
A Dark Energy Paradigm: I. A Solution to the Cosmological Constant Problem to Predict Lepton Masses as Evidence

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12 December 2023


14 December 2023

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There are two major proposed forms of dark energy: the cosmological constant and the quintessence scalar field. However, the former has the cosmological constant problem and the latter does not have observational evidence to support the theory. In this paper, we propose a dark energy paradigm to solve the cosmological constant problem and to predict lepton masses as evidence. The dark energy paradigm is a unified dark sector that is based on Planck's dimensional analysis, Lambda CDM, energy conservation, and force equilibrium. We find that dark energy can vary from the cosmological constant to the Planck scale. We find that the predicted values of lepton masses based on the dark energy paradigm agree with the observed values to 1% (or within error ranges).
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In cosmology, the cosmological constant problem or vacuum catastrophe is the disagreement between the observed small value of dark energy density and the theoretical large value of zero-point energy suggested by quantum field theory (See Figure 1) [17,18,19,20]. In quantum mechanics, the vacuum itself should experience quantum fluctuations known as Casimir effects [21]. In gravity, those quantum fluctuations constitute energy that would add to the cosmological constant. However, this calculated vacuum energy density is many orders of magnitude bigger than the observed cosmological constant. Original estimates of the degree of mismatch were as high as 120 orders of magnitude [11]. To find a solution, some physicists resort to the anthropic principle and argue that we live in one region of a vast multiverse that has different regions with different vacuum energies [22]. Others modify gravity and diverge from the theory of general relativity. There are also proposals that the cosmological constant problem is trivial [23], is canceled [24], does not gravitate [25,26], or does not arise [27]. Many physicists argue that, due to a lack of better alternatives, proposals to modify gravity should be considered as one of the most promising routes to tackling the problem [28].
In our dark energy paradigm, there is no need to modify gravity or any other proven theories in physics. The essence of the cosmological constant problem is not in the disagreement between theoretical prediction and observed data but in the lack of a proper vacuum energy model that is supported by observable evidence.

Dark Energy Paradigm for Vacuum Energy

The dark energy paradigm is a a unified dark sector [13,14,15] that is based on Planck’s dimensional analysis [29,30,31,32,33], Λ C D M [34], energy conservation and force equilibrium to explain the nature of dark energy and dark matter. In this paradigm, dark energy is similar to a photon in that its propagation speed is equal to the speed of light c, and its energy E is proportional to its frequency ω
c = l t , E = m c 2 = ω ,
where is the reduced Planck constant, m is the mass equivalent to dark energy, l is the wavelength of dark energy (divided by 2 π ) and t is the time to travel distance l. However, dark energy is fundamentally different from a photon in that it oscillates l o c a l l y in space, while a photon travels g l o b a l l y through space. Furthermore, a collection of dark energy particles forms a vacuum energy field or a background, which takes up about 2 / 3 of the energy in the universe and follows Planck’s dimensional analysis.

Planck’s dimensional analysis

Planck studied vacuum energy and suggested that there exist some fundamental natural units for length, mass, time and energy. He used only the Newton gravitational constant G, the speed of light c and the Planck constant h to derive them [29,30,31,32,33]. The natural units became known as Planck length l p , Planck mass m p , Planck time t p , and Planck energy E p which satisfy the following equations
E p t p = , p p l p = , c = l p t p , E p = m p c 2 = ω p ,
where p p is the Planck momentum, and ω p is the Planck frequency.

