1. Introduction
According to the materials of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, every 12-13 years the world's population increases by 1 billion people. It is hypothesized that in 2024 the world's population will reach 8 billion. [
1]. While the population is growing rapidly and 30 percent of the world's population is experiencing food shortages, and the population of about 800 million people is suffering from hunger (Sustainable Development Goals), along with the intensive use of existing acreage for the development of food production, there is a need to increase the area of arable land [
3]. It is very important to increase it at the expense of abandoned agricultural land. These issues will contribute to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: "Poverty eradication", "Eradication of hunger", "Life on land", "Responsible consumption and production" [
Globally, especially in high- and middle-income countries, degraded agricultural land is often transformed into natural land [
5]. The transformation of agricultural land into abandoned land in North America and Europe is in most cases associated with the processes of mechanization and modernization in agriculture [
6], in post–Soviet countries this process does not take place for reasons such as transformations in agriculture after independence from the Soviet Union, the influx of rural population in the city, the lack of peasants' funds for land development [
7]. However, although there have been widespread reports of a sharp increase in abandoned lands, their scale and spatial patterns have not been fully studied [
2]. According to the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Land Management, the area of such lands in Kazakhstan for 10 years after independence (1991-2000) increased by 108% and reached 566.5 thousand hectares. Out of 2,271.9 thousand hectares of irrigated land in the country, 685.8 thousand hectares or 30.2% are not used for reasons of salinization, waterlogging, flooding, lack of water resources and other reasons. Most of it corresponds to the southern regions [
8]. Due to low yields, financial problems of peasants, etc., the decommissioned "abandoned lands" were also transferred to the category of fallow lands. Their introduction into agricultural circulation, or rather reuse in agriculture, occurs very slowly. Currently, the reclamation condition of abandoned lands in irrigated fields of Kazakhstan is deteriorating from year to year [
11]. Despite the fact that abandoned irrigated lands have been in "a fallow state" for several years, the state of humus formation in the composition of soils is unsatisfactory. Salt marshes gradually appear on most of the lands belonging to this category and are overgrown with halophytic vegetation [
11]. Since Kazakhstan is among the agrarian countries where irrigated agriculture occupies a leading position in crop production, the issue of studying the condition of fallow lands and their reuse is very relevant for the country. After all, according to the state plan, it is planned to gradually increase the area of irrigated land to 3 million hectares by 2030 [
To date, the study of ecological and soil-reclamation conditions of agricultural lands, including abandoned ones, is the main type of assessment that allows identifying positive and negative consequences of economic activity for the level of soil fertility. Conducting such studies will allow not only to determine the state and direction of degradation of agricultural lands, but also to develop recommendations for their development. Evidence-based recommendations to identify and combat factors limiting soil fertility will contribute to the effective management of agricultural land and increase production and ensure food security [
13]. In order to increase food production in arid and semi-arid regions of the world, restoration of saline soils is required to maintain a sufficient level of fertility [
14]. Scientists on the reclamation of salinized lands studied the effectiveness of traditionally hydrotechnical [
20] and chemical [
25], biological [
27], organic [
31]and agro-innovation technologies [
35]. It is extremely important to give effective recommendations taking into account the methods proposed by scientists for the amelioration of salty soils and the agroecological state of the object of study and the material and technical state of agricultural structures (characteristic of a developing country). In view of the fact that the reclamation strategy should be adapted to the terrain conditions and soil, plant and climatic conditions [
36] and the financial capabilities of farmers [
The purpose of the study is to study the current ecological and reclamation state of the abandoned lands of the Otyrar district and discuss issues of their development and making proposals.
4. Discussion
Most often, "abandoned" fallow lands are formed mainly in areas with relatively unfavorable field conditions. However, the abandonment of arable land is not limited to marginal areas in terms of agricultural production [
44]. The area of fallow lands in Kazakhstan increased sharply due to abandoned lands during the economic crisis of 1991-2000 and reached 504.3 thousand hectares [
8]. Consequently, not only water and climatic factors, but also the material and technical conditions of peasant farms contributed to the decommissioning of arable land. In the 90s of the last centuries, the technical condition of irrigation, collector-sewer (collector-drainage) systems, pumping stations and vertical sewer pipes deteriorated. 65% of pumping stations are worn out and out of service, water supply is reduced by 40%, sewage storage water is not cleaned of pesticides and chemicals, harmful salts [
9]. These phenomena also concern the Otyrar district we are studying. After all, according to our research, 1/5 of the abandoned lands of the Turkestan region are located on the territory of the Otyrar district.
