1. Introduction
Whether visual perception arises in a discrete or continuous manner is widely debated. It has long been known that subsequent visual stimuli can alter the perception of a preceding visual target to such an extent that the target cannot be experienced or that it appears drastically distorted in comparison to seeing the target in isolation [
8]. Such findings suggest a continuity between perception and (short-term) memory [
16], where the visual perception of a target depends on influences playing out well (i.e., at least up to 400 ms) after target offset, so that an initially labile, malleable, and preconscious visual target representation can be altered drastically by influences retrospective relative to the start of target perception and, nonetheless, prior to the conclusion of the target’s perception [
18]. Critically, this long-lasting perceptual integration window also provides the opportunity for spatial attention elicited by a retrospective or post-target cue (in the following labelled a
postcue) to influence the perception of a preceding target even hundreds of milliseconds after target offset [
In general, in retrospective cueing, spatial attention can be directed to one of several possible target locations by a cue that follows the visual target, thus, improving target discrimination performance [
24]. It is relatively undisputed that valid postcueing – presenting a cue at target position - can improve memory-related target processing, reducing interference during retrieval from iconic memory, short-term memory, or working memory for targets at the cued position [
26]. For example, studies showing that valid postcueing improved target memory showed no cueing effect on the quality of the stored sensory representation [
28]. It is, thus, more disputed if target perception is also affected by postcues as would be implied by the continuum of perception and short-term memory.
Here, we, therefore, adopted the promising protocol of Sergent et al. (2013) [
5] that seemingly shows postcueing effects on target perception, but took it to the next level and ruled out certain possible complications. To start with a description of the protocol, for their study of the attentional postcueing effect on target perception, the authors used a task in which, in each trial, a single liminal, in their case low-contrast, target was presented at one out of two possible locations. Following the target, the authors presented a non-predictive postcue (a brief dimming of a ring surrounding the target) that was equally likely at target position (the valid condition; or congruent condition) or opposite of the target (the invalid condition; or incongruent condition). The authors found that the valid postcue improved target discrimination as well as subjective target visibility. This was the case for postcues presented 100 ms, 200 ms, or even 400 ms following the target. Regarding subjective target visibility, Sergent et al. observed that participants judged target visibility to be higher under valid than invalid conditions and that visibility ratings “predicted” (i.e., were positively correlated with) objective target-discrimination accuracy.
Most importantly, Sergent et al. (2013) used liminal targets (i.e., targets with a decreased contrast, near the threshold of target perception), resulting in a retrospective effect on previously presented targets. In this situation, perception of the low-contrast target is delayed [
30], and, thus, the subjective sequence of target presentation before cue onset can be considerably shorter than intended. For example, by increasing luminance by 1.5 log-units of luminance at threshold, Purushothaman et al. (1998) estimated that perceptual latency was reduced by about 120 ms (from perceiving a stimulus of low luminance and contrast to trail a comparison stimulus by −30 ms to perceiving a stimulus of highest luminance and contrast to lead the comparison stimulus by 80 ms) [
Be that as it may, even if the assumption of a sequence of target perception before cue presentation would roughly hold true, using liminal targets only would leave open the important question if the same type of postcueing influences can be observed with supraliminal targets. Thus, we used supraliminal targets to test if the hypothesis of a perception-memory continuum holds true in general or if only perception of near-threshold contrast stimuli benefits from post-cueing. If perception is generally continuous with memory, the postcueing effect should be found with supraliminal targets, too.
