
The Effects of Economic Sector GDP on Low-Income Housing Supply. Colombia’s Regions Case


29 November 2023


06 December 2023

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The regions with the best economy have a greater capacity to develop low-income or social impact housing, thus contributing to the reduction of poverty, and therefore, to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals. This is observed in fewer people living in extreme poverty and with fewer unmet basic needs. The present article analyzes the correlation between development by the main economic sectors in the different regions (departments) of Colombia, and the offer of low-income housing. The valid relationship found is between the economic condition of the regions (GDP) and non-social housing (more expensive commercial value) (Spearman´s Rho: 0.9). That means that there is an imbalance between regional economic capacity and the low-income housing offer because their economic potential allows them to have less of a demanding population, that is, living in poverty. This correlation is higher with activities that are mostly developed in an urban environment, such as manufacturing, construction, real estate, and finance and insurance. On the contrary, the correlation is lower with industries such as mining and agriculture, which mostly operate in rural areas. The analysis for low-income housing and economic sectors GDP yields low correlations, but are especially dismissible for more rural industries, such as mining and agriculture. The analysis shows the change of trend in the correlations for the year 2021, the beginning of the post-pandemic economic recovery.
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1. Introduction

The Unmet Basic Needs (UBN) is an indicator that allows identifying the levels of poverty in the regions. The trend in Latin America, and therefore in Colombia, is that in its regions (or departments) with the best economic level (measured from the Gross Domestic Product, GDP per capita) they have the lowest indices of extreme poverty or UBN.
UBN are measured in different socioeconomic aspects, including the material condition of the housing, the lack of basic public services and overcrowding. These aspects are related to the need to generate low-income housing for the population with the greatest needs and thus contribute to reducing their UBN and helping them overcome the condition of poverty. Additionally, the generation of low-income housing contributes to compliance with the SDGs. A review of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [1] shows that one of the common elements between No. 1 “No Poverty,” No. 6 “Clean Water and Sanitation,” and No. 11 “Sustainable Cities and Communities” is to generate decent housing for the poorest communities. Whether it is: new home ownership, improved home ownership, or rental housing, but provided with minimum quality standards, help to improve the indicators for these 3 SDGs.
The construction of housing for low-income households is one of the options to help reduce poverty in a developing country such as Colombia, according to the Colombian Ministry of Housing, City and Territory (2022) [2], Low-income or Social Interest Housing (VIS, in Spanish term) has the social function of being the lowest priced: “VIS has the elements that ensure habitability and that meet the quality standards of urban, architectural, and construction design. Their maximum value is one hundred thirty-five current legal monthly minimum wages (135 SMLM).” 1Housing units that, due to their sale price, exceed the VIS value, are called “no-VIS housing,” and are not intended to favor low-income households.
The hypothesis posed by this article is that the regions with the highest level of income, Colombia case, are those with a tendency to develop fewer VIS housing units because they have a lower percentage of the population in extreme poverty and with fewer housing needs. This is supported by high correlation values and negative sign (Spearman's Rho < -0.7) for the 33 departments of Colombia (Table 1).
A huge social problem is the relationship between economic growth and low-income housing. Is exposed by entities such The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) by stating that the housing sector, in Latin America and the Caribbean, has historically been affected by the economic situation, as recently demonstrated in the COVID-19 pandemic, and is related to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For the IDB is clear that the development of the housing sector is a fundamental tool for sustainable and resilient growth in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) [3].
The importance of low-income housing development in order to reduce poverty
It is important to highlight that the good economic situation of the regions has facilitated the reduction of the number of households with housing in poor condition; and to remember that Latin America and the Caribbean is the developing region with the highest level of urbanization in the world. This fact is related to the increase in human settlements and poverty; and housing development is essential for reducing social, economic, and environmental gaps. And it is even more worrying when you read the numbers: “If we add to this the high levels of poverty, labor informality and the slowdown in mortgage financing, we conclude that the probable scenario for the coming years is an expansion of precarious settlements in our region, beyond 17.7% of the population urban society that in 2020 lived in marginal neighborhoods” [4].
In another document, the ECLAC highlights the relationship between urban population growth, economic opportunities, and the housing construction sector: “Population growth presents a negative relationship with economic growth. That is, accelerated population growth presents an opportunity cost in relation to economic growth, since rapid growth in the labor factor means that more capital has to be used to equip the growth of the labor force, which results in in slower growth of capital per worker”, and “The construction sector includes both the creation of new homes and the recovery and rehabilitation of those that are disused and/or deteriorated. Its development not only impacts the most vulnerable population. In addition to alleviating poverty, it is a sector of great relevance within the economy, due to the impact it generates on other sectors. On the one hand, it demands from other industries the inputs used in construction works, inducing dynamism in the latter” [5].
According to the Ministry of Labor (Republic of Colombia) (2023) [6], about 70% of inter-municipal migrants, for lack of work reasons, arrived in the following departments: Bogota, Cundinamarca, Valle del Cauca, Antioquia, Santander, Risaralda, Meta, Atlantico and Tolima. Eight of these nine regions are on the list of those ten with the best GDP per capita since 2015 [7].
Figure 1 shows the strong and positive relationship between the growth of GDP per capita and the GDP of the construction sector, for a sample of 20 Latin American countries, between the years 1990 and 2020.
In Colombian case, when there is an economic crisis, what is built the most is low-income housing (VIS). In order to maintain the construction and housing sales sector, a solvent demand is needed, which is capable of having enough money to buy housing in the middle and upper strata segments. When there is a crisis, demand contracts and that is why the State gives subsidies to leverage that demand and it does so in low-income segments [8].
Now, regarding Latin America and the Caribbean, the importance of producing more quality social housing for the population classified as poor stems from the growth of the urban population coming from rural areas. The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) presents projections for the population of the region and each of its countries [9]. According to the general data for Latin America and the Caribbean, the turning point between a higher percentage of the population living in urban areas compared to rural areas occurred in 1960. Since then, the difference has steadily been increasing and it is projected to remain this way at least until the year 2050 (Figure 2). In the case of Colombia, the distribution of the population is very similar to the above data (Figure 3).
The above suggests that the so-called “urbanization phenomenon” will continue in Colombia and in Latin America, generating a greater number of migrants from rural to urban areas. Most of this migration occurs under conditions of poverty and as a result, families arrive in the municipalities to occupy housing with very poor material conditions and without basic public utilities. Unfortunately, much of the causes of migration are linked to violence and lack of economic and job opportunities in many rural areas [10,11,12]. In the case of Colombia, although the population living in poverty has decreased since the early 2000s, indicators continue to be higher in rural areas than in urban areas [13]. It is also noteworthy that in recent years, there has been many people living in poverty who have migrated from Venezuela to Colombia, mostly to major cities [14].
A review of the state of the art to explore the relationship between poverty and social housing shows that, according to Chiodelli (2016) [15], the great proliferation of informal human settlements in the major cities of so-called developing countries began after World War II. This informal growth of cities led to poverty, creating what can be described as a “planet of slums” [16]. For several years, government agencies failed to take significant action to address this issue. Only until the 1960s, and with greater force in the 1970s, did various government and multilateral agencies initiate housing policies consistently and with clear objectives to improve the housing conditions of poor households in the cities, to reduce the reality of urban poverty. Over the years, it has been shown that the location of low-income housing in the urban periphery (generated largely by the effects of rural-urban migration) results in transportation issues on work or study days due to increased commute time and costs. It also brings restrictions to urban development [17].
The first initiatives to improve social housing focused on having the community itself actively participate in the construction or improvement of their precarious housing. However, the 1980s proved that self-built housing was not a good idea due to the quality of the construction process. From then on, housing policies focused on the fact that the State should intervene even more with new housing projects and provide households with financial planning, financial assistance through subsidies, and even rental housing options. The latter option has not been given due consideration by many governments in poor countries, but it is an option for regulating social housing [18]. In the 1990s and 2000s, agencies such as the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and UN-Habitat have been very active in promoting policies for social housing valuation and land regulation [19]. Such housing policies strengthened the legal ownership of informal housing as a mechanism to reduce the state of poverty of households by increasing their net worth through home ownership [20,21,22].
Between 1995 and 2009, housing conditions in Latin America improved by reducing the number of households in the housing deficit from 8% to 6%. Similarly, the proportion of occupants living in housing built with precarious materials fell from 12% to 8.8%. These improvements in the housing deficit correspond to an era of economic growth, measured in per capita income. However, criticism must be made of the lack of consistency between public policies for urban development and housing development. This disconnect has led to housing projects not being a solution to the quality of life of the inhabitants [23].
Providing new housing or improving existing housing for lower-income households who cannot afford non-VIS housing is not solely about the actual building. Housing also implies providing basic public services and utilities such as water, sewerage, roads, energy, and adequate public space [24,25]. This implies that social housing in a country contributes to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Some studies conclude that generating housing invigorates the economy by increasing the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) [26].
The role of low-income housing in the building housing sector
Continuing the study of Latin America, the analysis of the evolution of the economy and social housing in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Colombia; concludes that in the last 50 years there has been a lack of response from governments to the problem of social housing. Then there was the expansion of informal settlements and the increase in the social housing deficit. Later, governments wanted to increase financing to reduce the social real estate crisis; and finally, the construction sector participated in an important offer of social housing located in the urban peripheries [27].
The Colombian Chamber of Construction (Camacol)2 (considered to be the top consulting agency in Colombia for the building industry) has recently stated that “with the reactivation of social housing the expected growth of the economy could be doubled” [28].
The social housing policy in Colombia in recent years has been based on state subsidies to low-income families for the purchase or improvement of social housing. This financial aid encouraged the supply of social housing by construction companies, mainly in the regions of the country that had the greatest demand, that is, regions with greater economic movement and presence of migrant households. Furthermore, the regions or departments of Colombia with the best economy (Cundinamarca, Antioquia, Valle del Cauca and Atlántico) are those that have received the most internal migration of the armed conflict due to having greater employment opportunities, which is why they have developed more social housing projects, reaching low housing deficit rates and the greatest offers of social housing [29].
The relationship between the building construction industry and economic legal monthly minimum wage, has been consistently exhibited in developing countries [30], even in the United States of America [31,32]. Other articles focus the relation between new market housing construction on the low-income housing market [33]. The present study was performed through a statistical validation of the correlation between indicators, employing a nonparametric method. The resulting value of each correlation allowed to establish whether our hypothesis was satisfied, and it determined most of our conclusions for this study.
Another model suggests that per capita income or wage income are not independent variables that explain urban growth; therefore, housing supply should be correlated with population growth. The study was conducted with information from 2001–2016 for the metropolitan areas of the U.S.A. [34].
Bramley & Pawson (2002) [35] establish that demographics, employment, poverty, income, the attractiveness of the area, and the amount of housing stock or housing for rent are the variables that explain the behavior of urban areas with low demand for housing (United Kingdom, UK).
Other documents relate the impact of policies in the low-income housing, like Ha (1994) [36] in Korea case; Ikejiofor (1998) [37] in Nigeria case; Choguill (1993) [38] in Bangladesh case; and Yang et. Al. (2021) [39] in U.S.A. case.
Housing policies with a focus on subsidies for new and existing (but legalized) housing continue until the present decade (2020), and pertain to cases such as Colombia, Chile, Uruguay, and South Africa, among others [15]. Housing policies in Latin America share similarities and can also be individually analyzed on a global scale [40]. It is also important to note that housing policies in developing countries are often implemented differently from those in developed countries [41].
Summarizing, in Latin America results mainly in: (a.) an analysis of housing policies over the last decades [15,18,19]; (b.) a comparative analysis between countries in the region or between developed and developing countries [40,41]; (c.) an analysis of the relationship between housing production and urban public utilities [24,25]; (d.) a review of the spatial characteristics of informal housing and qualitative deficit [17,42,43,44]; and (e.) an analysis of the relationship between social housing production and urban poverty reduction [20,21,22,26].
Camacol have analyzed the behavior of the building industry’s GDP, both at the national level and by departments, but they do not relate it to the supply of VIS. They have also studied the participation of 60 subsectors of the economy in the demand for goods and services related to the building construction industry; however, they do not relate this information to the number of housing units that are built [45]. More recently, another publication presents a GDP projection for the construction industry but does not correlate other economic industries with housing supply, nor is it analyzed by region [46,47].
The objective of this study was to establish whether there is a statistically valid correlation between the supply of social interest housing (VIS) in a region (per department in Colombia) and socioeconomic and demographic variables such as the general GDP of the department, the main industry-specific GDPs, the general population of the department; based in the hypothesis that the regions with the highest level of income, Colombia case, are those with a tendency to develop fewer VIS housing units be-cause they have a lower percentage of the population in extreme poverty and with fewer housing needs.
After a search for technical articles on social housing demand modeling, we found a correlation analysis between housing production, deficit, and regional socioeconomic variables such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and population.
The state of the art makes clear the relationship between poverty and housing condition; and therefore, a contribution to the SDGs. But there are no publications on the analysis of the relationship between indicators at regional level to no one country in Latin America. This study analyzes whether the areas or departments in Colombia with greater economic development are related to a higher number of VIS housing units in the period between 2015 and 2021, making a reading of the contribution to the SDGs from the social building economic sector, according to the regional social and economic condition in Colombia.
This study is based on the trend for well-developed regions which receive an important migrant population, like from rural to urban areas due to social and economic conflicts, are linked to poverty; and due to the previous, requires a decent housing solution to reduce the UBN of population, and thus helping improve the indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [12,48,49,50,51].