Dark energy modeled as a particle

Planck’s dimensional analysis can be generalized to model dark energy as a particle with mass m, energy E, momentum p, time t, frequency ω , and wavelength l
E t = , p l = , c = l t , E = m c 2 = ω ,
and their zero-point values are denoted with the subscript o, which satisfy
E o t o = , p o l o = , c = l o t o , E o = m o c 2 = ω o ,
where zero-point energy E o is the lowest possible energy in a system, and vacuum energy fluctuation [35] can cause dark energy E to vary from E o to Planck scale E p .
In the dark energy paradigm, dark energy particles are governed by the rules of Planck’s dimensional analysis on energy density, pressure, matter waves, and attractive and repulsive forces [29,30,31,32,33] (See Table 1). Here, a scalar field γ p can be defined as a dimensionless parameter (See Equation (3))
γ p = E E p = m m p = p p p = l p l = t p t = ω ω p ,
and γ o can be defined as a dimensionless constant (See Equation (4))
γ o = E o E p = m o m p = p o p p = l p l o = t p t o = ω o ω p ,
which corresponds to the cosmological constant Λ of the Λ C D M model.

Dark Energy Modeled with Λ C D M

The dark energy can be modeled to be consistent with Λ C D M whose pressure P Λ is
P Λ = ρ Λ c 2 ,
where ρ Λ is the dark energy density of Λ C D M . In Planck’s dimensional analysis, the repulsive force F o is (See Table 1)
F o = G c ρ o = P o A p ,
where ρ o is the dark energy density of the dark energy paradigm, P o is the force per unit area and A p = 4 π l p 2 is the spherical Planck area. Thus, P o is
P o = F o A p = G c ρ o 4 π l p 2 = ρ o 4 π c 2 ,
where G / c = l p 2 c 2 from Planck’s dimensional analysis [29,30,31,32,33]. Assuming P o is equal to the Λ C D M pressure P Λ , P o is (See Equation (7))
P o = ρ o 4 π c 2 = ρ Λ c 2 = P Λ .
After rearranging the terms, ρ o in terms of ρ Λ is
ρ o = 4 π ρ Λ ,
where 4 π accounts for the difference between Planck’s dimensional analysis and Λ C D M in modeling surface under pressure (spherical surface A p vs. flat surface). Here, the dark energy density ρ Λ of Λ C D M is [34]
ρ Λ = 3 H 0 2 8 π G Ω Λ H 0 2 4 π G ,
where H 0 is the Hubble constant, and Ω Λ is the dark energy fraction estimated to be about 0.68 from Planck 2018 results [34]. Thus, ρ o is
ρ o = 4 π ρ Λ H 0 2 G ,
where inserting G = 1 / ( t p 2 ρ p ) from Planck’s dimensional analysis [29,30,31,32,33] yields
ρ o = ( H 0 t p ) 2 ρ p ,
and ρ o in terms of m o is (See Table 1)
ρ o = m o l o 3 = ( m o m p ) 4 ρ p = γ o 4 ρ p , γ o = H 0 t p ,
where l o = l p m p / m o is inserted (See Equation (6)). On the other hand, H 0 which minimizes the difference between the predicted and observed electron masses is (See Equation (32))
H 0 = 72.67 k m / s / M p c ,
which is within the converged value of observed data using calibrated distance ladder techniques of the Hubble tension ( H 0 = 73.04 ± 1.04 k m / s / M p c ) [34,36,37,38,39]. Thus, γ o is
γ o = H 0 τ p = 3.6 × 10 31 ,
and m o is
m o = γ o m p = 4.3 × 10 9 M e V ,
where all lepton masses can be predicted based on the Hubble constant (See Table 2 and Table 3), which will be described in the following section.
Table 1. Planck’s dimensional analysis
Table 1. Planck’s dimensional analysis
Planck units dark energy (zero-point)
matter wave p p l p = m p c l p = p o l o = m o c l o =
energy density ρ p = m p l p 3 ρ o = m o l o 3 = γ o 4 ρ p
attractive force F p = G m p 2 l p 2 F o = G m o 2 l o 2
repulsive force F p = G c ρ p F o = G c ρ o
spherical Planck area A p = 4 π l p 2 A p = 4 π l p 2
pressure (force per area) P p = F p / A p P o = F o / A p
The dark energy paradigm is a generalization of Planck’s dimensional analysis [29,30,31,32,33], where dark energy can vary from zero-point to Planck scale.
Table 2. Equations of three generations to predict Λ and lepton masses
Table 2. Equations of three generations to predict Λ and lepton masses
particle neutrino ν electron e
γ o Λ H 0 t p
γ 1 ν e , e  1
γ 2 ν μ , μ 1 / ( 9 α 4 ) 1 3 1 / ( 3 α 3 ) 1 4
γ 3 ν τ , τ 2 1 8 γ 2 5 4
m o Λ m p γ o
m 1   ν e , e m o / α m o / 3 α 4
m 2   ν μ , μ α γ 2 3 m 1
m 3 ν τ , τ α γ 3 3 m 1
The same generation shares the same equation between neutrino and electron except γ 2 and m 1 . γ is the Lorentz factor in particle creation. Subscript o represents zero-point dark energy (the lowest possible energy in a system). Subscript 1 , 2 and 3 represent generation 1 , 2 and 3, respectively. γ 2 is 339.7 for a neutrino and 30.4 for an electron. γ 3 is 1590.1 for a neutrino and 77.9 for an electron. H 0 = 72.67 k m / s / M p c , α 1 / 137 .

