1. Introduction
Understanding the Mid-Pleistocene Transition has remained one of the most fascinating and unresolved question in Paleoclimatology over the course of several decades of research. MPT is marked by a gradual shift in periodicity from 41 kyr to ~100 kyr and a progressive increase in the amplitude and ‘saw-tooth’ shape of climate oscillations. This scientifically challenging phenomenon represents a key element to constrain the mechanisms that governed the climate system in the past, and it remains a fundamental learning lesson also for present-day climate and the associated changes. The MPT began at approximately 1.2 Ma (Head and Gibbard, 2005; Clark et al., 2006; Head et al., 2008) and marks the beginning of the classical Pleistocene ‘Ice Ages’ when major glaciations developed over North America, northern Europe, and the Alps. The final stage of the MPT at approximately 0.7 Ma (Clark et al., 2006) marks the start of the dominant ~100-kyr climate response, a paleo-climatological paradox considering the extremely low energy of the eccentricity insolation changes (Imbrie et al., 1993; Berger et al., 1999; Clark et al., 2006; Berger and Loutre, 2010; Lisiecki, 2010). Indeed, new insights into the nonlinear dynamics of the climate indicate short eccentricity response amplification over nominal solution of +400% (global δ18O) and +180% (equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature, SST) during Mid-Late Pleistocene, which are linked with the long-term mean icy-state (δ18O and SST exponential trends) (Viaggi, 2018a). This shift in periodicity, amplitude, and asymmetry of climate responses towards the Late Pleistocene evinces the fundamental changes in the dynamics of climate system mentioned in the literature, however, the cause of these features still remains poorly understood (Clark et al., 2006; Bintanja and van de Wal, 2008; Ellis and Palmer, 2016; Chalk et al., 2017; Köhler and van de Wal, 2020). In the following lines, we critically examine some of the many models and hypotheses related to the MPT, referring to the cited literature for discussion and further details.
One way to address MPT questions is to replicate the paleoclimatic records using a variety of glacial cycle models of different complexity, referred to as conceptual models (Imbrie et al., 2011; Crucifix, 2012; Ditlevsen and Ashwin, 2018; Quinn et al., 2018; Mukhin et al., 2019; Nyman and Ditlevsen, 2019; Berends et al., 2021). On the other hand, the numerous mechanisms through which the 100-kyr cycles can be generated make it difficult to determine the best model to describe the source of the 100-kyr variability (Huybers, 2011; Imbrie et al., 2011). Moreover, since models cannot accurately reproduce the observed record, they lack information on certain physical processes (Berends et al., 2021). In some models, the MPT is represented either by an increase in the nonlinearity of the climate system response to obliquity forcing (Huybers, 2007; Liu et al., 2008; Nyman and Ditlevsen, 2019) or by an enhanced sensitivity of climate response to eccentricity owing to modulation of the orbital precession (Imbrie et al., 1993; Raymo, 1997; Shackleton, 2000; Lisiecki, 2010). Based on obliquity-pacing results, Huybers (2007) proposed that the 100-kyr variability could arise from the skipping of one or two obliquity beats, corresponding to 80-kyr or 120-kyr glacial cycles, which provide an average periodicity of ~100 kyr, resulting from the long-term growth of ice-sheet (obliquity-cycle skipping). However, this model produces approximately constant power across the MPT for the 41-kyr cycle, in disagreement with observational data (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2007; Viaggi, 2018a). The idea of skipped obliquity cycles appears also in a phase-space model that simulates changes in Pleistocene ice volume based on Earth’s orbital parameters (Imbrie et al., 2011). Their model demonstrates 40 kyr epochs with termination in each obliquity cycle and 100-kyr epochs where the model skips certain obliquity cycles when it fails to reach the threshold for terminations. Models of obliquity skipping are intriguing mainly because they introduce the idea of weakening obliquity rather than explaining the 100 kyr cycle as multiples of the 40 kyr cycle, and the physical mechanism underpinning the obliquity-cycle skipping remains unclear. Perhaps, the most interesting model is that proposed by Abe-Ouchi et al. (2013) in which the hysteresis loop of the North American ice sheet is such that after inception of the ice sheet, its mass balance remains mostly positive through several precession cycles, whose amplitudes decrease towards an eccentricity minimum. Their model simulates the sawtooth characteristic of glacial cycles, the timing of terminations and the amplitude of the Northern Hemisphere ice-volume at the Last Glacial Maximum with a dominant 100-kyr spectral peak. However, obliquity is not resulted the driver of the 100-kyr cycle, although it helps to amplify the ice-volume changes from glacial to interglacial states.
Most of the hypotheses put forward for the origin of the MPT invoke certain internal changes of the climate system in response to long-term cooling, possibly induced by a decrease in atmospheric CO2 (Clark et al., 2006; Zachos et al., 2001, 2008; Kender et al., 2018; Shoenfelt et al., 2018; Farmer et al., 2019; Hasenfratz et al., 2019) along with the concurrent Northward geodynamic migration of Greenland and North America, favouring a net accumulation of continental Arctic ice (Steinberger et al., 2015; Daradich et al., 2017). Viaggi (2018a) reinforced the notion of a geo-tectonic control on the long-term composition of the atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHG) (seafloor spreading rate, explosive volcanic activity, orography and erosion, paleogeographic configuration, oceanic paleocirculation, and ocean fertilisation), and highlights four phases (subtrends I, II, III, IV) of progressive lowering of the average temperatures and ice-volume growth, triggered by long-term changes in the atmospheric composition. However, these interesting hypotheses might explain the origin of the Plio-Pleistocene long-term cooling, but it remains unclear what kind of ‘response’ to this cooling has to deal with the MPT origin and its observational features. Indeed, in the context of increasing power of obliquity nominal forcing and decrease in eccentricity nominal power (Laskar et al., 2004; Laskar et al., 2011) during MPT and post-MPT period, it remains unclear why obliquity cycles which dominated the pre-MPT time with an incisive ‘ice-killing’ action (Berger et al., 1999; Lisiecki and Raymo, 2007; Liu et al., 2008; Viaggi, 2018a), gradually became less effective in preventing the prolonged survival of the ice-sheet through possible obliquity-cycle skipping (Huybers, 2007; Liu et al., 2008) and obliquity response damping, associated to strong short eccentricity response (Viaggi, 2018a, 2021a).
In this study, we present new observational evidence of damping of the obliquity response and a physical mechanism (obliquity-oblateness feedback) that may explain its origin, which could be related with the MPT origin.
