3.1. Identification of Pollution Sources Depending on Wind Direction and Wind Speed
10 concentrations depending on wind direction and wind speed are shown in
Figure 2. The weighted concentration rose (
Figure 2 top) presents the highest frequency of mean PM
10 contributions from the southwest sector at all three stations. The highest contributions came to the TOBA and TOKU sites at wind speeds of 1–2 m/s, and 1–4 m/s at the TORE site. In
Figure 2 in the middle the weighted concentration roses are presented without including wind speed for simplified illustration. The concentration roses at the bottom of
Figure 2 show that at the TOBA and TOKU sites the maximum PM
10 concentrations came from the eastern sector at wind speeds up to 1.5 m/s; at the TORE site from the WSW to SW direction at wind speeds of 2 to 4.5 m/s.
Median and mean PM
10 values are higher at all locations in the direction from the Liberty Ostrava a. s. site, but maximum 3-hour PM
10 concentrations also occurred by the wind direction from the area outside the Liberty Ostrava a. s. site (
Figure 3,
Table 1). If we calculate the percentage of influence on the total PM
10 concentration load in a given locality, the influence of the direction away from the Liberty Ostrava a. s. premises prevails in the TOBA and TOKU localities (88 % and 93 %), but in the TORE locality the influence on the PM
10 concentrations from the direction away from the Liberty Ostrava a. s. premises prevails in 57 % (
Table 1).
Weighted concentration roses for BaP and the sites TOBA and TORE, show the most frequent contributions from the WSW direction, for the site TOKU from the E direction. However, in the case of the TOBA site they were on mean 15 to 20 % lower than in TORE. The highest mean contributions at TORE were most often achieved at wind speeds of 1–2 m/s, but also up to 4 m/s (
Figure 4 top and middle). The maximum contributions of BaP, however, several times lower than at the TORE site, came mainly from the eastern sector at the TOBA and TOKU stations, and clearly from the SW sector at the TORE station (
Figure 4 bottom).
The statistical distribution of 3-hour BaP concentrations from the direction from and outside from the Liberty Ostrava a. s. (
Figure 5) shows higher median and mean values of BaP at all locations in the wind from the Liberty Ostrava a. s. site. Higher occurrence of maximum 3-hour BaP concentrations was also registered at wind directions outside the Liberty Ostrava a. s. site. The highest mean concentration of BaP in the wind direction from Liberty Ostrava a. s. was at the station TORE 28.4 ng/m
3 (TOBA 9.6 ng/m
3; TOKU 10 ng/m
3). In the TOBA and TOKU sites, the percentage contribution to the air quality load of BaP concentrations from the direction outside the area of Liberty Ostrava a. s. was significantly higher (83 % and 90 %). At the TORE site, the contribution to air pollution by BaP in the direction from the area of Liberty Ostrava a. s. (67 %) was significantly higher (
Table 2).
3.2. Identification of Pollution Sources by PMF
Stable and geochemically meaningful solution was found for 10 PMF factors. Their key characteristics are summarized below, with further details about their chemical composition and time-series contributions shown in graphs in the Supplementary Material.
HEAT CC - primary particulate matter from coal-fired household heating. The factor had a high proportion of EC, OC, PAH and chlorine in chloride form, along with bromides. EC and OC were dominated by low temperature fractions, and among metals, As, Se and Pb were the most abundant. The factor’s contributions to PM10 significantly fluctuated, commonly taking values of about 10 µg/m3, peaking at 40 µg/m3, with a clear decreasing trend during the measurement campaign (January to April). The factor contribution was significantly higher at night.
HEAT BB - primary particulate matter from biomass household heating. The factor had the high content of OC and anhydrosaccharides in ionic form, with significantly lower concentrations of PAHs than the factor representing heating with coal. Low-temperature fractions predominated in the carbonaceous particles, and there was a significant abundance of K in ionic form, with only Zn and Cu being significant among metals. The time series of the factor contribution was highly variable, usually taking values of about 10 µg/m3, peaking at almost 50 µg/m3. There was a clear decreasing trend in the contribution over the measurement period, and the factor contribution was significantly higher at night.
CRUSTAL - primary particles made up of mineral particles (Si, Ti, Ba, K, Mg). These were mostly particles of natural origin. The time series of the factorial contribution was characterised by a dominant short-term contribution ranging from 40 to more than 50 µg/m3 between February 24 and 27, 2021, during the episode of long-range aerosol transport from the Sahara region. For the rest of the measurement period, the model showed contributions of this factor close to 0 or at noise level, probably due to interference with other factors. The factor did not have obvious diurnal variability. The Ca contribution to the chemical profile is likely underestimated due to interference with the “IND Ca” factor commented below.
