5.1. Sedimentary Depositional Environment during the Paleocene-Eocene
The knowledge and information of the sedimentary depositional environment of the black shales of the Palana Formation during the Paleocene-Eocene were studied by employing multi proxies, including elemental data together with kerogen microscopy. In this case, the sedimentary depositional environments and their impact on organic matter accumulating in the black shale of the Palana Formation were discussed based on three main factors, including paleoredox conditions, paleosalinity and upwelling action.
The organic carbon accumulation and its preservation condition during deposition is directly linked to the paleoredox conditions ( Katz, 2005; Zonneveld et al., 2010; Wei et al., 2023). The paleoredox conditions are divided into four levels based on the concentration of O2 in bottom water; namely oxic, dysoxic, anoxic non-sulfidic and anoxic sulfidic (euxinic) conditions.
In this study, anoxic condition (low oxygen) during the Paleocene-Eocene time was recognized based on the high amount of OM in the black shale facies of the Palana Formation, with TOC up to 36.23 wt. % (Table 1), which increased the effective preservation and resulted in the organic enrichment. The finding of the anoxic condition (low oxygen) during the Paleocene-Eocene time is established using redox-sensitive trace elements (i.e., Ni, V, Cr) and their ratios as redox proxies (Tribovillard et al., 2006).
The V and Ni trace elements are commonly insoluble and enrichment under the reducing environmental conditions, whereby can be used as redox-sensitive indicators for the anoxic environmental conditions (e.g., Bechtel et al., 2001; Algeo and Maynard, 2004; Tribovillard et al., 2006). In this case, the V element concentration is higher than Ni element in the black shale facies of the Palana Formation, indicating that marine anoxic environmental conditions is promoted during the Paleocene-Eocene, as indicated by the relationship between the V and Ni trace elements (
Figure 12a). However, the anoxic environmental conditions during accumulation of the Palana black shale facies can also be determined by V/Ni and V(V+Ni) ratios (e.g., Galarraga et al., 2008; Hatch and Leventhal, 1992). The V/Ni ratio has been used by Galarraga et al. (2008) as an indicators for interpretation the paleoredox conditions. According to this work, V/Ni ratio of < 2 indicates an anoxic condition, while V/Ni ratio of >1 indicates deposition under oxic conditions. Generally, the values of V/Ni ratio recorded from the shale samples of the Palana Formation are higher than 2 (Table 2), further suggesting anoxic conditions during deposition of these shale sediments. Moreover, the V(V+Ni) ratio of the Palana shales under investigation is between 0.74 and 0.89, indicating anoxic environmental conditions during the deposition (Hatch and Leventhal, 1992). This interpretation is also demonstrated by the association between the V/(V+Ni) ratio and TS content, which alludes to the marine anoxic environmental conditions (
Figure 12b).
In addition, the V/Cr ratio derived from trace elements are also commonly used to provide information of the oxygenation conditions in the environment of deposition (Jones and Manning, 1994). Jones and Manning (1994) suggested that the V/Cr ratio of higher than 4.5, anoxic conditions were predominant, while V/Cr ratio of less than 2 indications to oxic conditions. Accordingly, the values of the Palana shale samples are 2 < V/Cr < 4.5 (Table 2), resulting in anoxia with less prevalent during the period of their deposition. However, this study integrates the organic matter content and enrichment in some elements such as S and Fe and used to assess the environmental conditions during the deposition time, as reported by Algeo and Liu (2020). In this regard, the concentrations of Fe2O3 and S elements together with TOC content were plotted on Fe2O3-TOC-S ternary diagram and generally show that the Palana black shale samples plotted on the zone of low oxygen conditions (
Figure 13). The anoxic depositional setting (low oxygen) of the Palana black shale facies during the Paleocene-Eocene was also recognized based the isoprenoid distributions and their narrow Pr/Ph ratio of less than 0.60 (Singh et al. (2020), which a low O2 conditions promote Ph enrichment when compared to Pr (Large and Gize, 1996).
Therefore, these anoxic environmental conditions during the Paleocene-Eocene contribute to preservation of organic matter and maximize the effect of organic carbon accumulation during deposition of the organic-rich shale sediments of the Palana Formation.
Furthermore, the reconstructing the paleosalinity conditions is other important factor and helpful for understanding the mechanism of the organic carbon enrichment, including the biological community and anoxic conditions of water column (Xu et al., 2015).
