Deflection of light in a curved space-time background is the phenomenon that predicted by the general relativity theory, which states that the path of light can be curved or deflected by the presence of massive objects in its vicinity. This phenomenon is also called as gravitational lensing and the first experimental observation in Ref. [
11] predicates the correctness of this theory. Gravitational lensing is a helpful technique to understand galaxies, dark matter, dark energy and the universe [
11]. A lot of works on gravitational lensing have been investigated for black holes, wormholes, cosmic strings and other massive objects. These includes, optical properties of gravitational lens galaxies as a probe of galaxy structure and evolution [
12], by a charged black hole of string theory [
13], by braneworld black holes [
14], in the deformed Horava-Lifshitz black hole [
15], by wormholes [
16], Reissner-Nordstorm black hole [
17], by double stars and planetary systems [
18], properties of galaxy dark matter halos from weak lensing [
19], by naked singularities space-times [
24], by Schwarzschild black hole [
25], optical scalars in terms of energy-momentum distribution [
26], expressions for optical scalars and deflection angle at second order in terms of curvature scalars [
27], in non-commutative wormholes [
28], effect of the Brane-Dicke coupling parameter on weak lensing by wormholes and naked singularities [
29], applications of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem to gravitational lensing [
30], in the Kerr-Randers optical geometry [
31], bending angle of light for finite distance and the Gauss-Bonnet theorem [
32], weak lensing in a plasma medium and gravitational deflection of massive particles using the Gauss-Bonnet theorem [
33], light deflection by a rotating global monopole space-time [
34], Hawking radiation and deflection of light from Rindler Modified Schwarzschild black hole [
35], lensing by rotating wormholes[
36], gravito-magnetic bending angle of light with finite-distance corrections in stationary axisymmetric space-times[
37], light deflection by charged wormholes in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory[
38], weak lensing by phantom black holes and phantom wormholes using the Gauss-Bonnet theorem [
39], effect of Lorentz symmetry breaking on the deflection of light in a cosmic string space-time [
40], light deflection and Gauss-Bonnet theorem[
41], light deflection by a quantum improved Kerr black hole pierced by a cosmic string [
42], deflection angle of light for an observer and source at finite distance from a rotating wormhole [
43], effect of the cosmological constant on the deflection angle by a rotating cosmic string [
44], deflection of light by rotating regular black holes using the Gauss-Bonnet theorem [
45], light deflection by Damour-Solodukhin wormholes and Gauss-Bonnet theorem [
46], lensing under the effect of Weyl and bumblebee gravities [
47], lensing by wormholes supported by electromagnetic, scalar, and quantum effects [
48], deflection angle of photon through dark matter by black holes/wormholes using the Gauss-Bonnet theorem [
49], finite distance corrections to the light deflection in a gravitational field with a plasma medium [
50], weak gravitational lensing by Kerr-MOG black hole and Gauss-Bonnet theorem [
51], shadow cast and deflection angle of Kerr-Newman-Kasuya space-time [
52], deflection angle of light for an observer and source at finite distance from a rotating global monopole [
53], weak Gravitational lensing by phantom black holes and phantom wormholes using the Gauss-Bonnet theorem [
54], Exact geometric optics in a Morris-Thorne wormhole space-time [
55], gravitational lens equation in spherically symmetric and static space-time [
56], Bronnikov-Kim wormhole in weak-field approximation [
57], the light deflection by an Ellis wormhole [
58], weak gravitational lensing effect using the Gauss-Bonnet theorem (GBT) in asymptotically conical Morris-Thorne wormhole solution [
59], deflection of light under the effects of topologically charged Ellis-Bronnikov-type wormhole space-time [
60], in Morris-Thorne-type wormhole with cosmic string [
61], deflection of light due to the gravitational field of global monopole in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld theory using strong field approach [
62], and gravitational lensing caused by a topologically charged Monopole/Wormhole, both in the weak field limit and in the strong field limit [
63]. In Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld wormhole space-time with cosmic string [
64], by the Ellis Wormhole [
65], Wave Effect in Gravitational Lensing by the Ellis Wormhole[
66], Strong deflection limit analysis and gravitational lensing of an Ellis wormhole[
67], Light curves of light rays passing through a wormhole[
68], and strong gravitational lensing by wormholes [
69], and many more in the literature.