In addition, Sergent et al. (2013) attributed their effect to the guidance of spatial attention being attracted to the postcues and, hence, to one of the target positions, thus, improving target representations under valid relative to invalid conditions, analogously to pre-cueing [
32]. However, this conclusion is not entirely certain. The valid cues could have likewise created less perceptual interference than the invalid cues. To understand this, we take a closer look at the procedure of Sergent et al.. As placeholders, these authors used two rings around the possible target positions, and, for the cue, “dimmed” one of the placeholders. In this way, cues could have attracted attention to a previous target position, possibly enhancing whatever perceptual trace of the target was lingering in the observers’ perceptual system. However, as targets were oriented Gabor patches presented inside one of the rings, it is also possible that simply less interfering edge orientation information was present at validly cued than uncued locations at the time of target discrimination. To note, a circular ring provides a mixture of all possible edge orientations, and this information is stronger for a high-contrast ring at an uncued location than for a “dimmed” low-contrast ring at the cued location. Another non-attentional explanation was implied by the study of Xia et al. (2016) [
33]. These authors found that cues, as were used by Sergent et al. [
5], effectively improved target perception even under conditions of certainty about an unchanging target position, meaning that visual line-orientation interactions between target and postcues at target position alone could account for the postcueing effect and that spatial orienting of attention is not decisive. In contrast to a masking account, however, Xia et al. [
33] argued for an enhancing effect of postcues on target-orientation perception.
A further caveat concerns the usage of a response prompt in prior demonstrations of postcueing effects on target perception [
6]. In Sergent et al. (2013), participants were only allowed to judge their target perception well after the target and postcues. This was indicated to the participants by a response prompt. The problem with this procedure is that it is then unclear if the usage of the response prompt corrupted an otherwise perceptual task and changed it into a memory task merely by means of this characteristic of the experimental protocol. Theoretically, if the perception-memory continuum hypothesis holds true, memory should always be involved in perception, not only if the task requires this by means of a post-target response prompt. In the current study, we, therefore, set out to test if the findings of Sergent et al. were also in line with the more general perception-memory continuum hypothesis. To that end, no response prompts were used.
Hence, in the current study, we tested once again whether the postcue can make a difference for target perception and whether postcue-elicited orienting of attention is involved in the effect. To that end, we used cues at one of several possible target positions. Such peripheral cues are among the stimuli that most reliably capture attention [31, 32]. Thus, if target perception under invalid conditions suffers from attention being attracted to the cue and, in turn, away from the target, this can be tested by comparison of performance in the invalid condition to that in a neutral condition without a cue. If postcueing effects are indeed based on orienting of attention, as Sergent et al. (2013) assumed, we would expect lower target perception performance under invalid than under neutral conditions as only an invalid cue would direct attention consistently elsewhere.
Most importantly, in Experiment 1, we used clearly visible targets of high contrast (Michelson contrast = .94). Only by using such supraliminal visual targets can we test the generality of the perception-memory continuum hypothesis – that is, if memory is also involved in the perception of relatively easily perceived, high-contrast targets. We think that using high-contrast targets is also important to make sure that target perception is not delayed to an extent that could possibly diminish or, in the worst case, even reverse the perceptual order of the objective target-postcue sequence (in which targets were always shown before postcues). Finally, we removed the post-target reporting prompts that Sergent et al. (2013), Thibault et al. (2016), and Xia et al. (2016) used [
33]. These prompts might have artificially converted a perceptual task into a memory task. However, according to the perception-memory continuum hypothesis, any perceptual task should involve memory, opening the door for a postcueing effect on target perception even without a response-prompt imposing this memory demand. This, however, can only be tested by allowing participants to judge the visual target immediately once it is presented. We, therefore, left out the response prompts following the postcues, so that participants could judge the target whenever they wanted, as quickly as possible following the target. This has the additional advantage of allowing us to study the impact of the postcues on reaction times to the target. To note, in prior studies, investigating reaction times as a function of post-target validity was pointless as the response prompt would have equated reaction times in valid and invalid conditions [
6]: Participants would have had to wait until response prompts were shown even if they would have been faster in one of the conditions, for example, the valid condition.
