1. Introduction
Forest landscape patterns reflect the combined influence of relatively constant factors (e.g. climate and topography), species distributions (e.g. grasses, herbs, and trees), and its ecological inter-relationships [
3]. Besides, forest landscapes reflect the effects of natural and human disturbances [
5]. Despite that most of the forest ecosystem are able to recover from major perturbations within decades to half-centuries [
7], some legacies of forest disturbance can persist and alter the original forest understory [
8], modifying forest stand structure [
9], and increasing the susceptibility to subsequent disturbances [
10]. Further, this susceptibility is closely related to the magnitude of these impacts [
Opportunistic invasive plants take advantage of the negative effects of disturbances and the lack of resilience of the impacted forests, which negatively affect the native vegetation communities [
13]. These invasive plants can cause significant ecological and economic harms in natural and managed forests [
15], e.g. altering ecological functions, including primary productivity, nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration, and tree regeneration [
16]. The relationship between invasion success and resource availability is well-documented [
17]. The likelihood of establishment by invasive species is higher in disturbed areas with more resources (e.g. nutrient-rich sites) and depends on the biotic interactions among native and exotic plants [
19]. Many patterns and plant strategies of invasion associated have been described including environmental and landscape factors, such as soil, climate, land use or anthropogenic disturbances [
One major challenge of forest management and conservation lies in defining the threshold of resilience of natural ecosystems [
11], e.g. where hybrid or de-novo ecosystems can be created due to the lack of recovery capacity of the managed or impacted stands [
15]. Human land uses increase landscape fragmentation, and in consequence, the susceptibility to biological invasions [
22]. In order to assess the impact of invasive species and to conserve biodiversity in human-dominated landscapes, we need to consider the role of the landscape context and how it modulates the modifications of natural species assemblages [
Over the last century in Patagonia, human activities have become the main driver of change for native forests [
11], where the main economic activities (e.g. extensive grazing and harvesting) alter the natural vegetation cover at landscape level [
24]. Furthermore, human disturbances (e.g. clear-cuts and fires) significantly change the forest structure, modify soil properties, main ecological processes, and vegetation composition [
25]. In fact, forest degradation is the main consequence of these extreme impacts that totally change the provision of different ecosystem services, and reduce their resilience capacity [
26]. Vegetation changes are frequently associated to the dominance of non-native over native plant species [
27], however, the increase of native species associated to open environments (e.g. grasslands) could also be a consequence of changing environmental conditions in natural forested landscapes [
Since European colonization (1850-1950), the Patagonian forests in Argentina suffer different human impacts related to the improvement of provisioning ecosystem services which lead to changes in understory species to increase growth and palatability of forage for livestock [
11]. One of the most affected forest landscapes was the
Nothofagus antarctica (commonly named ñire) forests in ecotone areas, due to the relevant characteristics for grazing and timber for rural construction purposes [
28]. In this context, one of the most extreme impacts was generated through intentional fires to decrease or remove the forest cover in order to maximize forage for livestock. More recently, silvopastoral systems was proposed as more sustainable alternative (e.g. thinning) to obtain poles for fences and lumber, and to open the forest canopy to stimulate the understory growth but maintaining shelter for cattle during winter [
28]. However, grazing is the impact that prevails in all landscapes (open-lands and forest-lands), generating positive and negative trade-offs with the other described impacts [
Data collected through monitoring, especially over long periods, becomes indispensable for evaluating the consequences of ecosystem changes and supporting subsequent decision-making processes [
29]. Monitoring provides key insights in ecology, environmental change, natural resource management and biodiversity conservation [
31], and specifically, on forest ecosystems, the long-term studies have been widely used to monitor changes in forest structure, composition and services [
32]. Over time, the need for measurable, simple, financially feasible and reliable indicators for biodiversity has increased, but their development has resulted in an inhomogeneous landscape of quantitative and qualitative biodiversity indicators [
34]. These indicators can be positively or negatively impacted by harvesting or management actions [
35]. Understanding the link between biodiversity indicators and management measures has been the focus of many comparative, descriptive, and experimental research studies in previous decades, but the relationship to management measures is still elusive [
