5. Which knots to use in laparoscopic surgery
5.1. Considering loop security
Estimating that loop security of more than 15N is rarely required in laparoscopic gynaecological suturing, an H3, H1H1a and SSs are acceptable choices for polyfilament sutures. However, with monofilament sutures, loop security of these sliding knots and of H1H1s (which easily transforms into SSs might be insufficient. Therefore, we suggest using symmetric half-hitch sequences permitting a third and a fourth half-hitch, eventually blocking if needed. A first double throw half knot should be avoided, especially with monofilament sutures.
5.2. Considering knot security
Secure knots require a minimum of 5 throws for polyfilament and 6 throws for monofilament sutures and correct rotation, which is alternate rotation of the same active end or similar rotation if active and passive ends are changed.
Knot reorganisation during traction can result in an unpredictable, insecure or dangerous knot opening with forces of less than 10N. The risk for this unpredictable behaviour increases when the first loop is destabilised because of insufficient loop security or involuntary asymmetric traction on the first half-knot when less experienced or when sutures are short when making or tying the second half-knot. Therefore, as a general rule, we suggest avoiding starting with a double-throw half-knot, especially with monofilament sutures. Replacing half-knot sequences with half-hitch sequences is always advantageous because of higher loop security, more flexibility for loop security if needed and better or at least equal knot security. This holds for all 4, 5 and 6 throw knots. For most surgeons, this feels counter-intuitive since the surgeon’s knot (H2H1sH1s), and the H2H2 and H3H2, symmetric or asymmetric, are excellent knots.
Secure sequences of half-hitches require at least 2 symmetrical sliding and 2 or preferably 3 asymmetrical blocking half-hitches for polyfilament sutures. Monofilament sutures require at least 6 half-hitches, 2 symmetrical sliding and 4 asymmetrical blocking [
With our knowledge of today, knots as 5 sequential half-knots only have historical significance by demonstrating that a 2-throw half-knot followed by 3, 1-throw half-knots is slightly superior [
5.3. Knots and postoperative adhesion formation
Abdominal surgery is frequently associated with postoperative adhesion formation in men and women. Postoperative adhesions are a clinical burden for the patient and society since they cause 30% of postoperative pain, 30% of infertility and nearly 100% of postoperative bowel obstructions. Peritoneal repair is typically completed within three days, but adhesion formation will occur if repair is delayed by inflammation or a foreign body. Therefore suture material needing to be resorbed over more than a week is always adhesiogenic. Postoperative Adhesions thus increase with the duration of resorption, the suture characteristics, the length of the remaining tails and the volume of the knot (for review [
40]), and thus with the diameter of sutures and the number of throws and half-hitches or half-knots.
Therefore, we wanted to review what is known about loop security since important in laparoscopic surgery and knot security. Knot security will permit the surgeon to choose the most appropriate knot and a thin suture with a low knot volume and to cut tails short.
6. Discussion
In open surgery, loop security was taken care of with two-hand suturing permitting constant traction of both ends. In laparoscopic surgery, the importance of loop security only became fully realised with the development of laparoscopy in orthopaedic surgery [
41], requiring high loop security and tight knots. This has led to the development of a series of sliding cinch knots [
42] that can be blocked when in place and subsequently secured with additional half-knots of hitches. Loop security is important for suturing vessels larger than > 5mm leakproof, introducing surgeon's throw, millers knot, and strangle knots [
43], and even this year, an H3 was suggested to initiate an inverted mattress suture in dermatology [
In gynecologic laparoscopic surgery, loop security has received little attention since a high loop security is rarely necessary. However, when needed, such as after a large myoma resection, the surgeon should know that monofilament sutures should be avoided and that for polyfilament sutures, an H3 or better 2 symmetric half-hitches made with alternative rotation should be used. Especially for monofilament sutures, half-hitch sequences have the advantage of being flexible by permitting a third sliding and a fourth sliding half-hitch to be transformed after tying into a securing blocking Half-hitch, if needed.