1.1. Obliquity-oblateness feedback
Viaggi (2018a) quantitatively investigated the strength relationships of orbital climate responses to nominal forcings during the Plio-Pleistocene, and showed a sharp decline in the obliquity response sensitivity of both global benthic δ18O stack (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005) and equatorial Pacific Site 846 SST (Herbert et al., 2010) during the Mid-Late Pleistocene, coupled with a strong amplification of short eccentricity response, linked to the Earth’s long-term cooling. This impressive coupling between obliquity-damped and short eccentricity-amplified responses could be an understudied feature in the MPT debate. On the other hand, Viaggi (2018a) hypothesised an attenuation mechanism on the obliquity forcing by obliquity-oblateness feedback (Rubincam, 1993, 1995; Bills, 1994, 1998; Williams et al., 1998; Levrard and Laskar, 2003; Laskar et al., 2004) and a reduction of feedback amplification processes during obliquity maxima (interglacials). This might have led to weakening of the obliquity ‘ice-killing’, thereby, favouring a ~100-kyr long-life feedback-induced ice growth in the short eccentricity band (here referred as obliquity damping hypothesis, ODH). However, this ‘early stage’ idea requires more comprehensive development, which is the purpose of the present work.
Climate friction by obliquity-oblateness feedback is dissipative feedback between obliquity variations and climate, which may cause a secular drift of the spin axis (Laskar et al., 2004). Glacial and interglacial conditions drive the redistribution of the ice/water mass and the isostatic adjustment to surface loading, affecting the dynamical ellipticity of the Earth (oblateness). Because both the Earth’s ice load history and viscoelastic structure are not strongly constrained, it is difficult to produce accurate predictions of the coupled response of the entire system, which depends by both oblateness changes and phase lag estimates of the ice-volume in the obliquity band (Williams et al., 1998; Levrard and Laskar, 2003; Laskar et al., 2004; Skinner and Shackleton, 2005; Lisiecki and Raymo, 2009). Therefore, simplified assumptions have to be made to evaluate the magnitude and the direction (positive or negative) of the obliquity secular change. Specifically, based on the analysis of benthic δ18O records, Levrard and Laskar (2003) estimated a positive mean secular obliquity change of 0.01° Ma-1 during the glaciation periods of the last 3 Ma. However, ODH requires a negative secular change of obliquity during the last 1.2 Ma to explains the obliquity reduction on its maxima (interglacials), i.e., during the most critical phase to promote long-lasting feedback-induced ice growth in the short eccentricity band. The obliquity-oblateness feedback is still an understudied phenomenon that needs further investigation (Viaggi, 2018a), while the anomalous decline in obliquity response power during the Mid-Late Pleistocene (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2007; Liu et al., 2008; Lisiecki, 2014; Viaggi, 2018a) and the detailed analysis of the Plio-Pleistocene long-term cooling trend (Viaggi, 2018a) are new insights that need to be placed in the context of the MPT origin. The obliquity-oblateness feedback could be the latent physical mechanism connecting obliquity damping with the short eccentricity amplification.
The aim of the present work is to expand early stage idea of ODH by the following topics:
- 1)
searching worldwide new observational evidences for the link between obliquity damping and short eccentricity amplification from global and regional (Antarctic, Pacific, Atlantic, Mediterranean, Indian) climate-related proxies (Sect. 3.1);
- 2)
discuting the role of the long-term cooling trend in the MPT debate and the relationships between orbital forcings and proxies (Sect. 3.2 and 3.3);
- 3)
by critically review the requisite theoretical constrains of ODH to establish that the obliquity-oblateness feedback could be the driving mechanism of the interglacial/glacial damping observed in Mid-Late Pleistocene obliquity responses (Sect. 3.4);
- 4)
refreshing by new cross-spectral data the role of the short eccentricity forcing (Sect. 3.5).
The implications of ODH are that the onset of the ~100 kyr cycle associated with the MPT would be the climate system’s reaction to the weakening of the obliquity and the related strengthening, mediated by feedback mechanisms, of the phase-locked short eccentricity response.
1.2. Key role of Obliquity Forcing on the Earth’s Climate System
According to the Milankovitch theory, obliquity is a key component in high latitude insolation. High obliquity significantly amplifies the seasonality, especially in the polar areas, thereby creating cold winters and hot summers with maximal melting. This prevents high-latitude ice accumulation (Levrard and Laskar, 2003). Huybers (2006) argued that the integrated summer (June-July-August, JJA) insolation between 30° and 70 °N, which is dominated by the 41-kyr obliquity signal, is more representative of summer melt compared to the 65 °N JJA insolation, which is dominated by precession. Raymo and Nisancioglu (2003) proposed that the strong obliquity signal imprinted on the Ice Age record is generated by the exertion of controlled meridional temperature gradients on the poleward transport of moisture. As obliquity decreases, cooling at high latitudes occurs and the gradient of insolation heating between high- and low-latitude increases, both of which promote ice sheet growth. Similar results were obtained by Mukhin et al. (2019). They construct a Bayesian data- driven model from LR04 δ18O record that could account for the main factors which may potentially impact Pleistocene climate. The only insolation forcing that matters in the Pleistocene climate is that the meridional gradient of insolation is dominantly affected by obliquity oscillations. The insolation gradient was regarded as the driving force for the 41-kyr climate cycles during the pre-MPT epoch (from 3 Ma to 0.8 Ma), through the atmospheric meridional heat and moisture fluxes that were modulated (Mukhin et al., 2019). Moreover, an assessment of eleven radiometrically dated terminations suggests that obliquity exerted a persistent influence on ice age terminations since the MPT (Bajo et al., 2020). The key role of obliquity on the Earth’s climate system is also attested by its largest quantitative impact on the global LR04 δ18O record during the Plio-Pleistocene, whose variance is estimated to be 9.9% with only 2.0% precession (Viaggi, 2018a). Similar results were obtained for the SST record of equatorial Site 846, where obliquity carries 5.5% variance and precession of 1.6%. The relevant action of obliquity in preventing long life of ice-sheet during Plio-Pleistocene pre-MPT period was referred as obliquity’s ‘ice-killing’ by Viaggi (2018a).
Since obliquity plays a key role on the climate variability, any process or mechanism that can weaken obliquity forcing might have promoted the ‘skipping’ of obliquity-cycle, especially in terms of climate response to interglacial stages during the icy-state background. Thus, a hypothetical weakened obliquity during interglacials might have reduced seasonality and refreshed the polar summers, favouring high-latitude snow precipitation (poleward transport of moisture) and ice preservation (high latitudes cooling). This implies that the obliquity damping may have mitigated the obliquity’s ‘ice-killing’, favouring obliquity cycle skipping. Indeed, the skipping of obliquity cycle is more frequent during the Late Pleistocene, when most deglacial/glacial events are separated by low-amplitude obliquity peaks (Huybers, 2007; Viaggi, 2018a; this study).
Figure 1.
