2.2. The new proposed family of fuzzy implication
In this section, authors analyzed the theorems and proofs of the new proposed family of fuzzy implications.
The following theorems are presented:
Theorem 1. If
is a function of the form where [35,36,37], the function probor [21],[28],[30],[34] has been selected for the application of t-conorm and m is representing the number of probor repetitions, then
- ▪
- ▪
m=3 researchers have:
- ▪
- ▪
- ▪
If m is even then (–),
If m is odd then (+)
Therefore for the fuzzy implication authors have the formula that follows from the theorem (1):
Two cases are distinguished depending on the fact that n can be even or odd.
Using the binomial Newton the relationship obtained is:
and from the binomial Newton the following formula is obtained.
Relations (14) and (16) are proven analytically by the method of induction.
Next researchers prove the formula (14):
We show the relationship inductively by setting where m equals to 1 we have:
In the 1st member we have n(x)Vy=(1-x)Vy=1-x+y-(1-x)y=1-x+y-y+xy=1-x+xy
In the 2nd member we have
Next, authors assume that it holds for
m that is,
Authors will show that it holds for
m+1 namely,
So the next formula is obtained,
Simplifying the representation we have,
By subsequently, we are lead to
which therefore also applies to the original.
Next authors prove the formula (16):
The relationship is proven inductively by setting where m=1 authors have:
In the 1st part we have n(x)Vy=(1-x)Vy=1-x+y-(1-x)y=1-x+y-y+xy=1-x+xy
In the 2nd part we have 1-x(1-y)=1-x+xy so it applies.
Next, we assume that it holds for
m concequently,
We will show that it holds for
m+1 therefore,
which therefore also applies to the original.
In relation (16) authors observe that when the result we obtain is 1 for the same value of variable x and 0 ≤ y ≤ 1. Thus, an inequality relation is needed for appropriate values of m depending on the desired truth value of the fuzzy implication.
For the above theorem, it will be checked below which of the 9 axioms fuzzy implication are fulfilled (1):
- i
The concept of monotonicity is studied with respect to the first variable, consequently with respect to x, we consider 0<x1< x2 so -x1>-x2⇔ 1-x1>1-x2 that is n(x1)>n(x2) that is n(x1)Vŷm>n(x2)Vŷm therefore f(x1,y)> f(x2,y) so the function decreasing
- ii
Researchers find the monotonicity with respect to the second variable, therefore with respect to y, authors consider 0<y1< y2 so < therefore n(x)V< n(x)Vso f(x,y1)< f(x,y2) so the function increasing, because inductively we have :
▪ yVy =ŷ2= y+y-y·y = 2y-y2
(yVy)΄ = 2-2y = 2(1-y) ≥0namely
▪ yVyVy=ŷ3= 2y-y2+y-(2y-y2)·y = 3y-3y2+y3
(yVyVy)΄= 3-6y+3y2 = 3( 1-y)2 ≥0namely
▪ yVyVyVy=ŷ4= 4y-6y2+4y3-y4
4-12y+12y2-4y3 = 4(1-y3)-12y(1-y) = 4(1-y)3
namely ŷ4
▪ (yVyV…y)΄=(ŷm)΄ = m(1-y)m-1
≥ 0 namely
We assume that (ŷm−1)΄=(m-1)(1-y)m-2. In order to show that (ŷm)΄=(m)(1-y)m-1 :
- iii
It has to be proven f(0,ω1)=1 that.
Actually f(0,ω1)=n(0)V=1 for n(0)=1 meaning that falsehood implies anything
(dominion of falsehood).
- iv
It has to be proven f(1,ω2)=ω2 that.
Actually, f(1,ω2)=n(1)Vthis applies to m=1 and it does f(1,ω2)=ω2
meaning that truth does not implies anything (truth neutrality)
- v
Must f(ω1,ω1)=1 that is n(ω1)V=1 that is consequently f(0,0)=1 and f(1,1)=1
- vi
Must to prove that f(x,f(y,z))=f(y,f(x,z))
that is n(x)V =n(y)V therefore
therefore f(x,y)=1 consequently n(x)Vŷm=1
- viii
Must f(x,y)=f(n(y),n(x))
so f(x,y)=n(x)Vŷm
f(n(y),n(x))=n(n(y))V(= yV( so they are equal only for m=1
- ix
Since f producible in both variables means f continuous.