Due to soil salinization in the object of study, crop yields reached a "consistently low" degree, which contributed to the transition of agricultural landscapes into an "ecological epidemic" [
32]. Thus, these lands, which were subjected to secondary salting, turned into "abandoned" lands, left agricultural circulation and were added to the reserves of fallow lands.
Secondary salinization-anthropogenic salinization is caused by the rise of groundwater due to humanity's misunderstanding of the natural relationship or improper use of land and water resources during irrigation. [
45]. When the ground water rises, the water rises through the capillaries into the root zone of the plant and undergoes evaporation. And the salts contained in the water remain in the root zone of the plant [
16]. This process occurs intensively in southern regions, such as the Otyrar district, characterized by a hot climate and where the amount of evaporation is several times higher than the amount of precipitation.
Development of abandoned lands. For the development of agricultural lands where saline soils occur, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the mechanism of the salinization process and carry out such work as reducing or neutralizing salinization. In this regard, we focused on the species that have achieved results in the development of saline soils of the desert zone, summarizing and grouping information about reclamation methods in the scientific literature (
Figure 4).
The methods of land reclamation include hydrotechnical, chemical, biological and organic methods. The most common and traditional around the world is the hydrotechnical method. According to this method, during 4-7 years, in winter-summer periods an excess of salts in the soil is washed off and transferred to river lakes and low-lying landscapes. This is done using the following 2 main measures.
Rinsing the salts. The information on the reclamation of saline lands in the scientific literature [
20] shows the importance of work on the displacement of soluble salts from soils with water using various approaches, depending on the features of the relief and water permeability of generic soil layers. To do this, depending on the salinity of the soil, the types of flushing (current, cardinal) and the amount of tap water consumed are determined. For example, it is established that up to 17.5-25 thousand cubic meters/ha of water is used for flushing heavily saline lands in arid zones. If there is insufficient water, continuous watering is recommended (within 3-10 days) not through furrows [
18]. However, in the conditions of climate change, the use of water-saving models and technologies for washing the soil with salt becomes relevant [
Operation of sewer and collector systems. In the spring period, due to the occurrence of groundwater above the "depth of the limit position", seeds are sown late, which leads to a decrease in yield and salinization of soils. Of great importance in solving this problem is the use of vertical sewers (vertical drains) that regulate soil moisture [
15]. In winter and summer, water from soil rinsing is displaced by collector lines, and the groundwater level is regulated by sewerage. According to Ayers and Westcot [
16], in arid and semi-arid climates, the salinization problem caused or exacerbated by poor drainage cannot be adequately controlled until the groundwater level is stabilized and maintained at a safe depth. However, currently all this does not work in the Otyrar district. Considering that the sewer-collector system has no analogues for lowering the groundwater level, its restoration remains an urgent problem.
To accelerate the process of removing salts from the soils of abandoned lands using the hydrotechnical method, it is advisable to use the chemical method. Saline soils can be restored with chemical fertilizers. The main chemical fertilizers used in reclamation works include: gypsum (CaSO4), lime (CaCO3), sulfuric acid (H2SO4), hydrochloric acid (HCl) and nitric acid (HNO3) [
24]. Liming of the formed soils (the use of lime fertilizers to replace calcium ions), gypsum of the soil (the introduction of gypsum replacing sodium) can replace sodium ions in places of cation exchange during soil washing (during leaching). This process promotes the removal of sodium from the root zone of the plant [
25]. However, in desert (arid) regions, chemical fertilizers without drainage cannot improve soil quality [
24]. Meanwhile, acidic additives (H2SO4, HCl, HNO3) can lower the pH of the soil. Therefore, before using them, it is necessary to study the chemical composition of the soil and conduct experimental work. Many scientists [
24] believe that chemical reclamation is effective only in well-drained areas.