Analysis of the orbital response sensitivity during the last 800 kyr (fuchsia: short eccentricity; brown: obliquity; green: precession) according to temporal segments binned at 80 kyr from EPICA: (a) δD; (b) CH4; (c) CO2; and (d) LR04 δ18O records. The balance line (0%) indicates that the variance of the response matches the variance in forcing, indicating a self-sustained climate system that is paced only by orbital forcings. Values significantly larger than zero indicate a nonlinear reinforcement of the response signal. Negative Rs indicates a response variance lower than the orbital forcing, suggesting a damping mechanism for the climate system. Note the impressive asymmetry of the climate responses with extremely robust amplitude magnifications and moderate damping. Scale of the y-axis up to -200% for graphical requirements. MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event; MPT = Mid-Pleistocene transition. SSA-components are acquired from EPICA (Viaggi, 2021b), LR04 (Viaggi, 2018b). Nominal solutions are from Laskar et al. (2004) and Laskar et al. (2011).
Figure 1.
Analysis of the orbital response sensitivity during the last 800 kyr (fuchsia: short eccentricity; brown: obliquity; green: precession) according to temporal segments binned at 80 kyr from EPICA: (a) δD; (b) CH4; (c) CO2; and (d) LR04 δ18O records. The balance line (0%) indicates that the variance of the response matches the variance in forcing, indicating a self-sustained climate system that is paced only by orbital forcings. Values significantly larger than zero indicate a nonlinear reinforcement of the response signal. Negative Rs indicates a response variance lower than the orbital forcing, suggesting a damping mechanism for the climate system. Note the impressive asymmetry of the climate responses with extremely robust amplitude magnifications and moderate damping. Scale of the y-axis up to -200% for graphical requirements. MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event; MPT = Mid-Pleistocene transition. SSA-components are acquired from EPICA (Viaggi, 2021b), LR04 (Viaggi, 2018b). Nominal solutions are from Laskar et al. (2004) and Laskar et al. (2011).
Figure 2.
Standardised PCA model of EPICA δD, CO2, CH4 and LR04 δ18O orbital Rs during the last 800 kyr, binned at 80-kyr: (a) PC-1 loadings; (b) PC-1 regression factor score (blue line), and δ18O exponential trend mean (green line). The asterisk indicates the transition to MBE. MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event; MPT = Mid-Pleistocene transition.
Figure 2.
Standardised PCA model of EPICA δD, CO2, CH4 and LR04 δ18O orbital Rs during the last 800 kyr, binned at 80-kyr: (a) PC-1 loadings; (b) PC-1 regression factor score (blue line), and δ18O exponential trend mean (green line). The asterisk indicates the transition to MBE. MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event; MPT = Mid-Pleistocene transition.
Figure 3.
Morlet wavelet power spectra of EPICA SSA-stacks: (a) short eccentricity; (b) obliquity; (c) precession. MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event; MPT = Mid-Pleistocene transition. Data from Viaggi (2021b).
Figure 3.
Morlet wavelet power spectra of EPICA SSA-stacks: (a) short eccentricity; (b) obliquity; (c) precession. MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event; MPT = Mid-Pleistocene transition. Data from Viaggi (2021b).
Figure 4.
(a) EPICA dominant short eccentricity stack (51.6% variance) and related cycles defined on maxima (black horizontal lines) and numbered from 1st to 8th (left), compared with δD, CO2, CH4 SSA-component-2 time-series (obliquity signal embedded in a weak short eccentricity). Asterisks on δD comp-2 (not shown on the other comp-2s) exhibit two or three low-amplitude 41-kyr obliquity peaks (glacial/interglacial) embedded in a weak ~93/75-kyr framework after the MPT, a possible observational reminiscent of the ‘obliquity-cycle skipping’ (Huybers, 2007); (b) FFS of the δD comp-2, very similar to the CO2 and CH4 signals (not shown), showing a dominant 41-kyr cycle embedded in a weak ~93/75-kyr framework. Coloured lines are first-order autoregressive AR(1) curves (50%, 90%, 95%, 99%, and 99.9% significance levels). MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event; MPT = Mid-Pleistocene transition. Data from Viaggi (2021b).
Figure 4.
(a) EPICA dominant short eccentricity stack (51.6% variance) and related cycles defined on maxima (black horizontal lines) and numbered from 1st to 8th (left), compared with δD, CO2, CH4 SSA-component-2 time-series (obliquity signal embedded in a weak short eccentricity). Asterisks on δD comp-2 (not shown on the other comp-2s) exhibit two or three low-amplitude 41-kyr obliquity peaks (glacial/interglacial) embedded in a weak ~93/75-kyr framework after the MPT, a possible observational reminiscent of the ‘obliquity-cycle skipping’ (Huybers, 2007); (b) FFS of the δD comp-2, very similar to the CO2 and CH4 signals (not shown), showing a dominant 41-kyr cycle embedded in a weak ~93/75-kyr framework. Coloured lines are first-order autoregressive AR(1) curves (50%, 90%, 95%, 99%, and 99.9% significance levels). MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event; MPT = Mid-Pleistocene transition. Data from Viaggi (2021b).
Figure 5.
Sensitivity of Pliocene-Pleistocene orbital response (blue: short eccentricity, brown: obliquity, green: precession) of (a, b) global LR04 δ18O and (c, d) equatorial ODP Site 846 SST as a function of the long-term mean climate state (left x-axis: exponential trend; right x-axis: long-term trend). The data are calculated from arbitrary time segments binned at 532 kyr. The balance line (0 %) indicates that the variance of response matches the variance in forcing, suggesting a self- sustained climate system, which is only paced by orbital cycles. Values much larger than zero would indicate a nonlinear reinforcement of the signal response. Note the different magnitude of amplification between the global LR04 δ18O (up to ~440%) and the equatorial Site 846 SST (up to ~180%) records. Negative Rs shows a response variance lower than orbital forcing, suggesting a damping mechanism for the climate system. The red box highlights the strong inverse coupling between obliquity damping and short eccentricity/precession amplification during post-MPT time. Data from Viaggi (2018b).
Figure 5.
Sensitivity of Pliocene-Pleistocene orbital response (blue: short eccentricity, brown: obliquity, green: precession) of (a, b) global LR04 δ18O and (c, d) equatorial ODP Site 846 SST as a function of the long-term mean climate state (left x-axis: exponential trend; right x-axis: long-term trend). The data are calculated from arbitrary time segments binned at 532 kyr. The balance line (0 %) indicates that the variance of response matches the variance in forcing, suggesting a self- sustained climate system, which is only paced by orbital cycles. Values much larger than zero would indicate a nonlinear reinforcement of the signal response. Note the different magnitude of amplification between the global LR04 δ18O (up to ~440%) and the equatorial Site 846 SST (up to ~180%) records. Negative Rs shows a response variance lower than orbital forcing, suggesting a damping mechanism for the climate system. The red box highlights the strong inverse coupling between obliquity damping and short eccentricity/precession amplification during post-MPT time. Data from Viaggi (2018b).