36]. Although the establishment and spread of invasive species is affected by a combination of biotic, abiotic, and landscape factors [
37], studies that integrate multiple types of environmental data in predicting invasive species distributions are also scarce [
Bio-indication of abiotic site conditions from environmental relationships of plant species has a long tradition [
41]. Vascular plants were used for environmental indicators due to their ecological behavior relating to main environmental factors modified by natural and human related impacts, including Patagonia in Argentina [
42]. Data describing environmental indicators can be spatially and temporally referenced to understand changes to the environment over space and time, and are thus an important tool for decision-making [
43]. The indicator plant species in silvopastoral systems in Patagonia were chosen according to its correlation to: (i) losses in forage productivity due to the introduction of exotic species (e.g. quantity and quality of forage palatability), and (ii) losses of environmental quality (e.g. soil erosion) that allowed the establishment of undesirable plant species [
44]. Exotic species have invaded these austral forests since European colonization, and became one of the main drivers of change, modifying the species assemblage of the native forests. For example,
Rumex acetosella has become one of the most frequent introduced species in disturbed environments since 1580 in the Magellan Strait [
46], while
Achillea millefolium was first reported in 1906 for Argentina, and was identified as a weed invading native grasslands [
Hieracium pilosella was more recently informed during the 1990s [
48], especially after disturbances (e.g. fires and overgrazing) [
51], and was pointed as the biggest threat for profitable livestock farming [
53]. Further, some studies reported the increase of native plant species associated with open habitats in the impacted forests due to degradation processes [
53], e.g. the encroachment of unpalatable plants in forested areas for cushion shrubs as
Azorella caespitosa,
A. trifurcata and
Bolax gummifera, which decline the productivity of grasses associated to over-grazing, clear-cuttings or intense human-related fires [
Most of these studies try to understand the invasive ecology of the species [
53], while other research analyzed vegetation cover changes related to specific impacts [
55]. However, to understand how specific species change in a management forest landscape, it is necessary to analyze plant species considering all the environmental and the associated impacts. The objectives of this study is to define the landscape and environmental characteristics that allowed the invasion of understory species, and define the thresholds of the human related impacts to propose better sustainable management practices. We want to answer the following questions: (i) do the environmental characteristics of the well-conserved natural ecosystems (topography, soil, forest structure) reduce the vascular plant invasion?, (ii) do the changes of human related impacts (livestock, harvesting, fires) on the environmental characteristics facilitate the vascular plant invasion?, (iii) are there detectable thresholds for the changes generated by management practices (harvesting, livestock)?, and (iv) Are there indicator species for the different kinds of impacts (livestock, harvesting, fires) and environments (open-lands and forest-lands)?
Figure 1.
Location of the study area: (A) El Roble ranch (black) showing Tierra del Fuego province (line black) and Argentina (dark grey), and Nothofagus antarctica forests (green); (B) location of the study area (line red) inside El Roble ranch; and (C) sample points (n =165) in the study area.
Figure 1.
Location of the study area: (A) El Roble ranch (black) showing Tierra del Fuego province (line black) and Argentina (dark grey), and Nothofagus antarctica forests (green); (B) location of the study area (line red) inside El Roble ranch; and (C) sample points (n =165) in the study area.
Figure 2.
Examples of sampled environments, including open-lands: (A) dry grasslands, and (B) wet grasslands; and forest-lands: (C) edge forests, (D) closed forests, (E) harvested forests, and (F) forests affected by fires.
Figure 2.
Examples of sampled environments, including open-lands: (A) dry grasslands, and (B) wet grasslands; and forest-lands: (C) edge forests, (D) closed forests, (E) harvested forests, and (F) forests affected by fires.
Figure 3.
Sample points (n = 165) classified in open-lands (OL - triangles) and forest-lands (FL - circles) according to: (A) environment types classified as dry grasslands (brown), wet grasslands (orange), closed forests (green), edge forests (grey), and open forests (blue); (B) grazing impacts classified as open-lands with low grazing pressure (light purple), open-lands with high grazing pressure (purple), forest-lands with low grazing pressure (light blue), and forest-lands with high grazing pressure (blue); and (C) harvested and fire impacts in forest-lands classified as unharvested areas (green), low harvested stands (light purple), high harvested stands (purple), and fire impacts (brown red).