2. Method

The information used in this study was obtained from the most reliable organizations and governmental agencies in Colombia. All information used is official for Colombia. It was obtained from the most recent reports published by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE).
The first step was to establish whether to use parametric or nonparametric methods to validate the correlations. One of the most commonly used parametric tests is the Pearson correlation coefficient. An important aspect to consider is that in order to apply this method, the normal distribution of the variables to be correlated must be verified beforehand. The resulting coefficient (r) measures the strength or intensity of the linear relationship between 2 variables. To establish whether or not there is a statistically valid correlation, the normality test was initially performed using the “Shapiro–Wilk” command in R Studio, which yields the p-value. The normality of the data distribution can be validated if the p-value is ≥0.05 [52].
The test was applied to the following variables (results are shown in 0):
  • Number of licensed VIS units reported for Colombia as a whole and for each of the 33 departments, 2015–2021.
  • Number of licensed non-VIS units reported for Colombia as a whole and for each of the 33 departments, 2015–2021.
  • Departmental GDP for the manufacturing industry, 2015–2021, for each of the 33 departments.
  • Departmental GDP for the construction industry, 2015–2021, for each of the 33 departments.
  • Departmental GDP for the real estate industry, 2015–2021, for each of the 33 departments.
  • Departmental GDP for the finance and insurance industry, 2015–2021, for each of the 33 departments.
  • Departmental GDP for the mining industry, 2015–2021, for each of the 33 departments.
  • Departmental GDP for the farming, livestock, forestry, and hunting and fishing (agriculture) industry, 2015–2021, for each of the 33 departments.
  • Overall GDP or total departmental GDP, 2015–2021, for each of the 33 departments.
It is worth noting that the housing unit indicator refers to licensed housing, i.e., housing units that potentially will be built, whether new or improved, according to the need to license the projected construction. This indicator does not factor in rental housing solutions or VIS or non-VIS constructions that have been developed without a license. It also does not disregard those that, after being licensed, have not been partially or completely built.
The result indicates that there is no normal distribution for any of the variables analyzed in the 2015–2020 period, in any of the 33 departments (shown in 0).
Since there was no normal distribution for the variables, we performed a nonparametric correlation test, namely Spearman’s test. We executed the following command using the R Studio statistical software program:
  • cor(data_name$dependent_variable,data_name$independent_variable,method = "spearman").
The value or result provided by the Spearman correlation test is rho, whose value measures the intensity of the correlation between 2 variables, and its limits are (-1, 1). If the value is close to unity, the correlation is good and directly proportional between the 2 variables. If the value is close to unity, but is negative (-1), the correlation between the 2 variables is also good but it is inverse. If the value is close to null, it is considered that there is no valid correlation between the variables [53].
We then proceeded to calculate the value of the Spearman correlation (rho) with the data shown in 0, and with these results correlate the number of VIS units/year and the number of non-VIS units/year with:
a. the general economic performance of the country’s departments (measured based on the overall GDP), and
b. the economic performance for the main economic industries in Colombia (GDP by industry).
The conclusions were stablished regarding the hypothesis or assumption that there is a tendency to develop a greater number of social housing units in regions where there is greater economic development, especially in areas where the industrial and service industries are more prevalent.

