2.2. HCA Model
The basic principle of the HCA model is to combine the increment-based
advanced implicit material model and the cycle number–permanent deformation
explicit model. As a final result, the HCA model gives the accumulated strain ε
acc as a vector quantity under a cyclic loading with N-number of constant stress amplitudes. The HCA model requires the void ratio, the mean effective normal stress, the stress state and the cyclic strain amplitude (ε
ampl) as input parameters. The latter is implicitly calculated using a conventional material model by gradually increasing the cyclic stress and calculating the strain amplitude as the sum of the strain increments. Then, the strain amplitude is used as input to determine explicitly the permanent deformation under a cyclic load with N-number of constant stress amplitudes. The model is presented in detail in the habilitation of [
18]; hereinafter only the most important calculation steps are discussed.
In the first step, the strain amplitude ε
ampl is determined due to q
ampl in a traditional implicit way, which is to be interpreted as the vector sum of the vertical and horizontal strains (1). The strain amplitude is defined as the mean value of the strains calculated at q
max − q
min points.
Then, the calculation switches to the explicit part of the HCA model, in which the permanent strains due to ΔN cycle package are determined with the above-defined εampl. Since the soil structure and state parameters change in the long term, the explicit calculation is interrupted from time to time and the implicit analysis is repeated in control cycles in order to continue the explicit calculation for another ΔN cycle package with the actual value of εampl.
By many constitutive models, when a stress path touches the yield surface, a plastic strain occurs. If the model takes hardening into account, then the yield surface shifts. For the HCA calculation any suitable constitutive relationship as plastic yield surface or strain hardening might be considered. The direction of the strain (e.g. volumetric or deviatoric) will be described with a flow rule. The difficulty by high cycle accumulations models is that the intensity of loading is somewhat moderate, a cyclic plastic strain develops over the years of service due to the thousands and millions of load repetition although the static yield requirements are not satisfied. For the general case, the strains are determined using the basic constitutive equation of the HCA model Equation (2):
is the Cauchy stress tensor,
is the total strain rate,
is the accumulated strain rate,
is the plastic strain rate, which starts to accumulate when the loading reaches the yield surface,
E is the stress-dependent elastic stiffness matrix.
Equation (2) gives the change in the stress (e.g. increase in pore pressure in undrained conditions,
) or strain (e.g. accumulated plastic strain in drained conditions,
) depending on the boundary conditions. In the analysis performed for this research, the latter boundary conditions are valid, since drained conditions and sufficiently deep groundwater level were assumed. In this research it is assumed, that the stress path might only touch the yield surface during construction or by the first regular load cycle. Therefore no static plastic strain develops during the repeated cyclic loading, so that
. Thus, Equation (2) is simplified to
. [
18] provide further information on the plastic constitutive relationships of the HCA model.
The HCA model gives the rate of accumulation as a vector quantity, so in addition to the scalar magnitude of the strain, a flow rule is also needed to specify the direction of accumulation (
m), i.e. to specify the deviatoric ε
q and volumetric ε
v parts of the strain. These can be used to determine the vertical strain components needed for the settlement analysis.
The scalar part of the rate of accumulation can be determined using the other basic constitutive equation of the HCA model Equation (4), which is given as the product of 5 empirical factors. The
, and
account for the influence of strain amplitude, the number of cycles, the mean normal stress, the mean stress ratio and the void ratio, respectively. In some cases, a sixth term is also included in the equation, which describes the polarization of the cyclic loading
. However, this factor can be neglected in most practical applications and can be taken as 1.0 based on the recommendation of [
The above-mentioned 5 f
i functions can be described with 7 C
i material constants.
Table 1 provides details of the constitutive relationships of the HCA model.
is the cyclic strain amplitude
is the preloading variable
is the average normalized stress state according to Matsuoka and Nakai
is the void ratio
is the maximal void ratio at loosest state
In addition, the critical friction angle
is also needed to define the flow rule and
, which is not necessarily the same as the critical friction angle
that can be calculated from the monotonic CU triaxial test. In this research, the recommendations of [
11] were used to determine the critical friction angle
of the cyclic flow rule.
2.3. Direction of Accumulation
Based on laboratory test results, [
19] found that the flow rule of MCC is approximately valid for sandy soils in the case of cyclic loading, so the vector of cyclic flow is mainly governed by the ratio of deviatoric and hydrostatic stresses
describing the average stress state. The relationship between the number of cycles and the strain rate ratio for large number of cycles (10
6) was investigated by [
20] on 22 different particle size distribution curves of a clean quartz sand. Laboratory tests showed that the findings in [
19] are somewhat inaccurate, as the plastic strain accumulation vector inclines towards the p axis, i.e. towards the volumetric strain, as the number of cycles increases. However, the MCC model is acceptable as an approximation for isotropic soils, since basically there are no shear strains in the case of
= 0, while only shear strains develop in the case of
= M
c. In this research, the MCC flow rule was applied to the sandy subgrade described in
Section 4. Tests carried out on crushed stone base curse by [
21] showed that, unlike sand, the material behaves anisotropically under compaction, so the flow rule of the MCC does not apply. Therefore an anisotropic flow rule presented in [
21] were used in this research for the base and subbase layers.
2.4. Determination and Calibration of the HCA Parameters
The calibration of C
i parameters is well-documented for the HCA model [
23]. Based on these, there are three possible methods for determining these parameters. In the first case, at least 11 drained cyclic triaxial tests shall be performed, which is quite time and work consuming. In the simplified procedure, C
e, C
p, C
Y and C
ampl are determined with correlations and C
Ni parameters are calibrated using a single cyclic drained triaxial test. In the simplest approximation procedure, all parameters are determined using correlations based on particle size distribution tests (d
50 and C
Because no additional laboratory tests were performed for this research, the latter simplified procedure is presented in detail below. The simplified calibration procedure discussed in the papers of [
24] was developed on clean subangular quartz sand and gravel soils with no fines content. The samples had a coefficient of uniformity C
U between 1.5 and 8.0 and a d
50 between 0.1 mm and 3.5 mm, and the maximum cycle number was N
max = 2·10
6. The maximum number of cycles of 2 million is an outstanding upper value compared to similar tests found in the literature. The running time of a single cyclic triaxial test in this case is approx. 23 days, during which technical problems may occur even despite the greatest precautions, e.g. water leaks from the triaxial cell into the sample via diffusion [
24]. The 2 million cycles used in the laboratory can therefore be considered the upper limit of technical reliability. However, road pavements can be subjected to a higher number of load cycles. Since behaviour of the soil is not known in the range greater than
cycles, the assumptions corresponding to the range of N >
should be treated cautiously and with appropriate criticism as the validity of the C
i parameters is uncertain.
The boundary conditions of the particle size distribution discussed above are not valid for the crushed stone base and the subbase courses, therefore the HCA parameters should be determined directly by laboratory testing of these layers [
13]. The tests were performed on unbound crushed stone and the particle size distribution curve of the material
Figure 2 is in accordance with the Colombian Road Specifications. The obtained HCA parameters are presented in
Table 3. In the absence of literature data, it was assumed that the HCA parameters are also valid for the subbase course.