Figure 6.
Pliocene-Pleistocene standardised PCA model for LR04 δ18O/Site 846 SST orbitals Rs and the mean climate state by time binned at 532 kyr: (a) PC-1 loadings; (b) PC-2 loadings; (c) PCs regression factor score (57.7% and 36.9% variance, respectively); (d) PCs factor score spread (PC-2 ‒ PC-1). Positive spread (blue bar): high-obliquity vs. low-short eccentricity/precession Rs. Negative spread (red bar): low-obliquity vs. high-short eccentricity/precession Rs. ONHG (Onset of the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation), INHG (Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation) and MBE label time bins containing these events. Blue arrows: transition patterns (TRA-1, 2, 3) of positive to negative factor spread including ONHG (TRA-1), INHG (TRA-2) and MBE (TRA-3), the latter containing the MPT. Data from Viaggi (2018b).
Figure 6.
Pliocene-Pleistocene standardised PCA model for LR04 δ18O/Site 846 SST orbitals Rs and the mean climate state by time binned at 532 kyr: (a) PC-1 loadings; (b) PC-2 loadings; (c) PCs regression factor score (57.7% and 36.9% variance, respectively); (d) PCs factor score spread (PC-2 ‒ PC-1). Positive spread (blue bar): high-obliquity vs. low-short eccentricity/precession Rs. Negative spread (red bar): low-obliquity vs. high-short eccentricity/precession Rs. ONHG (Onset of the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation), INHG (Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation) and MBE label time bins containing these events. Blue arrows: transition patterns (TRA-1, 2, 3) of positive to negative factor spread including ONHG (TRA-1), INHG (TRA-2) and MBE (TRA-3), the latter containing the MPT. Data from Viaggi (2018b).
Figure 7.
Time-series panel of δ18O SSA-component-2 (transition obliquity to short eccentricity) and its subcomponents and FFS of comp-2 for the three time intervals, highlighted by red labelled boxes (a, b, c). Note the transition in periodicity from obliquity (41-54 kyr) to short eccentricity (73-93 kyr) with a gradual upwards strengthening of the short eccentricity power. Interestingly, the amplitudes of the eccentricity in comp-2 subcomp-1-4, 9-15 increases (blue lines), whereas the amplitude of the obliquity in comp-2 subcomp-5-8 decreases during the MPT. X-axis is scale variable (expressed in ‰). The y-axis scale of the frequency spectrum increases upwards. ONHG = Onset of the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation; INHG = Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation; MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event. Figure is modified after Viaggi (2018a).
Figure 7.
Time-series panel of δ18O SSA-component-2 (transition obliquity to short eccentricity) and its subcomponents and FFS of comp-2 for the three time intervals, highlighted by red labelled boxes (a, b, c). Note the transition in periodicity from obliquity (41-54 kyr) to short eccentricity (73-93 kyr) with a gradual upwards strengthening of the short eccentricity power. Interestingly, the amplitudes of the eccentricity in comp-2 subcomp-1-4, 9-15 increases (blue lines), whereas the amplitude of the obliquity in comp-2 subcomp-5-8 decreases during the MPT. X-axis is scale variable (expressed in ‰). The y-axis scale of the frequency spectrum increases upwards. ONHG = Onset of the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation; INHG = Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation; MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event. Figure is modified after Viaggi (2018a).
Figure 8.
Time-series panel of the ODP Site 846 SST component-2 (transition obliquity to short eccentricity) and component-3-4 (obliquity) and FFS of the comp-2 for three time intervals, highlighted by red labelled boxes (a, b, c). The transition nature from obliquity (41-54-kyr) to short eccentricity (93-71-kyr) is less evident in this equatorial SST site, but still present. The increasing amplitude of the short eccentricity is clearer in subcomp-1-4 (blue lines). The obliquity damping during the MPT is very clear. X-axis scale variable (°C). The y-axis scale of the frequency spectrum increases upwards. ONHG = Onset of the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation; INHG = Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation; MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event. Figure is modified after Viaggi (2018a).
Figure 8.
Time-series panel of the ODP Site 846 SST component-2 (transition obliquity to short eccentricity) and component-3-4 (obliquity) and FFS of the comp-2 for three time intervals, highlighted by red labelled boxes (a, b, c). The transition nature from obliquity (41-54-kyr) to short eccentricity (93-71-kyr) is less evident in this equatorial SST site, but still present. The increasing amplitude of the short eccentricity is clearer in subcomp-1-4 (blue lines). The obliquity damping during the MPT is very clear. X-axis scale variable (°C). The y-axis scale of the frequency spectrum increases upwards. ONHG = Onset of the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation; INHG = Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation; MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event. Figure is modified after Viaggi (2018a).
Figure 9.
Time-series of obliquity components: (a) LR04 δ18O component-3-4; (b) ODP Site 846 SST component-3-4. The envelope of two or three low-amplitude 41-kyr obliquity peaks (glacial/interglacial) embedded in a weak ~74/92-kyr framework after the beginning of the MPT is noteworthy (red boxes and magnified time-series to the right). ONHG = Onset of the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation; INHG = Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation; MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition. Figure is modified after Viaggi (2018a).
Figure 9.
Time-series of obliquity components: (a) LR04 δ18O component-3-4; (b) ODP Site 846 SST component-3-4. The envelope of two or three low-amplitude 41-kyr obliquity peaks (glacial/interglacial) embedded in a weak ~74/92-kyr framework after the beginning of the MPT is noteworthy (red boxes and magnified time-series to the right). ONHG = Onset of the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation; INHG = Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation; MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition. Figure is modified after Viaggi (2018a).
Figure 10.
Proxy records at Site U1308 (eastern North Atlantic): (a) wavelet analysis of benthic δ18O variation; (b) Ca/Sr and (c) Si/Sr records; (d) 41-kyr (blue) and 100-kyr (red) filtered components of the Si/Sr signal. Note the inverse amplitude coupling between obliquity and short eccentricity components. MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event. Figure is modified after Hodell et al. (2008).
Figure 10.
Proxy records at Site U1308 (eastern North Atlantic): (a) wavelet analysis of benthic δ18O variation; (b) Ca/Sr and (c) Si/Sr records; (d) 41-kyr (blue) and 100-kyr (red) filtered components of the Si/Sr signal. Note the inverse amplitude coupling between obliquity and short eccentricity components. MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event. Figure is modified after Hodell et al. (2008).
Figure 11.
Ca/Ti orbital signals at Site U1385 (Shackleton Site) on the SW Iberian Margin with bandpass filters for eccentricity (brown), obliquity (green), and precession (blue). Note the inverse amplitude coupling between obliquity (amplitude decrease) and short eccentricity/precession (amplitude increase) filtered components. MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event. Figure is modified after Hodell et al. (2015).