Figure 3.
Sample points (n = 165) classified in open-lands (OL - triangles) and forest-lands (FL - circles) according to: (A) environment types classified as dry grasslands (brown), wet grasslands (orange), closed forests (green), edge forests (grey), and open forests (blue); (B) grazing impacts classified as open-lands with low grazing pressure (light purple), open-lands with high grazing pressure (purple), forest-lands with low grazing pressure (light blue), and forest-lands with high grazing pressure (blue); and (C) harvested and fire impacts in forest-lands classified as unharvested areas (green), low harvested stands (light purple), high harvested stands (purple), and fire impacts (brown red).
Figure 4.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of plots, showing the incidence of the forest structure, soil properties and understory variables in open-lands (OL - triangles) and forest-lands (FL - circles). Plots were shaped and coloured considering: (A) environment types classified as dry grasslands (brown), wet grasslands (orange), closed forests (green), edge forests (grey), and open forests (pale blue); (B) grazing impacts classified as open-lands with low grazing pressure (light purple), open-lands with high grazing pressure (purple), forest-lands with low grazing pressure (light blue), and forest-lands with high grazing pressure (blue); (C) forest-lands classified as closed forests (green), edge forests (grey), and open forests (pale blue); and (D) harvested and fire impacts in forest-lands classified as unharvested areas (green), low harvested stands (light purple), high harvested stands (purple), and fire impacts (brown red). The vectors length and direction indicate the magnitude of the correlation of the employed variables (see acronyms in Tables 1 to 3) with PCA Axes (1 and 2).
Figure 4.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of plots, showing the incidence of the forest structure, soil properties and understory variables in open-lands (OL - triangles) and forest-lands (FL - circles). Plots were shaped and coloured considering: (A) environment types classified as dry grasslands (brown), wet grasslands (orange), closed forests (green), edge forests (grey), and open forests (pale blue); (B) grazing impacts classified as open-lands with low grazing pressure (light purple), open-lands with high grazing pressure (purple), forest-lands with low grazing pressure (light blue), and forest-lands with high grazing pressure (blue); (C) forest-lands classified as closed forests (green), edge forests (grey), and open forests (pale blue); and (D) harvested and fire impacts in forest-lands classified as unharvested areas (green), low harvested stands (light purple), high harvested stands (purple), and fire impacts (brown red). The vectors length and direction indicate the magnitude of the correlation of the employed variables (see acronyms in Tables 1 to 3) with PCA Axes (1 and 2).

Figure 5.
Principal component analysis (PCA) ordination of plots according to degradation indicator plant species cover in open-lands (OL - triangles) and forest-lands (FL - circles). Plots were shaped and coloured considering: (A) environment types classified as dry grasslands (brown), wet grasslands (orange), closed forests (green), edge forests (grey), and open forests (pale blue); (B) grazing impacts classified as open-lands with low grazing pressure (light purple), open-lands with high grazing pressure (purple), forest-lands with low grazing pressure (light blue), and forest-lands with high grazing pressure (blue); (C) forest-lands classified as closed forests (green), edge forests (grey), and open forests (pale blue); and (D) harvested and fire impacts in forest-lands classified as unharvested areas (green), low harvested stands (light purple), high harvested stands (purple), and fire impacts (brown red). The vectors length and direction indicate the magnitude of the correlation of the indicator species with PCA Axes (1 and 2): Azorella caespitosa (AZCA), Bolax gummifera (BOGU), Azorella trifurcata (AZTR), Hieracium pilosella (HIPI), Achillea millefolium (ACMI), and Rumex acetosella (RUAC).
Figure 5.