3. Results

3.1. Correlation between overall GDP and number of VIS housing units by department

Upon performing the data analysis for the 33 departments, low values (rho <0.30) are obtained in 71% of the records (between the years 2016 and 2020), which rules out a statistically valid correlation Table 2. However, a stronger correlation (rho >0.5) is observed for the year 2015 and a very strong one is shown for the year 2021 (rho >0.85).
0 (a. to g.), complements the previous table and allows us to observe the dispersion of the points representing the 33 departments in each of the 7 years under study. Graphically, there is no trend toward a linear behavior.

3.2. Correlation between GDP per capita and number of VIS housing units by department

We used the GDP per capita for a more in-depth analysis of the correlation between the general economic level and the number of VIS units. In this case, the direct relationship between general GDP and GDP per capita in the departments led to results similar to those of the previous section (Table 1).
The rho value for the Spearman correlation between overall GDP and GDP per capita for each department and for Colombia lies between 0.75 and 1.0, with an average value of 0.93 (Table A1).

3.3. Correlation between overall GDP and number of non-VIS housing units by department

The correlation between overall GDP and the number of non-VIS units for the entire country between 2015 and 2021 presents rho values above 0.88 for 86% of the years analyzed. This validates the correlation between higher economic growth and a higher number of high-cost housing units (non-VIS) (Table 3).
Unlike the analysis conducted for VIS housing, the relationship between the GDP of each department with non-VIS housing is presented in Figure 4 (a. to g.), complementing the information found in Table 2. The graphs show a greater linear trend in the data than the graphs for VIS units.
The rho correlation values for Figure 4 and Figure 5 are in Table 3 and Table 4.

3.4. Correlation between the number of victims of internal displacement in Colombia and the number of VIS housing units by department

In this case, the number of internal displacement victims in Colombia was correlated for each of the 33 departments with the respective number of licensed VIS housing units per department, between 2018 and 2020.
Spearman’s rho yielded values of -1.0 and 1.0 for 45% of the departments, 12% of which were negative values. Only 9% (3 out of 33) of the departments registered a null rho value, given that there was no VIS development in those regions. The other 54% of departments yielded a rho of -0.5 and 0.5, 21% of which were negative.
We can conclude from this that there is no correlation that could indicate that the departments with a greater number of migrant victims have had a greater increase in the number of VIS housing units.
As a further analysis, the Spearman and Pearson correlation coefficient was performed using the aggregate data of all 33 departments for the available years: 2018–2020. The results were rho = 0.5 and r = 0.02. These figures again suggest that it is not possible to establish a valid correlation between the number of licensed VIS housing units in the country and the number of forcibly displaced victims.

3.5. Correlation between the manufacturing industry’s GDP and number of housing units by department

In this correlation, 71% of cases (2016–2020) presented positive rho values. However, they were lower than rho <0.33, meaning that there is no valid statistical correlation (Table 4).
An analysis of the manufacturing industry with the number of non-VIS units shows a significant difference from the previous case. Here, 86% of the cases (2016–2021) presented positive rho values (>0.91), which validates the hypothesis that there is a relationship between the increase in the economic production of the manufacturing industry and increased non-VIS housing units (Table 5).

3.6. Correlation between the construction industry’s GDP and number of housing units by department

Similar to the manufacturing industry, the years from 2016 to 2020 (83% of the records) present a positive but low correlation (rho <0.28), indicating that the correlation between the development of the construction industry and the number of VIS units is not statistically valid (Table 6). However, it is important to note that the year 2021 presents a valid correlation, with a rho value of 0.89.
The correlation between the GDP of the construction industry and the number of non-VIS units is valid (rho >0.90) in 86% of cases (2016–2021). This positive correlation indicates that the stronger the economy in the construction industry, the more non-VIS units are built. It can also be interpreted to mean that a greater number of constructed non-VIS units boosts the industry’s economy. It should be pointed out that non-VIS housing has a higher commercial value than VIS housing, which explains why it provides more value to the industry’s economy than VIS housing does (Table 7).

3.7. Correlation between the real estate industry’s GDP and number of housing units by department

The correlation is low (rho <0.25) for 5 of the 6 years we analyzed (83%). Therefore, it can be inferred that the real estate industry has no impact on the development of VIS units (Table 8). However, as analyzed with the 2 preceding economic industries, the year 2021 presents a strong correlation with the number of VIS units (rho = 0.9).
In addition, similar to the manufacturing and construction industries, there is a good correlation between the real estate industry and the number of units of high commercial value (non-VIS), with a trend toward values of rho >0.94 from 2016 onwards (Table 9).

3.8. Correlation between the finance and insurance industry’s GDP and number of housing units by department

Similar to the behavior of the real estate industry, the finance and insurance industry tends to correlate significantly with the development of higher-value housing units (non-VIS) (rho >0.92 in 86% of the data) (Table 10) and tends not to correlate with VIS social housing (rho <0.30 in 83% of cases). However, it must be noted that this correlation presented an increase (rho = 0.90) for the year 2021 (Table 11).

3.9. Correlation between the mining industry’s GDP and number of housing units by department

Unlike the previous economic industries (manufacturing, construction, real estate, and finance and insurance), the mining industry is mostly developed in rural areas, and its industry-specific GDP does not show a significant correlation with either VIS or non-VIS housing. In both cases, the rho values lie between -0.22 and 0.41 for the study years (Table 12 and Table 13).
It is important to note that, although the correlations between 2016 and 2020 are not statistically valid (rho <0.22), they also turned out to be inverse (negative rho values).

3.10. Correlation between the agricultural industry’s GDP and number of housing units by department

There is no significant correlation between the agricultural industry (farming, livestock, forestry, and hunting and fishing) and the development of VIS units. The rho value lies between -0.04 and 0.37 in 86% of cases. However, as with other economic industries above, the correlation increases significantly in the year 2021, with a rho value of 0.55.
Importantly, although the correlations between 2016 and 2020 are not statistically valid (rho <0.13), they are also inverse (negative rho) (Table 14).
On the other hand, the correlation with non-VIS housing units tends toward an acceptable correlation with rho values between 0.62 and 0.68 for the years 2016 to 2021, and 0.42 for 2015 (Table 15). In this case, the rho trend in 2021 is like the trend occurring from 2016 onwards.
The information from Table 4 and Table 15 is summarized in Figure 6 and Figure 7.
For the number of VIS Housing units (Figure 6), only the year 2015 data registers rho values that indicate good correlations with global GDP and sectoral GDP (rho>0.6), except for the mining sector. However, in 2021 the correlation was very strong with the global GDP and the GDP of the agrobusiness, manufacturing and real estate sectors. This may be due to the fact that it was the year of the start of economic recovery in the post-pandemic.
Based on the foregoing, it is concluded that the production of VIS housing in Colombia is not feasible to analyze historically, or project it over time, based on the behavior of the economic sectors.
On the contrary, the relationship between the number of Non-VIS housing units (Figure 7) and the behavior of the economic sectors is high (rho>0.6) in most years of analysis (2015 to 2020), except for the mining sector. But in 2021 the correlation it got worse for almost all economic sectors.
The foregoing concludes that the behavior of the Non-VIS housing market (more expensive) is linked to the main economic sectors behavior, but VIS social housing develops constantly, regardless of the situation of the main economic sectors. The year 2021 is for special analysis because it tends to change the tendency of previous years.