Figure 11.
Ca/Ti orbital signals at Site U1385 (Shackleton Site) on the SW Iberian Margin with bandpass filters for eccentricity (brown), obliquity (green), and precession (blue). Note the inverse amplitude coupling between obliquity (amplitude decrease) and short eccentricity/precession (amplitude increase) filtered components. MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event. Figure is modified after Hodell et al. (2015).
Figure 12.
Global δ18O variability over the last 2 Ma: (a) benthic-planktic δ18O stack (thick line) of Huybers (2007) and benthic δ18O stack of Lisiecki and Raymo (2005); (b) evolutionary spectrum of benthic-planktic δ18O stack. Note the strong post-MPT increase in 100-kyr (and more moderate 22-kyr) spectral power coupled with a relevant decrease in the 41-kyr power; (c) Wavelet spectral power of detrended benthic LR04 is from Imbrie et al. (2011). Again, note the strong post-MPT increase in the 100-kyr spectral power coupled with decrease in the 41-kyr power. MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event. Figures are modified after (a, b) Huybers (2007), (c) Imbrie et al. (2011).
Figure 12.
Global δ18O variability over the last 2 Ma: (a) benthic-planktic δ18O stack (thick line) of Huybers (2007) and benthic δ18O stack of Lisiecki and Raymo (2005); (b) evolutionary spectrum of benthic-planktic δ18O stack. Note the strong post-MPT increase in 100-kyr (and more moderate 22-kyr) spectral power coupled with a relevant decrease in the 41-kyr power; (c) Wavelet spectral power of detrended benthic LR04 is from Imbrie et al. (2011). Again, note the strong post-MPT increase in the 100-kyr spectral power coupled with decrease in the 41-kyr power. MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event. Figures are modified after (a, b) Huybers (2007), (c) Imbrie et al. (2011).
Figure 13.
Wavelet power spectra of SST reconstructions from: (a) MD06-3018 (Coral Sea, subtropical SW Pacific); (b) MD97-2140 (Western Equatorial Pacific); (c) ODP 846 (Eastern Equatorial Pacific). The strong increase in 100-kyr spectral power is coupled to a decrease in the 41-kyr power. MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event. Figure is modified after Russon et al. (2011).
Figure 13.
Wavelet power spectra of SST reconstructions from: (a) MD06-3018 (Coral Sea, subtropical SW Pacific); (b) MD97-2140 (Western Equatorial Pacific); (c) ODP 846 (Eastern Equatorial Pacific). The strong increase in 100-kyr spectral power is coupled to a decrease in the 41-kyr power. MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event. Figure is modified after Russon et al. (2011).
Figure 14.
Benthic δ18O record from the eastern Mediterranean ODP Sites 967/968: (a) Morlet wavelet power spectra of the detrended δ18O signal; (b) Morlet wavelet power spectra of the δ18O 41-kyr component (filter centred on frequency 0.0241 ± 0.005 kyr-1); and (c) δ18O 41-kyr time series. MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event. Data resampled at 1-kyr. Original data from Konijnendijk et al. (2015).
Figure 14.
Benthic δ18O record from the eastern Mediterranean ODP Sites 967/968: (a) Morlet wavelet power spectra of the detrended δ18O signal; (b) Morlet wavelet power spectra of the δ18O 41-kyr component (filter centred on frequency 0.0241 ± 0.005 kyr-1); and (c) δ18O 41-kyr time series. MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event. Data resampled at 1-kyr. Original data from Konijnendijk et al. (2015).
Figure 15.
Morlet wavelet SST 41-kyr component (filter centred at frequency 0.0241±0.005 kyr-1): (a) wavelet power spectra and time series from the North Atlantic ODP Site 982 (data from Lawrence et al., 2009); (b) wavelet power spectra and time series from the Arabian Sea ODP Site 722 (data from Herbert et al., 2010). MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event. Original data resampled at 1-kyr.
Figure 15.
Morlet wavelet SST 41-kyr component (filter centred at frequency 0.0241±0.005 kyr-1): (a) wavelet power spectra and time series from the North Atlantic ODP Site 982 (data from Lawrence et al., 2009); (b) wavelet power spectra and time series from the Arabian Sea ODP Site 722 (data from Herbert et al., 2010). MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event. Original data resampled at 1-kyr.
Figure 16.
Morlet wavelet 41-kyr components (filter centred on frequency 0.0241±0.005 kyr-1) at ODP Site 1143 (South China Sea). Wavelet power spectra and time series of (a) SST (data from Li et al., 2011); (b) δ18O planktic (data from Cheng X. et al., 2004); (c) δ18O benthic (data from Ao et al., 2011). MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event. Original data resampled at 1 kyr.
Figure 16.
Morlet wavelet 41-kyr components (filter centred on frequency 0.0241±0.005 kyr-1) at ODP Site 1143 (South China Sea). Wavelet power spectra and time series of (a) SST (data from Li et al., 2011); (b) δ18O planktic (data from Cheng X. et al., 2004); (c) δ18O benthic (data from Ao et al., 2011). MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event. Original data resampled at 1 kyr.
Figure 17.
Variations in obliquity 40-kyr components of planktic δ18O and SST composite records from the sites RC11-120 and E49-18 (southern Indian Ocean) based on two different age models: (a) ELBOW; (b) TUNE-UP time scales. The reduction in amplitude of the obliquity cycles (red lines) over the last 400 kyr is highly evident. Figure is modified after Hays et al. (1976).
Figure 17.
Variations in obliquity 40-kyr components of planktic δ18O and SST composite records from the sites RC11-120 and E49-18 (southern Indian Ocean) based on two different age models: (a) ELBOW; (b) TUNE-UP time scales. The reduction in amplitude of the obliquity cycles (red lines) over the last 400 kyr is highly evident. Figure is modified after Hays et al. (1976).
Figure 18.
(a) Pliocene-Pleistocene time series of LR04 δ18O SSA-components: long-term trend (blue line, left y-axis, ~76% variance); short eccentricity (black line, ~6.5% variance) and obliquity (green line, 9.9% variance) (right y-axis); (b) short eccentricity and (c) obliquity Morlet wavelet spectra. Note the increase in amplitude/power of orbital responses (precession and half precession not shown) that is linked with long-term cooling (Viaggi, 2018a; this work, Fig.s 5 and 6) and the early onset (Piacenzian) of weak short eccentricity response. Blue arrows: subtrend I-II-III-IV, curvilinear step-wise isotopic enrichments of the long-term trend (Viaggi, 2018a). Red asterisks: multi-thresholds of the mean climate state that coincide with subtrends boundary (TH 1 to 4). The start of subtrend II and III is marked by ONHG and INHG, respectively. Subtrend IV includes MPT. Fitting of equations: full long-term trend (exponential); individual subtrends (linear). Maximum isotope enrichment rates for subtrends II and IV. Dashed black boxes are 532-kyr binned time intervals. Yellow arrows: transition patterns of positive to negative PCs spread suggesting competing interaction between obliquity and short eccentricity Rs under the influence of the long-term cooling (Figure 6); TRA-1 = Transition-1, including ONHG; TRA-2 = Transition-2, including INHG; TRA-3 = Transition-3, including MPT and MBE. The strengthening of the short eccentricity signal appears to be associated to the obliquity damped response whose maximum expression is post-MPT, and is preceded by an earlier and weaker expression since ONHG and INHG. Data from Viaggi (2018b).