In this study, salinity-sensitive elements of the studied Palana black shale facies, including Ca, Mg and Al elements were used to assess the salinity degree during the Paleocene-Eocene depositional time (Wang et al., 2017; Orhan et al., 2019; Remírez and Algeo, 2020; Sun et al., 2022). In this regard, the Sr and Ba trace elements and their ratios of Sr/Ba (Table 2) are mainly used as an indicator for salinity and/or evaporation conditions (Read et al., 1995; Price, 1999; Vincent et al., 2006; Omar et al., 2020; Dashtgard et al., 2022). The high concentrations of Sr element can indicate for high salinity and/or evaporation conditions during the deposition of the sediments, with high values of the Sr/Ba ratio (Deng and Qian, 1993; Xu et al., 2015). Accordingly, the preliminary investigation of studied Palana black shale facies was deposited in moderate salinity stratification (brackish water), with relatively low Sr/Ba ratio between 1.51 and 2.81 (Table 2).
This finding is also consistent with the Sr/Ba ratio versus V/Ni ratio diagram, as the salinity stratification of the water columns regulate the anoxic conditions during the deposition the Palana shale sediments (
Figure 14a). This interpretation is also corroborated by the association between the Ca, Mg and Al elements and their ratios of 100*Mg/Al and Ca/Mg (Lei et al., 2002; Zhang et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2022). In this case, a low 100*Mg/Al ratio of < 1 usually indicates freshwater conditions, while values 1 < 100*Mg/Al < 10 result in a brackish water and 100*Mg/Al ratio of >10 implies the salinity water deposition conditions (Lei et al., 2002; Zhang et al., 2020). In our case, the studied black shale facies of the Palana Formation exhibit 100*Mg/Al ratio between 1.32 and 2.5 (Table 2), indicating that this black shale facies was deposited in of the moderate salinity (brackish water) conditions of the water column during the Paleocene-Eocene period, as demonstrated by the relationship between sulfur content and relatively high values of the Ca/Mg ratio in the range of 1.8-3.88 (
Figure 14b).
In addation, the upwelling processes affects the periodic influx of large masses of nutrients into the photic zone, whereas the bioproductivity is closely related to nutrient supply in the sea (Strakhov, 1960; Rostovtseva and Khan, 2017).
Currently, a number of inorganic geochemical elements such as Mo, Cd, Mn and Co elements have been used to indicate the impact the vertical circulation of sea water (upwelling systems) on the sedimentogenesis of black shales (Brumsack, 2006; Sweere et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2018; Lu et al., 2019). In this case, upwelling zones show low abundances of both Co and Mn elements, while the contents of these elements Co and Mn are relatively high in restricted basins (Sweere et al., 2016). This may be attributed to an insufficient fluvial input supply in regions affected by upwelling systems (Sweere et al., 2016), where the Co and Mn enrichment in marine sediments is controlled by detrital input and authigenic enrichment (Lyons et al., 2003). However, the Co*Mn module has been developed to and show that values above 0.40 indicate the limitation of the marine basin and Co*Mn below 0.4 is typical for upwelling conditions.
In this study, high upwelling conditions during the Paleocene-Eocene time was recognized based on the high Co*Mn of smaller than 0.40 (0.004-0.22). This interpretation is corroborated by the association between the Co*Mn module and the Al2O3 content, as shown in
Figure 15a. Similarly, the relatively higher Cd element together with an increase in organic matter of the studied black shales of the Palana Formation indicates upwelling processes in water bodies, with high primary bioproductivity during the deposition period (Conway and John, 2015). This finding clearly agrees with the directly proportional between the Cd and TOC contents (
Figure 15b).
5.2. Paleoclimate Evolution during the Paleocene-Eocene
Paleoclimatic conditions have been suggested as one of the major factors controlling the biological productivity within the photic zone of the water columns, whereas the increased bioproductivity in the water is related to enhanced to humid-warm climate conditions (Jia et al., 2013; Adegoke et al., 2015; Hakimi et al., 2016).
In this study, the paleoclimate reconstruction during the Paleocene-Eocene was attempted based on a variety of climate indexes, including Sr/Cu, Rb/Sr, Ga/Rb and SiO2/Al2O3 ratios. These elements ratios are proposed and widely used to reconstruct the paleoclimate conditions (Lerman and Wang, 1989; Jia et al., 2013; Adegoke et al., 2015; Hakimi et al., 2016).