However, we understand that not using a response prompt comes with one disadvantage. Some of the target processing, as well as of the overt reactions to the targets may precede the postcues. This means that, in the current study, we measured the postcueing effect on target perception under relatively conservative conditions. Yet, even this disadvantage creates helpful data. We think that it is interesting to see how often a response to the targets can be given prior to a postcue as corresponding trials could have also diminished postcueing effects in past studies, but without any understanding of their ratio (relative to trials in which target-related judgments would have definitely been slow enough to allow for postcueing effects on target judgments).
For a comprehensive measure of postcueing on target perception, we further took two measures. To us, it was clear that a larger range of performance levels, from worse to better performance, was desirable for a more exhaustive test of postcueing on target perception. The reason is that attentional effects can be more substantial for more difficult perceptual conditions. For example, although several studies have demonstrated that attention increases the overall neuronal responsiveness at the attended spatial location, regardless of perceptual difficulty (upward shift of the psychometric function [
35]), other studies suggested that attention enhances the neural sensitivity to a stronger degree under more difficult than under easier conditions – that is, more so for low to intermediate target contrasts than for high target contrasts (leftward shift of the psychometric function; [
38]). As we used high-contrast targets (to counter delayed target perception, see above), in the current study, it was not an option to vary target contrast (as was done, e.g., in the staircase procedure of Thibault et al., 2016 [
6]). Initially, in Experiment 1, we, therefore, varied stimulus eccentricity to manipulate visual target perception difficulty and provide a more sensitive test for a postcueing influence. To be precise, the position of targets in the visual field and their distance from the fovea can modulate visual processing and attentional allocation, with stimuli farther from the fovea being more difficult to perceive due to lower spatial resolution and stronger crowding effects [
39]. By including eccentricity in our design in Experiment 1, we aimed to provide a more comprehensive test of postcueing. However, even with this procedure, we came nowhere near the threshold of target perception and, thus, took an alternative approach to increase the range of perceptual performance levels further, down to liminal or close to chance-performance levels, in Experiment 2. To that end, we used a “noise-masking protocol” [
42], in which we varied the orientation of the noise mask surrounding an orientation-defined target from very different to very similar to the target orientation and asked participants to decide if a target was present or absent. This methodology also provided the opportunity to increase the sensitivity to capture a potential cueing effect on perceptual precision, compared to the two orientations in Experiment 1.
4. General Discussion
In two experiments, we tested and confirmed the view of a perception-memory continuum [
18]. According to this view, following target offset but prior to conscious visual target perception, a malleable representation of the target is open to post-target influences on target perception such as that of spatial attention [
6]. In line with this view, we found an influence of attentional guidance through post-target cues on target perception. Such retrospectively triggered modulation of target perception by guidance of attention to a non-predictive postcue has been reported in a seminal study with targets at threshold [
5]. However, so far, it has been open if the same principle can be confirmed with supraliminal targets as implied by the generality of the perception-memory continuum principle. In the current Experiment 1, we, therefore, used clearly visible targets of a high contrast. This measure also helps to address another potential complication of the original studies by Sergent et al. (2013) [
5] and Thibault et al. (2016) [
6]: Due to the fact that in the original studies the corresponding modulations were based on targets that were of a weak contrast, it was unclear if, subjectively, targets were not in fact perceived temporally much closer to the post-target cues, but this is unknown as corresponding information on exact target luminance was lacking in Sergent et al. [
We also took the opportunity to investigate the generality of the perception-memory continuum principle in another respect. In contrast to prior studies, we did not use a response prompt. Instead, participants were allowed to respond to the targets as fast as they wanted. It is true that, therefore, sometimes responses were given too fast to allow for a post-target cue influence. However, only by leaving out the response prompts could we ensure that the postcueing effects reported in past studies were truly reflective of a general continuity between perception and memory and not merely a consequence of a memory demand imposed by the response prompts. To note, Sergent et al. used post-target response prompts to ensure cue processing prior to the target judgments in all of the trials, but this implied that their participants were forced to draw on a memory representation of the targets, leaving it open if memory would also be involved in visual perception under more conventional perceptual conditions.