Figure 18.
(a) Pliocene-Pleistocene time series of LR04 δ18O SSA-components: long-term trend (blue line, left y-axis, ~76% variance); short eccentricity (black line, ~6.5% variance) and obliquity (green line, 9.9% variance) (right y-axis); (b) short eccentricity and (c) obliquity Morlet wavelet spectra. Note the increase in amplitude/power of orbital responses (precession and half precession not shown) that is linked with long-term cooling (Viaggi, 2018a; this work, Fig.s 5 and 6) and the early onset (Piacenzian) of weak short eccentricity response. Blue arrows: subtrend I-II-III-IV, curvilinear step-wise isotopic enrichments of the long-term trend (Viaggi, 2018a). Red asterisks: multi-thresholds of the mean climate state that coincide with subtrends boundary (TH 1 to 4). The start of subtrend II and III is marked by ONHG and INHG, respectively. Subtrend IV includes MPT. Fitting of equations: full long-term trend (exponential); individual subtrends (linear). Maximum isotope enrichment rates for subtrends II and IV. Dashed black boxes are 532-kyr binned time intervals. Yellow arrows: transition patterns of positive to negative PCs spread suggesting competing interaction between obliquity and short eccentricity Rs under the influence of the long-term cooling (Figure 6); TRA-1 = Transition-1, including ONHG; TRA-2 = Transition-2, including INHG; TRA-3 = Transition-3, including MPT and MBE. The strengthening of the short eccentricity signal appears to be associated to the obliquity damped response whose maximum expression is post-MPT, and is preceded by an earlier and weaker expression since ONHG and INHG. Data from Viaggi (2018b).
Figure 19.
Orbital nominal solutions and Morlet wavelet spectra over the last 2 Ma: (a) eccentricity (La2010 from Laskar et al., 2011); (b) obliquity; (c) precession (La2004 from Laskar et al., 2004). The amplitude trends (red lines) and the power spectra during the last 1.2 Ma exhibit signal pattern that is different from those of the climate proxies shown in this study, in particular concerning obliquity (nominal increase) and short eccentricity/precession (nominal decrease). MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event.
Figure 19.
Orbital nominal solutions and Morlet wavelet spectra over the last 2 Ma: (a) eccentricity (La2010 from Laskar et al., 2011); (b) obliquity; (c) precession (La2004 from Laskar et al., 2004). The amplitude trends (red lines) and the power spectra during the last 1.2 Ma exhibit signal pattern that is different from those of the climate proxies shown in this study, in particular concerning obliquity (nominal increase) and short eccentricity/precession (nominal decrease). MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event.
Figure 20.
Theoretical secular changes of obliquity as a function of the ice-sheet response phase lag (degrees) for different positive/negative changes of oblateness ΔJ2/J2 (%). Theoretical constrains for ODH are highlighted in the coloured boxes (obliquity response lag <44° and positive/negative change of oblateness). Interglacial damping (high obliquity) requires positive change of oblateness, which leads to negative secular variation of obliquity; glacial damping (low obliquity) needs negative change of oblateness, which leads to positive secular variation of obliquity. Obliquity mean phase lags (*) and standard deviation intervals (vertical lines) are recalculated in the present study from different Pleistocene climate proxies (fuchsia: EPICA stack and SST; blue: benthic δ18O) for the last 800 kyr (Table 4). Figure is modified after Levrard and Laskar (2003).
Figure 20.
Theoretical secular changes of obliquity as a function of the ice-sheet response phase lag (degrees) for different positive/negative changes of oblateness ΔJ2/J2 (%). Theoretical constrains for ODH are highlighted in the coloured boxes (obliquity response lag <44° and positive/negative change of oblateness). Interglacial damping (high obliquity) requires positive change of oblateness, which leads to negative secular variation of obliquity; glacial damping (low obliquity) needs negative change of oblateness, which leads to positive secular variation of obliquity. Obliquity mean phase lags (*) and standard deviation intervals (vertical lines) are recalculated in the present study from different Pleistocene climate proxies (fuchsia: EPICA stack and SST; blue: benthic δ18O) for the last 800 kyr (Table 4). Figure is modified after Levrard and Laskar (2003).
Figure 21.
Time series of the superposed SSA-filtered EPICA stacks (red line, Viaggi, 2021a) and global benthic δ18O stack (blue line, Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005; Viaggi, 2018a) with cross-correlation statistics. Time series are standardised (0-mean, 1-SD) and δ18O inverted. The CCF exhibits the highest coefficient (0.91) at –5 lag number, equivalent to a δ18O ‘bulk’ lags of 2.5 kyr. The Pearson correlation at 0-lag is 0.87, the highest with respect to the single δD, CO2 and CH4 filtered records that are in the range of 0.80-0.83 (not shown). MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event.
Figure 21.
Time series of the superposed SSA-filtered EPICA stacks (red line, Viaggi, 2021a) and global benthic δ18O stack (blue line, Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005; Viaggi, 2018a) with cross-correlation statistics. Time series are standardised (0-mean, 1-SD) and δ18O inverted. The CCF exhibits the highest coefficient (0.91) at –5 lag number, equivalent to a δ18O ‘bulk’ lags of 2.5 kyr. The Pearson correlation at 0-lag is 0.87, the highest with respect to the single δD, CO2 and CH4 filtered records that are in the range of 0.80-0.83 (not shown). MPT = Mid-Pleistocene Transition; MBE = Mid-Brunhes Event.
Figure 22.
Time series of standardised orbital SSA-components of the Red Sea RSL (present study, original data from Grant et al., 2014) and global δ18O benthic stack (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005; Viaggi, 2018a) with nominal forcings (eccentricity La2010, Laskar et al., 2011; obliquity and precession La2004, Laskar et al., 2004) for the last 500 kyr: (a) short eccentricity; (b) obliquity; (c) precession. Nominal short eccentricity from Morlet wavelet filtering (frequency range 0.00678-0.01117 kyr-1). δ18O data and nominal precession inverted to obtain the same paleoclimatic polarity. Records are plotted with their own time scale.
Figure 22.
