GIN Seas from in situ HydroBase 2 gridded data with 0.25° resolution
Hong Y, Li L (1999) Ship survey of fronts in northern SCS, Aug-Sep 1994
Hu JY et al. (2000) Ship survey of fronts in the Taiwan Strait, August 1998
Huang WG et al. (2006) Fronts in the Taiwan Strait from AVHRR SST, 1989-2001
Li L et al. (2000) Review of fronts in southern Taiwan Strait from in situ and remote sensing data
Liu CY, Wang F (2009) Long-term (1985-2002) seasonal climatology of the Yellow Sea SST fronts from AVHRR Pathfinder monthly and 8-day data
Liu DY et al. (2022) Review of shelf fronts in the China Seas
Liu JB, Zhang YG (2015) Long-term (1955-2012) seasonal climatology of the Antarctic Polar Front from WOD13 gridded in situ data with 0.25° resolution
Liu JB, Zhang YG (2015) Long-term (1955-2012) seasonal climatology of tropical fronts (along 5°S and 15°S) in the South Indian Ocean from WOD13 gridded in situ data with 0.25° resolution
Liu JB, Zhang YG (2016) Long-term (1955-2012) seasonal climatology of temperature and salinity fronts in the Denmark Strait from WOD13 gridded in situ data with 0.25° resolution
Liu P et al. (2017) Long-term (1955-2012) seasonal climatology of the Arabian Sea Upwelling Front from WOD13 gridded in situ temperature data with 0.25° resolution
Liu P et al. (2018) Long-term seasonal climatology of temperature fronts in the Equatorial Pacific from WOD13 gridded in situ data
Pu SZ et al. (1994) Review of circumpolar fronts in the Drake Passage
Qiu CH et al. (2017) Seasonal variability of the Guangdong coastal thermal front from daily GHRSST L4 gridded data with 0.05° (~5 km) resolution
Qu J et al. (2016) Long-term (1955-2012) seasonal variability of the Subantarctic Front from WOD13 gridded in situ data with 0.25° resolution
Ren SH et al. (2015) Review of fronts in the China Seas
Tang YX (1996) Seasonal variability of temperature fronts in the ECS from historical in situ data (1934-1988)
Wang YZ et al. (2013) Shandong Peninsula Front: Seasonal variability and its impact on sediment transport and deposition
Wei QS et al. (2011) Biochemical and physical fronts of western Yellow Sea from CTD ship survey in summer 2006
Wu J et al. (2016) Suspended sediment fronts in the Yellow and East China Seas from GOCI satellite data in 2012-2013
XU JJ et al. (2021) Physical and biochemical fronts of the Yangtze River Estuary and freshwater discharge region in summer 2019
Xu MM et al. (2012) Atmospheric response to an SST front in the ECS
Xu SQ et al. (2015) Thermal fronts of the China Seas: Review and monthly statistics of SST fronts from OSTIA data (2006-2012)
Yang CH et al. (2017) CTD survey of the East Hainan Upwelling Front in July 2012
Yang TL et al. (2021) Fronts of the Japan Sea from SODA reanalysis, 1980-2015
Yang W et al. (2020) Southern Ocean fronts in the Southwest Pacific from XCTD sections in 2013-2018 and MODIS SST data
Yang Y, Pang CG (2012) Suspended sediment fronts in the East China Seas and Taiwan Strait from SeaWiFS data, 1998-2002
Yu J et al. (2020) Long-term monthly climatology of SST fronts in the northern SCS in 2003-2017
Yuan P et al. (2019) HYCOM-derived temperature and salinity fronts in the East China Seas and their impact on sediment transport and deposition
Zeng YG et al. (2022) East Guangdong Shelf Front in summer from CTD surveys and ROMS simulation
Zhang BH et al. (2011) Seasonal variability of temperature and salinity fronts in the SCS from the SODA reanalysis, 1958-2007
Zhao BH et al. (2012) Interannual variability of salinity fronts in the SCS from the SODA reanalysis, 1958-2007
Zhao BR (1985) Vertical structure of tidal mixing fronts in the Yellow Sea
[END of TABLE 5]

4. Discussion

Several trends transpire upon a close inspection of Table 1 through 6. Thematically, papers on remote sensing of fronts dominate. Numerous studies on SST fronts in the Bohai, Yellow, East China and northern South China Seas were published. Most of these studies are based on widely available Pathfinder AVHRR data, MODIS Aqua data, and OSTIA GHRSST multi-sensor data. At the same time, SST data from other satellite missions are under-utilized, e.g., VIIRS and Sentinel. There are very few studies of chlorophyll fronts using ocean color data that are generally as easily available as SST data. Also, satellite altimetry data on sea surface height (SSH) are barely utilized. Regionally, the overwhelming majority of studies are focused on the China Seas, which is fully justified. However, the paucity of studies centered on the open Northwest Pacific is difficult to explain and hard to justify given the proximity and importance of this region to China. Despite the proliferation of remote sensing studies of ocean fronts and availability of advanced front detection algorithms, the repertoire of various algorithms used by most researchers is very limited. Most researchers resort to rather simple gradient methods that have been traditionally used since the advent of satellite era. Fortunately, the development and improvement of front detection algorithms is gaining speed, which is commendable. However, the current lack of rigorous comparison and validation studies of such algorithms is notable. As ocean front detection becomes a mature field, algorithm comparison, testing, and validation studies should be promoted. In situ data have been traditionally used in conjunction with satellite data. The widespread use of WOD13 (World Ocean Database 2013) published by the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC/NOAA) had a positive impact, especially when such data were analyzed together with concurrent and collocated satellite data. The latest major release of this data base is World Ocean Database 2018 (WOD18), which includes 16 mln oceanographic casts ( The next release is expected in 2023.