Prediction of Lepton Masses as Evidence

Leptons and quarks come in three sets of nearly-identical copies except mass. It has been one of the mysteries of modern physics why there are three generations of particles, rather than fewer or more [40].

Origin of three generations

In the dark energy paradigm, three generations are caused by 3-dimensional interaction among a particle, an antiparticle and dark energy particles where energy density can be represented as
ρ = m l r l θ l ϕ ,
where m is mass, and l r , l θ and l ϕ are dark energy wavelength in r , θ and ϕ directions respectively. As shown in Figure 2, the 1st generation is simply described by 1-dimensional interaction of a particle at the origin o with its antiparticle at r. On the other hand, the 2nd generation involves 2-dimensional interaction of a particle with its relativistic dark energy particle at θ . Finally, the 3rd generation requires 3-dimensional interaction of a particle with dark energy particles at θ and ϕ , where the dotted line represents the vector sum of θ and ϕ directional interactions.

Energy conservation and force equilibrium

The conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant. In the dark energy paradigm, the equal amount of dark energy is needed for a particle to be created in the vacuum. Dark energy can have only a certain energy value in force equilibrium which corresponds to a particle’s mass. The process for predicting a mass consists of three steps. First, the velocity v and the Lorentz factor γ are obtained and inserted into the matter wave equation γ m v l = . Second, the equation is rearranged so that mass m and wavelength l can be derived from v and γ . Third, the dark energy density ρ = m / l 3 is evaluated in force equilibrium to predict the particle’s mass m. Sometimes mass m can be directly obtained and the steps can be further simplified.
Table 3. Predicted vs. observed lepton masses
Table 3. Predicted vs. observed lepton masses
mass particle predicted observed difference
m ν e ν e 6.0 × 10 7 8.0 × 10 7
m ν μ ν μ 0.17 0.17
m ν τ ν τ 17.5 18.2
m e e 0.511 0.511 0.000
m μ μ 105.105 105.658 0.005
m τ τ 1766.622 1776.860 0.006
If any one of the masses is known (such as m e ), all the rest of the masses can be calculated. Observed data of e , μ , and τ are from the particle data group [41]. Observed data of ν e , ν μ and ν τ are from the KATRIN Collaboration [42], Assamagan et al. [43] and ALEPH Collaboration [44], respectively. ‘◯’ means the prediction within the observed range. ‘Difference’ means the normalized difference between predicted and observed data. Mass units are in M e V .