Knot security should be defined by the risk of dangerous or insecure knots, not by the mean breaking forces of the knot. Therefore the clinical importance of most publications based on mean opening forces of knots can be questioned. Today's evidence can be summarised as follows: symmetric sequences are overall superior, and knot security increases with the number of throws, requiring 4 or 5 for polyfilament sutures and 6 or more throws of monofilament sutures. With polyfilament sutures, secure half-knot sequences are the 4-throw H2H2, the 5-throw H3H2 irrespective of rotation, and the surgical knot (H2H1sH1s). However, with monofilament sutures, these half-knot sequences are often insecure, and security does not improve by adding one or more half-knots. Only Half-hitch sequences are secure, provided at least 4 asymmetrical (symmetric on the new passive tread) are used. This indirectly confirms the difference in behaviour of monofilament sutures [
3]. Considering the risk of reorganisation and variability of half-knots, 5 asymmetrical half-hitches seem a safer option.
This translates into a clear message for the surgeon: always use alternate rotation except for blocking half-hitches. Experienced surgeons can consider H2H2 and H3H2, irrespective of rotation, provided the first loop is not destabilised and has enough security. Half-hitch sequences are superior, especially in gynaecology, with often suturing deep in the pelvis, since the loop security is way superior to half-knots, and because of the benefit of flexibility, permitting a third and eventually a fourth half-hitch, eventually to be transformed into a blocking half-hitch, ff 2 half-hitches do not have sufficient loop security to keep the edges of the tissues approximated.
Variable knot security because of reorganisation and destabilisation is an insufficiently recognised but serious problem, requiring training, teaching and individual monitoring. Considering that more than 50 knots need to be evaluated to detect 5% unstable knots, a personal assessment of the knots made by a trainee seems mandatory. As already suggested in 1993 [
45], a simple spring portable tensiometer would be welcomed to permit the trainee to check the security of their knots. Another approach is pre-training of laparoscopic psychomotor kills [
46], visual force feedback [
47], and the use of a knot-tying board with measurement of the vertical and lateral forces exerted [
48]. Also noteworthy is the importance that a trainer cannot be replaced by a video [
49], that telementoring and training on-site are equally effective [
50], that video registration and artificial intelligence can help in the evaluation of trainees [
51], and the importance of the mental image of knots [
52] and of fatigue [
53]. Ideally, a surgeon should demonstrate minimal skills and knowledge before operating on women, and a structural pre-training [
38] and assessing knot security of 50 to 100 knots with a dynamometer might be a straightforward and reproducible way to evaluate this.
Understanding loop and knot security is also important for training, and expert instruction presents an advantage compared with video-based self-study [
Understanding suturing and knot tying are important for loop and knot security and postoperative adhesion formation. Understanding knot security permits using thinner sutures without excessive throws of half-hitches or half-knots out of prudence, and cutting threads shorter results in less adhesion formation. Since 2.0 sutures already have tensile strengths around 80 to 100 Newton, larger diameters are rarely needed in gynaecology. Although exact data of forces during coughing are not available, we only can conclude that for securing the mesh to the promontory during promontofixation, sutures with a higher tensile strength might be indicated.
These conclusions are consistent with, but change our understanding of, previous reports. Since the importance of rotation for blocking half-hitches was not clear, it is not surprising that it was concluded that six throws are needed [
39]. We also begin to understand reports that multiplying sequences of half-knots does not lead to more secure knots, as demonstrated that 4 throw half-knots (H1H1sH1sH1s) [
4] with PDS opened in 10%, and suggestions to use 5 and 6 throw half-knots such as H2H1sH1sH1s and H3H2sH1sH1s. [
The resorption of sutures is estimated to decrease tensile strength by half over three weeks [
55]. This is not a concern considering that a tissue repair has 50% of its final resistance after 1 week.
A discussion of modifications and improvements of barbed sutures and of cinch knots, being too complex for intracorporeal suturing [
14] is beyond this review since.