5. Conclusions

This review demonstrated that the body of knowledge contained in Chinese-language publications on descriptive physical oceanography of marine fronts is a valuable addition to papers published in international English-language journals. While our review only covered the last 40+ years (1982-2023), there is no doubt that valuable contributions to this field were made by Chinese oceanographers long before the 1980s and published in Chinese journals that are not yet digitized, hence not easily accessible, especially to international readers worldwide. Any efforts should be encouraged to digitize and make available those legacy contributions to the present-day researchers, teachers, and society at large.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, I.M.B. and X.T.S.; Methodology, I.M.B. and X.T.S.; Data Procurement and Curation: X.T.S.; Writing–original draft, I.M.B.; Writing–review & editing, X.T.S. and I.M.B.; Supervision, I.M.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by Zhejiang Ocean University.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.


I.B. was supported by the Zhejiang Ocean University.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Table 1. Observational studies of oceanic fronts published in Chinese-language journals. Acronyms: BS, Bohai Sea; YS, Yellow Sea (Huanghai); ECS, East China Sea; SCS, South China Sea; NSCS, Northern SCS; GIN Seas, Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian Seas; SOC, Southern Ocean; ROFI, Region of Freshwater Influence; TS, Taiwan Strait.
Table 1. Observational studies of oceanic fronts published in Chinese-language journals. Acronyms: BS, Bohai Sea; YS, Yellow Sea (Huanghai); ECS, East China Sea; SCS, South China Sea; NSCS, Northern SCS; GIN Seas, Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian Seas; SOC, Southern Ocean; ROFI, Region of Freshwater Influence; TS, Taiwan Strait.
First Author Year Region Subject; Data; Comments
BAO Dao-Yang 2017 Yangtze ROFI Salinity intrusion and river discharge
CAO Pei-Kui 1996 Yangtze ROFI Suspended particle front and sediment transport
CAO Zhi-Yong 2016 NSCS East Hainan Upwelling Front
CHEN Biao 2002 Global Front detection from spaceborne SAR images
CHEN Biao 2016 NSCS SST fronts east of Hainan and south of Guangdong
CHEN Biao 2018 Global SST fronts
CHEN Shen-Liang 2001 Yangtze ROFI Barrier effect of plume front
DANG Zhen-Zhong 2016 ECS Kuroshio temperature front from in situ data
GAO Guo-Ping 2003 SOC Fronts along Australia-Antarctic sections
GUO Bing-Huo 1995 ECS Wavelike frontal features and their kinematics
HAN Yan-Song 2023 YS, ECS Shandong Peninsula front; Sedimentation
HE Yan 2011 GIN Seas Distributions and seasonal variations of fronts
HONG Ying 1999 NSCS Summertime shelf-slope front in Taiwan Strait
HU Fang-Xi 1995 Yangtze ROFI Salinity fronts in the Changjiang River estuary
HU Jian-Yu 2000 Taiwan Strait Surface waters in Taiwan Strait in August 1998
HUANG Wei-Gen 2006 ECS, NSCS Thermal fronts in Taiwan Strait
KUANG Cui-Ping 2022 Yangtze ROFI Salinity front’s response to the Yangtze discharge
LI An-Zhou 2017 Global Front detection
LI Ting-Ting 2018 Global Front detection from SAR images
LI Li 2000 NSCS Southern Taiwan Strait
LI Wei 2011a Off Taiwan Kuroshio front east of Taiwan
LI Wei 2011b Off Taiwan Kuroshio front east of Taiwan
LI Yu-Yang 2007 Kuroshio Detection of Kuroshio front
LIN Chuan-Lan 1986 ECS Kuroshio Front and fisheries
LIU Bao-Yin 1982 ECS Kuroshio SST fronts
LIU Chuan-Yu 2009 Yellow Sea SST fronts
LIU Dong-Yan 2022 China Seas Review of shelf fronts and their ecological effects
LIU Feng-Yue 1989 Yellow Sea Yellow River (Huanghe) plume front
LIU Jian-Bin 2015 SOC Seasonal variability of the Antarctic Polar Front
LIU Jian-Bin 2015 Ind. Ocean Spatial and temporal variations of SST fronts
LIU Jian-Bin 2016 Alboran Sea Alboran Sea front
LIU Jian-Bin 2016 Benguela Benguela Upwelling front