The 1st generation lepton masses

For the 1st generation, the matter wave equation is
γ 1 m 1 v 1 l 1 = ,
where v 1 at the creation of a lepton is the same as the velocity of an electron in the Bohr model (See Methods)
v 1 = α c ,
where α 1 / 137 is the fine structure constant, and the Lorentz factor γ 1 is
γ 1 = 1 1 ( v 1 / c ) 2 1 .
Since a neutrino at creation is expected to have the same wavelength of dark energy in force equilibrium (See Methods), l 1 is
l 1 = l o ,
and p 1 is
p 1 = / l 1 = / l o = p o = m o c .
Thus, the electron neutrino’s mass is (See Equation 18)
m ν e = m 1 = p 1 / v 1 = m o / α = 6.0 × 10 7 M e V ,
where m 1 is within the observed range of a neutrino (See Table 3), and the energy density is
ρ ν e = ρ r = m o / α l o 3 = ρ o / α ,
which is generated by the 1-dimensional interaction between a neutrino and its antineutrino as shown in Figure 2(a). According to the particle data group, a neutrino consists of three eigenstates whose masses are unknown [41]. If each eigenstate is assumed to have the same mass at particle creation, the mass of a neutrino’s eigenstate is 1 / 3 of an electron neutrino’s mass, and the energy density is
ρ r / 3 = m o / 3 α l o 3 = ρ o / 3 α ,
which is 1 / 3 of the neutrino’s density.
As a next step, if a neutrino gets excited where v 1 is close to the speed of light, the matter wave equation becomes
γ 1 m 1 v 1 l 1 = ( m o / α ) c ( l o α ) = ,
where γ 1 = 1 , m 1 = m o / α and the wavelength changes to
l o l o α ,
and the density of one excited eigenstate is (See Equation (27) and Equation (29))
ρ e = m o / 3 α ( l o α ) 3 = m o / 3 α 4 l o 3 = ρ o / 3 α 4 ,
where m o / 3 α 4 is excited dark energy to create an electron, and l o is the wavelength of dark energy in force equilibrium (See Methods). Thus, the electron mass is
m e = m 1 = m o / 3 α 4 = 0.511 M e V ,
which agrees with the observed data (See Table 3). On the other hand, H 0 in terms of m o is (See Equation (14))
H 0 = ( ρ o / ρ p ) 1 / 2 / t p = ( m o / m p ) 2 / t p ,
and H 0 in terms of m e is (See Equation (31))
H 0 = ( 3 α 4 m e / m p ) 2 / t p = 72.67 k m / s / M p c ,
which shows the relation between the Hubble constant H 0 and the electron mass m e .

