Developing the framework
The main goal in developing an
Index for Adaptive Responses (
InARes) framework was to achieve only one number or parameter that reflects the total (mal-)adaptation to a certain stressor. It should be usable in comparing organismal responses across environmental factors (hereafter referred to as stressors). Several steps are necessary for the
Index for Adaptive Responses framework to achieve these goals, which will be elaborated on in the following paragraphs. The equations herein can be modified individually (e.g., when using the R package) to enter a priori knowledge into the framework (e.g., which traits are adaptive and which maladaptive). Additionally, some functions come in two variants for calculating the
InARes or a plasticity index. Examples of how the functions of the R package can be used and modified are described further below in the supplementary information and the readme and help file of the R package (the package will be available on CRAN and GitHub:
Transforming each trait's values
A tremendous number of possible traits can contribute to an organism's adaptation to a certain stressor. Those traits can comprise behavioural, life history, morphological, physiological, and molecular traits (maybe even more). These are naturally on different scales. Therefore, all trait values must be transformed to the same scale in the first step. This is usually achieved by, e.g., a z-transformation (or standardisation) with the following equation:
is the standardised value,
is an individual's trait value,
is the population's (or treatment's) mean, and
is the standard deviation of the same population (or treatment).
Additionally, it is necessary to scale them to a meaningful range, e.g., normalised from 0 to 1. This can be achieved using a normalisation equation like the following:
is the normalised value in a range of 0 to 1,
is the individuals’ value to be transformed, and
are the minimum or maximum value of a population (or treatment), respectively.
However, if we perform just these two steps, the values would be at the same scale and range but still are not more meaningful than their unprocessed counterparts. Furthermore, each experimental setup might be (slightly) different, and even if not, the organisms may respond slightly differently each time an experiment is repeated. Therefore, the baseline of a response would change each time an experiment is repeated, or some parameters have changed. To solve this issue, the idea is to use a control treatment (or similar population, hereafter referred to as control) as the baseline of a response. Therefore, we invented a new transformation method, which incorporates a standardisation and normalisation to a control population in just one step. We merged and modified equations 1 and 2, resulting in a rex-transformation (rex for relative expression):
Values of assume the individual has:
< 0: a lower response in a certain trait compared to the control mean
= 0: a similar response compared to the control mean
> 0: an enhanced response compared to the control mean
where is the transformed value of the th trait of the th individuum. It must be calculated for each trait and individual separately. is the untransformed individuals’ trait value, is the mean value of the control, and are the maximum and minimum trait values across the control and the stressor treatment (hereafter referred to as treatment). Through this transformation, the values are standardised to the same scale and normalised to a range of -1 to 1. Thus, the values become independent of the experimental design and environmental conditions, to a certain extent, as all those factors are implicitly included in the control and set as a baseline. In other words, is an individual's measure of the relative expression of a trait in relation to the control. It is comparable across experiments and even species, as the value always considers the control and, therefore, also accounts for performance differences among organisms (which happens, even in similar experiments).
The Index for Adaptive Responses’ value: a weighted mean of all traits
The main issue for a reasonable estimation of a total adaptation is that not all traits of an organism contribute equally to the adaptation. Therefore, all traits incorporated in the InARes would have to be weighted according to their contribution. Usually, very extensive and elaborative experiments are necessary to assess each trait's contribution to the total adaptation of an organism. To avoid this tremendous effort and necessity for those data, we made use of some inherent assumptions of most ecological studies to realise another way of weighing the traits: Although usually not explicitly mentioned, it is implicitly assumed that an increase in a trait under a certain stressor is a beneficial response that protects the organisms against the stressor to a certain extent. Furthermore, an organism will "prevent" overexpression of a trait to avoid wasting resources. Although not necessarily true in all cases, these assumptions are implicitly accepted broadly in ecological research. However, in cases where such a trait enhancement under exposure to a stressor is not obviously beneficial, we might need to understand the mechanism behind this change, rendering these assumptions still viable. On the other hand, traits that are thought or known to be rather an effect of the stressor instead of an adaptation should not be included at this step of the framework.
Following these assumptions, a relatively stronger increase in one trait (i.e., a relatively higher investment) renders this relatively stronger response potentially more beneficial compared to a relatively lower response (i.e., a relatively lower investment). We calculated the relative expression of all traits with the rex-transformation. Therefore, we can use the highest absolute value (i.e., the relatively strongest expression) of a trait as a weighing parameter for this trait. The absolute value because of two reasons: First, an adaptive response can also mean a decrease in a trait (i.e., a negative sign), e.g., a decrease in body size against visual hunting predators to increase elusiveness. Second, even if organisms of the treatment enhance a trait in general, there may also be some individuals that strongly decrease it. These contrasting responses within a population lead to the assumption that the trait might not be that important, since otherwise most individuals would behave similarly. By taking the absolute value, this case will lead to a diminished weight of this specific trait, which is a desired feature of the InARes.
These implicit assumptions further allow for the estimation of whether a trait enhancement is adaptive or maladaptive. When most individuals in the treatment population exhibit an increase in a trait, compared to control, we can assume that an increase in this trait is adaptive, and vice versa. Therefore, we need the sign of the median of the treatment population (i.e., > 0 means an increase in rex is adaptive, < 0 means an increase in rex is maladaptive). We use the median instead of the mean, making the algorithm robust to outliers. Those thoughts lead to the following equation for a weighted mean value of all traits:
Values of assume the individual exhibits an:
< 0: overall maladaptive change in the included traits against a certain stressor
= 0: overall, neither adaptive nor maladaptive response
> 0: an overall adaptive response
where is the individuals’ weighted mean value of all traits. As before, it is calculated at the individual level, allowing for estimating the uncertainty (i.e., standard deviation) of this value. is the number of traits included in , is the value of the th trait of the th individuum that is included. is the vector of all values of the th trait of control and treatment, and is the vector of all values of the th trait of the treatment. The signum function () assesses just the sign of the median of . is the weighing term, which we call from hereon. Similarly to , will be between -1 and 1. Through this, adaptations and maladaptations are considered, such that adaptive decreases in a trait would lead to increases in . In contrast, maladaptive increases in a trait would lead to decreases in . In other words, measures the cumulative expression of traits in relation to their maximum expression and their control or baseline. Similar to the previous step, equation 4.1 comes with another variant that allows customisation and incorporation of additional knowledge of the investigated system, if available (see SI for more detail).