Chemical reclamation also includes the use of organic and mineral fertilizers in high doses when growing crops. The yield of agricultural crops directly depends on the state of agrochemical indicators of the soil, the amount of organic and mineral fertilizers, the formation of a positive or deficient balance of humus and nutrients. The introduction of nutrients to obtain 10 kg of grain from corn is close to other grain crops. Under irrigation conditions, 250 kg of N, 100 kg of P2O5 and 360 kg of K2O will be required to obtain a yield of 100 kg of grain from 1 ha, and 150-180 kg of N, 50-60 kg of P2O5 and 150-200 kg of K2O will be required to produce 500-600 kg of green mass from 1 ha [
22]. The crop consumes nutrients throughout the growing season - until the wax ripeness of the grain. However, their most intense absorption is observed during the period of rapid growth in a relatively short time (from panicles to flowering). However, prolonged use of chemical fertilizers worsens the condition of agricultural soils, reduces the quality and fertility of the soil and increases the risk of secondary salinization [
46]. Therefore, many scientists [
14]. Zhang et al. [
47] call for the replacement of chemical fertilizers with organic fertilizers.
Scientists dealing with the problem of reclamation of saline soils in southern Kazakhstan [
33] claim that the use of the above traditional methods is impossible for the following 3 reasons:
1) poor operation of the collector-drainage network (in most cases, the absence);
2) lack of funds for small peasant farms to carry out land reclamation works;
3) unsatisfactoriness of quantitative and qualitative indicators of water resources.
In the Otyrar district, the use of a biological method, including phytomeliorative, has many environmental advantages. Salt-resistant cultivated plants that can grow in saline conditions play a good role in the biomelioration of saline soils. These plants are used as a biological means of restoring saline lands due to the following biological features: the ability to absorb salts from the soil and accumulate them in large quantities in its terrestrial vegetative body. Later they can be removed during harvesting and mowing. Crop rotation of alfalfa and sorghum crops according to the 2:1 scheme (2 years of alfalfa + 1 year of cotton) or according to the 1:2 scheme (2 years of sorghum + 1 year of cotton) and according to the 1:2 scheme (2 years of cotton + 1 year of millet) with cultivation in the south of Kazakhstan gave positive results and reduced the concentration salts in the soil (Tagaev and Umbetaev, 2019). Crop rotations are well established in the Otyrar district (in most cases, corn with alfalfa). Because, since animal husbandry in the area is well developed, corn and alfalfa crops will be sown on an alternating basis as a fodder crop.
Rabbimov et al. [
27] suggest grafting forage plants and forming forage stocks during the development of abandoned saline lands. According to their research, it is advantageous to grow Kochia scoparia, Atriplex nitens and Suaeda altissima halophytes on secondary saline lands using underground artesian waters. They even found out that it is possible to grow a Climacoptera lanata plant without watering. The peculiarity of these crops is that they absorb salt and water and salts through the roots, accumulating them in phytomass. Later they can be used in animal husbandry. However, there are large reserves of pasture lands at the object of our study. 96% of the district's lands are pasturing agricultural landscapes [
11]. Therefore, the sowing of more economically efficient crops is in demand as a fodder crop. And in the conditions of climate change, we believe that the problem of growing wild halophytic plants is one of the most promising. In addition, it should be noted that harvesting with the help of phytomeliorative approaches requires a lot of work and a long time.
When providing one or another method of land reclamation, it is necessary to proceed from the ecological and reclamation state of the object of research and the material and technical capabilities of peasant farms. Farmers do not have enough opportunities to use expensive methods and fertilizers. Therefore, when developing abandoned lands, we recommend using the following 2 methods.
1. Application of organic methods. Organic fertilizers applied in unsalted soil conditions are also suitable for highly saline soils. It is very important to choose organic fertilizers, taking into account only the amount of nutrients contained in them, the timing and method of application. [
14]. Zhang et al. [
47] found that the use of composted chicken manure in saline and leached soils, Tejada et al. [
31] compasses of chicken gin and chicken manure in saline soils not only increases the biomass of the plant compared to the control option, but also contributes to the chemical and physical properties of the soil and microbiological activity. After 4 years of continuous use of composted chicken manure, the amount of sodium cations (Na+) and chlorine cations (Cl–) significantly decreased compared to the control variant, while soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), available nitrogen (AN) and available potassium (ak) has increased significantly (Zhang et al., 2022). These organic fertilizers promote the formation of spontaneous plants that protect the soil and promote its restoration [
Kahlown Muhammad Akram, and Muhammad Azam [
28] conducted a study of the effect of irrigation of wheat and cotton fields with saline drainage waters (EC 2.25 MZ m -1) on soil and crop yields in arid areas of Pakistan. The study showed that the use of green siderate and manure when watering with salt water increases the rate of infiltration in the soil by 88.9% compared to watering with plain salted water. In addition, in the variant with the use of manure, soil salinization during salinization slowed down by 2.8-41.3%, increasing the yield of wheat and cotton (on average 1925 and 1485 kg / ha). The use of manure turned out to be relatively more effective than other processing methods in overcoming the negative consequences of watering with poor-quality water. This method can be effective in the development of abandoned lands of the Otyrar district. After all, there are 2 reasons indicating its effectiveness:
1) The availability of manure is high. Otyrar district mainly specializes in animal husbandry, not in crop production. Animal husbandry is known to be the main source of organic manure fertilizers. According to preliminary data of the National Statistical Agency for 2022, [
48] there are more than 501 thousand cattle in the area. In addition, since manure is the cheapest organic fertilizer, it is available to all farms.