The Sr/Cu ratio is extensively to differentiate between a hot-arid (Sr/Cu > 10) and a warm-humid (1.3–5.0) climates (Lerman and Wang, 1989; Yandoka et al., 2015; Song et al., 2016; Xu et al., 2021). In our case, the results show that the Sr/Cu ratios for most of the studied Palana shales exhibit low Sr/Cu ratio of < 5 (0.76-1.35), suggesting that a warm and humid climates prevailed during the depositional period of the Palana black shale facies. This interpretation of the warm-humid climatic conditions is also consistent with the lower Rb/Sr values of less than 0.01, because the high Rb/Sr ratios of > 1 generally indicate cold and arid climates (Bai et al., 2015).
This finding of the warm-humid climatic conditions is clear supported by the cross-plot of Rb/Sr against Sr/Cu (
Figure 16a).
Moreover, the major oxides-based observations, which involve SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, and Na2O elements (Table 2), can also be used to characterize warm and humid climates (Felix, 1977; Moradi et al., 2016; Hakimi et al., 2016). The Al2O3 and K2O major oxides and their associated trace elements gallium (Ga) and rubidium (Rb) are widely accepted to examine the paleoclimatic conditions during the depositional period of the Palana organic-rich shale sediments (Hakimi et al., 2016). The Ga is associated with Al2O3, whereas the Rb is associated with K2O (Hieronymus et al., 2001; Beckmann et al., 2005; Ratcliffe et al., 2004).
However, the Al2O3 is generally enriched in kaolinite clay mineral and are known to be associated with warm climate (Hieronymus et al., 2001; Beckmann et al., 2005), whilst K2O is associated with illite clay mineral and reflecting a dry and cold climatic conditions (Ratcliffe et al., 2004).
In this study, the studied black shale of the Palana Formation is enriched in Al2O3 compared to very low K2O, with high ratio of Al/K (Table 2). The high abundance of the Al2O3 is probably attributed to the enrichment of the kaolinite clay mineral of up to 27.3%, as clearly show from the XRD results (Table 1) together with the species identification (SPI) of the QEMSCAN results (
Figure 7). The high abundant of kaolinite clay minerals within the studied samples is believed to interpret the warm and humid climates during the Paleocene-Eocene, as supported from the Ga/Rb versus K2O/Al2O3 binary diagram (
Figure 16b), as reported by Roy and Roser (2013).
Moreover, the chemical weathering of the parent rock in the source area is generally affected by the climatic conditions (Moradi et al., 2016) and can be estimated using mineralogy and several geochemical indices of the major earth elements (Nesbitt and Young, 1982; Armstrong-Altrin et al. 2020). The chemical weathering intensity for sedimentary clastic rocks in the source area was also widely evaluated using the mineralogical compositions together with several weathering indexes, including chemical index of alteration (CIA), plagioclase index of alteration (PIA). These CIA and PIA weathering indexes were calculated based on Al2O3, CaO, Na2O and K2O, as proposed by pervious published works (Nesbitt and Young, 1982; Harnois, 1988; Fedo et al., 1995) and used in recent workers such as Armstrong-Altrin et al. (2018), Ekoa Bessa et al. (2018), Mbale Ngama et al. (2019) and He et al. (2020). These authors reported that the CIA and PIA, with a value of 60 indicates low weathering, 60–75 moderate weathering and values of more than 75 indicate intensive weathering. Accordingly, the studied shale samples show high value of the CIA and PIA indexes between 93.45 and 96.00% (Table 2), indicating a high intensive degree of chemical weathering. This interpretation of the high chemical weathering trends is confirmed by the ternary diagram (A-CN-K) of Nesbitt and Young (1984), as shown in
Figure 17. Based on the A-CN-K ternary diagram, most of the studied shale samples of the Palana Formation were plotted above the line of plagioclase and k-feldspar and clustered near the A-CN line towards the kaolinite composition, exhibiting a high degree of chemical weathering (
Figure 18). This is in agreement with the high abundance of clay mineral, with high contributions of kaolinite and dickite clay minerals (Table 1), which are formed by the weathering of silicates (primarily feldspar) (Deer et al., 1975). Therefore, the original shale rocks of the Palana Formation were highly weathered in warm and humid climates during the Paleocene-Eocene period.