Principal component analysis (PCA) ordination of plots according to degradation indicator plant species cover in open-lands (OL - triangles) and forest-lands (FL - circles). Plots were shaped and coloured considering: (A) environment types classified as dry grasslands (brown), wet grasslands (orange), closed forests (green), edge forests (grey), and open forests (pale blue); (B) grazing impacts classified as open-lands with low grazing pressure (light purple), open-lands with high grazing pressure (purple), forest-lands with low grazing pressure (light blue), and forest-lands with high grazing pressure (blue); (C) forest-lands classified as closed forests (green), edge forests (grey), and open forests (pale blue); and (D) harvested and fire impacts in forest-lands classified as unharvested areas (green), low harvested stands (light purple), high harvested stands (purple), and fire impacts (brown red). The vectors length and direction indicate the magnitude of the correlation of the indicator species with PCA Axes (1 and 2): Azorella caespitosa (AZCA), Bolax gummifera (BOGU), Azorella trifurcata (AZTR), Hieracium pilosella (HIPI), Achillea millefolium (ACMI), and Rumex acetosella (RUAC).

Figure 6.
Relationship between crown cover of the overstory (CC, %) and animal density (livestock + guanaco) expressed as sheep equivalents (SE, n ha-1) analysing open-lands (triangles) and forest-lands (circles) according to: (A) environment types classified as dry grasslands (OL-G, brown), wet grasslands (OL-W, orange), closed forests (FL-CF, green), edge forests (FL-EF, grey), and open forests (FL-OF, blue); (B) grazing impacts classified as open-lands with low grazing pressure (OL-LG, light purple), open-lands with high grazing pressure (OL-HG, purple), forest-lands with low grazing pressure (FL-LG, light blue), and forest-lands with high grazing pressure (FL-HG, blue); (C) harvesting and fire impacts in forest-lands classified as unharvested areas (FL-UH, green), low harvested stands (FL-LH, light purple), high harvested stands (FL-HH, purple), and fire impacts (FL-F, brown red); and (D) indicator species cover (red dots) considering Azorella caespitosa (AZCA), Bolax gummifera (BOGU), Azorella trifurcata (AZTR), Hieracium pilosella (HIPI), Achillea millefolium (ACMI), Rumex acetosella (RUAC), and the average for all the measured plots (TOTAL, green). Dots show averages and lines represent standard error on both axes.
Figure 6.
Relationship between crown cover of the overstory (CC, %) and animal density (livestock + guanaco) expressed as sheep equivalents (SE, n ha-1) analysing open-lands (triangles) and forest-lands (circles) according to: (A) environment types classified as dry grasslands (OL-G, brown), wet grasslands (OL-W, orange), closed forests (FL-CF, green), edge forests (FL-EF, grey), and open forests (FL-OF, blue); (B) grazing impacts classified as open-lands with low grazing pressure (OL-LG, light purple), open-lands with high grazing pressure (OL-HG, purple), forest-lands with low grazing pressure (FL-LG, light blue), and forest-lands with high grazing pressure (FL-HG, blue); (C) harvesting and fire impacts in forest-lands classified as unharvested areas (FL-UH, green), low harvested stands (FL-LH, light purple), high harvested stands (FL-HH, purple), and fire impacts (FL-F, brown red); and (D) indicator species cover (red dots) considering Azorella caespitosa (AZCA), Bolax gummifera (BOGU), Azorella trifurcata (AZTR), Hieracium pilosella (HIPI), Achillea millefolium (ACMI), Rumex acetosella (RUAC), and the average for all the measured plots (TOTAL, green). Dots show averages and lines represent standard error on both axes.

Table 1.
One-way ANOVAs of forest structure considering open-lands (OL) and forest-lands (FL) analysing: (A) different environment types considering dray grasslands (OL-G), wet grasslands (OL-W), closed forests (FL-CF), edge forests (FL-EF), and open forests (OL-OF); (B) grazing impacts considering open-lands with low grazing pressure (OL-LG), open-lands with high grazing pressure (OL-HG), forest-lands with low grazing pressure (FL-LH), and forest-lands with high grazing pressure (FL-HG); and (C) harvested and fire impacts in forest-lands considering unharvested areas (FL-UH), low harvested stands (FL-LH), high harvested stands (FL-HH), and stands with fire impacts (FL-F) as main factors, and crown cover (CC, %), total direct radiation at ground level (TR, W m²), dominant height (DH, m), and basal area index (BAmax, %). Number of plots were indicated for each category (n).