The 2nd generation lepton masses

For the 2nd generation, the matter wave equation is
γ 2 m 2 v 2 l 2 = ,
where the Lorentz factor γ 2 is
γ 2 = 1 1 ( v 2 / c ) 2 .
If m 1 gets excited where v 2 c , the matter wave equation is rearranged as
m 1 ( α c ) l 1 = ( γ 2 α m 1 ) c ( l 1 / γ 2 ) = ,
where m 1 and l 1 have changed to
m 1 γ 2 α m 1 , l 1 l 1 / γ 2 ,
where l 1 / γ 2 is for the length contraction, which causes m 1 to change accordingly. Here, the density in the particle’s moving direction θ is
ρ θ = γ 2 α m 1 ( l 1 / γ 2 ) 3 = α γ 2 4 m 1 l 1 3 ,
where α γ 2 4 m 1 is an excited dark energy mass with l 1 as the wavelength in force equilibrium (See Methods). Assuming that an excited m 1 could become m 2 while momentum is conserved, p 2 yields
p 2 = γ 2 m 2 c = ( α γ 2 4 m 1 ) c .
After rearranging the terms, m 2 is
m 2 = α γ 2 3 m 1 ,
where m 2 is a function of m 1 . Likewise, when γ 2 is replaced by γ 3 (for the 3rd generation), m 3 is
m 3 = α γ 3 3 m 1 ,
where m 3 is also a function of m 1 .
For an excited neutrino, if the 2nd generation of a neutrino is created instead of the 1st generation of an electron, the mass of a muon neutrino can be derived from Equation (31). If the energy of m e is equally divided among three eigenstates of a muon neutrino [41], m 2 is
m ν μ = m 2 = m e / 3 = m o / 9 α 4 = 0.17 M e V ,
where m 2 is within the observed range of a muon neutrino (See Table 3), and γ 2 is (See Equation 40)
γ 2 = ( m 2 / α m 1 ) 1 3 = 1 / ( 9 α 4 ) 1 3 339.7 ,
from which γ 3 and m 3 can be calculated (See Methods).
For an excited electron, the matter wave equation of the excited dark energy is
( γ 2 m o ) c ( l o / γ 2 ) = ,
where m o and l o have changed to
m o γ 2 m o , l o l o / γ 2 ,
where l o / γ 2 is for the length contraction, which causes the mass to change accordingly. and the density in the θ -direction is
ρ θ = γ 2 m o ( l o / γ 2 ) 3 = γ 2 m o l o ( l o / γ 2 3 ) l o = γ 2 4 ρ o ,
where l θ = l o / γ 2 3 represents the length contraction concentrated in the particle’s moving direction. On the other hand, the density in the r-direction is
ρ r = m o l 1 l o l o = l o l 1 ρ o ,
where l r = l 1 is the wavelength contraction due to the charge interaction of a particle and an antiparticle. In order for the repulsive forces to be in force equilibrium, F r = F θ (See Table 1)
F r = G c ρ r = G c ρ θ = F θ ,
where ρ r = ρ θ yields (See Equation (46) and Equation (47))
ρ r = l o l 1 ρ o = γ 2 4 ρ o = ρ θ ,
and γ 2 is (See Equation (28) and Equation (31))
γ 2 = ( l o / l 1 ) 1 4 = ( m 1 α / m o ) 1 4 = 1 / ( 3 α 3 ) 1 4 = 30.4 ,
and m 2 for muon is (See Equation (40))
m μ = m 2 = α γ 2 3 m 1 = 105.105 M e V ,
which agrees with the observed data within 1% (See Table 3). It is interesting to note that the theoretical γ 2 = 30.4 at muon creation is close to the experimental γ 2 = 29.3 at the CERN muon storage ring experiment [45]. We anticipate that the dark energy paradigm could be applied in future lepton storage ring experiments. See Methods for derivation of the 3rd generation of lepton masses as shown in Table 2 and Table 3.


A dark energy paradigm has been presented, where predicted values of lepton masses agree with the observed values to 1 % (or within error ranges). In the dark energy paradigm, a particle has the same amount of e x c i t e d dark energy before particle creation (or after particle annihilation) due to energy conservation in the vacuum (See Figure 1). Hence, both predicted and observed lepton masses can be interpreted as the predicted and observed dark energy values. Therefore, we can argue that the predicted dark energy is equal to the observed dark energy, and the cosmological constant problem is solved for leptons (See Table 2 and Table 3). Interestingly enough, the cosmological constant problem could be solved for proton, quarks and fundamental bosons as well, which will be described in the following papers (See Methods).