4. Discussion

4.1. Low-income housing

Regarding our hypothesis, the growth of the number of low-income (VIS) housing units offer in Colombia’s departments does not correlate with the overall economic development of each region (departmental GDP) in the 2016–2020 period. In 2015, the correlation was statistically acceptable (rho close to 0.60).
However, for 2021, the correlation is higher than in previous years (rho >0.80). This is because in 55% of the departments, the number of VIS units offer increased in 2021 compared to the average of previous years. In addition, Antioquia is the only region with a high economy that is included among the other 45% of departments that reduced their low-income housing units in 2021, with a reduction of only -10%. The other regions with the highest economies and VIS production in the country are Bogotá, Atlántico, Valle, Santander, and Cundinamarca, and they are all included in the group that did increase their number of VIS units in 2021.
Additionally, it can be seen that:
the average percentage of the increase of VIS units between 2021 and the average of the previous years is 147%, while the difference is -72% for the departments that reduced their number of VIS in 2021.
the standard deviation of the change in overall GDP in 2021 with respect to the average of previous years is 21%, and it is 164% for the number of VIS units.
The above explains that the increase in VIS units for 2021 was more significant than the decrease at the national level (in the corresponding departments). It also reveals that the considerable difference between the deviations of the 2 correlated variables means that one of them (general GDP) does not change significantly with respect to previous years, but the other (VIS) does, significantly modifying the rho value with respect to previous years.
The overall increase of VIS units in Colombia in 2021 was mainly driven by the need to generate more social housing to help improve the social and economic conditions of many people who fell into poverty due to the consequences of COVID-19.
The previous paragraphs support the significant change in the rho value for 2021 throughout almost the entire study.
The analysis divided by economic industries showed a similar behavior to that of the general GDP. On analyzing the correlation of the number of VIS units with the industry-specific GDPs for manufacturing, construction, real estate, and finance and insurance, these industries tend to be more developed in urban areas than in rural areas, which may be related to the fact that most of the VIS housing units are built in urban areas.
In contrast, mining and agriculture tend to be rural industries. In this case, the correlation with the number of VIS units is lower, and there is a significant difference between the two. For the mining industry, the rho value in 2015 is 0.06 while for agriculture, it is 0.37.
In the 2016–2020 period, the behavior of the 2 industries is similar with negative rho values (unlike the first 4 economic industries we analyzed) and they are not greater than - 0.22. Although the values are too low to validate a statistical correlation, them being negative confirms an inverse relationship between the development of rural industries and a higher investment in VIS housing.
In 2021, there is a significant rho value increase for the 2 industries: 0.30 for mining and 0.55 for agriculture. The explanation for this improved correlation is explained above with the explanation for the increase in VIS units.

4.2. Non-VIS housing

Correlating the economy of the departments (overall GDP) with the number of non-VIS units shows an important shift. In this case, the rho value remains high from 2016 onwards, with a minimum of 0.88. For the year 2021, the rho value does not vary significantly with respect to the previous years; in fact, it is vastly similar (= 0.92).
The industry-specific GDP analysis for manufacturing, construction, real estate, and finance and insurance yields an acceptable correlation for 2015 (rho close to 0.60) and a very good correlation between 2016 and 2021 (rho >0.90).
For the other 2 industries (mining and agriculture) the correlations improve compared to the data for VIS housing. The rho value for the former is very low for 2015 (= 0.16), and it improves in the following years with values close to 0.40. For the latter industry, the correlation improves with values close to 0.65 between 2016 and 2021.
Once again, as with the VIS units, the correlation between industry-specific economic development and the number of non-VIS housing units is better in the industries that are more prevalent in the urban context than in the rural context.
In general, economic development, measured by GDP, either overall or with industry-specific data, shows a better correlation with the development of non-VIS housing units. This is because non-VIS housing units are the most built in Colombia in terms of units and saleable area. They are also the most economically profitable for the building construction industry, considering that they are not social housing and are more expensive.

5. Conclusions

The economic standing of the departments in Colombia, measured through the overall GDP for the 2015–2021 period, has a very good statistical correlation with the number of non-VIS units, which hold the highest commercial value.
Conducting a correlation analysis using the general GDP of each department as an economic indicator should have similar results if replaced by the GDP per capita, since the correlation between these two indicators is very high.
At the economic-specific level, this correlation is higher with activities that are mostly developed in an urban environment, such as manufacturing, construction, real estate, and finance and insurance. The correlation is lower with industries such as mining and agriculture, which mostly operate in rural areas.
Conversely, the correlation of economic performance over the same period with the number of VIS social housing units offered is not good, except for the year 2021, which shows a significant increase in the number of registered housing units compared to previous years.
The industry-specific analysis for VIS housing yields low correlations, but are especially dismissible for more rural industries, such as mining and agriculture.
Given their low correlation, the above confirm the hypothesis that more low-income housing units are offered in departments with a stronger economy, due to its low level of poverty and unmet basic needs UBN.
It is also clear that regions with better economies develop the non-VIS housing market more (high rho values), especially in those that have better numbers in urban economic sector like manufacturing, construction, real estate, and finance and insurance; and have less relationship in those regions where the economic development has been better in rural activities like mining and agriculture.
Finally, the behavior of the non-VIS housing market (more expensive) is linked to the main economic sectors, but VIS social housing develops constantly, regardless of the situation of the main economic sectors.

