2. -Prime Ideals
In this section, we give some basic properties of -prime ideals and investigate -prime ideals in several classes of rings. Especially, we determine the -prime ideals of rings in which every power of a prime ideal is primary. Among many other results, we characterize rings in which every ideal is -prime.
Definition 1. Let I be a proper ideal of a ring R and be positive integers. Then I is called a -prime in R if for , implies either or
It is clear that any -prime ideal I in a ring R is both primary and -closed. Hence, is the smallest prime ideal of R containing I. In this case, we call I a P--prime ideal of R. Moreover, in the following remark, we justify the relationship between -prime ideals and some other kinds of ideals.
Remark 2. Let I be a proper ideal of R and be positive integers.
I is a prime ideal of R if and only if I is a -prime ideal.
If I is a 1-absorbing prime (resp. if I is a prime) ideal of R, then I is a -prime ideal for (resp. for all . Indeed, let with and . Then a is nonunit. If b is unit, then and since I is 1-absorbing prime, we have or . Continue this process to get and so for all , (if I is prime, then ) as required. The converse is also true if I is a semi-prime (radical) ideal.
In general, we may find an n-absorbing ideal that is not -prime for all integers m and n. For example, the ideal is 3-absorbing in which is not -prime for all integers m and n (as it is not primary).
If I is -prime in R, then I is a semi n-absorbing ideal of R. Indeed, let such that . Suppose so that . Then as I is -closed in R. On the other hand, suppose and note that . Then by assumption, either or and the result follows as .
If I is -prime in then it is -prime where and .
If I is a -prime in R, then is -prime ideal in R for all .
We illustrate the place of the class of
-prime ideals for all positive integers
m and
n by the following diagram:
However, the arrows in the above diagram are irreversible as we can see in the following example.
Example 3.
The ideal is a -prime that is not prime in . Indeed, let such that . Then and so or . if , then . If , then clearly we have .
The ideal is primary and clearly -closed in . However, I is not -prime since for example, but .
The ideal is a maximal ideal of where F is a field and so is M-primary. On the other hand, is not -prime in since for example, but .
In general, if and is a -prime ideal in R for all , then I need not be -prime. Consider the ideal in the ring . Then for all such that , we have or are clearly -prime ideals of . But, I is not -prime as where .
Unlike the case of -closed ideals, if , then a proper ideal need not be -prime. For example, the ideal is not -prime in as but .
In general, if I is an ideal of a ring R and n is a positive integer, then need not be an ideal of R. For example, consider the ideal in the ring . Then but as . However, for certain types of ideals I such as -prime (in particular, radical) ideals, the set P is an ideal of R.
Lemma 4. Let m and n be positive integers and I be a P--prime ideal of a ring R. Then .
Proof. Let and let k be the smallest positive integer such that . Now, implies . Since I is -prime and , then and so . The other containment is clear. □
Proposition 5. Let m and n be positive integers and I be an ideal of a ring R. If is a maximal ideal of R, then I is an M--prime in R.
Proof. It is clear that I is proper in R. Let for such that . Then and so . Since M is maximal in R, then and so for some and . Thus, for some . Hence, and I is -prime in R. Moreover, by Lemma 4. □
Corollary 6. Let be positive integers. If for a maximal ideal M of R and , then I is M--prime in R.
Proof. Clearly, for we have . Thus, I is M--prime in R by Proposition 5. □
However, if is a non-maximal prime ideal of R, then I need not be -prime. Indeed, for a field F and the ideal of where , we have is a (non-maximal) prime ideal of R. But, I is not -prime in , see Example 15. Also, if , then Corollary 6 may not be true, see Example 3.
Following [
10], a proper ideal
Q of a ring
R is called uniformly primary, if there exists a positive integer
k such that whenever
such that
, then
. Moreover, a uniformly primary ideal
Q has order
n and write
n is the smallest positive integer for which the aforementioned property holds. While clearly every uniformly primary ideal is primary, the converse is not true. For example, in the ring
K is a field, the ideal
is a primary ideal that is not uniformly primary, [
For positive integers m and n, if I is -prime in R, then clearly I is uniformly primary. Moreover, the two concepts coincide if .
Proposition 7. Let be positive integers and let be P--prime ideals of a ring R. Then is a P--prime ideal of R for all and .