In addition, the warm water period during the deposition of the Palana shale samples (Paleocene-Eocene) also confirms from the high abundance of phytoplankton blooms (
Figure 5), whereas the growth and decomposition of phytoplanktons are accelerated in warm water and decreased during the cold-water condition. In this way, the presence of high phytoplankton algae and other microorganisms in the analyzed Palana black shale sediments is probably due to the prevailing long warm-water episodes during the Paleocene-Eocene. However, the evidence for the presence of the richness of phytoplankton algae during the warm and humid climatic conditions is also demonstrated and supported from the occurrence of barite mineral associated with organic matter (
Figure 8B), and relatively high-barium (Ba) trace element in the black shale intervals of the Palana Formation (Table 2), which are tightly connected with a high primary productivity (Ran et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2018; Zou et al., 2019), because the upwelling brings abundant nutrients to the surface seawater during the same time (
Figure 15a).
5.3. Hydrothermal and Volcanic Activity during the Paleocene-Eocene
The hydrothermal activity is commonly closely to the intrusion or eruption of magma and related to the strong rifting tectonic phase (Skinner, 1979; Qi et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2019).
In the studied Bikaner-Nagaur Basin, most of the faults in the basin were resulted by initial phase of rifting as a result of the Pan-African orogeny during Late Proterozoic (Pollastro et al. 1999; Al-Husseini 2000; Dmitry et al. 2007). However, this fault system of the basin witnessed multiple phases of reactivation as a result of younger tectonic episodes such as extension during Permo-Triassic, early-to-mid Jurassic and compression during Tertiary time (Manda et al., 2022). These fault systems of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic period provided migration pathways potential for the rise of deep hydrothermal fluids.
In order to estimate the hydrothermal activities during the Paleocene-Eocene, this study used the hydrothermal geochemical indicators and discrimination diagram of major and trace elements. However, the Fe and Mn elements can be employed to ascertain the influence of hydrothermal activity on sedimentary rocks, which are mostly easily and active enriched in sediments during hydrothermal activities (Adachi et al., 1986). The Fe and Mn major elements were integrated together with the Ti element and used to calculate the (Fe + Mn)/Ti ratio, which is a good indicator to evaluate the hydrothermal activities and their impact on the sedimentary rocks (Strakhov, 1976; Adachi et al., 1986). (Fe + Mn)/Ti ratio of < 15 indicates strong hydrothermal indication, while (Fe + Mn)/Ti ratio of >15 indicates influence of week hydrothermal activities deposition under oxic conditions (Qi et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2017). In this case, the studied black shale samples of the Palana Formation exhibit (Fe + Mn)/Ti ratio between 8.61 and 22.87, with an average value of 14.75 (Table 2), indicating generally strong hydrothermal activities during the Paleocene-Eocene period. This interpretation of the strong hydrothermal activities is confirmed by the relationship between the Fe and Mn elements and the sum of the Cu, Co, and Ni trace elements (Bostrom et al., 1973; Qi et al., 2004). The richness of the Fe element than Mn, Cu, Co, and Ni trace elements of all examined samples (Table 2), supports the inference of strong hydrothermal activities during the Paleocene-Eocene period, which is closed and quite similar to the Red sea hydrothermal sedimentary based on the Fe-Mn-(Cu + Co + Ni) × 10 ternary diagram of Bostrom et al. (1973) and Qi et al. (2004), as shown in
Figure 18. Moreover, the high concentrations of olivine together with significant amounts of other silica minerals i.e., quartz, apophyllite and tridymite in these black shale intervals (Table 1) are mostly considered to be of volcanic origin and supports hydrothermal activities during the Paleocene-Eocene period. These volcanic activities during the Paleocene-Eocene period in this case are considered influx of large masses of ash accumulations during the volcanic eruption. The relatively high contents of zeolite mineral (up to 6.1%) in the Palana shale facies is indicative of increased volcanic-ash. However, the high amounts of volcanic ash into aqueous environments may lead to the dissolution of absorbed sediments, including metal salts, mainly supplying a high concentration of the nutrients for organisms, thereby enhancing and increasing the primary bioproductivity (Langmann et al., 2010; Duggen et al., 2010). In this case, the most of the nutrients are phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N), which commonly occurs in sea-water.
In term of nutrient P content, the studied Palana shale samples are enriched in P, with a P2O3 range of 0.14-0.50% together with high Fe contents (Table 2), indicating that nutrients were transported and concentrated in the these shales after deposition and hydrolyzation of volcanic-ash (Chen et al., 2021). This interpretation is confirmed by the obvious positive correlation between P2O3 and zeolite-derived volcanic (
Figure 19a). In addition, the significantly positive correlation between P2O3 and Sr/Ba ratio (R2= 0.56;
Figure 19b) also indicates that the primary productivity of the aquatic organisms was due to input of volcanic ash containing abundant nutrient salts (Chen et al., 2021).