Theorem 2.
Ifis a function of the form
Theorem 3:
Ifis a function of the form
With taken as a generalized negation and it will be shown that it satisfies some of the fundamental conditions in order to be a generalized negation:
that is N(N(x))=x
authors produce in terms of x
N(x, y) = −(1 − y)m < 0
For the above theorem, it will be checked below which of the 9 axioms fuzzy implication are fulfilled:
- i
The concept of monotonicity is studied with respect to the first variable, therefore with respect to x, consequently decreasing
- ii
Researchers find the monotonicity with respect to the second variable, therefore with respect to y, consequently increasing
- iii
It has to be proven N(0,ω1)=1 that.
Actually, N(0,ω1) = N(n(n(0))·(n(ω1))m) = N(n(1)·(n(ω1))m) = N(0·(n(ω1))m) = N(0) = 1 therefore apply meaning that falsehood implies anything (dominion of falsehood)
- iv
It just has to be proven N(1,ω2)=ω2. Actually, N(1,ω2) = N(n(n(1))·(n(ω2))m) = N(n(0)·(n(ω2))m) = N(1·(n(ω2))m) = N(n(ω2))m) this applies to m=1 and it does N(1,ω2)=ω2 meaning that truth does not imply anything (truth neutrality).
- v
Must Ν(ω1,ω1)=1 namely, N(ω1,ω1) = N(n(n(ω1))·(n(ω1))m) = N(ω1·(n(ω1))m) for the 5th property to hold α must be 0 or 1, namely
N(0·(n(0))m) = N(0·1m)=N(0)=1
- vi
Authors also want to show that N(ω1, N(ω2,x))=N(ω2, N(ω1,x))
so for the 6th property to hold it must m-1=0 m=1 or ω1=ω2
- vii
If N(x,y)=1 then x≤y therefore N(x,y)=1 1-x(1-y)m=1
- viii
(1-ω2)m-1 =ω1m-1
- ix
Since Ν producible in both variables means Ν is continuous.
2.3. Description and application of the new proposed family of fuzzy implications
In order to apply the fuzzy implications created, we considered temperature measurements with the corresponding humidity values [
38]. The data taken refer to the city of Kavala in Greece and for four months of August, September, October, November of the year 2021 and same time 11:50 daily [
39] with a total of 122 observations. Variable
x represents the humidity values and variable
y represents the temperature values. The values of humidity are between 29% and 94%, while the values of temperature are between 7°C and 36°C. For the fuzzification of all values, a conversion has been made of all values by constructing different fuzzy numbers.
Authors calculate the degree of membership using four membership degree functions (isosceles and scalene triangular and isosceles and random trapezium), which applied in the new type of fuzzy implication for various values of m. Four different models are created, which are presented in the pictures-graphs below:
The following images were extracted from the fuzzy environment of the Matlab program.
The steps of the methodology are described in summary:
1st Step:
Fuzzification of 122 temperature and humidity values using four membership degree functions (2 triangular and 2 trapezoidal);
2nd Step:
Application of the membership degrees (truth value) of temperature and humidity values based on a new type calculation of fuzzy implication (16);
3rd Step:
Extensive tests in each membership degree function so as to find that value of m that the above formula will get the value over to 0,9 and the optimal value equal to 1.
The purpose of the above steps is to arrive at finding that membership degree function that gives the best results.
First of all, authors used in the Matlab program the following commands that read from excel the 122 temperature and humidity values respectively.
Temperature = xlsread (‘temperature.xls’,1,‘A1:A122’) (Command 1)
Humidity = xlsread (‘humidity.xls’,1,‘A1:A122’) (Command 2)
- I.
First Case - Isosceles trapezium (trapezium membership function)
In the first case, authors use graphs in the form of an isosceles trapezium in a rectangular system of axes with abscissa temperatures or humidities and ordinates the corresponding fuzzy numbers [0,1]. The vertices of the isosceles trapezoids for temperatures are [
36] with graph ordinates [0,1]. While for humidities they have abscissas [0.29, 0.59, 0.64, 0.94] with graph ordinates [0,1].
