1. Introduction
Several soil, climatic, and socioeconomic factors drive desertification, resulting in environmental degradation, especially in areas located in arid and semi-arid regions [
1]. The multi-disciplinary understanding of desertification drivers is essential for the implementation of monitoring systems to assess land degradation and to develop early warning systems for timely mitigation of negative environmental impacts [2, 3].
Remote sensing techniques have allowed large-scale, cost-effective monitoring in environmentally sensitive areas [4-6]. Of desertification monitoring methods, a relatively common approach is the use of multi-disciplinary approaches to create Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) [
7]. Overall, this approach integrates qualitative and quantitative factors of soil and climatic characteristics, and human influence on a region to assess the susceptibility of areas to desertification [
8]. A well-studied multi-disciplinary approach is the Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use (MEDALUS) model, which has been conceived from the parameterization of environmental factors driving the desertification process and recommended due to its simplicity [
9]. The model is formed from the combination of climatic, soil, land management, and vegetation factors [
The MEDALUS model, initially proposed for Mediterranean Europe [
11], has been used in other regions of the world to assess land desertification due to the universal characteristics of the parameters of the model [12, 3]. In Brazil, the application of the MEDALUS model has shown good performance in mapping areas susceptible to desertification in the Northeast region [
13]. This region is mainly characterized by a semi-arid climate and long extensions of degraded land resulting from decades of inadequate land use, such as slash-and-burn, overgrazing, and overexploitation of natural resources [
14]. However, limited computer power has been a major limitation to studies analyzing the many variables involved in desertification; therefore, studies have generally focused on small areas to decrease computational requirements [
15]. The high computer power necessary to analyze large amounts of data can be addressed by cloud computing platforms, such as Google Earth Engine, which allow convenient and effective data processing, analysis, and storage [16-19].
In this study, we used the MEDALUS model to assess the susceptibility to desertification of the East Atlantic Basin, Brazil, using Google Earth Engine (GEE). The East Atlantic Basin has four distinct climate regimes (arid, semi-arid, humid, and sub-humid), a strong incidence of solar radiation, altitudes ranging from sea level to as high as 1,100 m [
20], and average annual precipitation rates ranging from 600 and 2,200 mm [
21]. This diversity in terms of climate, relief, and vegetation makes the basin an interesting choice for land desertification assessment and testing the GEE processing capacity. The objectives were to (i) assess the sensibility of the East Atlantic Basin to desertification and (ii) the influence of each model’s component on the performance of the MEDALUS model.
4. Discussion
Difficult access to high computing power has been the main hindrance in analyzing satellite images. The challenge is particularly important in land desertification assessments because of the large amount of data involved in the models, such as the Medalus model. The results have shown the possibility of assessing the extensive area of the East Atlantic Basin.
The CQI exhibits a relatively well-defined spatial distribution, in which the regions to the east of the basin, characterized by having lower altitudes and proximity to the coastal region, are defined as areas of better climate quality. This characteristic can be attributed to high rainfall in the region, which can exceed 2,000 mm in total per year [
17]. However, regions close to Chapada Diamantina, in the state of Bahia, are an exception to this spatial distribution, as they have high CQIs, especially the areas located close to two considerably large environmental conservation units, such as the Chapada Diamantina National Park and the Marimbus/Iraquara Environmental Protection Area. The presence of fauna and flora conservation areas works as a mechanism for maintaining and conserving environmental resources, especially water resources.
The regions located to the west and north of the basin are the most sensitive areas from a climatic point of view. These drier regions have a semi-arid climate, with the annual aridity index reaching a value of 0.2, and are distributed across the northeastern agreste and sertão [
14]. These areas are still associated with low mean annual rainfall (~600 mm), and higher altitudes when compared to the rest of the East Atlantic Basin, thus receiving a higher incidence of solar energy [
The vegetation cover in the study area has a very diversified spatial distribution, being composed mainly of pastures, agriculture and forest occupations. Regarding the VQI, it is noticeable the occurrence of patches or areas with high environmental sensitivity in the central strip, which extends from the northernmost portion of the basin to its southernmost area. These patches are associated with areas with drier characteristics and little rainfall, such as the north of Minas Gerais, west of Sergipe, Center-South and North of Bahia, in addition to having considerable centers of agricultural activities, mainly horticulture and cattle raising, which have been expanding in recent decades [
With behavior similar to that observed for CQI, virtually the entire coastal region of the basin, located within the Atlantic Forest biome, shows high vegetation quality, except heavily urbanized and populated areas. Along the entire eastern face of the basin, agricultural and forestry activities stand out, the latter activity being one of the economic engines of this region, mainly due to eucalyptus plantations and pulp and paper industries. Therefore, the presence of vigorous vegetation cover, whether planted or native, tends to protect the soil against erosion and have greater resistance to lack of water, when compared to areas with less vigorous vegetation cover [28-29].
The basin's soils, for the most part, have medium to good quality, according to the characteristics used for the construction of the SQI. The soils mostly have good drainage and texture classes, in addition to most of the area having low albedo values (< 0.20), indicating a low presence of bare surface. The albedo is indicative of the presence of the forest cover removal process in semi-arid regions, demonstrating that high reflectance values can point to the presence of environmental degradation and increased sensitivity to desertification in regions characterized by drier climate regimes [
30]. The areas in the basin with the lowest SQI are located in regions that have sandy soils (S), which are, by nature, highly vulnerable to the erosion process and low water retention capacity [
12]. These lower-quality areas are found in the northeast, northwest and south-central portions of the East Atlantic Basin. Compared to the other quality indices, SQI has a low temporal variability, especially the variables St, Sl, Tx and Dd, which take a considerable period to change their characteristics. Thus, when establishing a continuous desertification monitoring program using cloud processing applications, supported by edaphoclimatic variables, the soil parameters require only punctual updates in their configurations.