Particle and antiparticle interaction

Let’s assume that each fermion particle has a fractional charge e / n which generates the Coulomb force between a particle and its antiparticle. Here, all fermions share the same matter wave equation
p l = γ m v l = ,
where p = γ m v is momentum, γ is the Lorentz factor, m is mass, v is velocity, and l is wavelength (divided by 2 π ) . Assuming a particle with e / n 1 charge and its antiparticle with e / n 2 charge form a circular orbit, the centripetal force is equal to the Coulomb force between e / n 1 and e / n 2 fractional charges (See Table 4)
m v 2 l = k ( e / n 1 ) ( e / n 2 ) l 2 ,
where k is the Coulomb constant and v c ( γ = 1 ) . After rearranging the terms, v is
v = k ( e / n 1 ) ( e / n 2 ) = α c / ( n 1 n 2 ) ,
where α is the fine structure constant and k e 2 = α c . Here, fractional charge parameters for leptons are n 1 = n 2 = 1 , where v is
v = α c ,
which is the velocity of the 1st generation of leptons. Thus, v 1 at the creation of a lepton particle has the same value as the velocity of an electron in the Bohr model. It is important to note that neutrino charge is unique in that it only interacts with neutrino charge, while electron and quark charges interact with each other.
Now the fractional charge parameters for down quarks are n 1 = n 2 = 3 , where v is
v = α c / 9 ,
and fractional charge parameters for up quarks are n 1 = 3 / 2 and n 2 = 3 , where v is
v = 2 α c / 9 .
Thus, fractional charges in force equilibrium play an important role in determining velocity v at the creation of a particle and antiparticle pair.
Table 4. Fractional charge parameters for fermions
Table 4. Fractional charge parameters for fermions
neutrino electron down quark up quark
n 1 (particle) 1 1 3 3 / 2
n 2 (antiparticle) 1 1 3 3
n 1 n 2 1 1 9 9 / 2
Neutrino charge is unique in that it only interacts with neutrino charge.

Particle and dark energy in force equilibrium

Let’s imagine a particle and a dark energy particle at distance l with masses m and m o , respectively. Here the attractive force is (See Table 1)
F a t t r a c t i v e = G m m o l 2 ,
and the repulsive force is
F r e p u l s i v e = G c m l 3 .
In force equilibrium, setting F a t t r a c t i v e = F r e p u l s i v e produces
G m m o l 2 = G c m l 3 ,
after rearranging the terms, l is
l = m o c ,
where inserting the matter wave equation m o c l o = yields
l = l o ,
where the wavelength of a particle l is equal to the wavelength of dark energy l o .

The 3rd generation lepton masses

For the 3rd generation, the matter wave equation is
γ 3 m 3 v 3 l 3 = ,
where the Lorentz factor γ 3 is
γ 3 = 1 1 ( v 3 / c ) 2 .
If m 1 gets excited where v 3 c , m 3 is (See Equation (41))
m 3 = α γ 3 3 m 1 ,
and replacing m 1 by m 2 yields (See Equation (40))
m 3 = ( γ 3 / γ 2 ) 3 m 2 ,
where m 3 is a function of m 2 .
While the 2nd generation is generated by the 2-dimensional interaction
ρ r = ρ θ ,
the 3rd generation is caused by the 3-dimensional interaction (See Figure 2 and Table 5)
ρ r = | ρ θ + ρ ϕ | ,
where vector ρ corresponds to force vector F (See Table 1)
F θ = G c ρ θ , F ϕ = G c ρ ϕ ,
where ρ θ is dark energy density in a particle’s moving direction which is under γ 2 length contraction. Thus, ρ θ changes to (See Equation (46))
ρ θ = γ 2 m o l o ( l o / γ 2 3 ) ( l o / γ 2 ) = γ 2 5 ρ o ,
where l ϕ = l o / γ 2 is for the additional length contraction in the ϕ direction. Assuming ρ ϕ = ρ θ in force equilibrium, ρ ϕ is
ρ ϕ = γ 2 5 ρ o ,
and the magnitude of the vector sum is (See Equation 68)
ρ r = | ρ θ + ρ ϕ | = 2 γ 2 5 ρ o ,
where 2 is due to the orthogonal vector sum in θ and ϕ directions (See Figure 2). Here, the matter wave equation is
m o c l o = ( γ 3 m o ) c ( l o / γ 3 ) = ,
where l o / γ 3 represents the length contraction, and ρ r in terms of γ 3 is
ρ r = γ 3 m o ( l o / γ 3 ) 3 = γ 3 4 ρ o .
Thus, the relation between γ 3 and γ 2 is
ρ r = γ 3 4 ρ o = 2 γ 2 5 ρ o .
After rearranging the terms, γ 3 is
γ 3 = 2 1 8 γ 2 5 4 = 1590.1 ,
where γ 2 = 339.7 (See Equation (43)), and m 3 for tau neutrino is (See Equation (66))
m ν τ = m 3 = ( γ 3 / γ 2 ) 3 m 2 = 17.5 M e V ,
where m 3 is within the observed range of a tau neutrino (See Table 3).
On the other hand, γ 3 for tau is
γ 3 = 2 1 8 γ 2 5 4 = 77.9 ,
where γ 2 = 30.4 (See Equation (50)), and m 3 for tau is (See Equation (51) and Equation (66))
m τ = m 3 = ( γ 3 / γ 2 ) 3 m 2 = 1766.622 M e V ,
which agrees with the observed data within 1% (See Table 3).
Table 5. Matter wave & energy density equations for three generations
Table 5. Matter wave & energy density equations for three generations
generation mass neutrino electron matter wave energy density
1 m 1 m ν e m e γ 1 m 1 v 1 l 1 = ρ r
2 m 2 m ν μ m μ γ 2 m 2 v 2 l 2 = ρ r = ρ θ
3 m 3 m ν τ m τ γ 3 m 3 v 3 l 3 = ρ r = | ρ θ + ρ ϕ |
γ is the Lorentz factor, m is mass, v is velocity, and l is wavelength (divided by 2 π ). ρ r , ρ θ and ρ ϕ are dark energy densities in r, θ and ϕ directions, respectively (See Figure 2). ρ θ and ρ ϕ correspond to repulsive force vectors (See Table 1).