Importantly, with our complementary protocol, we were able to confirm the conclusions of Sergent et al. (2013) [
5]. However, in Experiment 1, the decisive experimental evidence differed from that of Sergent et al.: The performance difference was between invalid and neutral (uncued) trials rather than between valid and neutral (double-cueing trials) as in [
5]. In Experiment 1, we observed that invalid post-target cues presented away from the target interfered with target processing in comparison to conditions without a cue. This cost by misguided attention cannot be due to direct influences of cue features, such as their lower contrast, on the perception of targets at the cued position [
33], as, in the current study, this effect was observed with cues presented away from the targets. In addition, the cost created by the invalid cues in Experiment 1 was likely due to target perception naturally extending to some form of target-memory representation during which post-target cues exerted their influence as participants did not have to wait until a post-target response prompt was presented, and, thus, participants were not required to draw on a memory representation of the target only for task-specific reasons. Instead, the costs by invalid cues created in the present Experiment 1 were most likely due to attention-modulated target perception as conscious visual perception in general depends on some form of target memory [
18]. For example, attentional capture by the invalid cue might have interrupted ongoing spatially specific processing of representations of targets presented away from the cue and, thereby, delayed correct target judgments to some extent [
50]. To note, costs by the invalid post-target cues in the current study were only observed in the RTs, not in ARs. This difference to Sergent et al. (2013) [
5] is likely due to the fact that we used supraliminal targets, such that visibility of target orientation and, thus, accuracy itself was not in doubt.
In Experiment 1, we also manipulated target eccentricity to vary task demands. Here, we found that costs by the invalid cues, and, thus, evidence for a modulating impact of attention capture by the post-target cues on target perception, were the same across different eccentricities. This was the case besides decreasing task performance with increasing eccentricity. Thus, one might conclude that the postcueing effect did not indicate contrast gain. However, the nonsignificant effect of target eccentricity on validity could have likewise been due to an insufficient sensitivity of the method as even with the most eccentric positions, performance was well above threshold. Therefore, and because the benchmark effect of facilitation in valid conditions of Sergent et al. (2013) [
5] was missing in Experiment 1, we tested the possibility that more evidence of a modulating influence of post-target cues on target perception could be found with a stronger visibility manipulation. This was done in Experiment 2, in which task difficulty was manipulated through noise orientation. In Experiment 2, the postcueing effect was most pronounced for the most difficult conditions – a finding in line with contrast gain [
37]. Thus, the effects of the different difficulty manipulations on postcueing were not the same. This is also interesting in light of the prior observations of Sergent et al. (2013), who studied postcueing only under relatively difficult target-discrimination conditions and, thus, had to leave open the question if task difficulty was decisive for their found postcueing effect [
5]. Based on Experiment 2, this seems to be the case as our noise-orientation manipulation in that experiment was more similar to the contrast manipulation of Sergent et al. [
5] in that stimulus processing at lower eccentricities was not difficult enough per se.
As explained, we attributed the findings in Experiment 2 (of attentional guidance by postcues on the more difficult perceptual conditions) to contrast gain, thereby, selectively improving sensitivity of neurons for low to intermediate stimulus contrasts [
37]. Conversely, in Experiment 2, we did not find such an improvement for highly visible target stimuli embedded in our noise masks, suggesting that overall neuronal responsiveness did not increase at the attended spatial location [
34]. Our participants tended to leverage the benefits of postcue-elicited contrast gain to separate a potential target more effectively from noise. This relationship seemed to be nonlinear, which might be the leading reason why the effect was not evident in analyses based on the linear model.
This effect was particularly visible in the short SOA condition, while its existence remains questionable in the long SOA condition. One reason for this might be that participants could utilize the postcue better with the short SOA, as a continuously developing target representation is not yet as advanced (on average) when the cue is presented as under long-SOA conditions (see also our discussion on the timing of the long SOA cues below).