Na-Cl - primary particles consisting of Na in ionic form, Mg and chloride. The factor had less significant abundance of other elements typical for resuspension and road traffic brake & tire wear (Ba, Cu, Cr, Sb), suggesting the main origin from road salt and from the premises of Liberty Ostrava a. s. The time series of the contribution was moderately variable compared to other factors, with significant differences between sites, usually in the lower units of µg/m3, exceptionally over 10 µg/m3. The factor did not have pronounced diurnal variability.
IND Ca - primary particles consisting mainly of Ca and Mg accompanied by Sb, and less significantly also V and Mn. These are particles from industrial handling of bulk materials, mainly in the north-eastern part of the Liberty Ostrava a. s. site. At the TOBA site, an indistinct contribution of the factor was associated with the bulk material landfills in the south-eastern part of the premises of that company. At the TOKU location, occasional contributions of the factor occurred due to the transport of particles from the slag disposal site situated to the north-east. The time series was highly variable with short-term peaks and extreme differences between measurement sites, with short-term peaks in the tens of µg/m3 at the TORE site. The diurnal variability was high at the TORE site with higher values at night and in the morning between 6 and 9 am. In contrast, no obvious daily trend was found at the other sites.
IND HM - primary particles with complex polymetallic composition (Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, As, less significantly also Cr, V, Sb, Ca and Cl). The composition dominated by Mn and Fe is typical of iron and steel production particles. The concentration contribution varied substantially from site to site. It was relatively significant at the TORE site, while at other measurement sites, it was close to 0. The time series of the factor contribution to PM10 concentration was extremely variable, with short-term peaks in the tens of µg/m3 at the TORE site. Its diurnal variability was strong with no apparent daily trend.
IND PAHs - primary particles dominated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and iron, with carbonaceous particles consisting almost exclusively of the carbon fractions EC3 and especially EC4. The factor contribution was relatively high and with a strong variable time series at the TORE, in contrast to low values at the other sites. The high contribution of iron in the factor profile is due to interference with the IND HM factor, suggesting an origin in the same geographic area. Iron is also the carrier of the mass contribution of this factor to PM10, which took values up to the first tens of µg/m3 at the TORE site. The factor contribution had no apparent daily trend.
TRA - primary carbon particles from road transport. Elemental carbon prevailed over organic carbon in the factor profile, especially the high-temperature fraction EC3. A group of metals typical of abrasion and resuspension from road traffic (Cr, Cu, Ba, Ca, Ti, V, Mn, Fe, Sb) was abundant in it. In the context of the other factors, the contribution to PM10 was moderately variable with a weak increasing trend from winter to spring. The highest values were reached at the TOKU site, the lowest at the TOBA site. It usually varied in units of µg/m3, rarely above 10 µg/m3. The diurnal variability of the contribution was not clearly pronounced, with slightly higher values in the daytime.
SIA - secondary particles of a predominantly inorganic origin, consisting mainly of sulphate and ammonium nitrate. The factor profile showed a significant content of Se, while Pb was also present but less apparent. The factor contribution time series exhibited low variability, no diurnal trend, and a decreasing trend during the campaign. The factor represents a predominantly winter type of secondary aerosol with a complex origin, primarily induced by household heating, but also to a lesser extent by automobile traffic and industrial emissions. Factor contributions typically varied up to 10 µg/m3, with occasional elevations in the tens of µg/m3, rising to over 80 µg/m3 during the episode of poor air quality between February 9 and 11, 2021.
C-Na-NO3 - a factor with unclear interpretation, consisting mainly of a mixture of high temperature organic carbon particles, salt and nitrates. The factor mass is likely dominated by secondary organic aerosol and sodium nitrate. The contribution of the factor to PM10 concentrations varied in a similar range at all sites, typically from 0 to 10 µg/m3, with slightly higher values in the daytime, especially in the early afternoon. The time series of the factor contribution and small differences between sites suggest a regional origin. The most probable interpretation of this factor is that it is a wintertime secondary aerosol induced, at least in part, by photochemical processes from nitrogen oxides and carbonaceous particulate emissions originating predominantly from household heating and road traffic.
3.2.1. Model Contributions to PM10
Model factor contributions were quantified separately for each monitoring site. The Constrained model contributions are shown in
Figure 6. There was only a minor difference between the Constrained and Fpeak Run (please compare Constrained model contributions with
Figure S4 in the Supplementary Material). The most different was the contribution of secondary inorganic aerosol (SIA) factor, which was 4 to 6% higher in the Constrained Run.
