Figure 2.
RNA to U-DNA transition. (A) Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR). Schematic phylogenetic tree of RNR classes I–III. The postulated common ancestor of RNR was reconstructed as class . dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dUTP (not dTTP) (blue characters) could be produced at the chamber of the vent, mediated by RNR. (B) Primitive reverse transcription by RdRp (PolB). Using template sense RNA and mixed substrates of dNTP (blue) and NTP (green), primitive reverse transcriptase, a derivative of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, could polymerize the DNA/RNA mixed antisense molecule. Blue and green dots represent incorporated dNMP and NMP, respectively. Primitive reverse transcriptase, which should have the RRM-palm domain, as marked by PolB, has 5′ to 3′ directional polymerization activity. (C) Primitive hybrid strand-dependent polymerization by RdRp (PolB). Primitive DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, a derivative of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, could discriminate DNA/RNA mixed antisense molecules from RNA (sense molecule), preferentially bind the former, and then polymerize mRNA (sense RNA). Primitive DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which should have the RRM-palm domain, marked PolB, has 5′ to 3′ directional polymerization activity. (D) Driving force for the transition from RNA to U-DNA. If the physical stability of the antisense strand in nucleic acid duplexes was beneficial for mRNA productivity, the transition from RNA to U-DNA would inevitably occur. < indicates the high stability of the antisense strand in a variety of duplexes. (E) Selective supply. Among mixtures of dNTP and NTP, both template and substrate specificities could increase gradually in primitive RT (B) and primitive DdRP (C) by the driving force (D). Furthermore, an unknown mechanism could selectively supply corresponding substrates for primitive RT and primitive DdRP. Finally, antisense nucleotides could transform from RNA to U-DNA. (F) Extant reverse transcriptase (RT) (PolB). All extant RT have the RRM-palm domain (marked PolB) and possess 5′ to 3′ activity. Although most RTs require tRNA as a primer [
136], protein-primed RTs exist [
137]. RT is mainly encoded by retroviruses with a genome size of less than 12 kbp. (G) T7 type DdRp (PolB). T7 DdRp has the RRM-palm domain (marked as PolB) and moves in the 5′ to 3′ direction. In addition to antisense DNA, T7 DdRp can synthesize RNA using an RNA template [
138]. (H) Bacterial and archaeal DdRps (PolD). Bacterial and archaeal DdRps have a double phi-beta barrel domain (marked as PolD) and polymerize in the 5′ to 3′ direction. Since PolD-type DdRp can replicate viroid genomes [
124], DdRp uses an RNA template as well as antisense DNA. Utilization of an RNA template by T7 DdRp and bacterial/archaeal DdRP could be reminiscent of primitive DdRp (C).
E. coli DdRp polymerizes in both primer-dependent and -independent manners [
139]. The former activity might be related to the gain of PolD-type DNA-dependent DNA polymerase (DdDp) (J). (I) Generation of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Extant retrovirus encodes RNaseH as well as RT. RNase H specifically degrades the RNA of DNA/RNA duplexes [
16]. According to the driving force (D), ssDNA could be converted into double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) by DNA-dependent DNA polymerases (J). (J) Multiple DNA-dependent DNA polymerases. (a) ssDNA could be covered with single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) or RPA. The OB fold, which is derived from the common ribosomal subunit (Supplemental
Figure S1A), is common in both SSB and RPA. Parallel emergence of multiple DdDps, including PolA, PolB, PolC, PolD, and PolY (
Supplementary Figure S3). PolB and PolD could be direct descendants of PolB-type DdRp (G) and PolD-type DdRp (H), respectively. It is not clear how the terminal replication problem was solved. A simple solution is the utilization of a protein-primed mechanism, as in extant RT (F). The processivity of
E. coli replicative DNA polymerase III (Type C polymerase) is only 10 nucleotides. In the presence of SSB, the processivity of PolIII increases to 200 nucleotides. (b) Appearance of the dsDNA single operon. (K) Kornberg’s reaction. Low processivity of each DdDP could lead to cooperation rather than competition among multiple DdDp(s) to complete DNA synthesis. Thus, a polymerase switch could occur frequently. Since PolY has translesion DNA synthesis activity, the damaged ssDNA template could be converted to dsDNA. Multiple DdDp(s) would share remarkably similar biochemical properties, ssDNA-template dependency, primer-requirement, and 5′ to 3′ directional polymerization. These polymerase characteristics were first demonstrated by Kornberg using
E. coli DNA polymerase I (PolA) [