Time series of standardised orbital SSA-components of the Red Sea RSL (present study, original data from Grant et al., 2014) and global δ18O benthic stack (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005; Viaggi, 2018a) with nominal forcings (eccentricity La2010, Laskar et al., 2011; obliquity and precession La2004, Laskar et al., 2004) for the last 500 kyr: (a) short eccentricity; (b) obliquity; (c) precession. Nominal short eccentricity from Morlet wavelet filtering (frequency range 0.00678-0.01117 kyr-1). δ18O data and nominal precession inverted to obtain the same paleoclimatic polarity. Records are plotted with their own time scale.
Figure 23.
Plio-Pleistocene power spectral density (PSD) of (a) 65°N mean monthly insolation (21 june-20 july); (b) 85°N mean monthly insolation (21 june-20 july); (c) mean annual insolation. Colored lines (50%, 90%, 95%, 99%, and 99.9% significance levels) are first-order autoregressive AR(1) curves to check statistically significant peaks vs. red/white noise background. Nominal solutions from Laskar et al. (2004).
Figure 23.
Plio-Pleistocene power spectral density (PSD) of (a) 65°N mean monthly insolation (21 june-20 july); (b) 85°N mean monthly insolation (21 june-20 july); (c) mean annual insolation. Colored lines (50%, 90%, 95%, 99%, and 99.9% significance levels) are first-order autoregressive AR(1) curves to check statistically significant peaks vs. red/white noise background. Nominal solutions from Laskar et al. (2004).
Figure 24.
Panel of EPICA orbital stacks (Viaggi, 2021a) and related nominal solutions (eccentricity La2010, Laskar et al., 2011; obliquity, precession and mean annual insolation La2004, Laskar et al., 2004) for the last 800 kyr. Nominal short eccentricity components (La2010; MAI La2004) by filtering-out the 400-kyr band. Nominal precession inverted to align the climate polarity. EPICA stacks and nominal solutions are standardised. Records are with their own time scale.
Figure 24.
Panel of EPICA orbital stacks (Viaggi, 2021a) and related nominal solutions (eccentricity La2010, Laskar et al., 2011; obliquity, precession and mean annual insolation La2004, Laskar et al., 2004) for the last 800 kyr. Nominal short eccentricity components (La2010; MAI La2004) by filtering-out the 400-kyr band. Nominal precession inverted to align the climate polarity. EPICA stacks and nominal solutions are standardised. Records are with their own time scale.
Table 1.
The maximum amplitude amplification (Rs max) and the maximum amplitude damping (Rs min) rate of change of the signals (EPICA δD, CO2, CH4 and LR04 δ18O) over the last 800 kyr, normalised in % for kyr by forcing (80-kyr bin). Note the marked asymmetry of the climate responses with extremely robust amplitude magnifications and moderate damping.
Table 1.
The maximum amplitude amplification (Rs max) and the maximum amplitude damping (Rs min) rate of change of the signals (EPICA δD, CO2, CH4 and LR04 δ18O) over the last 800 kyr, normalised in % for kyr by forcing (80-kyr bin). Note the marked asymmetry of the climate responses with extremely robust amplitude magnifications and moderate damping.
Rs statistic |
Signal |
Short eccentricity |
Obliquity |
Precession |
Max |
D |
6.40 |
1.56 |
2.78 |
CO2 |
6.18 |
4.21 |
2.58 |
CH4 |
7.32 |
4.97 |
4.48 |
18O |
7.70 |
2.11 |
2.25 |
Min |
D |
–1.02 |
–0.45 |
–1.10 |
CO2 |
–0.88 |
–0.97 |
–0.96 |
CH4 |
–0.46 |
–1.08 |
–0.96 |
18O |
–0.04 |
–0.70 |
–0.97 |
Table 2.
Results of quantitative estimation of the signal magnitude (percentage variance) and Fourier frequency data of the three Red Sea RSL reconstructed components isolated by singular spectrum analysis. The frequency peaks are the most significant peaks above a 99.9% critical limit. Original data are from Grant et al. (2014).
Table 2.
Results of quantitative estimation of the signal magnitude (percentage variance) and Fourier frequency data of the three Red Sea RSL reconstructed components isolated by singular spectrum analysis. The frequency peaks are the most significant peaks above a 99.9% critical limit. Original data are from Grant et al. (2014).
RSL component rank |
RSL component variance |
Frequency (kyr-1) |
TISA power (%) |
Period (kyr) |
Forcing |
1-2;7-10 |
61.4 % |
0.01001973 |
100.0 |
100 |
Short eccentricity |
3-4;13-14 |
13.1 % |
0.02460637 |
84.8 |
41 |
Obliquity |
0.03244360 |
15.2 |
31 |
5-6;11-12 |
11.7 % |
0.04393214 |
80.9 |
23 |
Precession |
0.05342083 |
19.1 |
19 |
15-200 |
13.8 % |
Suborbital + noise |
Table 3.
Comparison among the Red Sea RSL and EPICA Pliocene-Pleistocene rescaled variance vs. the LR04 δ18O. Δσ is the difference in variance between the RSL/EPICA and δ18O. Variance estimates are in terms of LR04 (Viaggi, 2018a) and EPICA (Viaggi, 2021a). Original RSL data are from Grant et al. (2014).
Table 3.
Comparison among the Red Sea RSL and EPICA Pliocene-Pleistocene rescaled variance vs. the LR04 δ18O. Δσ is the difference in variance between the RSL/EPICA and δ18O. Variance estimates are in terms of LR04 (Viaggi, 2018a) and EPICA (Viaggi, 2021a). Original RSL data are from Grant et al. (2014).
Forcing |
Red Sea1
LR04 |
RSL (%) |
Δσ (%) |
EPICA (%) |
Δσ (%) |
δ18O (%) |
Short eccentricity |
14.5 |
8.0 |
12.2 |
5.7 |
6.5 |
Obliquity |
3.1 |
–6.8 |
4.5 |
–5.4 |
9.9 |
Precession |
2.8 |
0.8 |
2.0 |
0.0 |
2.0 |
1 rescaled variance |
Table 4.
Cross-spectral analysis (Hann window) among obliquity components from different Pleistocene climate records (EPICA, SST, benthic δ18O) and La2004 obliquity nominal solution (Laskar et al., 2004) for the last 800 kyr. Analysis of uniform sampling interval (data resampled at 1-kyr, with the exception of EPICA 0.5-kyr). The data were detrended and standardised (0-mean, 1-SD) and, where necessary, inverted to obtain the same paleoclimatic polarity. Negative phase values indicate that the climate signal lags forcing. Records with their own time scale.
Table 4.
Cross-spectral analysis (Hann window) among obliquity components from different Pleistocene climate records (EPICA, SST, benthic δ18O) and La2004 obliquity nominal solution (Laskar et al., 2004) for the last 800 kyr. Analysis of uniform sampling interval (data resampled at 1-kyr, with the exception of EPICA 0.5-kyr). The data were detrended and standardised (0-mean, 1-SD) and, where necessary, inverted to obtain the same paleoclimatic polarity. Negative phase values indicate that the climate signal lags forcing. Records with their own time scale.