SIA factor, which consisted mainly of ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate, contributed to PM
10 mass concentration from 20 to 40 %, with negligible differences among monitoring sites. Maximum contributions occurred in winter days of bad dispersion conditions (
Figure S6 in the Supplementary Material). This suggests prevailing regional or long-range transport origin of this pollution type. The higher levels of PM
10 concentrations in the Polish part of Silesia, located approximately 20 km southeast of the survey area, compared to the study area [
38], along with the use of similar traditional methods of household heating (predominantly individual coal-fired boilers), should be taken into account. The significant secondary aerosol formation in the close Poland and its subsequential atmosferic transport could contribute to the SIA concentration in the study area, especially during occasional winter north-easterly wind direction situations. Previous studies [
39] have already indicated significant transboundary transport of polluted air from the Silesian Voivodeship in Poland to the Ostrava city area. The highest contributions of the SIA factor occurred on February 1st and between February 9th and 11th during weak wind flow from the north quadrant, taking into account the uncertainties of wind direction measurement discussed above. Aditionally, the polar plot of the SIA factor (
Figure S9 in the Supplementary Material) shows high PM
10 contributions from east and northeast directions during low and moderate wind speed, indicating probable both local and regional SIA origin. Low contributions come probably from sources in Ostrava city and its outskirts, while high contributions during moderate wind speed suggest longer transport than local origin, and together with wind direction, they suggest a spread from the Polish border area. The contribution of Poland to the SIA factor thus appears to be significant, but quantification is not possible.
The second and third most significant factors were coal (HEAT CC) and biomass (HEAT BB) household heating, with individual contributions of aproximately 10 to 15 %, and combined contribution of aproximately 20 to 30 %. The polar plots (
Figure S10 and S11 in the Supplementary Material) show high contributions of these factors when wind speed was low. At the TOBA and TORE sites, contributions peaked during east and northeast wind flow, whereas at the TOKU site, the direction was ambiguous with slightly higher contributions from the northwest. Differences among monitoring sites and the high contributions during low wind speed suggest a local pollution origin.
Regarding the factors mentioned above, PM10 contributions at the TORE were significantly different compared to the other sites. Although the absolute contribution of heating to PM10 was similar to the other two sites (around 5 µg/m3), relatively it was the lowest (around 10 % for both coal and biomass heating). This is due to the significant contribution of industrial mineral dust (“IND Ca” factor), which contributed about 9 µg/m3 here (around 15 % of total PM10 concentration).
After secondary inorganic aerosol, household heating and industrial mineral dust, the next most important factor was primary particles from the road traffic (“TRA” factor) with a contribution ranging from about 7% (TOBA and TORE) to 13% (TOKU). These contributions represent only primary particles (brake, tyre and road surface wear and exhaust emissions) but road traffic nitrogen oxides emissions play a significant role in secondary inorganic aerosol formation [
42]. Traffic emissions also make up a part of winter secondary organic aerosol C-Na-NO3 discussed in the following paragraph. Moreover, road resuspension can interfere with the CRUSTAL factor because of similar elemental composition (the predominant elements found in road dust, including Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg and others [
44], are the most abundant also in the Earth’s crust). All together, traffic contribution can be estimated as one-fifth to one-quarter of the PM
10 concentration.
The winter secondary organic aerosol (C-Na-NO3 factor) made up 3 to 4 µg/m3 PM10 (about 5 % at the TORE, about 12 % at the other sites). Despite the challenging interpretation, it was very stable factor in all tested model runs with number of factors from 5 to 11. The stability of the C-Na-NO3 factor, its correlation with temperature and wind directions of the highest factor contributions indicate connection with traffic emissions from the frequent highway nearby (S12 in the Supplementary Material).
The primary particles consisting of sodium chloride and mineral particles varied negligibly among the sites. They individually reached about 3 to 6 % of PM
10. The factor was labeled as “Na-Cl” based on the dominant components in factor profile. The Na and Cl contribution to the factor mass was several times higher than that of other species, clearly indicating the dominance of salt particles. Regarding the relative species contribution to PM
10, the levels of accompanying species was negligible. As shown by polar plots in
Figure S15 in the Supplementary Material, there were significant differences of Na-Cl contribution among the sites, making its long-range transport unlikely. Na-Cl aerosol mass predominantly came from anthropogenic sources. At the TORE site, it was especially the sinter and coking plant. At the other two sites, the main sources were households coal-fired boilers and road salt resuspension.
A specific episode of Sahara dust transport with high PM
10 concentrations occured during sampling period (see 24th to 26th February in
Figure S16 in the Supplementary Material). The determined contribution of the CRUSTAL factor thus probably does not correspond to normal winter situation in the area.
Industrial particles with heavy metals and PAHs (“IND HM” and “IND PAH” factors) were a minor component of PM
10. Industrial emissions accounted for a significant portion of PM
10 mass only at the TORE site (about 10 % in total). Less than one percent of PM
10 was attributed to these factors at the other sites. Polar plots in
Figure S17 and S18 in the Supplementary Material clearly indicate that the origin of all three industial factors can be attributed to the Liberty Ostrava a. s.