Dark energy paradigm for major applications

As shown in Table 6, the dark energy paradigm can be used to solve major problems in physics which will be discussed in other papers.

Author Contributions

W. Koh and Y. J. Moon wrote the main manuscript. All authors reviewed the manuscript.

Data Availability Statement

The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.


We thank the anonymous referees for improving this manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no competing interests.


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Figure 1. Cosmological constant problem due to the lack of a proper vacuum energy model. Image courtesy of Federica Fragapane and Clara Moskowitz [17]
Figure 1. Cosmological constant problem due to the lack of a proper vacuum energy model. Image courtesy of Federica Fragapane and Clara Moskowitz [17]
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Figure 2. Origin of three generations caused by 1, 2, and 3-dimensional interactions of a particle at the origin o with an antiparticle and dark energy particles at r, θ , and ϕ in the spherical coordinate system. (a) 1-dimensional interaction with an antiparticle at r. (b) 2-dimensional interaction with a relativistic dark energy particle at θ . (c) 3-dimensional interaction with dark energy particles at θ and ϕ . A dotted line represents the vector sum of θ and ϕ directional dark energy interactions.
Figure 2. Origin of three generations caused by 1, 2, and 3-dimensional interactions of a particle at the origin o with an antiparticle and dark energy particles at r, θ , and ϕ in the spherical coordinate system. (a) 1-dimensional interaction with an antiparticle at r. (b) 2-dimensional interaction with a relativistic dark energy particle at θ . (c) 3-dimensional interaction with dark energy particles at θ and ϕ . A dotted line represents the vector sum of θ and ϕ directional dark energy interactions.
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Table 6. List of key papers on the dark energy paradigm
Table 6. List of key papers on the dark energy paradigm
subject contents consistency with observed data
1 dark energy solution to the cosmological constant problem
prediction of lepton masses
2 dark matter prediction of galactic dynamics
3 cosmology prediction of Ω Λ , Ω c and Ω b distribution
4 quark prediction of quark masses
5 boson prediction of fundamental boson masses
6 quantum theory consistency with quantum theory
solution to the measurement problem
7 quantum gravity prediction of black hole properties
‘◯’ means consistency with observed data, and ‘−’ means not enough observed data to determine consistency. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the dark energy paradigm is consistent with most, if not all, observed data in quantum theory, ΛCDM, and gravity.
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