Obliquity component |
Cross- spectrum freq. (kyr-1) |
Cross- spectrum period (kyr) |
Coherency |
Phase shift (Deg, kyr) |
EPICA D (0-800 kyr)1 |
0.02500 |
40.0 |
0.93 |
–37 |
–4.1 |
EPICA CO2 (0-800 kyr)1 |
0.02500 |
40.0 |
0.23a |
–63 |
–7.0 |
EPICA CH4 (0-800 kyr)1 |
0.02500 |
40.0 |
0.76 |
–29 |
–3.2 |
EPICA stack (0-800 kyr)1 |
0.02500 |
40.0 |
0.79 |
SST East Equatorial Pacific ODP 846 (6-800 kyr)2 |
0.02500 |
40.0 |
0.59 |
–9 |
–1.0 |
SST North Atlantic DSDP 607 (250-2000 kyr)*3 |
0.02444 |
40.9 |
0.64 |
–34 |
–3.9 |
SST West Tropical Pacific IODP 1146 (6-800 kyr)*4 |
0.02500 |
40.0 |
0.86 |
–52 |
–5.7 |
SST Arabian Sea ODP 722 (8-800 kyr)*4 |
0.02500 |
40.0 |
0.83 |
–34 |
–3.8 |
18O benthic LR04 global stack (0-800 kyr)2 |
0.02500 |
40.0 |
0.88 |
–50 |
–5.5 |
18O benthic Atlantic stack (0-800)*5 |
0.02500 |
40.0 |
0.86 |
–52 |
–5.8 |
18O benthic Pacific stack (0-800)*5 |
0.02500 |
40.0 |
0.88 |
–51 |
–5.7 |
18O benthic East Mediterr. ODP 967/968 (0-800 kyr)*6 |
0.02500 |
40.0 |
0.69 |
–40 |
–4.4 |
Mean (EPICA stack + SST) |
0.02489 |
40.2 |
0.74 |
–33 ± 15 |
–3.7 ± 1.7 |
Mean (benthic18O)
0.02500 |
40.0 |
0.83 |
–48 ± 6 |
–5.3 ± 0.6 |
* Morlet wavelet 41-kyr component (filter centred on main frequency 0.0241±0.005 kyr-1) |
Table 5.
Data of cross-spectral analysis (Hann window) among nominal forcings (eccentricity La2010, Laskar et al., 2011; obliquity and precession La2004, Laskar et al., 2004) and related SSA-signals from the Red Sea RSL (present study, original data from Grant et al., 2014) and global δ18O benthic stack (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005; Viaggi, 2018b) for the last 500 kyr. δ18O data and nominal precession are inverted to obtain the same paleoclimatic polarity. Standardised records (0-mean, 1-SD). Uniform sampling interval at 1 kyr. Negative phase values indicate that the signal lags forcing. Records are with their own time scale.
Table 5.
Data of cross-spectral analysis (Hann window) among nominal forcings (eccentricity La2010, Laskar et al., 2011; obliquity and precession La2004, Laskar et al., 2004) and related SSA-signals from the Red Sea RSL (present study, original data from Grant et al., 2014) and global δ18O benthic stack (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005; Viaggi, 2018b) for the last 500 kyr. δ18O data and nominal precession are inverted to obtain the same paleoclimatic polarity. Standardised records (0-mean, 1-SD). Uniform sampling interval at 1 kyr. Negative phase values indicate that the signal lags forcing. Records are with their own time scale.
Forcing |
Signal |
Cross-spectrum freq. (kyr-1) |
Cross-spectrum period (kyr) |
Coherency |
Phase shift (Deg, kyr) |
Short eccentricity* |
0.010 |
100.0 |
0.78 |
–12.6 |
–3.50 |
RSL lags short ecc. |
18O |
0.010 |
100.0 |
0.75 |
–9.8 |
–2.72 |
18O lags short ecc. |
RSL vs.18O |
0.010 |
100.0 |
0.94 |
2.8 |
0.78 |
18O leads RSL |
Obliquity |
0.024 |
41.7 |
0.88 |
–48.8 |
–5.65 |
RSL lags obl. |
18O |
0.024 |
41.7 |
0.86 |
–66.1 |
–7.65 |
18O lags obl. |
RSL vs.18O |
0.024 |
41.7 |
0.83 |
–17.3 |
–2.00 |
18O lags RSL |
Precession |
0.044 |
22.7 |
0.92 |
–46.3 |
–2.92 |
RSL lags prec. |
18O |
0.044 |
22.7 |
0.88 |
–62.7 |
–3.96 |
18O lags prec. |
RSL vs.18O |
0.044 |
22.7 |
0.92 |
–16.5 |
–1.04 |
18O lags RSL |
Table 6.
Data of cross-spectral analysis (Hann window) among nominal forcings (eccentricity La2010, Laskar et al., 2011; obliquity, precession and mean annual insolation La2004, Laskar et al., 2004) and related EPICA stacks (Viaggi, 2021a) for the last 800 kyr. Nominal precession inverted to align the climate polarity. Records rescaled in the range -1 to 1. Uniform sampling interval at 0.5 kyr. Negative phase values indicate that the signal lags forcing. Records are with their own time scale.
Table 6.
Data of cross-spectral analysis (Hann window) among nominal forcings (eccentricity La2010, Laskar et al., 2011; obliquity, precession and mean annual insolation La2004, Laskar et al., 2004) and related EPICA stacks (Viaggi, 2021a) for the last 800 kyr. Nominal precession inverted to align the climate polarity. Records rescaled in the range -1 to 1. Uniform sampling interval at 0.5 kyr. Negative phase values indicate that the signal lags forcing. Records are with their own time scale.
Forcing |
EPICA signal |
Cross-spectrum freq. (kyr-1) |
Cross-spectrum period (kyr) |
Coherency |
Phase shift (Deg, kyr) |
Eccentricity |
Short ecc. stack |
0.01125 |
88.9 |
0.94 |
17.4 |
4.30 |
EPICA signal leads |
Short eccentricity1
Short ecc. stack |
0.01125 |
88.9 |
0.94 |
18.3 |
4.52 |
EPICA signal leads |
Mean annual insolation (short eccentricity1) |
Short ecc. stack |
0.01 |
100.0 |
0.72 |
13.8 |
3.83 |
EPICA signal leads |
Obliquity |
Obliquity stack |
0.025 |
40.0 |
0.98 |
-37.9 |
-4.21 |
EPICA signal lags |
Precession |
Precession stack |
0.0425 |
23.5 |
0.67 |
-60.8 |
-3.97 |
EPICA signal lags |
1400-kyr band filtered out by wavelet analysis. |