Table 1.
One-way ANOVAs of forest structure considering open-lands (OL) and forest-lands (FL) analysing: (A) different environment types considering dray grasslands (OL-G), wet grasslands (OL-W), closed forests (FL-CF), edge forests (FL-EF), and open forests (OL-OF); (B) grazing impacts considering open-lands with low grazing pressure (OL-LG), open-lands with high grazing pressure (OL-HG), forest-lands with low grazing pressure (FL-LH), and forest-lands with high grazing pressure (FL-HG); and (C) harvested and fire impacts in forest-lands considering unharvested areas (FL-UH), low harvested stands (FL-LH), high harvested stands (FL-HH), and stands with fire impacts (FL-F) as main factors, and crown cover (CC, %), total direct radiation at ground level (TR, W m²), dominant height (DH, m), and basal area index (BAmax, %). Number of plots were indicated for each category (n).
n |
CC |
TR |
DH |
BAmax |
(A) Environment types |
OL-G |
29 |
8.84 a |
6.75 c |
- |
- |
OL-W |
25 |
10.37 a |
6.75 c |
- |
- |
51 |
71.40 d |
2.61 a |
8.50 b |
51.10 b |
31 |
39.63 c |
5.02 b |
7.23 a |
17.62 a |
29 |
22.31 b |
6.15 c |
7.51 a |
8.06 a |
F (p)
219.29 (<0.001)
111.68 (<0.001)
10.41 (<0.001)
59.00 (<0.001)
(B) Grazing impacts |
12 |
10.60 a |
6.75 b |
- |
- |
42 |
9.25 a |
6.75 b |
- |
- |
61 |
51.05 b |
4.04 a |
7.90 |
34.02 |
50 |
48.09 b |
4.42 a |
7.86 |
26.21 |
F (p)
46.20 (<0.001)
29.45 (<0.001)
0.02 (0.900)
2.35 (0.128)
(C) Harvested and fire impacts |
57 |
50.79 a |
4.11 b |
7.87 ab |
30.58 a |
15 |
77.34 b |
2.16 a |
8.80 b |
60.82 b |
9 |
35.53 a |
5.24 b |
7.43 ab |
13.33 a |
FL-F |
30 |
38.12 a |
5.09 b |
7.58 a |
20.36 a |
F (p)
12.20 (<0.001)
10.02 (<0.001)
2.95 (0.040)
11.66 (<0.001)
Table 2.
One-way ANOVAs of topography and soil properties considering open-lands (OL) and forest-lands (FL) analysing: (A) different environment types considering dry grasslands (OL-G), wet grasslands (OL-W), closed forests (FL-CF), edge forests (FL-EF), and open forests (OL-OF); (B) grazing impacts considering open-lands with low grazing pressure (OL-LG), open-lands with high grazing pressure (OL-HG), forest-lands with low grazing pressure (FL-LH), and forest lands with high grazing pressure (FL-HG); and (C) harvested and fire impacts in forest-lands considering unharvested areas (FL-UH), low harvested stands (FL-LH), high harvested stands (FL-HH), and stands with fire impacts (FL-F) as main factors, and slope (SLO, °), soil bulk density (SBD, gr cm3), soil moisture (SM, %), soil acidity (pH), soil organic carbon (SOC, %), soil organic matter (SOM, %), soil nitrogen (SN, %), and soil phosphorus (SP, ppm). Number of plots were indicated for each category (n).
Table 2.