Appendix A

Table A1. Results of the normality test “Shapiro Wilk Test” to the variables studied.
Table A1. Results of the normality test “Shapiro Wilk Test” to the variables studied.
Analisys Data P-value Normally distributed
Number_House Units_NoVIS_2015 3.31E-07 NO
Number_House Units_NoVIS_2016 2.52E-04 NO
Number_House Units_NoVIS_2017 2.57E-04 NO
Number_House Units_NoVIS_2018 8.88E-05 NO
Number_House Units_NoVIS_2019 2.52E-05 NO
Number_House Units_NoVIS_2020 7.55E-05 NO
Number_House Units_NoVIS_2021 5.02E-07 NO
Number_House Units_VIS_2015 5.02E-04 NO
Number_House Units_VIS_2016 5.29E-08 NO
Number_House Units_VIS_2017 4.01E-08 NO
Number_House Units_VIS_2018 5.05E-08 NO
Number_House Units_VIS_2019 6.12E-08 NO
Number_House Units_VIS_2020 5.30E-08 NO
Number_House Units_VIS_2021 4.35E-07 NO
Departmental_Manufacturing_GDP_2015 3.52E-05 NO
Departmental_Manufacturing_GDP_2016 3.87E-05 NO
Departmental_Manufacturing_GDP_2017 4.50E-05 NO
Departmental_Manufacturing_GDP_2018 4.73E-05 NO
Departmental_Manufacturing_GDP_2019 4.66E-05 NO
Departmental_Manufacturing_GDP_2020 5.70E-05 NO
Departmental_Manufacturing_GDP_2021 4.99E-08 NO
Departmental_Construction_GDP_2015 6.45E-04 NO
Departmental_Construction_GDP_2016 4.76E-04 NO
Departmental_Construction_GDP_2017 1.93E-04 NO
Departmental_Construction_GDP_2018 1.03E-04 NO
Departmental_Construction_GDP_2019 1.42E-04 NO
Departmental_Construction_GDP_2020 1.89E-07 NO
Departmental_Construction_GDP_2021 1.39E-07 NO
Departmental_Real_State_GDP_2015 2.53E-07 NO
Departmental_Real_State_GDP_2016 2.69E-07 NO
Departmental_Real_State_GDP_2017 2.81E-07 NO
Departmental_Real_State_GDP_2018 2.85E-07 NO
Departmental_Real_State_GDP_2019 2.91E-10 NO
Departmental_Real_State_GDP_2020 2.95E-07 NO
Departmental_Real_State_GDP_2021 3.11E-10 NO
Departmental_Financial_Insurance_GDP_2015 4.79E-08 NO
Departmental_Financial_Insurance_GDP_2016 4.71E-08 NO
Departmental_Financial_Insurance_GDP_2017 4.65E-08 NO
Departmental_Financial_Insurance_GDP_2018 4.70E-08 NO
Departmental_Financial_Insurance_GDP_2019 4.75E-08 NO
Departmental_Financial_Insurance_GDP_2020 4.74E-08 NO
Departmental_Financial_Insurance_GDP_2021 4.72E-11 NO
Departmental_Mining_GDP_2015 3.75E-06 NO
Departmental_Mining_GDP_2016 3.36E-06 NO
Departmental_Mining_GDP_2017 3.31E-09 NO
Departmental_Mining_GDP_2018 3.09E-06 NO
Departmental_Mining_GDP_2019 1.95E-06 NO
Departmental_Mining_GDP_2020 1.25E-09 NO
Departmental_Mining_GDP_2021 2.42E-09 NO
Departmental_Agrobusiness_GDP_2015 2.10E-02 NO
Departmental_Agrobusiness_GDP_2016 1.83E-02 NO
Departmental_Agrobusiness_GDP_2017 2.30E-02 NO
Departmental_Agrobusiness_GDP_2018 2.01E-02 NO
Departmental_Agrobusiness_GDP_2019 1.86E-02 NO
Departmental_Agrobusiness_GDP_2020 1.95E-02 NO
Departmental_Agrobusiness_GDP_2021 1.43E-05 NO
Departmental_Global_GDP_2015 1.24E-05 NO
Departmental_Global_GDP_2016 1.21E-05 NO
Departmental_Global_GDP_2017 1.18E-05 NO
Departmental_Global_GDP_2018 1.08E-05 NO
Departmental_Global_GDP_2019 1.06E-05 NO
Departmental_Global_GDP_2020 9.73E-06 NO
Departmental_Global_GDP_2021 9.13E-09 NO
Table A2. Spearman Test Rho value between GDP and GDP per capita (2015 to 2021).
Table A2. Spearman Test Rho value between GDP and GDP per capita (2015 to 2021).
Department rho Department rho
COLOMBIA 0.9642857 GUAVIARE 1.0000000
AMAZONAS 0.9642857 HUILA 1.0000000
ANTIOQUIA 1.0000000 LA_GUAJIRA 0.9642857
ARAUCA 0.8928571 MAGDALENA 0.9642857
ATLANTICO 0.8928571 META 0.8928571
BOGOTA 0.9642857 NARINO 1.0000000
BOLIVAR 0.9642857 NORTE SANTANDER 0.8928571
BOYACA 1.0000000 PUTUMAYO 0.7857143
CALDAS 1.0000000 QUINDIO 1.0000000
CAQUETA 1.0000000 RISARALDA 1.0000000
CASANARE 0.8928571 SAN_ANDRES 0.9642857
CAUCA 1.0000000 SANTANDER 0.9642857
CESAR 0.8928571 SUCRE 0.9642857
CHOCO 0.9642857 TOLIMA 1.0000000
CORDOBA 1.0000000 VALLE 1.0000000
CUNDINAMARCA 0.6071429 VAUPES 0.7500000
GUAINIA 0.7500000 VICHADA 1.0000000
Table A3. Number of licensed VIS house units, by department.
Table A3. Number of licensed VIS house units, by department.
Department # House Units VIS_2015 # House Units VIS_2016 # House Units VIS_2017 # House Units VIS_2018 # House Units VIS_2019 # House Units VIS_2020 # House Units VIS_2021
AMAZONAS 122 170 0 0 0 0 102
ANTIOQUIA 19755 3,252 4,129 4,407 6,141 6,241 6,564
ARAUCA 92 564 63 86 6 4 4
ATLANTICO 5,038 3,538 6,635 8,366 8,496 8,629 9,899
BOGOTA 12632 22147 12840 13600 26006 20161 20104
BOLIVAR 2,737 5,823 5,632 3,099 5,579 4,664 5,387
BOYACA 4,405 1,975 1,454 1,954 2,012 578 1,915
CALDAS 1,871 1,770 1,339 436 602 1,340 1,692
CAQUETA 301 6 1 107 11 0 0
CASANARE 623 25 33 233 50 14 29
CAUCA 2,210 458 1,156 316 782 893 2,398
CESAR 526 1,057 636 438 836 334 494
CHOCO 243 34 0 0 0 0 0
CORDOBA 896 74985 66561 72421 97729 83068 587
CUNDINAMARCA 12044 1,679 1,087 1,049 1,291 535 6,986
GUAINIA 75 6,818 7,567 10926 17010 7,488
GUAVIARE 97 385 1,508 702 1,479 868 2
HUILA 4,460 0 0 0 200 239 2,042
LA_GUAJIRA 183 0 0 0 205 3 92
MAGDALENA 1,328 665 1,456 1,119 2,201 1,136 2,387
META 2,293 1,588 776 1,525 389 1,114 1,558
NARINO 2,643 1,077 2,031 472 687 3,049 874
NORTE SANTANDER 2,986 147 598 2,218 403 329 4,266
PUTUMAYO 200 1,416 2,539 1,813 1,854 2,677 909
QUINDIO 1,878 0 302 0 11 217 698
RISARALDA 4,000 737 1,865 1,901 1,893 1,965 3,013
SAN_ANDRES 45 3,433 3,225 4,041 2,340 2,380
SANTANDER 5,393 0 0 0 0 0 3498
SUCRE 521 661 1,293 1,143 1,296 1,549 408
TOLIMA 2,757 1,343 238 564 726 1,151 6,286
VALLE 7,640 3,622 3,500 3,535 5,467 4,952 9,371
VAUPES 52 10595 4,576 8,335 9,754 10358 3
VICHADA 33 0 0 1 2 0 42
Table A4. Number of licensed No VIS house units, by department.
Table A4. Number of licensed No VIS house units, by department.
Department # House Units No_VIS_2015 # House Units No_VIS_2016 # House Units No_VIS_2017 # House Units No_VIS_2018 # House Units No_VIS_2019 # House Units No_VIS_2020 # House Units No_VIS_2021
AMAZONAS 40 65 19 14 29 55 122
ANTIOQUIA 27074 23120 24251 23875 25446 13829 19755
ARAUCA 194 140 105 118 117 51 92
ATLANTICO 7,869 6,795 4,069 3,999 2,674 2,858 5,038
BOGOTA 19512 18857 15562 12281 15969 13946 12632
BOLIVAR 2,867 4,289 2,856 2,624 1,391 1,987 2,737
BOYACA 6,887 5,474 5,665 4,814 5,436 2,964 4,405
CALDAS 1,553 2,415 2,461 2,757 1,788 2,085 1,871
CAQUETA 293 353 334 253 363 298 301