Proof. Suppose is P--prime in R for all . Let and for . Then for some . Since , then by assumption and so . By Lemma 4, we have for all , . Thus, as . Since also , then is a P--prime ideal of R. □
Remark 8.
In general, if I and J are two -prime ideals with , then need not be -prime. For example, the ideals and are -prime ideal for all positive integers n and m (since they are prime), but is not -prime (since it is not primary).
If I and J are two P--prime ideals, then or need not be P--prime. For instance, consider the ring where p is a prime integer and the ideal of R. Since P is prime, it is P--prime for all However, is not P--prime as but neither nor .
Next, we give more characterizations of -prime ideals.
Theorem 9. Let I be a proper ideal of a ring R and let m and n be positive integers. Then the following statements are equivalent.
I is a -prime ideal of
for all such that .
If whenever and K is an ideal of R with , then or .
Proof. (1)⇒(2) Let such that and let . Then implies as I is -prime in R. Thus, and so .
(2)⇒(3) Let and K be an ideal of R with and suppose . Then by (2) as needed.
(3)⇒(1) It is straightforward. □
In view of the above theorem, several equivalent characterizations of -prime ideals of a principal ideal domain is given in the following.
Corollary 10. Let R be a principal ideal domain and let m, n be positive integers. Then the following are equivalent.
I is a -prime ideal of
for all such that .
If and K is an ideal of R with , then or .
If J and K are ideals of R with , then or .
for all ideals J of R such that
If J is an ideal of R and with , then or .
Proof. (1)⇒(2)⇒(3) Clear by Theorem 9.
(3)⇒(4) Since J is principal, for some Hence, the claim is clear.
(4)⇒(5) is straightforward.
(5)⇒(6) Assume that and Then by , as needed.
(6)⇒(1) Let and Put Hence and which imply by (6) that . Thus I is a -prime ideal of □
In the next theorem, we characterize rings in which every ideal is -prime.
Theorem .
Let R be a ring and . The following are equivalent.
Every proper ideal of R is -prime.
R has no non-trivial idempotents (for example, R is a quasi local ring or an integral domain), and for all .
Suppose that every proper ideal of
R is a
-prime. Suppose there is an idempotent element
R. Since by assumption,
-prime in
, then
, a contradiction. Therefore,
R has no non-trivial idempotents. If
, then
for all
by [
2, Theorem 2.14]. Suppose
. Then
is a
-prime ideal of
R and
. Thus,
and so
for some
. Hence,
and so
. Moreover, suppose in the case
and choose two prime ideals
R such that
. If
, then similar to the above argument, we get
and so
. Thus,
. Since
, we conclude that
, a contradiction. Therefore,
as required.
I be a proper ideal of
R and let
such that
. Since
, then
R is
-regular and so
by [
14, Theorem 13]. Therefore, as
, we have either
In the first case, we conclude by assumption that
. Otherwise, we have
. Therefore, every proper ideal of
R is
-prime. □
Note that the condition "R has no non-trivial idempotents" in Theorem 11 can not be discarded. For example, the ring has non-trivial idempotents. Moreover, and for all and . However, the zero ideal of is not -prime for any as it is not primary.
It is well-known that a field is characterized as a ring in which every proper ideal is prime (-prime). Recall also that in a von Neumann regular ring every element is of the form for and . In the following corollary, we generalize this result.
Corollary 12. Let R be a ring and . Then every proper ideal of R is -prime if and only if R is a field.
Proof. If every proper ideal of R is -prime, then by Theorem 11, R is a reduced zero dimensional ring and so von Neumann regular. Thus, every element of R is of the form for some and . Since also R has no non-trivial idempotents, then R is a field. The converse part is obvious. □
In the following theorem, we determine when the powers of a principal prime ideal of rings in which every power of a prime ideal is primary are -prime.
Theorem 13. Let R be a ring such that every power of a prime ideal is primary. Let m, n and k be positive integers and where p is a prime element of R. Then I is a -prime ideal of R if and only if .
Proof. Suppose is a -prime ideal of Suppose on contrary that . If , then but , a contradiction. If , then but and which is also a contradiction. Therefore, . Conversely, suppose and let such that and . Since by assumption I is primary, then . It follows that and so . Thus, I is a -prime ideal of R. □
Corollary 14. Let R be either an integral domain or a zero dimensional ring and m, n, k and I as in Theorem 13. Then I is a -prime ideal of R if and only if .