LIU Jian-Bin 2016 GIN Seas Denmark Strait Front
LIU Lin 2012 SOC Ocean-atmosphere interaction over ocean fronts
LIU Hao 2007 Bohai Sea Stratification and tidal fronts (numerical simulation)
LIU Peng 2017 Arabian Sea Upwelling fronts
LIU Peng 2018 Equat. Pacific Space-time variability of fronts
LIU Xing-Quan 2015 Yangtze ROFI Circulation and temperature structure
LU Xiao-Ting 2013 China Seas Feature models
LUO Lin 2003 NSCS Thermal fronts in Beibu Gulf
MAO Zhi-Chang 1995 Yangtze ROFI Salinity fronts
NING Xiu-Ren 2004 Yangtze ROFI Hangzhou Bay bioproductivity front
PING Bo 2013 Kuroshio Front detection (new method)
PING Bo 2014 Bohai Sea Front detection using BJ-1 satellite data
PU Shu-Zhen 1994 SOC Drake Passage
QIU Chun-Hua 2017 NSCS Guangdong coastal thermal front
QU Jie 2016 SOC Seasonal variability of the Sub-Antarctic Front
QU Xiang-Yu 2020 Global Front tracking algorithm for AUVs
REN Shi-He 2015 China Seas Review of fronts and frontal forecasting
SHI Zhong 2002 Yangtze ROFI Secondary plume front
SHI Ying-Ni 2018 ECS Kuroshio front detection from ocean color data
SUN Gen-Yun 2012 BS, YS, ECS Front detection in the East China Seas from SST
SUN Xiang-Ping 1992 Kuroshio Thermal fronts on the Kuroshio’s inner (left) side
TANG Yu-Xiang 1992 ECS Kuroshio front
TANG Yu-Xiang 1996 ECS Distribution and seasonal variability of SST fronts
WANG Yong-Zhi 2013 YS, ECS Shandong Peninsula front and suspended sediments
WEI Hao 1993 Yellow Sea Tidal-mixing fronts in the southern Yellow Sea
WEI Qin-Sheng 2010 Yellow Sea Fronts and their ecological effects
WU Jie 2016 Yangtze ROFI Suspended sediment fronts from GOCI data
WU Qu-Ran 2015 Global Front detection: Improvement and validation
WU Yun-Long 2022 Yangtze ROFI Salinity fronts in dry season
XU Jia-Jing 2021 Yangtze ROFI Chlorophyll-a and plume front, summer 2019
XU Su-Qin 2015 China Seas Space-time variability of SST fronts
XU Mi-Mi 2012 ECS Ocean-to-atmosphere forcing over SST front
XUE Cun-Jin 2007 Global Front detection using wavelet analysis
YANG Chun-Hua 2017 NSCS East Hainan Upwelling Front in summer
YANG Hai-Jun 1998 SCS Seasonal variability of thermal fronts
YANG Ting-Long 2021 Japan Sea Space-time variability of SST fronts
YANG Wei 2020 SOC Front locations in the Southwest Pacific
YANG Yang 2012 YS, ECS Suspended sediment sub-front
YING Zhi-Fu 1994 NSCS Zhujiang River Estuary front and sedimentation
YU Jie 2020 NSCS SST fronts
YUAN Ping 2019 BS, YS, ECS Fronts and sediment transport and deposition
ZANG Zheng-Chen 2015 Yellow Sea Fronts and sediment transport and deposition
ZENG Yi-Gang 2022 NSCS East Guangdong Shelf Front in summer
ZHANG Ran 2016 ECS Seasonal variability of SST fronts
ZHANG Wei 2014 Global Front detection (new method)
ZHAO Bao-Hong 2012 SCS Inter-annual variability of salinity front
ZHAO Bao-Ren 1985 Yellow Sea Tidal mixing fronts of the Huanghai cold water mass
ZHAO Bao-Ren 1987a Yellow Sea Fronts and the Huanghai cold water mass
ZHAO Bao-Ren 1987b Yellow Sea Tidal mixing fronts of the Huanghai Sea
ZHAO Bao-Ren 1992 Yellow Sea Tidal mixing front along the 34°N section
ZHAO Bao-Ren 1993 Yellow Sea Shallow water front off the Subei Shoal
ZHAO Bao-Ren 2001 Bohai Sea Tidal mixing fronts
ZHAO Ning 2016 NW Pacific Temperature fronts: Frontogenesis and frontolysis
ZHENG Yan-Ming 2009 Yangtze ROFI Salinity plume front in summer-autumn 2004
ZHENG Shu 2017 NSCS Pearl River Estuary front, river discharge and wind
ZHENG Yi-Fang 1985 YS, ECS Spatial distribution of fronts
ZHOU Feng 2008 Yellow Sea Tidal mixing fronts in the Huanghai Sea
ZHOU Run-Jie 2022 SOC Statistical characteristics of major fronts
ZHU Jian-Rong 2003 Yangtze ROFI Plume front, August 2000; Yangtze Shoal ship survey
ZHU Feng-Qin 2014 SCS Space-time variability of SST fronts
ZHUANG Wei 2003 NSCS Surface T and S in July-August 2000
[END of TABLE 1]
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