CASANARE 747 381 401 342 414 322 623
CAUCA 2,149 2,920 1,935 2,658 2,002 1,698 2,210
CESAR 1,218 740 951 678 501 511 526
CHOCO 154 155 136 193 121 120 243
CORDOBA 1,792 2,059 1,058 1,261 876 704 896
CUNDINAMARCA 21347 13532 12573 16409 16734 6,497 12044
GUAINIA 14 27 48 34 35 38 75
GUAVIARE 155 95 56 15 21 93 97
HUILA 4,524 2,150 2,797 2,162 1,451 1,567 4,460
LA_GUAJIRA 689 244 248 188 275 82 183
MAGDALENA 1,505 1,083 1,262 1,210 997 824 1,328
META 3,291 3,311 2,841 2,293 1,789 1,327 2,293
NARINO 4,973 3,230 4,294 2,369 2,329 2,254 2,643
NORTE SANTANDER 3,302 2,547 2,221 2,358 2,007 1,813 2,986
PUTUMAYO 447 300 170 276 292 176 200
QUINDIO 2,581 1,900 2,804 3,270 2,320 1,934 1,878
RISARALDA 2,562 4,159 4,499 4,954 3,974 3,048 4,000
SAN_ANDRES 93 61 117 178 55 53 45
SANTANDER 12897 6,314 5,168 4,398 4,096 3,705 5,393
SUCRE 683 694 668 635 842 429 521
TOLIMA 4,789 4,264 5,283 3,102 3,636 1,911 2,757
VALLE 10113 7,228 10971 8,986 11543 6,135 7,640
VAUPES 15 31 23 30 32 29 52
VICHADA 8 7 11 6 8 5 33
Table A5. Total GDP in thousands of million COP, by department.
Table A5. Total GDP in thousands of million COP, by department.
Department Total_GDP_2015 Total_GDP_2016 Total_GDP_2017 Total_GDP_2018 Total_GDP_2019 Total_GDP_2020 Total_GDP_2021
AMAZONAS 593 614 630 648 666 615 677
ANTIOQUIA 115446 119046 120973 125173 129672 121300 137977
ARAUCA 4,534 4,272 4,168 4,293 4,596 4,565 4,757
ATLANTICO 35716 36347 36779 37610 38690 36173 40643
BOGOTA 206478 210683 214484 221652 229314 214485 237244
BOLIVAR 28105 29285 30271 30804 31920 28623 32610
BOYACA 22165 22341 22574 23237 23732 21709 23518
CALDAS 12514 12821 13043 13395 13798 13174 14604
CAQUETA 3,350 3,427 3,454 3,525 3,596 3,387 3,634
CASANARE 13305 12938 12960 13291 13493 12245 12396
CAUCA 14622 14975 14876 15139 15614 14630 16019
CESAR 14570 15676 16123 16090 16646 14256 14828
CHOCO 3,571 3,765 3,482 3,202 3,341 3,264 3,508
CORDOBA 13657 13731 13920 14196 14774 13915 15269
CUNDINAMARCA 48055 49601 50409 51551 52890 49779 55575
GUAINIA 307 307 304 313 322 293 334
GUAVIARE 8,666 676 692 693 715 683 742
HUILA 677 13636 13212 13369 13754 13144 14221
LA_GUAJIRA 8,666 8,891 8,996 8,977 8,955 6,684 8,857
MAGDALENA 13805 10869 10990 11248 11525 10832 12112
META 10514 28904 29022 29404 30800 28105 28788
NARINO 30712 12760 12441 12643 13064 12501 13698
NORTE SANTANDER 12230 13041 12940 13347 13550 12804 14157
PUTUMAYO 12534 3,450 3,386 3,393 3,284 2,830 3,080
QUINDIO 3,481 6,624 6,736 6,793 6,968 6,550 7,338
RISARALDA 6,381 13027 13202 13551 13969 13185 14649
SAN_ANDRES 12656 1,305 1,343 1,373 1,416 1,139 1,442
SANTANDER 1,253 53175 54065 54942 56515 51681 56567
SUCRE 51999 6,807 6,982 7,108 7,366 6,928 7,667
TOLIMA 17381 17708 17936 18120 18512 17237 18828
VALLE 78074 80022 81447 84172 87023 81835 89872
VAUPES 233 236 239 248 257 237 258
VICHADA 529 529 541 556 581 554 600
Table A6. Agrobusiness sector GDP in thousands of million COP, by department.
Table A6. Agrobusiness sector GDP in thousands of million COP, by department.
Department Agrobusiness_2015 Agrobusiness_2016 Agrobusiness_2017 Agrobusiness_2018 Agrobusiness_2019 Agrobusiness_2020 Agrobusiness_2021
AMAZONAS 96 94 98 102 104 113 114
ANTIOQUIA 6,153 6,363 6,567 6,678 6,897 7,024 7,459
ARAUCA 748 767 840 866 885 902 957
ATLANTICO 330 353 375 392 405 411 436
BOGOTA 12 12 13 13 13 13 13
BOLIVAR 1,196 1,218 1,280 1,335 1,374 1,449 1,469
BOYACA 2,143 2,186 2,405 2,449 2,528 2,571 2,574
CALDAS 1,274 1,211 1,262 1,281 1,311 1,328 1,305
CAQUETA 460 498 509 504 526 541 533
CASANARE 1,220 1,427 1,525 1,528 1,555 1,583 1,686
CAUCA 1,693 1,766 1,852 1,826 1,884 1,903 1,997
CESAR 1,256 1,169 1,243 1,276 1,326 1,343 1,376
CHOCO 582 619 651 637 668 687 707
CORDOBA 1,543 1,478 1,496 1,529 1,557 1,595 1,613
CUNDINAMARCA 6,300 6,592 7,112 7,277 7,471 7,594 7,896
GUAINIA 25 26 29 30 30 32 32
GUAVIARE 326 140 144 146 147 149 157
HUILA 129 2,266 2,275 2,319 2,368 2,439 2,441
LA_GUAJIRA 326 332 374 375 387 391 392
MAGDALENA 2,112 1,591 1,706 1,706 1,744 1,744 1,746
META 1,576 2,464 3,050 3,053 3,123 3,185 3,431
NARINO 2,361 1,730 1,841 1,887 1,916 2,006 2,013
NORTE SANTANDER 1,767 1,220 1,248 1,271 1,299 1,323 1,330
PUTUMAYO 1,199 191 181 186 187 192 197
QUINDIO 191 973 1,017 1,027 1,056 1,057 1,121
RISARALDA 934 828 839 849 887 898 925
SAN_ANDRES 845 15 14 15 15 17 17
SANTANDER 15 3,928 4,191 4,301 4,452 4,471 4,557
SUCRE 3,793 656 695 694 702 729 752
TOLIMA 2,737 2,744 2,776 2,734 2,783 2,840 2,937
VALLE 4,329 4,394 4,416 4,558 4,674 4,856 4,913
VAUPES 17 18 18 19 19 19 18
VICHADA 172 173 173 177 182 186 192
Table A7. Mining sector GDP in thousands of million COP, by department.
Table A7. Mining sector GDP in thousands of million COP, by department.
Department Mining_2015 Mining_2016 Mining_2017 Mining_2018 Mining_2019 Mining_2020 Mining_2021
AMAZONAS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ANTIOQUIA 2,430 2,593 2,187 2,200 2,188 2,611 2,960
ARAUCA 1,704 1,530 1,404 1,509 1,691 1,724 1,677
ATLANTICO 96 102 105 105 113 92 99
BOGOTA 322 338 333 334 333 222 221
BOLIVAR 677 731 709 723 821 721 771
BOYACA 2,109 1,962 1,812 1,784 1,661 1,432 1,158
CALDAS 141 192 188 165 165 205 205
CAQUETA 16 16 14 14 13 11 11
CASANARE 6,351 5,981 5,974 6,177 6,177 5,263 4,865
CAUCA 392 320 228 166 167 120 123
CESAR 4,985 6,177 6,380 6,113 6,338 4,579 4,113
CHOCO 913 967 654 334 370 429 428
CORDOBA 201 225 220 237 298 353 334
CUNDINAMARCA 489 481 477 447 395 292 234
GUAINIA 33 29 22 19 21 12 22
GUAVIARE 3,639 2 2 2 2 2 2
HUILA 3 906 844 835 824 790 760
LA_GUAJIRA 3,639 3,585 3,418 3,325 3,166 1,424 2,853
MAGDALENA 1,015 43 40 38 38 31 36
META 39 14824 13976 13955 14888 13226 12377
NARINO 16456 645 226 120 119 77 77
NORTE SANTANDER 486 401 390 395 326 294 197
PUTUMAYO 395 1,190 1,183 1,097 957 653 694
QUINDIO 1,366 25 25 24 24 16 17
RISARALDA 27 52 47 46 46 45 43
SAN_ANDRES 45 1 1 1 1 1 1
SANTANDER 1 2,145 2,166 2,341 2,232 1,866 1,780
SUCRE 2,367 42 47 47 48 47 46
TOLIMA 720 593 656 597 596 537 491
VALLE 160 151 128 132 141 92 109
VAUPES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
VICHADA 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
Table A8. Financial and insurance sector GDP in thousands of million COP, by department.