If some power of a prime ideal of R is not primary, then Theorem 24 need not be true in general.
Example 15. Consider the non integral domain where F is any field. Then the ideal is prime in R as is prime in containing . Now, we prove that is not primary in R. Indeed,we have but as in . If and is the projection mapping, then which is impossible. Thus, also and is not primary in R. Hence, I is not -prime in R for all positive integers m and n (and so in particular for all ).
In view of the above theorem and [
2, Theorem 3.1], we have the following corollary.
Corollary 16. Let R be an integral domain, m and n positive integers and where p is a prime element of R and k is a positive integer. Then I is an -closed ideal of R that is not a -prime ideal of R if and only if the following hold.
, where such that and , , and if , then for an integer c with .
Remark 17. Let R be a ring such that every power of a prime ideal is primary (e.g. an integral domain or a zero dimensional) and m and n are positive integers. If where are non-associate prime elements of R and are positive integers, then clearly, I is not primary in R. Thus, I is not -prime in R.
We note that [
2, Theorem 3.4] and Remark 17 give plenty examples of
-closed ideals that are not
Corollary 18. Let R be a principal ideal domain, I a proper ideal of R and m and n positive integers. Then I is -prime in R if and only if I is generated by a power less than or equal n of a prime element in R.
Next, we define a new subclass of Noetherian rings.
Definition 19. Let I be an ideal of a ring R. Then I is said to be of maximum length n if any ascending chain of ideals of R terminates and n is the largest integer such that . Moreover, R is called n-Noetherian if every ideal of R has a maximum length at most n.
Clearly, any n-Noetherian ring is Noetherian. But the converse need not be true as for example the Noetherian ring is not n-Noetherian for any positive integer n. Moreover, a 1-Noetherian ring is a field clearly as every ideal is prime.
If we consider the ideal of the the ring , then is the chain of maximum length . In general, we have:
Example 20. Let R be a principal ideal domain and where are non-associate prime elements R. Then I is of maximal length .
Proof. We use mathematical induction on
t. If
, then
is the chain of maximum length
. Suppose the result is true for
. Then
is the chain of maximum length
as needed. □
Thus, if for distinct prime elements, then the ring is n-Noetherian where .
Recall that an ideal I of a ring R is called irreducible if whenever for ideals K and L of R, then either or . Next, we prove that for , if I is an irreducible ideal of length n in a ring R, then I is -prime in R.
Proposition 21. Let be positive integers and I be a proper ideal of R of maximum length n. If I is irreducible in R, then it is -prime.
Proof. Let such that . For each i consider the ideal . Then and so as I is of maximum length n. Thus, whenever and , then for any . Now, let and . Then clearly . Let , say, where . Then and so . Since , then and so . Therefore, and so . Thus, and by assumption, either or . If , then and if , then and so I is -prime. □
Definition 22. Let I be a proper ideal of a ring R and positive integers. An -decomposition of I is an expression for I as a finite intersection of -prime ideals, say where is --prime for all i. Moreover, such an -decomposition of I is called minimal if
are different prime ideals of R, and
For all , we have .
We say that I is -decomposable in R precisely when it has an -decomposition. By Proposition 7, the intersection of P--prime ideals is P--prime. Thus, similar to the case of primary decomposition of ideals, any -decomposition of an ideal can be reduced to a minimal one.
Since any -prime ideals is primary, then any -decomposable ideal is decomposable. However, the converse is not true as for example, the ideal is decomposable in but not -decomposable. Indeed, is not -prime by Theorem 13 and any -prime ideal in is a power of a prime.
be a minimal primary decomposition of an ideal
I of a ring
R where
for each
. Recall that
is called the set of associated prime ideals of
I (denoted by
) which is independent of the choice of minimal primary decomposition of
I. Moreover, it is well-known that a prime ideal
P of
R is a minimal prime ideal of
I if and only if
P is a minimal member of
Now, clearly any minimal -decomposition of I is a minimal primary decomposition. Thus, if is any minimal -decomposition of I where for each , then .