2) The waters of the Syr Darya and Arys rivers used for irrigation of fields are mineralized. According to the Department of Environmental Monitoring of the Kazhydromet Agency [
49], the water quality of the Syrdarya River belongs to the "very poor" group (>Grade 5), and the water quality of the Arys River belongs to the "poor" group (Grade 4). According to calculations by S. I. Koshkarov [
50], on the land of Uzbekistan, the minerality of the water of the Syrdarya River increases to 0.7-1.2 g/l, on the land of Kazakhstan it increases on average to 1.5-2 g/l. Because the wastewaters of the fields in the upper and middle reaches of the Syrdarya River (water coming out of the salt washing of the fields) they flow into the river again. An experimental study by Mostafazadeh-Fard et al. [
51] has shown that as the mineralization of water used in soil irrigation increases, the salinity of the soil, the absorption coefficient of sodium increases, and the moisture-retaining properties of the soil deteriorate. The impact of mineralized water especially affects the topsoil. That is, as the salinity of irrigation water increases, the efficiency of its flushing by the hydraulic method continues to decrease.
A number of scientists [
30] show that the use of bio-coal as an organic fertilizer in saline and leached soils is productive. Bio-coal is a product of burning biomass at a temperature of 300-700 ° C in oxygen-free conditions. When applied to the soil, bio-coal improves the soil environment in agriculture. [29/30] as a result of experimental studies, it was found that the use of bio-coal effectively reduces the salinity and alkalinity of brackish soil, increases soil fertility and the number of microorganisms in the soil, increases the yield of corn.
However, for the use of organic fertilizers on large areas, it is important to conduct experimental studies first. They should be encouraged to combine with various agrotechnical methods (e.g., crop rotation, use of cover crops, etc.) [
2. Application of the Agro-innovation method. Developed by scientists of the Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry named after U. O. Ospanov in the development of saline abandoned lands [
32], the effectiveness of agro-innovation technologies has been repeatedly confirmed by experiments and research [
37]. This technology consists in the joint application of "nanoagromeliorative methods for increasing soil fertility and crop yield", consisting of the use of "new technology for the development of salt-alkaline soils (NTOZ-2)" and a multifunctional drug-adaptogens (PA-2-1, C-1-1, P-1) with the use in small volumes. The authors of this article also participated in such experimental work [
34]. The technology has been experimentally tested and put into operation in order to increase the productivity of saline lands in the rice fields regions of Kazakhstan: Kyzylorda, Bakanas and Karatal [
In addition, experiments were conducted at our research facility, that is, in the corn fields of the Otyrar district, and good results were obtained. Depending on the degree of salinity of the soil, the yield of corn has grown on unsalted soils compared to the control variant is up to 40.0% (71.1 c/ha), on lightly salted and medium saline soils up to 30.0 - 32.1% (62.5 - 63.5 c/ha), and on highly saline soils up to 11.4% (47.1 c/ha) [
34]. This technology ensures the sustainability of degraded lands and contributes to the production of environmentally friendly products [
Experimental work has established that the use of agro-innovation technology contributes to an increase in volume, favorably affecting not only the yield of corn, but also its root system (
Figure 5) [
11]. Compared with the control variants, it was found that the corn roots grown on the experimental plot significantly increased in size, and their weight increased by 96.7-119.4% [
11]. This phenomenon inevitably leads to the accumulation of a large amount of plant residues on saline soils and effective phytomeliorative changes. Plant waste is organic fertilizers that improve the physical condition of the soil [