One-way ANOVAs of topography and soil properties considering open-lands (OL) and forest-lands (FL) analysing: (A) different environment types considering dry grasslands (OL-G), wet grasslands (OL-W), closed forests (FL-CF), edge forests (FL-EF), and open forests (OL-OF); (B) grazing impacts considering open-lands with low grazing pressure (OL-LG), open-lands with high grazing pressure (OL-HG), forest-lands with low grazing pressure (FL-LH), and forest lands with high grazing pressure (FL-HG); and (C) harvested and fire impacts in forest-lands considering unharvested areas (FL-UH), low harvested stands (FL-LH), high harvested stands (FL-HH), and stands with fire impacts (FL-F) as main factors, and slope (SLO, °), soil bulk density (SBD, gr cm3), soil moisture (SM, %), soil acidity (pH), soil organic carbon (SOC, %), soil organic matter (SOM, %), soil nitrogen (SN, %), and soil phosphorus (SP, ppm). Number of plots were indicated for each category (n).
n |
SM |
pH |
SN |
SP |
(A) Environment types |
OL-G |
29 |
4.17 b |
0.75 b |
31.19 a |
4.54 a |
7.68 a |
19.13 a |
0.46 a |
12.43 a |
OL-W |
25 |
2.06 a |
0.37 a |
107.31 b |
4.79 ab |
22.31 b |
55.47 b |
1.26 b |
16.25 ab |
51 |
4.35 b |
0.76 b |
25.16 a |
5.03 b |
7.44 a |
18.53 a |
0.41 a |
19.58 b |
31 |
5.22 b |
0.74 b |
23.85 a |
4.97 b |
8.87 a |
22.08 a |
0.42 a |
14.66 ab |
29 |
4.63 b |
0.77 b |
20.47 a |
5.02 b |
6.70 a |
16.70 a |
0.39 a |
13.13 a |
F (p)
5.55 (<0.001)
21.15 (<0.001)
29.19 (<0.001)
7.83 (<0.001)
37.06 (<0.001)
37.09 (<0.001)
56.51 (<0.001)
4.31 (0.002)
(B) Grazing impacts |
12 |
2.29 a |
0.35 a |
116.83 c |
4.92 bc |
20.73 c |
51.56 c |
1.19 c |
15.67 ab |
42 |
3.45 ab |
0.65 b |
52.03 b |
4.58 a |
12.66 b |
31.49 b |
0.73 b |
13.78 a |
61 |
4.61 b |
0.71 bc |
25.25 a |
5.18 c |
7.82 a |
19.49 a |
0.41 a |
18.31 b |
50 |
4.74 b |
0.81 c |
21.52 a |
4.81 b |
7.43 a |
18.51 a |
0.40 a |
14.34 a |
F (p)
4.23 (0.006)
17.44 (<0.001)
24.05 (<0.001)
20.73 (<0.001)
16.80 (<0.001)
16.82 (<0.001)
26.32 (<0.001)
2.77 (0.043)
(C) Harvested and fire impacts |
57 |
5.21 |
0.72 |
26.07 |
5.01 ab |
7.97 |
19.84 |
0.40 |
17.77 |
15 |
4.53 |
0.82 |
21.54 |
4.92 ab |
7.42 |
18.50 |
0.40 |
16.74 |
9 |
3.44 |
0.84 |
19.03 |
4.68 a |
7.98 |
19.88 |
0.47 |
11.31 |
FL-F |
30 |
4.08 |
0.77 |
21.20 |
5.17 b |
7.04 |
17.56 |
0.40 |
15.62 |
F (p)
1.70 (0.171)
2.05 (0.111)
2.63 (0.053)
2.98 (0.034)
0.37 (0.771)
0.37 (0.771)
1.74 (0.162)
1.63 (0.186)
Table 3.
One-way ANOVAs of understory cover considering open-lands (OL) and forest-lands (FL) analysing: (A) different environment types considering dry grasslands (OL-G), wet grasslands (OL-W), closed forests (FL-CF), edge forests (FL-EF), and open forests (OL-OF); (B) grazing impacts considering open-lands with low grazing pressure (OL-LG), open-lands with high grazing pressure (OL-HG), forest-lands with low grazing pressure (FL-LH), and forest lands with high grazing pressure (FL-HG); and (C) harvested and fire impacts in forest-lands considering unharvested areas (FL-UH), low harvested stands (FL-LH), high harvested stands (FL-HH), and stands with fire impacts (FL-F) as main factors, and bare ground (BG, %), debris cover (DC, %), regeneration cover (RC, %), bryophyte cover (mosses and liverworts) (BC, %), monocot plant cover (MONO, %), monocot plant exotic cover (MONO-E, %), dicot plant cover (DICO, %), DICO-E = dicots plant exotic cover (DICO-E, %). Number of plots were indicated for each category (n).