Reduced efficiency of the postcues in long compared to short SOA conditions might have also been due to an
attentional blink. The attentional blink describes a reduced ability to report a second target appearing in close temporal proximity to a preceding first target. Participants usually fail to see a second goal-relevant stimulus if it occurs within 200-500 ms from the first target and if a distractor is presented in-between successive targets [
52]. Although the effects are observed with targets presented in rapid succession [
53], the attentional blink phenomenon depends on the presence of distractors in-between successive targets (cf. lag-1 sparing; [
54]). Thus, active rejection of distractors – here of the irrelevant and non-predictive postcues – is responsible for the attentional blink phenomenon [
55], and would lead to less pronounced postcueing effects with more effectively rejected cues under longer than under shorter target-cue interval conditions (due to a more likely switch between boosting of the targets versus bouncing the distracting cues) in the case of the long SOA than the short SOA of the present study.
Another reason for increased contrast gain in short SOA conditions only might be the maintenance of the cued information in a more active state in visual working memory (VWM) in the short SOA condition [
56]. This might then retrospectively enhance the accessibility of the correct target representation, leading to differences between short compared to long SOA conditions. Although this explanation is not one in terms of attention capture, it relies on spatial selectivity impacting the continuum of perceptual and memory processes, too [
59]. To summarize, by manipulating target visibility across a broad range of performance levels in Experiment 2, we were able to demonstrate the beneficial effect of valid postcues on participants’ target perception. Crucially, we have shown that this process operates based on contrast gain rather than response gain and is more visible under short SOA conditions. This might be due to diverse mechanisms, such as better cue utilization due to attentional phenomena like the Attentional Blink or improved integration of all stimuli in VWM with shorter than longer stimulus-stimulus intervals. Further research should focus on the origins of the SOA’s modulating effect on postcueing, while simultaneously confirming the influence of contrast gain.
Theoretically, it could be objected that, by using supraliminal stimuli, the current Experiment 1 would have prevented any impact of the post-target cue on target perception and that, hence, any influence the post-target cue in the current study may have had must have been of a non-perceptual origin. However, this argument draws a relatively artificial line between qualitative changes of the conscious percept on the one hand, and between quantitative costs (or savings) in target-processing times on the other hand. According to this distinction, “reviving” the access to the perception of an otherwise lost liminal stimulus by a valid post-target cue would count as a qualitative change of perception. In contrast, a reaction-time cost incurred by an invalid cue would reflect a mere quantitative processing difference. To understand the artificiality of this distinction, however, consider two findings from the literature: confidence effects in visibility studies [
61] and perceptual latency priming through peripheral cues [
63]. Starting with the former, reports about visual targets jointly reflect independent influences of target visibility and confidence [
60]. This means that lack of confidence can contribute to the failure to report an otherwise seen liminal target and that a post-cue could have its impact on reports of liminal targets via confidence rather than target visibility. Thus, it is naïve to assume that the impact of the post-cue on the visibility of liminal stimuli in studies such as that of Sergent et al. (2013) [
5] must have reflected a qualitative change of perception. It might in fact rather be an impact on participants’ confidence in the perception of an otherwise unaltered perceptual object [
Now turning to the RT cueing effect, peripheral cues preceding the target are known to affect the quality of conscious target perception. They affect the point in time at which the target is consciously seen: A valid cue speeds up target perception and an invalid cue delays target perception as reflected in perceptual order judgments [
62]. Thus, it is equally naïve to assume that the temporal delay in target reports caused by invalid post-cues must be of a non-perceptual origin. Together, these considerations make clear that neither of these approaches to the study of the perception-memory continuum is air-tight, but the upshot should be that the corresponding research should be carried out with these reservations in mind rather than postponed until an indefinite future point in time at which we know how to approach these fundamental problems of psychophysics.