Theorem 23. Let be positive integers. If a ring R is n-Noetherian, then any ideal of R is -decomposable.
Proof. Suppose R is is n-Noetherian and let I be a proper ideal of R. Then I is of maximal length n. Since R is Noetherian, it is well-known that I is a finite intersection of irreducible ideals. Now, the result follows since every irreducible ideal is -prime by Proposition 21. □
3. -Prime Ideals in Extensions of Rings, Idealization and
Amalgamation Rings
This section is devoted to justify the behavior of -prime ideals in localizations, quotient rings, direct product of rings, idealization rings and amalgamation rings. Moreover, for an ideal I of a ring R, we study some properties of the set .
Proposition 24. Let be a ring homomorphism and be positive integers.
If J is a -prime ideal of , then is a -prime ideal of
If f is an epimorphism and I is a -prime ideal containing then is a -prime ideal of .
Proof. (1) Let such that and . Then and imply Hence , as required.
(2) Let , such that and .Then clearly we have and so as Since I is -prime, we conclude that or . Therefore, or . □
In view of Proposition 24, we have the following.
Corollary 25. Let R be a ring and positive integers. Then the following statements hold.
If I is a -prime ideal of an overring of then is a -prime ideal of
If are be proper ideals of R, then is a -prime ideal of if and only if J is a -prime ideal of
Corollary 26. Let I be a proper ideal of a ring R, X be an indeterminate and be positive integers. Then the following statements hold.
is a -prime ideal of if and only if I is a -prime ideal of R.
If is a -prime ideal of then I is a -prime ideal of R.
Proof. (1) Keeping in mind the isomorphisms and , we conclude by Corollary 25(2) that is a -prime ideal of if and only if I is a -prime ideal of R.
(2) Clear by Corollary 25(1). □
In the following, denotes the set for some Next, we discuss the relationship between -prime ideals and their localizations.
Proposition 27. Let I be a proper ideal of a ring a multiplicatively closed subset of R such that and n be positive integers.
If I is a P--prime ideal of R, then is an --prime ideal of
If is a --prime ideal of and then I is a --prime ideal of R.
Proof. (1) Let for . Then for some which implies either or Hence, either or Now, since , then .
(2) Let with . Then . Since is -prime, we conclude either or Thus, there are some elements such that or Our assumption yields or . Moreover, as is a prime ideal of R, we have implies . □
Corollary 28. Let I be a proper ideal of a ring R, P a prime ideal of R with and positive integers. Then I is a Q--prime ideal of R if and only if is a --prime ideal of .
Follows by Proposition 27(1).
Let such that . Consider the ideals , . Now, implies or as I is -prime. Hence, there are such that or . If , then . Moreover, for every prime ideal L such that as . Thus, and . If , then similarly, and . Since also clearly , then I is a --prime ideal of R. □
Let R be a ring and P a prime ideal of R. For a positive integer n, the kth symbolic power of P is the ideal where is the natural canonical map. Thus, for some . It is well-known that if P is prime, then is the smallest P-primary ideal containing .
Corollary 29. Let be a positive integers and P be a prime ideal of a ring R. Then for all , is the smallest P--prime ideal containing .
Proof. Since is maximal in and , then is a -prime ideal of for any positive integer m by Corollary 6. Thus, is a -prime ideal of R by Proposition 24(1).
Now, clearly since . Let J be another P--prime ideal with and let . Then for some . Since , then , and so . Hence, either or as J is P--prime. Since we chose , then . Therefore, and is the smallest P--prime ideal containing . □
Theorem 30. Let be rings, and be ideals of respectively. For any positive integers m and n, we have is a -prime ideal of R if and only if there exists such that is a -prime ideal of and for all .
Proof. Suppose is a -prime in R. Assume, say, and are proper and choose and . Then but neither nor Thus, there is such that for all . Without loss of generality, assume for all . We show that is a -prime ideal of . Let and Then which implies that or . Thus or and is a -prime ideal of Conversely, suppose, say, is a -prime ideal of and for all . Suppose but . Then and imply that Thus , as needed. □
In particular, we have:
Corollary 31. Let and be rings, and be be ideals of , respectively. For any positive integers m and n, we have is a -prime ideal of R if and only if one of the following statements is satisfied:
I is a -prime ideal of and
J is a -prime ideal of and
Note that if I and J are -prime ideals of and respectively, then I and J are proper and so is never -prime ideal in
Recall that the idealization of an R-module M denoted by , is the commutative ring with coordinate-wise addition and multiplication defined as . For an ideal I of R and a submodule N of M, is an ideal of if and only if .