Estimate each trait's contribution to the Index for Adaptive Responses
This step is optional. It allows estimating the contribution of each trait to the
InARes value from a simple control vs treatment experiment or similar data. In principle, we reverse the calculation of equation 4.1 or 4.2, respectively, to calculate each trait's contribution to
at the individual level:
where all parameters have a similar meaning as before, and
is the contribution of the
th trait of the
th individuum to
, and the weighted trait
, similar to previous equations. In this case, the previously calculated values for
can be used and do not have to be calculated again. Then, the mean and standard deviation of
is calculated for each trait and used in the following equation to estimate the adaptiveness of each trait qualitatively:
is the corrected change in the mean contribution from the control to the treatment. The contribution of each trait to the of the control can vary strongly because the values are very low (naturally around 0), resulting in a very high mean contribution (in equation 5.1). Thus, we correct the mean contribution with the ratio of the absolute median value of of the control and the treatment. This step considers the strength of deviation of the treatment from control and solves the issue with small contribution numbers in control. Again, we use the median to achieve robustness against outliers and the absolute value to get the sign of the relation (i.e., whether the trait is adaptive or maladaptive). If exceeds 0.05 (meaning a change in the contribution of 5 % or more) in one trait, an increase in this trait is considered adaptive or maladaptive, depending on the sign. This value was initially chosen arbitrarily but has proven to be the best value during the simulations (see SI for results). Furthermore, the treatment's standard deviation of is used to assess potential interactions with other parameters. If the value exceeds 5 % of the of the treatment, it is assumed that the strong variance in the contribution is caused by other parameters (i.e., an interaction exists). This is a reasonable assumption, as the specimens of the treatment should similarly respond if there is a definite benefit in the enhancement of a trait. Suppose a high variation occurs in the response. In that case, the benefit of the respective trait might be dependent on factors other than just that single trait (e.g., an interaction with environmental factors), causing individuals to potentially “select” different strategies in this trade-off. However, both of these thresholds can be customised in the corresponding function of the R package if desired.
The values of can also be ordered ordinary. Therefore, the trait with the highest absolute value is assumed to have the highest adaptive benefit for the total adaptation of the organism against the stressor. However, it probably cannot be considered a linear relationship (e.g., a value of 10 % compared to 5 % does not necessarily mean that it is twice as effective, although possible). We would need many experimental data from different research fields to support this assumption of a linear relationship between those values. Future application of the InARes framework will show whether it can be applied at a continuous scale. The function in the R package will report the result as clear text and numerical output (see Table SI1 for an example). However, this approach can only provide a rough estimate, as it cannot replace a proper experiment to investigate the effectiveness of each trait. This approach is a tool that helps interpret the results of an analysis, to get first ideas of the traits’ effectiveness if nothing or not much is known about the studied system. This will also help in designing proper experiments for that estimation and further studies of the respective system.
Testing the Index for Adaptive Responses
We sophisticatedly tested the InARes framework and all its features. We used data from a very elaborative laboratory predation trial with the aquatic predator-prey system, comprising Daphnia magna as prey and Triops cancriformis as invertebrate predator (Diel et al., 2023, manuscript in preparation). In this study, 10 morphological, plastic traits were examined and related to a survival probability for each individuum. This is a perfect testing data set for this framework. We evaluated the original full trait-based model, a predictive model thereof, models applying different ways of the InARes framework, and two versions of a model based on principal component analysis as a common way to analyse such data. One with a common approach of dimension reduction, and one with just the first principal component, since we aimed to achieve a single value, representing the organisms adaptation (see SI for a detailed description).
The framework and its equations imply that a specific InARes value reflects a certain efficiency of the adaptive response. We used another predator-prey data set to test this implication, where the prey D. cucullata was exposed to three different predators (Laforsch & Tollrian, 2004). We calculated the InARes value for each situation and related them to the defence effectiveness against each predator (see SI for a detailed description).
We used simulations to analyse the effect of the rex-transformation on the data and variance structure (see SI for results) and to estimate the prediction accuracy of the algorithm comprising equations 5.1 and 5.2. Therefore, we defined several parameters of simulated data that should be tested semi-permutated to analyse how they affect the quality of the outcome. We assessed 656 different cases, including their combinations. We ran regression models to evaluate the impact of the different data parameters (i.e., number of non-gaussian distributed traits, number of traits, number of replicates, number of (mal)adaptive traits, and difference in the traits between control and treatment). During the simulation, we ran the complete framework in its default form and checked whether the outcome is similar to the input (i.e., whether the traits set as adaptive or maladaptive when creating the data are estimated as such by the algorithm; see SI for a detailed description).
For creating the algorithms and the package, as well as performing the statistical analyses, we used R version 4.0.3 (Core Development Team, 2020) with the packages car (Fox & Weisberg, 2019), ggplot2 (Wickham, 2016), and gamm4 (Wood et al., 2020). Residuals of all statistical models were checked for normal distribution and homogeneity of variance. The general level of significance was set to 0.05.