Table A8. Financial and insurance sector GDP in thousands of million COP, by department.
Department Financial_Insurance_2015 Financial_Insurance_2016 Financial_Insurance_2017 Financial_Insurance_2018 Financial_Insurance_2019 Financial_Insurance_2020 Financial_Insurance_2021
AMAZONAS 15 15 15 15 16 16 17
ANTIOQUIA 5,517 5,687 5,992 6,237 6,660 6,828 7,171
ARAUCA 61 60 60 60 63 64 66
ATLANTICO 1,469 1,500 1,579 1,647 1,753 1,791 1,817
BOGOTA 17123 17717 18722 19404 20600 21070 21794
BOLIVAR 648 669 702 722 765 782 805
BOYACA 401 411 430 448 475 485 502
CALDAS 388 397 417 433 455 466 482
CAQUETA 84 86 90 93 99 101 104
CASANARE 175 165 173 178 188 191 196
CAUCA 259 252 263 270 286 292 301
CESAR 256 264 277 287 303 310 318
CHOCO 61 63 66 67 72 73 75
CORDOBA 338 322 322 325 347 355 367
CUNDINAMARCA 582 602 632 652 694 710 735
GUAINIA 6 6 6 6 7 7 7
GUAVIARE 138 13 13 14 15 15 16
HUILA 14 364 383 397 420 430 444
LA_GUAJIRA 138 134 140 144 151 154 161
MAGDALENA 355 281 295 305 323 329 338
META 273 434 454 469 493 501 513
NARINO 425 351 370 385 407 417 429
NORTE SANTANDER 342 379 398 412 438 448 463
PUTUMAYO 371 53 55 57 61 62 64
QUINDIO 52 190 200 208 222 227 235
RISARALDA 186 457 478 495 522 533 550
SAN_ANDRES 445 35 37 38 40 41 42
SANTANDER 34 1,237 1,303 1,360 1,443 1,470 1,516
SUCRE 1,200 164 172 179 189 194 199
TOLIMA 454 464 484 501 529 541 557
VALLE 2,853 2,945 3,112 3,236 3,456 3,523 3,599
VAUPES 3 2 3 3 3 3 3
VICHADA 11 10 9 9 10 10 11
Table A9. Real state sector GDP in thousands of million COP, by department.
Table A9. Real state sector GDP in thousands of million COP, by department.
Department Real_State_2015 Real_State_2016 Real_State_2017 Real_State_2018 Real_State_2019 Real_State_2020 Real_State_2021
AMAZONAS 12 25 24 24 25 25 26
ANTIOQUIA 19967 11790 10578 11097 11613 11790 12287
ARAUCA 134 167 154 159 164 167 173
ATLANTICO 5,916 2,887 2,620 2,732 2,830 2,887 2,950
BOGOTA 19243 31480 29022 30138 31047 31480 32062
BOLIVAR 4,688 2,134 1,951 2,027 2,092 2,134 2,169
BOYACA 2,819 1,403 1,265 1,322 1,375 1,403 1,458
CALDAS 1,767 956 879 910 941 956 975
CAQUETA 98 276 255 265 273 276 281
CASANARE 318 383 356 370 379 383 396
CAUCA 2,618 791 721 753 777 791 809
CESAR 562 836 767 795 821 836 848
CHOCO 31 78 73 76 78 78 80
CORDOBA 1,422 527 493 510 523 527 539
CUNDINAMARCA 10815 2,523 2,242 2,359 2,473 2,523 2,615
GUAINIA 8 10 9 10 10 10 10
GUAVIARE 12 34 32 33 34 34 36
HUILA 484 840 781 810 829 840 859
LA_GUAJIRA 53 397 364 379 391 397 406
MAGDALENA 458 746 685 711 736 746 764
META 672 971 902 933 960 971 1,003
NARINO 355 1,125 1,030 1,074 1,110 1,125 1,153
NORTE SANTANDER 841 1,326 1,226 1,270 1,311 1,326 1,354
PUTUMAYO 29 158 148 153 156 158 160
QUINDIO 341 804 736 765 794 804 822
RISARALDA 1,819 1,047 966 1,003 1,035 1,047 1,071
SAN_ANDRES 16 63 63 65 67 63 64
SANTANDER 9,535 4,420 4,133 4,257 4,346 4,420 4,545
SUCRE 587 414 389 400 409 414 422
TOLIMA 1,890 1,151 1,059 1,099 1,133 1,151 1,176
VALLE 13646 11353 10545 10922 11200 11353 11661
VAUPES 0 10 10 10 10 10 10
VICHADA 4 25 23 24 25 25 26
Table A10. Construction sector GDP in thousands of million COP, by department.
Table A10. Construction sector GDP in thousands of million COP, by department.
Department Construction_2015 Construction_2016 Construction_2017 Construction_2018 Construction_2019 Construction_2020 Construction_2021
AMAZONAS 12 21 23 24 24 25 25
ANTIOQUIA 20435 9,933 10296 10578 11097 11613 8,566
ARAUCA 141 146 150 154 159 164 164
ATLANTICO 6,128 2,483 2,539 2,620 2,732 2,830 1,828
BOGOTA 20069 27584 28334 29022 30138 31047 6,832
BOLIVAR 4,530 1,820 1,885 1,951 2,027 2,092 2,432
BOYACA 2,954 1,183 1,225 1,265 1,322 1,375 1,874
CALDAS 1,717 843 868 879 910 941 768
CAQUETA 98 240 249 255 265 273 290
CASANARE 307 339 349 356 370 379 326
CAUCA 2,644 661 692 721 753 777 1,044
CESAR 556 731 747 767 795 821 689
CHOCO 32 66 68 73 76 78 131
CORDOBA 1,377 468 483 493 510 523 687
CUNDINAMARCA 11017 2,002 2,129 2,242 2,359 2,473 2,454
GUAINIA 8 9 9 9 10 10 40
GUAVIARE 12 348 30 32 33 34 44
HUILA 483 30 760 781 810 829 1,054
LA_GUAJIRA 55 348 356 364 379 391 601
MAGDALENA 468 717 682 685 711 736 633
META 638 667 873 902 933 960 1,019
NARINO 354 843 1,008 1,030 1,074 1,110 915
NORTE SANTANDER 864 983 1,211 1,226 1,270 1,311 1,173
PUTUMAYO 30 1,119 144 148 153 156 218
QUINDIO 349 141 700 736 765 794 428
RISARALDA 1,811 666 923 966 1,003 1,035 669
SAN_ANDRES 17 860 61 63 65 67 29
SANTANDER 9,276 59 4,013 4,133 4,257 4,346 3,198
SUCRE 617 3,853 381 389 400 409 599
TOLIMA 1,989 978 1,019 1,059 1,099 1,133 1,233
VALLE 14011 9,630 10049 10545 10922 11200 3,249
VAUPES 0 9 10 10 10 10 20
VICHADA 4 22 23 23 24 25 47
Table A11. Manufacturing sector GDP in thousands of million COP, by department.
Table A11. Manufacturing sector GDP in thousands of million COP, by department.
Department Manufacturing_2015 Manufacturing_2016 Manufacturing_2017 Manufacturing_2018 Manufacturing_2019 Manufacturing_2020 Manufacturing_2021
AMAZONAS 11 34 38 37 34 25 12
ANTIOQUIA 19853 9,041 9,677 10346 10189 7,212 21810
ARAUCA 134 316 224 175 191 159 140
ATLANTICO 5,992 2,951 3,127 2,812 2,426 1,722 6,613
BOGOTA 19680 10576 10855 10873 9,729 6,970 20226
BOLIVAR 4,274 3,360 3,531 3,173 3,291 2,385 5,198
BOYACA 2,981 2,335 2,403 2,580 2,544 1,912 3,086
CALDAS 1,639 966 925 944 902 710 1,977
CAQUETA 99 449 407 397 346 286 104
CASANARE 298 537 395 404 410 316 369
CAUCA 2,642 1,442 1,252 1,308 1,340 1,016 2,691
CESAR 563 751 674 700 705 585 627
CHOCO 31 210 187 183 171 128 33
CORDOBA 1,341 1,168 1,077 943 975 707 1,555
CUNDINAMARCA 10680 4,118 3,947 3,831 3,539 2,516 11815
GUAINIA 7 46 44 48 46 35 9
GUAVIARE 53 76 78 57 55 49 12
HUILA 12 1,741 1,280 1,167 1,162 930 534
LA_GUAJIRA 53 644 739 676 661 541 58
MAGDALENA 485 1,066 867 826 738 548 527
META 464 1,628 1,375 1,458 1,410 1,025 755
NARINO 652 1,336 1,159 1,147 1,154 932 384
NORTE SANTANDER 355 1,598 1,323 1,407 1,248 1,011 881
PUTUMAYO 860 301 242 263 233 197 32
QUINDIO 30 744 717 620 569 398 374
RISARALDA 336 952 890 897 881 698 2,005
SAN_ANDRES 1,723 44 43 39 38 30 18
SANTANDER 16 6,027 5,593 4,822 4,914 3,338 10028
SUCRE 8,327 688 693 685 729 605 614
TOLIMA 1,897 1,505 1,582 1,533 1,485 1,132 1,872
VALLE 13729 3,394 3,581 3,899 3,804 2,729 14710
VAUPES 0 27 26 28 28 20 0
VICHADA 4 52 58 58 63 47 4