Table 3.
One-way ANOVAs of understory cover considering open-lands (OL) and forest-lands (FL) analysing: (A) different environment types considering dry grasslands (OL-G), wet grasslands (OL-W), closed forests (FL-CF), edge forests (FL-EF), and open forests (OL-OF); (B) grazing impacts considering open-lands with low grazing pressure (OL-LG), open-lands with high grazing pressure (OL-HG), forest-lands with low grazing pressure (FL-LH), and forest lands with high grazing pressure (FL-HG); and (C) harvested and fire impacts in forest-lands considering unharvested areas (FL-UH), low harvested stands (FL-LH), high harvested stands (FL-HH), and stands with fire impacts (FL-F) as main factors, and bare ground (BG, %), debris cover (DC, %), regeneration cover (RC, %), bryophyte cover (mosses and liverworts) (BC, %), monocot plant cover (MONO, %), monocot plant exotic cover (MONO-E, %), dicot plant cover (DICO, %), DICO-E = dicots plant exotic cover (DICO-E, %). Number of plots were indicated for each category (n).
n |
BG |
DC |
RC |
BC |
(A) Environment types |
OL-G |
29 |
16.13 b |
2.00 ab |
1.72 ab |
2.34 b |
47.93 b |
2.07 a |
16.75 b |
2.20 a |
OL-W |
25 |
4.32 a |
0.00 a |
0.00 a |
0.32 a |
67.04 c |
8.08 ab |
9.28 a |
6.64 ab |
51 |
5.52 a |
4.66 b |
2.35 ab |
0.19 a |
25.09 a |
26.50 c |
13.14 ab |
18.70 c |
31 |
6.00 a |
1.80 a |
4.51 ab |
0.64 a |
41.67 b |
13.61 b |
10.32 ab |
10.84 b |
29 |
4.55 a |
1.79 a |
5.51 b |
1.03 ab |
44.41 b |
5.65 ab |
14.96 ab |
4.41 a |
F (p)
12.30 (<0.001)
5.42 (<0.001)
3.39 (0.010)
6.75 (<0.001)
226.41 (<0.001)
25.81 (<0.001)
2.77 (0.029)
26.43 (<0.001)
(B) Grazing impacts |
12 |
5.16 a |
0.00 a |
0.00 |
0.33 a |
65.50 b |
5.50 ab |
10.83 ab |
5.50 ab |
42 |
12.24 b |
1.38 a |
1.19 |
1.71 b |
54.28 b |
4.66 a |
14.00 ab |
3.90 a |
61 |
3.94 a |
2.78 ab |
4.06 |
0.52 a |
36.22 a |
14.65 bc |
15.21 b |
13.96 c |
50 |
7.20 a |
3.52 b |
3.44 |
0.56 a |
33.00 a |
20.88 b |
9.92 a |
11.32 bc |
F (p)
9.92 (<0.001)
2.88 (0.040)
2.59 (0.055)
3.91 (<0.001)
17.04 (<0.001)
11.76 (<0.001)
2.92 (0.035)
10.68 (<0.001)
(C) Harvested and fire impacts |
57 |
5.19 |
2.56 a |
4.10 |
0.28 a |
34.35 b |
20.98 bc |
11.64 |
12.56 a |
15 |
6.93 |
6.00 b |
1.46 |
0.13 a |
18.00 a |
28.00 c |
10.93 |
24.13 b |
57 |
8.00 |
1.55 a |
3.33 |
1.77 b |
34.00 ab |
8.66 ab |
19.11 |
8.44 a |
FL-F |
30 |
4.27 |
3.20 a |
4.46 |
0.86 ab |
44.20 b |
8.13 a |
14.13 |
8.80 a |
F (p)
1.39 (0.248)
5.02 (0.002)
0.78 (0.507)
3.71 (0.014)
7.84 (<0.001)
9.15 (<0.002)
1.81 (0.149)
8.98 (<0.001)
Table 4.