Specifically, authors type the fuzzy command to open the membership function environment. The following command 3 outputs the degrees of membership by fuzzing the temperature values ranging from [
36] based on the vertices of the isosceles trapezium [
36] (see
Figure 1).
ISOSCELESTRAPEZIUMtemperature = trapmf (temperature, [7 19 24 36]) (Command 3)
Therefore, temperature values greater than 7 and close to this value will have a membership degree of approximately 0.1, 0.2, temperature values of 18 and 25 a membership degree of approximately 0.9, temperature values from 19 to 24 a membership degree of 1, and finally temperature values less than value 36 and close to this value will have a membership degree of about 0.1, 0.2. Temperature values 7 and 36 have a membership degree of 0.
The command 4 below outputs the membership degrees by fuzzing the humidity values ranging from [0.29, 0.94] based on the vertices of the isosceles trapezium [0.29, 0.59, 0.64, 0.94] (see
Figure 2).
ISOSCELESTRAPEZIUMhumidity = trapmf(humidity, [0.29 0.59 0.64 0.94]) (Command 4)
Therefore, humidity values greater than 0.29 (29%) and close to this value will have a membership degree of about 0.1, 0.2, humidity values of 0.57, 0.58 and 0.65, 0.66 a membership degree of about 0.9, temperature values from 0.59 to 0.64 a membership degree of 1, and finally humidity values smaller than the value 0.94 and close to this value will have a degree of membership of approximately 0.1, 0.2. Humidity values of 0.29 and 0.94 have a membership degree of 0.
- II.
Second Case - Random trapezium (trapezoidal membership function)
In the 2nd case authors construct a random trapezium graph in a rectangular system of axes with abscissas of temperature peaks [
36] while ordinates the fuzzy corresponding numbers [0,1] and for humidity [0.29, 0.60, 0.61, 0.94] by placing the large base on the abscissa axis.
Command 5 outputs the membership degrees by fuzzing the temperature values based on the vertices of the random trapezium [
36] (see
Figure 3).
Command 6 outputs the membership degrees by fuzzing the humidity values based on the vertices of the random trapezium [0.29, 0.60, 0.61, 0.94] (see
Figure 4).
RANDOMTRAPEZIUMtemperature = trapmf (thermokrasia, [7 22 23 36]) (Command 5)
RANDOMTRAPEZIUMhumidity = trapmf (humidity, [0.29 0.60 0.61 0.94]) (Command 6)
- III.
Third Case - Isosceles triangle (triangular membership function)
In the 3rd case we construct an isosceles triangle graph with abscissas of vertices [7, 21.5, 36] having the base on the axis of the abscissas and ordinate of the vertex of the isosceles equal to 1. Similar for isosceles triangle humidities with vertices having abscissa [0.29,0,615,0.94] with maximum ordinate 1 and base on abscissa axis.
Command 7 outputs the membership degrees by fuzzing the temperature values based on the vertices of the isosceles triangle [7, 21.5, 36] (see
Figure 5).
Command 8 outputs the membership degrees by fuzzing the humidity values based on the vertices of the isosceles triangle [0.29, 0,615, 0.94] (see
Figure 6).
ISOSCELESTRIANGLEtemperature=trimf (temperature, [7, 21.5, 36]) (Command 7)
ISOSCELESTRIANGLEhumidity=trimf (humidity, [0.29 0.615 0.94]) (Command 8)
- IV.
Fourth Case - Scalene triangle (triangular membership function)
Finally in the 4th case I construct a scalene triangle graph with vertex abscissas [7,22.5,36] temperature graph and [0.29,0.605,0.94] for the humidity graph having ordinate values from [0,1].
Command 9 outputs membership degrees by fuzzing the temperature values based on the vertices of the scalene triangle [7, 22.5, 36] (see
Figure 7).
Command 10 outputs membership degrees by fuzzing humidity values based on the vertices of the scalene triangle [0.29, 0,605, 0.94] (see
Figure 8).
SCALENETRIANGLEtemperature=trimf(temperature,[7 22.5 36]) (Command 9)
SCALENETRIANGLEhumidity=trimf(humidity,[0.29,0.605,0.94]) (Command 10)