SMLM: legal monthly minimum wage, which amount to 1 million Colombian pesos (COP) in 2022.
Colombian Chamber of Construction, Camacol. Available in:


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Figure 1. GDP per capita and GDP construction sector growth, in percentage (20 Latin America and Caribbean countries, between 1990 and 2020). Source: ECLAC (2022b).
Figure 1. GDP per capita and GDP construction sector growth, in percentage (20 Latin America and Caribbean countries, between 1990 and 2020). Source: ECLAC (2022b).
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Figure 2. Population percentage distribution in urban and rural areas. Latin America and the Caribbean. Source: ECLAC (2022c).
Figure 2. Population percentage distribution in urban and rural areas. Latin America and the Caribbean. Source: ECLAC (2022c).
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Figure 3. Population percentage distribution in urban and rural areas. Colombia. Source: ECLAC (2022c).
Figure 3. Population percentage distribution in urban and rural areas. Colombia. Source: ECLAC (2022c).
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Figure 4. Colombia´s 33 departments number of house units VIS vs GDP, from (a) 2015; (b) 2016; (c) 2017; (d) 2018; (e) 2019; (f) 2020; and (g) 2021.
Figure 4. Colombia´s 33 departments number of house units VIS vs GDP, from (a) 2015; (b) 2016; (c) 2017; (d) 2018; (e) 2019; (f) 2020; and (g) 2021.
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Figure 5. Colombia´s 33 departments number of house units No VIS vs GDP, from (a) 2015; (b) 2016; (c) 2017; (d) 2018; (e) 2019; (f) 2020; and (g) 2021.
Figure 5. Colombia´s 33 departments number of house units No VIS vs GDP, from (a) 2015; (b) 2016; (c) 2017; (d) 2018; (e) 2019; (f) 2020; and (g) 2021.
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Figure 6. Rho values for the correlation between the number of VIS housing units and global and economic sectors GDP. Years from 2015 to 2021.
Figure 6. Rho values for the correlation between the number of VIS housing units and global and economic sectors GDP. Years from 2015 to 2021.
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Figure 7. Rho values for the correlation between the number of No VIS housing units and global and economic sectors GDP. Years from 2015 to 2021.
Figure 7. Rho values for the correlation between the number of No VIS housing units and global and economic sectors GDP. Years from 2015 to 2021.
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Table 1. Rho value for the correlation between Colombia regions GDPs per capita and UBN conditions., and inhabitants in extreme poverty.
Table 1. Rho value for the correlation between Colombia regions GDPs per capita and UBN conditions., and inhabitants in extreme poverty.
Percentage of UBN inhabitants Percentage of inhabitants in extreme poverty or misery Percentage of housing UBN inhabitants Percentage of basic public services UBN inhabitants Percentage of overcrowding UBN inhabitants
-0.84 -0.82 -0.75 -0.75 -0.80
Table 2. Rho value for the correlation between general GDP and the number of VIS housing units.
Table 2. Rho value for the correlation between general GDP and the number of VIS housing units.
Gen_2015 Gen_2016 Gen_2017 Gen_2018 Gen_2019 Gen_2020 Gen_2021
VIS_2015 0.59
VIS_2016 0.29
VIS_2017 0.20
VIS_2018 0.27
VIS_2019 0.26
VIS_2020 0.28
VIS_2021 0.86
Table 3. Rho value for the correlation between general GDP and the number of No VIS housing units.
Table 3. Rho value for the correlation between general GDP and the number of No VIS housing units.
Gen_2015 Gen_2016 Gen_2017 Gen_2018 Gen_2019 Gen_2020 Gen_2021
NoVIS_2015 0.64
NoVIS_2016 0.94
NoVIS_2017 0.90
NoVIS_2018 0.88
NoVIS_2019 0.88
NoVIS_2020 0.89
NoVIS_2021 0.91
Table 4. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the manufacturing sector and the number of VIS housing units.
Table 4. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the manufacturing sector and the number of VIS housing units.
Manuf_2015 Manuf_2016 Manuf_2017 Manuf_2018 Manuf_2019 Manuf_2020 Manuf_2021
VIS_2015 0.59
VIS_2016 0.33
VIS_2017 0.27
VIS_2018 0.30
VIS_2019 0.30
VIS_2020 0.31
VIS_2021 0.88
Table 5. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the manufacturing sector and the number of No VIS housing units.
Table 5. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the manufacturing sector and the number of No VIS housing units.
Manuf_2015 Manuf_2016 Manuf_2017 Manuf_2018 Manuf_2019 Manuf_2020 Manuf_2021
NoVIS_2015 0.62
NoVIS_2016 0.96
NoVIS_2017 0.92
NoVIS_2018 0.93
NoVIS_2019 0.91
NoVIS_2020 0.92
NoVIS_2021 0.91
Table 6. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the construction sector and the number of VIS housing units.
Table 6. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the construction sector and the number of VIS housing units.
Const_2015 Const_2016 Const_2017 Const_2018 Const_2019 Const_2020 Const_2021
VIS_2015 0.59
VIS_2016 0.24
VIS_2017 0.20
VIS_2018 0.25
VIS_2019 0.25
VIS_2020 0.27
VIS_2021 0.89
Table 7. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the construction sector and the number of No VIS housing units.
Table 7. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the construction sector and the number of No VIS housing units.
Const_2015 Const_2016 Const_2017 Const_2018 Const_2019 Const_2020 Const_2021
NoVIS_2015 0.63
NoVIS_2016 0.96
NoVIS_2017 0.93
NoVIS_2018 0.90
NoVIS_2019 0.91
NoVIS_2020 0.91
NoVIS_2021 0.94
Table 8. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the real state sector and the number of VIS housing units.
Table 8. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the real state sector and the number of VIS housing units.
Real_2015 Real_2016 Real_2017 Real_2018 Real_2019 Real_2020 Real_2021
VIS_2015 0.59
VIS_2016 0.25
VIS_2017 0.22
VIS_2018 0.25
VIS_2019 0.22
VIS_2020 0.26
VIS_2021 0.90
Table 9. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the real state sector and the number of No VIS housing units.
Table 9. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the real state sector and the number of No VIS housing units.
Real_2015 Real_2016 Real_2017 Real_2018 Real_2019 Real_2020 Real_2021
NoVIS_2015 0.63
NoVIS_2016 0.97
NoVIS_2017 0.96
NoVIS_2018 0.93
NoVIS_2019 0.94
NoVIS_2020 0.95
NoVIS_2021 0.95
Table 10. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the financial sector and the number of No VIS housing units.
Table 10. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the financial sector and the number of No VIS housing units.
Finan_2015 Finan_2016 Finan_2017 Finan_2018 Finan_2019 Finan_2020 Finan_2021
NoVIS_2015 0.62
NoVIS_2016 0.97
NoVIS_2017 0.95
NoVIS_2018 0.92
NoVIS_2019 0.92
NoVIS_2020 0.93
NoVIS_2021 0.95
Table 11. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the financial sector and the number of VIS housing units.
Table 11. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the financial sector and the number of VIS housing units.
Finan_2015 Finan_2016 Finan_2017 Finan_2018 Finan_2019 Finan_2020 Finan_2021
VIS_2015 0.57
VIS_2016 0.30
VIS_2017 0.24
VIS_2018 0.28
VIS_2019 0.26
VIS_2020 0.30
VIS_2021 0.90
Table 12. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the mining sector and the number of VIS housing units.
Table 12. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the mining sector and the number of VIS housing units.
Min_2015 Min_2016 Min_2017 Min_2018 Min_2019 Min_2020 Min_2021
VIS_2015 0.06
VIS_2016 -0.09
VIS_2017 -0.22
VIS_2018 -0.13
VIS_2019 -0.16
VIS_2020 -0.13
VIS_2021 0.30
Table 13. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the mining sector and the number of No VIS housing units.
Table 13. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the mining sector and the number of No VIS housing units.
Min_2015 Min_2016 Min_2017 Min_2018 Min_2019 Min_2020 Min_2021
NoVIS_2015 0.16
NoVIS_2016 0.40
NoVIS_2017 0.41
NoVIS_2018 0.36
NoVIS_2019 0.37
NoVIS_2020 0.32
NoVIS_2021 0.40
Table 14. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the agrobusiness sector and the number of VIS housing units.
Table 14. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the agrobusiness sector and the number of VIS housing units.
Agro_2015 Agro_2016 Agro_2017 Agro_2018 Agro_2019 Agro_2020 Agro_2021
VIS_2015 0.37
VIS_2016 -0.04
VIS_2017 -0.13
VIS_2018 -0.09
VIS_2019 -0.08
VIS_2020 -0.05
VIS_2021 0.55
Table 15. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the agrobusiness sector and the number of No VIS housing units.
Table 15. Rho values for the correlation between the GDP of the agrobusiness sector and the number of No VIS housing units.
Agro_2015 Agro_2016 Agro_2017 Agro_2018 Agro_2019 Agro_2020 Agro_2021
NoVIS_2015 0.42
NoVIS_2016 0.68
NoVIS_2017 0.68
NoVIS_2018 0.64
NoVIS_2019 0.68
NoVIS_2020 0.62
NoVIS_2021 0.67
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