The MQI of the East Atlantic Basin shows, in the western portion, the areas with lower environmental susceptibilities. These areas are located further inland on the continent and are characterized by having low population density rates (< 100 inhabitants/km. The areas of the western portion of the basin still have a characteristic of low intensity of land use, mainly about the grazing index, showing a tendency to maintain the natural vegetation cover, especially the savanna forest formation [
15], and low soil disturbance, although this trend has been changing in recent years, mainly for the development of pastures [
Municipalities located closer to the coastal zone of the basin have historically shown higher population densities (> 100 inhab/km²). The high rainfall that occurs in most of these regions made them suitable for the development of these rural activities, as in the extreme south of Bahia [
4.1. Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs)
Overall, the spatial distribution of sensitivity to desertification in the East Atlantic Basin was linked to the presence of vigorous vegetation also related to the distribution of rainfall. A considerable portion of the west face of the basin, close to the protection areas in Chapada Diamantina, are little susceptible to desertification, indicating the existence of such areas as a contributing factor to the reduction of impacts and expansion of desertification on ecosystems. When analyzing the areas characterized by high sensitivity to desertification, more specifically to the north of the basin, we can observe that the presence of low-quality soils and high rates of aridity are predominant factors in these locations. Regions with high potential ET rates and low P rates tend to be more susceptible to degradation due to desertification [32, 33].
Overall, VQI and MQI jointly contributed to the definition of levels of sensitivity to desertification. This can be attributed to the fact that the Land Use variable was obtained as a function of the vegetation classification present in the basin. SQI and CQI influenced the definition of the basin's environmental sensitivity independently, not showing a synergistic effect with the other quality indices. These results differ from those obtained elsewhere, in which the CQI and VQI had a correlated influence on the definition of desertification classes and the MQI acted independently [
34]. However, in both studies, the SQI had an autonomous contribution, compared to the other indices.
The use of the modified framework of the MEDALUS model proved to be a useful tool for identifying areas susceptible to desertification in the East Atlantic Basin. The model holds the potential to direct public policies and measures aimed at mitigating the impacts resulting from this process that causes environmental degradation. The creation of online and universally accessible tools for monitoring desertification is necessary to help mitigate the impacts of this phenomenon in regions with few economic resources. Thus, access to geoprocessing technologies with high computational capacity to public institutions, free of charge, helps managers in decision-making. From the point of view of methodological improvements, assessing the contribution of more socio-ecological factors to the occurrence of environmental degradation processes resulting from desertification is an important step that may be inserted into the framework of the MEDALUS model in future situations [
27] conditioned to the creation and publication of current databases about these parameters.
Spectral indices, such as the NDVI, are viable tools for monitoring and understanding the occurrence of the process of environmental degradation resulting from desertification in arid regions. Conversely, it is possible to observe the existence of a negative correlation between slope and sensitivity to desertification. The slope is an important factor to be observed when analyzing the existence of degradation and desertification processes in an area, as it is a crucial component for the development of erosion processes [8, 12], and, similarly to the NDVI, it is possible to use it to monitor areas under environmental pressures and the degradation process [
31]. The observation of the existence of a correlation between ESA, slope and NDVI variables is important because of the possibility of using these factors as responses to the process of environmental degradation resulting from desertification [
When assessing susceptibility to desertification in Mongolia in different years, a similar trend has been reported between ESA and NDVI over time, indicating that areas with low NDVI values may indicate areas in critical situations of desertification [
36]. Under conditions of low information availability, knowing the most important variables allows for building models of environmental sensitivity using these factors as independent variables [37-39]. However, it is important to mention that the monitoring of the desertification process using the NDVI does not allow obtaining information about the causes and factors acting on this phenomenon, thereby limiting the planning and management of a certain area.
The use of cloud GEE revealed benefits when compared with GIS software, especially in terms of speed and processing capacity [18, 19, 40]. Further, GEE also stands out for the high-quality digital databases already available in its public catalog, streamlining. The creation of an environmental monitoring model related to desertification, in a cloud processing system, allows the creation and analysis of historical series from smaller time intervals because of reduced limitations to processing and storage capacity.
A considerable portion of the East Atlantic Basin showed susceptibility to desertification, requiring greater attention from public entities and civil society to reduce the possible impacts of this phenomenon on the local population. The regions further north and midwest of the basin, in the states of Bahia and Sergipe, are in a more critical state. Thus, it is important to prioritize the establishment of public policies in municipalities in these areas. Due to the importance of the parameters related to vegetation for the ESA, the establishment of measures for the promotion, recovery, and conservation of forested areas, and the establishment of sustainable soil management, can help to mitigate the susceptibility of the area to degradation.
5. Conclusions
Approximately 36% of the total area of the East Atlantic Basin is in a critical state of sensitivity to desertification, with areas located in the north and midwest portions having the highest levels of sensitivity to desertification. Conversely, coastal regions had the lowest levels of environmental vulnerability across the basin.
NDVI, slope, and VQI were the edaphoclimatic variables most correlated with the Environmentally Sensitive Area Index of the East Atlantic Basin.
The analysis of the Environmentally Critical Factors Index, in parallel with the Environmentally Sensitive Index, is a relevant mechanism for understanding the importance of each variable for the composition of the MEDALUS model.