4.3. Broadband Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and its Measurements
As shown in
Figure 5(b) and Refs. [
10], the bbNIRS system employed in this study was designed with two channels to collect data concurrently from each lateral forehead of the participant. The two light sources used were halogen lamps (OSL2IR, Thorlabs, Inc., NJ, USA) emitting broadband white light. Two CCD array spectrometers (QEPRO; Ocean Optics Inc., Orlando, FL, USA) were used for spectroscopic detection. An integration time of 1.5 sec (i.e., a sampling rate of 0.67 Hz) was set to balance the temporal resolution and adequate signal strength. Two sets of optical fiber probes were connected to a laptop computer that controlled the data acquisition, displayed the results, and stored the data for the offline process. Calibration of the two spectrometers was performed using an ink-intralipid phantom, demonstrating identical spectral quantifications from both channels.
To ensure proper placement, optical fibers connected the lamps and detectors to a 3-D printed headband, as seen in
Figure 5a,b. The headband was secured to each participant’s forehead using Velcro straps and medical tapes applied to the probe-skin interface to stabilize the probe without causing discomfort to the participants. In addition, this stabilization greatly reduces motion artefacts. This headband was specifically designed with divots to accommodate the EEG prefrontal electrodes while securing the placement of the bbNIRS system on the subject's forehead. The source and detector separation for each channel was 3 cm. This setup enables the simultaneous measurement of optical spectral alterations in both the left and right foreheads of healthy participants in the resting state [
In the meantime, a compact electroencephalogram (EEG) device with a dry, blue-tooth controlled, 19-channel headset (Quick-20, CGX Systems, San Diego, CA, USA) was employed for concurrent dual-mode measurements. However, the focus of this study was on the results only from the bbNIRS of the two age groups, leaving the investigation of EEG in a future study.
4.4. Data Analysis
The algorithm developed to analyze 2-channel bbNIRS data for the quantification of bilateral connectivity of ΔHbO and ΔCCO, as well as unilateral mitochondrial-hemodynamic coupling, of the human forehead was recently introduced [
1] and applied to the investigation of prefrontal responses to noninvasive light stimulation [
19]. The detailed data analysis can be summarized in five steps, as shown in
Figure 5(d). While complete derivation and explanation of the algorithm can be found in Refs. [
2], we briefly describe the five steps below for the convenience of readers.
Step 1: Raw bbNIRS data collection from both OA and YA groups
For both OA and YA experiments, the recorded data by both spectrometers were a set of optical spectra at different times (t), as expressed
I(t, λ). A relative optical density spectrum, ΔOD(t, λ), can be defined and calculated at each wavelength λ as:
I0(t=0, λ) is the baseline spectrum at time
t=0 or an average of several initial baseline spectral readings, and
I(t, λ) represents time-varying spectra acquired at each time point throughout the entire experiment.
Step 2: Conversion of ΔOD(t, λ) to Δ[HbO](t, λ) and Δ[CCO](t, λ) over 7-min resting state
With a sample rate of 0.67 Hz, 7-min bbNIRS data collection provided a set of 280 spectra for either eyes-open or eyes-closed session. The recorded spectrum was in the wavelength range of 740 to 1100 nm, but a spectral band of 780 to 900 nm was sufficient for our need [
36]. According to the modified Beer-Lambert law, we converted ΔOD(t, λ) to Δ[HbO](t, λ) and Δ[CCO](t, λ) [
39] for each time point over the 7-min measurement window for both lateral sides of the measurements [
19]. Section D in the
Supplementary Materials provides theoretical/mathematical derivations in detail for this step.
Step 3: Spectral analysis of Δ[HbO](t, λ) and Δ[CCO](t, λ)
To perform spectral analysis for time series of Δ[HbO] and Δ[CCO], we used the multi-taper method (MTM) [
41]. This method facilitates frequency spectra for both Δ[HbO] and Δ[CCO] with relatively high spectral resolution and low noise using Slepian sequences to taper time series in the time domain followed by the fast Fourier transform. Specifically, several functions available in the FieldTrip toolbox (including “ft_freqanalysis”) were performed for MTM operation on the MATLAB platform [
43]. The decomposed amplitude and phase were achieved as a complex number that was further used in the coherence quantification (see Step 4). See Section E in the
Supplementary Materials for a graphical explanation for the function of “ft_freqanalysis.”
Step 4: Hemodynamic and metabolic connectivity/coupling quantification [
Connectivity analysis, in principle, estimates the level by which two time series oscillate synchronously. One of the widely used connectivity measures is coherence, a phase-based frequency-domain analysis that is quantified as a normalized value between 0 and 1. Mathematically, the representation of coherence (COH) between two time series for a specific frequency of ω is
Sxx and
Syy are the power estimates of signals
x and
y, and
Sxy is the averaged cross spectral density of the two data series [
44]. These terms are calculated using the complex values obtained from the MTM method [
45] (see Step 3 above). The flow chart shown in Section E in the
Supplementary Materials also illustrates the function of “ft_connectivityanalysis” graphically for an easy understanding of the calculation.
In this study, we utilized several functions in MATLAB (including “ft_connectivityanalysis”) available in the FieldTrip toolbox to perform coherence operations. Specifically, we calculated coherence values for the following four pairs of measured Δ[HbO] and Δ[CCO] signals: (1) bilateral hemodynamic connectivity between Δ[HbO] right and Δ[HbO]left (i.e., bCONHbO), (2) bilateral metabolic connectivity between Δ[CCO]right and Δ[CCO]left (bCONCCO), (3) unilateral hemodynamic-metabolic coupling on the ipsilateral side between Δ[HbO]right and Δ[CCO]right (uCOPright), and (4) unilateral hemodynamic-metabolic coupling on the contralateral side between Δ[HbO]left and Δ[CCO]left (uCOPleft). These calculations were performed separately for the three frequency bands (E/N/M).
Step 5: Statistical Analysis
After the aforementioned parameters at each E/N/M band were quantified for OA, we performed two-sample t-tests between the OA and YA groups to determine whether each of the bCON and uCOP parameters was age-dependent. The significance level was set at p<0.05. All respective values for the YA group were based on the results reported in Ref. [
8]. When a significant difference between the two groups was obtained, we further calculated Cohen’s d to assess the effect size of statistical significance. Accordingly, 0.2 < d < 0.5, 0.5 < d < 0.8, 0.8 < d < 1.3, and d > 1.3 are considered small, medium, large, and very large effect sizes, respectively.
Furthermore, within each age group, we performed two-sample t-tests between male and female participants to examine the gender difference for each of the quantified connectivity and coupling parameters.
To visualize the five steps in data processing,
Figure 6 below illustrates representative data or outcome after each step: the figure in Step 1 shows group-averaged raw bbNIRS optical spectra; the figure in Step 2 displays a quantified time series of Δ[HbO] with a broad frequency range in < 0.25 Hz; the figures in Step 3 include a spectral analysis plot after MTM along with time series in three E/N/M bands; Step 4 lists the quantities for coherence calculations for all three E/N/M bands; and Step 5 shows an example for statistical comparisons between the two age groups.