Time series of absolute PM
10 concentrations, absolute contributions of concentrations and relative species concentrations of identified air pollution factors are shown in
Figure S4–S8 in the Supplementary Material. Polar plots for all factors are shown in
Figure S9–S18 in the Supplementary Material.
3.2.2. Model Contributions to benzo[a]pyrene
The contributions of PMF contrained model factors to the concentration of BaP during the measurement campaign are documented in
Figure 7. The difference between the Contrained ant Fpeak Run contributions are negligible (please compare
Figure 7 with
Figure S5 in the Supplementary Material).
Source aportionment results at TOBA and TOKU sites were dramatically different compared to the TORE site. At TOBA and TOKU, the dominant source of BaP was household heating, with coal heating contributing approximately 4 ng/m3 (TOKU) and 5 ng/m3 (TOBA) during the measurement period. Biomass heating contributed only the tenths of ng/m3 (lower units of %). In total, biomass and coal household heating made up approximately 90 % of BaP concentration at these measurement sites. Industrial emissions of BaP accounted for about 0.5 ng/m3 (about 10 %) at the TOBA and TOKU measurement sites. The contribution of biomass household heating may seem surprisingly low according to the model, which could be due to the prevalence of coal in the household heating fuel mix in the region. At the TORE site, industrial sources made the highest contribution to BaP concentration. The mean contribution of industrial sources to the concentration of BaP was 9.5 ng/m3 at TORE (about two-thirds in relative terms). Remaining contribution to the BaP pollution was attributed predominantly to household heating at TORE. At all three sites, transport and other pollution sources played only a minor role in BaP concentration, contributing less than 1 %.
The BaP concentration and the population exposure rapidly decrease with the distance from the TORE site. The source apportionment results provided for the TORE site are applicable in the area with radius roughly about 500 m, maximum 1 km around this site.
3.3. Comparison of Methods
The above conclusions are based on two independent evaluations. The assessment of air pollution depending on meteorological conditions and the PMF receptor model in all its parameters are valid only for the locations where the measurements were made. However, the synthesis of information from these three sites allows an interpretation that is valid for the eastern part of Ostrava and adjacent municipalities (Vratimov, Slezská Ostrava, Rychvald, Horní Suchá, Havířov). The sampling campaign took place during the cold period, when meteorological conditions, especially wind direction and speed, did not differ significantly from the long-term mean over the corresponding part of the year. Wind speed and direction measurements were compared with the long-term mean of the climatological station Ostrava-Poruba, which is representative for the territory of the city of Ostrava. Based on the described meteorological accordance, the identified causes of pollution can be consider to be valid for the winter and transitional period (heating season) in a medium-term timescale (several years).
According to the assessment of pollutant concentrations as a function of wind direction and wind speed, slightly more than half of the PM10 pollution at the TORE site originated from the direction of the Liberty Ostrava a. s. site, while in the other two sites assessed, approximately one tenth of the pollution originated from the direction of this site.
The PMF model identified a contribution of the Liberty Ostrava a. s. metallurgical plant to the PM10 concentration in Ostrava-Radvanice of about 1/3 of the total concentration. In the other two sites (Ostrava-Bartovice and Ostrava-Kunčičky), the total contribution of sources related to the operation of Liberty Ostrava a. s. to the PM10 concentration represents about 5 % of the concentration. When comparing the results obtained by these two methods, it must be taken into account that, when wind direction comes from the direction of the Liberty Ostrava a. s. site, the air contains not only pollution from emissions from the steelworks site, but also background pollution originating from the areas in front of the site (on its windward side). It is therefore logical that the contribution from metallurgical sources calculated by the PMF model is lower than the estimation based on the wind direction and wind speed assessment.
A smaller deviation in the results of the two methods was found for BaP because the spectrum of its sources is very limited compared to PM10. According to the assessment of BaP concentrations depending on wind direction and wind speed, in Ostrava-Radvanice the contribution of BaP from the direction of the Liberty Ostrava a. s. site was about two-thirds of the total concentration, whereas in the other two sites the contribution from this metallurgical site was only one-tenth to one-fifth of the pollution. Similarly, the PMF model attributed nearly two-thirds of the total BaP to the metallurgical sources. This is only slightly lower (units of percent) than in the case of the wind direction and wind speed assessment. In the Ostrava-Kunčičky and Ostrava-Bartovice sites, the PMF model attributed about one tenth of the BaP concentration to the metallurgical sources, which is similar to the wind direction and wind speed assessment results.
The agreement between the results of the two methods used is clear and guarantees the reliability of the main conclusions drawn concerning the effect of metallurgical and other sources, especially in the case of BaP.