Proposition 32. Let I be a proper ideal of a ring R, N be a proper submodule of an R-module M and be positive integers. Then
I is a -prime ideal of R if and only if is a -prime ideal of
If is a -prime ideal of then I is a -prime ideal of
Proof. (1) Let I be a -prime ideal of R and for some Then which implies either or . Hence, either or . Conversely, if for some , then which implies or , and so or , we are done.
(2) Similar to the converse part of (1). □
We note that the converse of (2) of Proposition 32 is not true in general. For example, while is a -prime ideal in , the ideal is not so in . Indeed, but .
R and
S be two rings,
J be an ideal of
S and
be a ring homomorphism. As a subring of
the amalgamation of
R and
S along
J with respect to
f is defined by
f is the identity homomorphism on
R, then we get the amalgamated duplication of
R along an ideal
. For more related definitions and several properties of this kind of rings, one can see [
11]. If
I is an ideal of
R and
K is an ideal of
, then
are ideals of
For positive integers m and n, in the next result, we give a characterization about when the ideals and are -prime ideals of .
Theorem 33. Let R, S, f, J, I and K be as above. For positive integers m and n, we have:
is a -prime ideal of if and only if I is a -prime ideal of R.
is a -prime ideal of if and only if K is a -prime ideal of .
Proof. (1) Suppose is -prime in and let such that . Then and so either or . Thus, either or and I is -prime in R. Conversely, suppose I is -prime in R. Let such that . Then and so either or . It follows that or as needed.
(2) Suppose is -prime ideal in . Let such that . Then and hence by assumption, or . It follows that or . Conversely, suppose K is -prime in . Suppose for . Then and so or . Therefore, or and the result follows. □
In particular, we have:
Corollary 34. Let I and J be an ideal of a ring R. Then is a -prime ideal of if and only if I is a -prime ideal of R.
Lemma 35. ([
Let be a ring homomorphism and J be an ideal of S. Then
Next, we use Lemma 35 and Theorem 11, to determine when every proper ideal of the amalgamation is -prime.
Theorem 36. Let n be positive integers and R, S, f and J be as above where J is proper in S. Then every proper ideal of is -prime if and only if the following statements hold
Every proper ideal of R is -prime.
Every proper ideal of is -prime.
Proof. Suppose every proper ideal of is -prime. If there is a proper ideal I of R which is not -prime, then is proper in which is not a -prime ideal of by Theorem 33(1), a contradiction. Similarly, if K is a proper non -prime ideal of , then is a proper non -prime ideal of by Theorem 33(2), which is also a contradiction.
Conversely, suppose (1) and (2) hold. Then by Theorem 11 and so by Lemma 35(2). Now, let . Then and by Lemma 35(1). Thus, by Theorem 11 and so . Again by Theorem 11, we have and . Since J is proper in S and by the definition of , we have . By Lemma 35(3), . It follows that every proper ideal of is -prime by Theorem 11. □
Following [
2], for an ideal
I of a ring
Similarly, we let
and assume
. It is clear that
and this containment in general is proper as we have seen in Example 3. Moreover, we have
if and only if
I is prime.
For an ideal
I of a ring
R, the following are some properties concerning
. Theses properties are analogous to those of
-closed ideals, [
Theorem 37. Let I and J be ideals of a ring R, and m, n, k and t be positive integers.
If , then for all positive integers and with and .
If , then for all .
If and , then .
if and only if . Hence, if and only if for all .
If I and J are proper, then . If only one of I and J is proper, then .
Proof. (1), (2) and (3): Clear.
(4) Suppose and let such that and . Then as . Since I is -prime, then . Thus, and so by Lemma 4. The converse is clear by (1).
(5) If I and J are proper, then by Theorem 31. Suppose, say, and . Then since and by using Corollary 31. □
The converse of (2) of Theorem 37 is not true in general. For example, the ideal where p is a prime element of any integral domain R, is -prime by Theorem 13. But, I is not -prime as it is not prime in R.