One-way ANOVAs of indicator species cover considering open-lands (OL) and forest-lands (FL) analysing: (A) different environment types considering dry grasslands (OL-G), wet grasslands (OL-W), closed forests (FL-CF), edge forests (FL-EF), and open forests (OL-OF); (B) grazing impacts considering open-lands with low grazing pressure (OL-LG), open-lands with high grazing pressure (OL-HG), forest-lands with low grazing pressure (FL-LH), and forest lands with high grazing pressure (FL-HG); and (C) harvested and fire impacts in forest-lands considering unharvested areas (FL-UH), low harvested stands (FL-LH), high harvested stands (FL-HH), and stands with fire impacts (FL-F) as main factors, and Azorella caespitosa (AZCA, %), Bolax gummifera (BOGU, %), Azorella trifurcata (AZTR, %), Hieracium pilosella (HIPI, %), Achillea millefolium (ACMI, %), and Rumex acetosella (RUAC, %). Number of plots were indicated for each category (n).
Table 4.
One-way ANOVAs of indicator species cover considering open-lands (OL) and forest-lands (FL) analysing: (A) different environment types considering dry grasslands (OL-G), wet grasslands (OL-W), closed forests (FL-CF), edge forests (FL-EF), and open forests (OL-OF); (B) grazing impacts considering open-lands with low grazing pressure (OL-LG), open-lands with high grazing pressure (OL-HG), forest-lands with low grazing pressure (FL-LH), and forest lands with high grazing pressure (FL-HG); and (C) harvested and fire impacts in forest-lands considering unharvested areas (FL-UH), low harvested stands (FL-LH), high harvested stands (FL-HH), and stands with fire impacts (FL-F) as main factors, and Azorella caespitosa (AZCA, %), Bolax gummifera (BOGU, %), Azorella trifurcata (AZTR, %), Hieracium pilosella (HIPI, %), Achillea millefolium (ACMI, %), and Rumex acetosella (RUAC, %). Number of plots were indicated for each category (n).
n |
(A) Environment types |
OL-G |
29 |
2.31 ab |
3.37 b |
4.62 a |
2.62 ab |
0.03 |
4.07 |
OL-W |
25 |
3.00 b |
0.84 a |
4.44 a |
1.12 a |
0.08 |
1.92 |
51 |
0.06 a |
0.00 a |
1.80 a |
1.00 a |
0.54 |
3.54 |
31 |
0.41 ab |
0.12 a |
16.64 b |
2.32 ab |
0.25 |
5.06 |
29 |
1.34 ab |
0.20 a |
25.45 b |
7.10 b |
0.17 |
4.14 |
F (p)
3.54 (0.008)
14.43 (<0.001)
14.26 (<0.001)
3.41 (0.010)
0.62 (0.652)
1.41 (0.234)
(B) Grazing impacts |
12 |
6.08 b |
1.75 ab |
6.75 ab |
1.00 |
0.00 |
2.08 |
42 |
1.64 a |
2.33 b |
3.90 a |
2.19 |
0.07 |
3.35 |
61 |
0.67 a |
0.06 a |
13.95 b |
2.03 |
0.39 |
3.22 |
50 |
0.28 a |
0.12 a |
9.90 ab |
4.10 |
0.34 |
5.24 |
F (p)
8.87 (<0.001)
11.44 (<0.001)
2.93 (0.035)
0.94 (0.423)
0.45 (0.718)
2.15 (0.096)
(C) Harvested and fire impacts |
57 |
0.38 |
0.12 |
10.05 ab |
3.35 |
0.19 |
5.14 |
15 |
0.06 |
0.00 |
0.66 a |
1.00 |
1.60 |
3.86 |
9 |
0.55 |
0.00 |
9.66 ab |
7.88 |
0.11 |
4.11 |
FL-F |
30 |
0.90 |
0.10 |
22.53 b |
1.73 |
0.16 |
2.36 |
F (p)
0.97 (0.408)
1.04 (0.376)
5.82 (<0.001)
1.42 (0.240)
2.27 (0.084)
1.84 (0.145)